The Notorious Villains Saves...

By Allioune24

8.7K 474 31

"WHAT?!" Wei Wuxian was the first one to react. Hua Cheng and Luo Binghe bit their lips and glanced at the ne... More

Siege 2.5
Deception 1
Deception 2
Wrath 1
Wrath 2
Wrath 3
Wrath 4
Wrath 6
Pieces 1
Pieces 2

Wrath 5

283 14 1
By Allioune24

[At Lotus Pier]

The moment Qingheng-jun's, Jiang Fengmian's and Wen Rouhan's sword clashed, their footing crumbled. They pushed each other away, standing high atop the poles on the pier. Qingheng-jun flicked his white blade and took out one old guqin. It looked like Lan Wangji's Wangji guqin if not for the intricate carvings on it. He played a song from the book of turmoil that took the Lan Sect Disciple's by surprise. The unusual music felt like that of Lan but not. However, the disciples were sure they once heard this battle music. Yes, it was same with the battle music Lan Wangji plays when he became a sect elder.

"To think, one forbidden song is not enough to defeat you... One note can kill someone or many but it didn't had any effect on you..." Qingheng-jun willfully praised Wen Rouhan. The latter smiled and said, "I have long past the level to be affected by child's play."

"Then... What if..." Strumming one strong note, Wen Rouhan was forced to step away from the pole he was on. Qingheng-jun's attack seemed like sharp blades with the same effect of the chord assassination.

"Please do not forget about me." Jiang Fengmian with his purple sword launches one swift attack, keeping Wen Rouhan's sole off the ground. The barrage of guqin attacks and Jiang Fengmian's swordmanship cornered Wen Rouhan. The latter struggled to find a good footing with the onslaught. But bored old man Wen is definitely wearing a very joyful expression.

"This fight made me wonder how that cunning fox, killed me! This is exhilarating!" Wen Rouhan laughed, raising his hand and a black ball appears, it blocked Qingheng-jun's qin attack. His hand with the sword clashed with Jiang Fengmian. Taking on Fengmian's head, Wen Rouhan smashed it to the ground, destroying Fengmian's head with his black ball. He threw his blade to the air, snapped his hands together and summoned another black ball. With a smirk, Wen Rouhan crushed the black ball and a huge explosion happened.

"To weak... To weak—"

Wen Rouhan paused after seeing the huge protective string array surrounding them. Qingheng-jun marvelously defended the entire pier with a different technique of the strings. Wen Rouhan was about to break it when a large powerful thunderbolt rained on him.

"Fen—g—mian!" He growled before he waved his hand to destroy the thunderbolts momentum.

"You okay, Fengmian?"

"I am fine... A-Xian and his impossibility... Dying for the second and reliving is quite a shock." Jiang Fengmian sighed. Although, Zidian is the only spiritual artifact that controls lighting, it can't be denied that Jiang Sect had always been good at using lightning. Before he gave Zidian to Yu Ziyuan, he had once been the master of the ring. Furthermore, this insane regenerating ability is making him scared of himself.

"You raised one hell of a disciple. It's scary." Qingheng-jun offhandedly comments and chuckle lightly.

"As usual... To hear you laughing while fighting me had always been insulting, Yuxin." Wen Rouhan groggily complained while sulking as he stepped and snapped a piece if wood. "It hurts my feelings too."

(A/N: Qingheng-jun's name, Lan Tian; courtesy, Lan Yuxin)

"Rouhan... You don't have that kind of petty feelings." Jiang Fengmian seconded earning a laugh from Wen Rouhan.

"Haha... true... though you have always been powerful Qingheng-jun... Well, I wouldn't be surprised to see you dead Fengmian, fully knowing your kind nature. It almost took me by surprise to hear that you died when Wen Chao attacked this pier. Was it because of Ziyuan?" Wen Rouhan asked, "if only you didn't let that anger took over, maybe you could've saved Ziyuan. I find it hilarious that you didn't even lasted a fight, after all that arrows and swords strucked on you reaching your spouse. My son told me your pathetic side! To think you even took the last shot for your wife and have your core broken!"

