Forced to Believe

By Smolwritingchick

12.7K 204 38

Taking place during the start of The Shield's debut in 2012, follow Morgan Lopez's career as she becomes a me... More

Author's Note
WWE OC Morgan Lopez
So you wanna wrestle?
My WWE Debut
Fighting Back
My First Wrestlemania
Becoming Heel
Total Divas Season 1 Episode 1
The Shield's Girl
Total Divas Season 1 Episode 2
The Shield Isn't Unstoppable
Total Divas Season 1 Episode 4
Justice Continues Being Served
The Underdog From Philly
Catching Up Before MITB
Money In The Bank 2013
Total Slap!
Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5
I Know What I Have To Do
Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6
Army Of One
Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face
You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost
Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7
Mommy Knows Best
Revenge Is Sweet
Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8
Is That You Being Serious?
In Due Time
Trying To Gain Momentum
The Slammy Awards
That Was A Miracle
The Answer Is No
Tribute To The Troops
Morgan's Answer
Move Thief
Meeting Hot Rod
I Hate Snakes
Making A Statement
Sister Abigail
I Lost Her
She Belongs To Us Now
I See What You Want
Armageddon Part 2
That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work
What Are You Doing!?
Things Got Personal
He Kept His Word
Harley Mode Was Captivating
Rosa's Mind Games
Public Displays of Affection
The Shield Against The Authority
Bad News Dinner
Getting The Upper Hand
Catching Up With Old Friends
Wrestling's Fun
Get Back Here!
Trust Is Dead To Us Now

If Only You Knew

97 1 0
By Smolwritingchick

Chapter Summary: Rosa continues to be a thorn in Morgan's side. Morgan continues to warn Roman to stay focused. The Shield get hyped for the Royal Rumble.

Words: 2,000+


'Next Week On Raw Backstage'

Jon and Melanie were getting ready for the show. He was shirtless and taping up his wrists while Melanie was staring at his muscles and chest.

"Done staring at me, yet?" he teased.

Caught off guard that he noticed her staring, she averted her eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I wasn't staring at you."


"Aren't you supposed to be wearing your vest?"

"Why? Can't handle it?" He asked while she reluctantly stopped looking at him.

He put on his vest and dumped water over his head. She sighed and looked at his muscles again. She really wanted to jump his bones.

"You may wanna wipe your mouth. I see drool." he teased

"Forget you. I can handle it. You're gonna have to try a bit harder if you want to win this bet. Looks like I'm going to have to make Moxley come out soon."

He whispered in her ear. "Trust me, you don't want to see Moxley. I mean, unless you don't want to walk for a week. I'm going easy on you for now. Next time, I won't be so nice."

"That's a bluff! I know it!" Melanie exclaimed as he laughed and walked away.

'In The Ring'








The Shield walk through the crowd. Morgan wore her Shield hat this time and when they jumped over the barricade, Dean gave her his sweatjacket to wear. They get in the ring to take on CM Punk and The New Age Outlaws in a rematch.

Roman smirked at Punk. "How you feel?"

"Roman got The Shield back on the same page and they have been flawless, this past Friday on Smackdown." Cole said while Morgan stood by at ringside.

"Ambrose, Rollins and Morgan couldn't defeat CM Punk but all by himself, Roman Reigns did." King said.

While the match progresses, Punk begins to take on The Shield but gets pulled onto the middle rope by Seth. Roman gets tagged in and a fan girl screams loudly for him, as Morgan chuckles out of amusement. Punk lays on the bottom rope while Roman runs and dropkicks him on the head.

"Oh!" Morgan and the crowd exclaim.

"The highly athletic powerhouse of The Shield." Cole said.

"That was awesome! Freakin' awesome! That was sick!" She high fived Roman while he grinned and slid back in the ring.

"He's been called the punisher of the group," Cole informed and Roman pinned him for a 2 count.

While The Shield continued to take control of Punk, Morgan could see that Roman's dropkick took a lot out of Punk since he was still holding his head.