Jiang Fengmian's eyes twitched, "even so..." He cooly said, "I have long past the time to think about that... My children are safe... So is my grandchild... My mistakes will always be the scars of my life..."Wen Rouhan suddenly couldn't move. He glanced down and saw so many strings attached on him. The strings kept him from moving. "It's fine... As long as we can defeat you." Jiang Fengmian pulled one strings, electricity flowed through the strings igniting a huge explosion. "Though my wife would never forgive me.. it's enough, if my children did."

Jiang Fengmian and Qingheng-jun lowered their swords stayed on guard. The crisp sound of fire took out most of the piers docks but nevertheless they hoped they took care Wen Rouhan.

They stepped closer. On their tenth step, a huge black energy surrounded them, restraining their bodies inside a dark sphere. Qingheng-jun pulled his sword and slashed through but the sphere was powerful than him.

"Wen Rouhan!"

Dark chuckles echoes and lazy steps taps on the wood floors of the pier. "I told you." Wen Rouhan's voice crackled, black fire dances on his palms, "...I've gone bored..." Wen Rouhan closes his hand, the spheres where Qingheng-jun and Jiang Fengmian are trapped was suddenly filled with nothing but fire and later, ashes dropped on the wood floors.

Wen Rouhan stepped forward and stood in front of the Pier's ancestral hall. "Knock. Knock." He beckons, smashing the doors wide open, together with the improvised Lotus array guarding Sizhui's "I am here to fetch my little Wen..."

Four Blades landed on Wen Rouhan's neck, "impertinent fools."


[Luo Binghe's POV]

Luo Binghe was just like Hua Cheng. He didn't care a single thing in the world except for his Shizun. So the moment he stepped into the fight, his eyes zeroed at Wei Wuxian and his hand voluntarily went for a smack. He didn't say anything or rather he went for pinching those cheeks, "you stupid gremlin, we will have a long good talk once we get back! Your sense of responsibility is totally twisted!" Then let goes of Wei Wuxian's cheeks. He ruffled Wei Wuxian's hair and said, "you're not alone right now."

It was brief, Wei Wuxian's smile comforted Luo Binghe's anxiety. He would say words so unlike him but facing these two demonic master somehow, he felt forgiven and accepted. Raising Xin Mo up, Luo Binghe guarded his back. TianLang-jun hummed in response feeling better than before he was ignored.

"You're in the way!" Luo Binghe snarled. "To think you've summon us to this mausoleum. Haven't you got tired of it yet?"

The way Luo Binghe talked it was as if he was too bored to care for this man. His gaze focused on the coffin. Then something caused goosebumps to rise along his back. Take note, it wasn't just him—Hua Cheng and Wei Wuxian had the same expression, their guards up.

Strong! A strong evil energy!

It was a though, this wasn't the same person he fought before or the same person who fought them now. The power was different! They stood in the middle of a chaotic space of nothingness and looked towards the disappearing horizon in the distance.

"Brat... That shifu doesn't treat you well before. Why are you taking that person's side? This father of yours was quite intrigued..."

Luo Binghe knows what. Those memories were interactions between him and the original Shen Qingqiu. Memories that made up the least of his memories, "I can rid that man if you come back to me."

"I refuse." Luo Binghe replied. The trauma and pain.

"Accept it Binghe... Just like the happiness me and your mother desired, you will never obtain that.."

"I am not like you!"

It took very few moves, Suibian, Xin Mo and E'ming was dead right on TianLang-Jun's neck. The demon smiled and looked at them. He waved his hand, a dark sword appeared. He flung the trio away with absolute force. They cooly landed on the ground before lounging forward for another attack.