"Don't forget about that eye," Seth said on the apron while Dean stepped on Punk's stomach. "Don't forget about that eye, Ambrose."

The crowd tries to motivate Punk but Dean prevents him from tagging his partners and throws him out of the ring. Ambrose gets out of the ring and taunts him.

"Please don't get reckless, this time." The Outspoken Diva warned.

"Don't do anything stupid. We got him right where we want him." Seth added.

Dean tries to throw Punk to the steel steps but Punk reverses it and Dean gets hit instead. Punk rolls inside the ring while the ref begins to count. Roman picks Dean up and throws him back in the ring as he tags in Seth. Punk manages to dodge Seth's attack off the top rope and hits him with a one leg clothesline. Punk tries to crawl to his partners but Roman gets tagged back in and drags him back to his corner. He walks up to the New Age Outlaws and mocks them by doing the DX taunt.

But when Roman turns around, Punk roundhouse kicks him. The New Age Outlaws try to hype up the crowd while Punk crawls over to them. He gets up and jumps for a tag but they jump off the apron.

"What?" She exclaimed while Punk looked on in shock and the crowd 'Ohs'

"Wait a­-what is this?" King asked. "Guys, what are we seeing here?"

Punk stands up and turns around to look at Seth, Dean, and Roman surrounding him around the ring. Morgan was a little taken aback that the New Age Outlaws would betray Punk.

"Punk is alone," Cole said.

Punk hits Seth off the apron and hits Roman with a neckbreaker. He hits Dean off the apron and Seth runs back into the ring, only to be thrown out of the ring, near the announce table. Punk turns around, only to be speared by Reigns and pinned.

"And a spear by Reigns! The numbers game." Cole looked on




"Here are your winners, The Shield!" Lilian announced as they all got in the ring.

"Let's go!" Roman yelled and motioned Seth and Dean for the triple powerbomb.

"Uh oh," King said. "That's enough, you've done enough damage."

Roman roars while Punk struggles to get out of Dean and Seth's hold. Morgan motions them to stop what they are doing and they hold Punk down on his knees for her.

"Stop struggling, it'll only make things worse. Take it like a man." She said and kneed him in the face.

"That did not look pretty at all!" Cole exclaimed.

"Ouch," King cringed.

The Shield pick him up and does the triple powerbomb on Punk.

"Punk's been decimated."

Morgan tweets 'Yep...Once a DX member, always a DX member. Looks like the #KingOfCrap wants to get #Punked by CMPunk'


"Please welcome my guests, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Morgan Lopez, and Roman Reigns, The Shield." Renee said. Morgan, Seth, Roman and Dean stand before Renee and Morgan greeted her with a smile. "Now for the male members of The Shield, it's every man for themselves at the Royal Rumble and as Vickie said, brother versus brother, with the three of you being entered in the Royal Rumble match, I just wanted to know if you guys have devised a plan to remain a unit."

"The Shield is a finely crafted machine that does not break down, the real question, is how are the 27 other superstars in the Royal Rumble going to compete against the most dominant force in WWE," Dean said. "Trust me darlin', we're all on the same page."

"Are you all on the same page, Dean? I mean if it came down to it and you had to throw Seth Rollins over the top rope, to win the Royal Rumble." Renee began while Seth chuckled, Dean put his hand over his heart, and Morgan & Roman looked on with interest. "To go on and headline WrestleMania, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, would you do it?"

"Do I not look like a trustworthy person to you? These are my best friends, I can never bring myself to do something like that, absolutely not. Never, I could­-"

"Well." Seth interrupted. "Dean, that's very kind of you but let's be real here, you couldn't throw me over the top rope if your life depended on it."

Roman and Morgan look at Dean with amused looks while the crowd 'Ohs'.

"Wow..." Morgan murmured.

"I would toss you over in a second if it meant that I got a shot at the main event at WrestleMania," Seth added.