Hua Cheng's tremendous spiritual energy cut through TianLang-jun's defense. He was the first to land a heavy blow in the enemy. TianLang-jun's hand reach for his head but Hua Cheng was able to deflect the attack. He spun around, kicking Tianlang-jun on the back if his head and sent him down.

"Holy! Grandpa Cheng! We should fight after this!" Luo Binghe exclaimed. A smile flashing on his face, his sword delivered a heavy blow on TianLang-jun but the latter was able to defend with his sword.

With his free hand, TianLang-jun hummed and summoned a vast amount if demonic energy, he was about to clash with Luo Binghe's demonic energy but the ever sneaky and grand mannered Wei Wuxian was able to complete a large scale array dispersing demonic energy. Luo Binghe snarled, "At least do not include me!"

"Sorry!" Wei Wuxian shot back, resentful energy surging forward for a one thunderous strike. This was the wave of clamor Wei Wuxian cleverly predicted. Even Hua Cheng couldn't help but praise him, "marvelous."

Even an elite demon lord would have a hard time bearing with the lose of their respective energy, much less enjoy a fight with a blunder. Just seeing TianLang-jun walk at the head of three demonic masters, all wearing their respective dark robes, was enough to see how well they fight altogether. It's just three person but their presence alone/individually could cause the entire world kneeling on their feet.

Hua Cheng descended from his position and slashed his sword the moment he passed through the layer of incantations Wei Wuxian created. It resulted one kind of clash that was too flashy to his liking.

"Get away!" They heard Wei Wuxian ordered. Countless black and green blades of concentrated resentful energy appeared and began raining down on TianLang-Jun. The speed and might if his omni directional attack was simply too great, with no one in place to stop it or to meet it with an half assed counter attack. The dark blades slashed through the large crack, pinning and attacking their enemy down.

Subsequently, Luo Binghe who had been following half a step behind Wei Wuxian jumped into the barrage without fear. Hua Cheng did the same, leaping into the fray and quickly tore the enemy defense with few quick slashes with scimitar.

Enclosing his palms, TianLang-jun was able to deflect every attacks. Their attacks were powerful but against a demon lord like him and in his own turf. His beast like instincts allowed him to pinpoint weakness and turn the chances upside-down. In a direct confrontation, there's no stronger force than that of a one man army.

At the cost of one life, three lives can be taken. The risk of the fight heightened. With that, releasing their power, Hua Cheng and Luo Binghe smashed their blades down breaking TianLang-jun's last defense but they let their guards down and got swallowed by the dark ball of energy.

"HE-XIONG! CHENG-XIONG!" They faintly heard Wei Wuxian's screaming their name before they woke up in memories they never wanted to see ever again. Before them, the deaths of their love ones displayed with their pathetic selves.



And uselessly praying....

[At Lotus Pier]

Jin Ling, Lan Jingyi, Liu Qingge and Ning YingYing were on the ground, helplessly. They watched how Wen Rouhan broke the crystal casket Lan Sizhui was.

They heard him say few foreign spells, "wake up, my little Wen, it's your duty to live and die for your Lord."

"Do not touch him!" In a desperate attempt, Lan Jingyi attacked Wen Rouhan with his sword. Everything he had ride on that single attack, but, it ended with Wen Rouhan's two fingers breaking his sword. A black ball landed on his chest sending him away, breaking the walls of ancestral hall and him drowning on the water.

"Jingyi!" Jin Ling shouted and followed bur he was dragged by Wen Rouhan back with some unknown force. It was like he was being pulled back. Jin Ling was slammed on the floor. With Jiang Cheng keeping the barrier up, he knew he was doom.

"Wake up now... Little Wen." They watched how Sizhui's eye opened. It was dull and almost dead. He moved like a marionette at Wen Rouhan's disposal. "Good... Good... Now... Kill that Jin and the cultivator's present."

Trembling under Wen Rouhan's command. Sizhui drew his sword, AnShen. Instead of the light blue Lan cultivation prowess, the color of Sizhui's energy turned crimson red. "Haha... Befitting of the Wen name. Now... Kill him..."