"Okay, first of all, I was kidding, of course, I would throw you over the top rope," Dean stated. "And second of all, you would go sailing kid! Sailing over the top rope! Work on your landing, all right?" He exclaimed while Morgan face palmed.

Roman stepped in front of him. "We're talking about headlining WrestleMania here, boys. I'd throw you both over the top rope in an instant. Regardless, one of us is gonna win the Royal Rumble, we'll still be united and we'll still be The Shield." Roman put his fist out while Seth, Morgan and Dean put their fists out too.

The Shield left, while Morgan decided to stay.

"Morgan, what are your thoughts about the Royal Rumble?" Renee asked.

The Outspoken Diva replied with a simple smirk, shaking her head. She walked away, leaving Renee in wonder.

"I wonder what's going through Morgan's head." Cole pondered.


"Hi~ Morgan!" Rosa grinned, standing backstage with her while Morgan rolled her eyes. "Oh don't be like that. I came to talk to you. I got some good news. I'm untouchable now."

Morgan narrows her eyes. "How so?"

"Didn't you know Roman and I are dating?"

Morgan felt the urge to laugh and refrained as she saw right through the lie. "No, I wasn't aware. Are you trying to taunt me? It's not working..."

"Don't lie. You're angry...I can see it in your eyes. You hate the fact that I'm with him, don't you?"

"I am mad because you're trying to do mind games. I should mop your face with the floor right now," she replied and got in her face. "I won't say it again. Leave my team alone."

"Don't you mean, leave Roman alone?"

"Don't try to change the subject."

"I'm not. It's all about Roman, isn't it?"

"Just leave him alone. Don't get inside his head and don't distract him."

"Are you jealous?"

"What? Don't make me hit you. You're talking nonsense."

"I don't think so. And if you hit me, Romeo isn't going to like that very much."

"Romeo? Really? You're full of it."

"At least he lets me call him that. And he likes it." she grinned and strutted away


'Next Week, Raw'

Morgan tweets 'Can't wait to see him in action at the Rumble. #BatistasBack'

Morgan also tweets 'You do not know how much I want to get back in the ring right now. #MyTimeIsComing #StandOut'

Morgan was at ringside while The Shield was in the ring with Cody, Goldust and Big E in 6 ­man tag team action. Big E's team begins to take control of Seth. When Cody kicks Seth in the gut while he is leaning on the ropes, he goes for the disaster kick but he rolls out of the ring.

"Enough of that!" Seth yelled and held his stomach while walking over to The Shield's corner.

"You okay?" Morgan asked, walking over to him but Seth quickly pushed her away when Cody got on the top rope and jumped on him so she wouldn't get hit.

"And there's Cody Rhodes taking out Seth Rollins!" Cole exclaimed.

Roman and Dean jump off the apron and come to Seth's aid while Cody quickly slides back into the ring. Big E and Goldust stand next to him to face off with the two members.

Later on in the match, after The Shield began to take control of Cody, Dean and Big E got tagged in. Big E clotheslines Roman out of the ring after he hits Dean with a belly to belly suplex. Dean gets up but gets knocked back down.

"What a collision. I love it!" JBL said.

Big E picks Dean up for the Big Ending but Seth pulls him off and gets thrown out of the ring. Goldust keeps him down by jumping off the apron. Meanwhile, Dean goes on the top rope and jumps off, only to be caught and hit with a throw. Big E runs to the ropes and gives Dean a big splash and pins him.

"Kick out!" Morgan exclaimed and luckily Roman broke it up.

Cody slides into the ring and goes for the disaster kick but gets dropped by a Superman punch. Goldust gets in the ring and hits Roman in the face.

He runs to the ropes but gets speared.

"Spear!" Cole exclaimed.

"That'll knock your make up off," JBL said.

When Roman turns around, he gets clotheslined by Big E while Dean recovers. Big E runs to the ropes but Dean knees him in the stomach and rolls over to tag in Seth. Seth drops him with the blackout.

"Yeah!" Morgan cheered.

"I think he has him!" JBL said.




"The winners of this match, The Shield," Justin announced while they celebrated.

Roman stared down Big E, still annoyed with the clothesline he received. The Shield get over the barricade while Morgan, Dean, Roman and Seth put their arms around each other.

"Best team on planet Earth! No one can touch us! No one can touch us!" Seth shouted.



The Shield were shown on the titantron, in their hideout.

"In two days, 27 other superstars will enter the Royal Rumble with hopes and dreams and aspirations of headlining WrestleMania." Dean said. "And there is that notion that anything can happen in the WWE, where dreams can come true. But this year, it's not like that because this year, The Shield is in the Royal Rumble son, and these dogs are hungry!"

"And all time, and all of history, the Royal Rumble match has never seen anything like The Shield. We are gonna dominate every single second we are in that match. Any superstar, who steps through those ropes, lends themselves a casualty." Seth added.

"And after that, the big dog here is gonna win the Royal Rumble match," Roman said while Morgan and Seth glanced at him and then glanced at each other. "And I'm gonna go on and I'm gonna headline WrestleMania, believe that and believe in The Shield." He pushed the camera away.

Morgan tweets 'Really can't wait to get back in the ring. Sunday can't get here fast enough. #WrestleToYourHeartsContent'

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Backstage, Rosa was confronting Morgan. "I hope you don't think you're going to win the diva battle royal. You're going to lose, and I'll be the one to eliminate you."

Morgan laughed. "I'm sorry but I cannot take you seriously. All you do is dance around, shaking your hips. Show a little bit more toughness in the ring and then we'll talk when I actually feel like you're competition."

"Excuse me?"

"You annoy the heck out of me and the next time you get in my face, I'm going to rip that blond hair off your head. You're no threat to me at all."

She started walking but then Rosa grabbed her by the hair and threw her to a locker nearby. Morgan held her head and slid down but then a box fell on her head.

"Ow..." She winced in pain and rubbed her head

"I guess you can't do the battle royal with a little concussion." She smirked but then saw The Shield rushing over to them. Rosa quickly changed her facial expression and looked concerned. "Oh my gosh, Morgan, are you okay?"

"What the hell happened!?" Dean rushed over to Morgan and kneeled at her. "Baby, you okay?"

"We were just talking and she knocked into that locker," Rosa explained. "I feel so bad, it all happened so fast."

'Later, In The Trainers Room'

Morgan was lying on the examination table. "Stupid Rosa..." She retorted. The door opened and Roman walked in. "Hey! About time you visited me."

"Seth and Dean already visited?"


"Damn. I'm sorry." he walked over to her while she sat up.

"You're here now, that's all that matters. Thank you."

"Anything for an Outspoken Diva like you. So what happened?" He ran his fingers through her hair.

"You wouldn't believe me, since you're too attracted to Rosa." She said her name with disgust while Roman removed his fingers from her hair.

"I'm not attracted to her..."


"I like someone else."

"Oh really? Who's smitten the beast?" She grinned. He looked at her for a few moments and looked away, continuing to be silent. "Ah ha! So, it is Rosa. Good grief, Roman, why?"

"Why not?" Roman countered, trying to keep his emotions towards her in check.

Morgan was slightly taken aback by his comment but shrugged. "I told you to be careful..."

"I am."

"If you say so. I just don't want you to..." She sighed and held her head, feeling more pain.

"What happened between you two?"

"She threw me to a locker and something fell on my head." She mentioned and Roman sighed.

"I'll talk to her."

"Talk? No need. We need action! Let me kick her ass!"

"Morgan, that's not necessary."

"Why are you defending her?"

"She's not important right now, you are."

"Thanks," she replied and sniffed. "Are you using Pantene?" She touched his hair.

Roman chuckled. "I think you hit your head too hard. Rest up,"

"Possibly..." She laid back down to take a nap.

He smiled down at her and brushed some hair from her face, glancing at her lips. He tore his eyes from them and kissed her forehead instead.

"If only you knew..." He whispered and left the room.


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