Sizhui disappeared from sight. He was so fast that Jin Ling had little time to defend.

"You Lan! Wake up!" Jin Ling shouted and kicked Lan Sizhui away from him. Sizhui swiftly landed on the floor, angling his sword for a deadly blow. With whatever reckoning force, Jin Ling stood up and braced himself for the attack. Liu Qingge had been out of the commission after Wen Rouhan landed a very powerful attack. If not for him, they had been dead already! And now, he had to fight the strongest of their generation.

"How long can you hold out?" Wen Rouhan asked and lounge at the same moment Sizhui moved to attack Jin Ling. Jin Ling knew he was goner! Yet, he still raised his mother's sword to defend his neck. With the force and impending death at his door, Jin Ling gritted his teeth.

However, a huge wave of water destroyed the walls of Jiang Ancestral hall. A man in black robes, with thin silver waves weaved into that shimmer and glow stood just the doorsteps of the hall. It didn't went past the place two large skeletal arowanas leaped from the waters and attempted to swallow both Sizhui and Wen Rouhan. The two was able to evade the attack, but persistent water's continued to flow, following every movements the two made.

"Master Liu! Maiden Ning!" Jin Ling hurriedly moved but a black robe man with two swords on his back prevented the danger befalling on the two.

"Daozhang Song?" He confusedly glanced and definitely, it's Song Lan! Xiao Xingchen's dao partner!

Letting his guard down, it gave Sizhui the chance to attack. Jin Ling was shoved to the side the newly arrived-should-be-out-of-commission Qingheng-jun.

"That's not the face a Lan should wear. You're a deity with a demon's face, Yuxin!"

"Wen Rouhan! Only you I will never forgive! How dare you harm my child?!"

With Qingheng-jun snapping like a devil. A large string prison partnered with the persistent live water enclosed around Wen Rouhan.

"This is nothing!" However, even before Wen Rouhan could deflect the attack, four demon arowanas sprung from the waters and simultaneously attacked him. Wen Rouhan glanced at the black robe man whose hand closed to a fist.

The large explosion's aftermath reached the outskirts of the continent. Loud tremors could be felt all over.

However, Wen Rouhan still survived the attack with only his left arm gone. Qingheng-jun successfully cut his arm off and the arowanas feasted on it. Considering the power of the arowana that ate his arm, he could be fighting a version of himself.

He was about to savor the extent of the fight, when crack appeared on the jewel on his forehead. Smiling, he said, "I really enjoy this fight, however, I must leave for now. Farewell!"

To think, he was pushed back, he couldn't even be more happier.

"You wish!"

The demonic faced Qingheng-jun, appeared on his back. His sword ZhuYue brimming with power. For another, powerful attack, a large explosion echoed.

But... No Wen Rouhan was found, so is Lan Sizhui.

[At Cloud Recesses]

Shen Yuan sat down. Having Lan Wangji and few disciples take good care of him was enough. He couldn't burden them anymore fully knowing the blasted trio are currently fighting at demon world. Wearing the first body he had when he first woke up, he felt the exclusive power brimming from within. Although this body had died once and become stiff, he cannot deny, the power it held had always been great. He needed Xiu Ya sword back and his current body. That body is way more useful than this stupidly stiff body.

'system, you alive?' as always, this system is really an ass, who the fuck reports everything at the last hour, 'hey, stupid system, if you're not going to answer, I'll go wreck every single plot present right now.' well, he's not joking, destroying plots have always been his strong point. It would be too hypocrital of him if he says he had always done a good work. Just look at the blameshit stupidly authored stallion novel as reference.

System: ...........

Oh fuck! Of all the time to buffer, system! Now's not the time! He still didn't want to report back to his original world! He still needed to talk to his demon puppy and whip his ass for not listening! 'fine then! If you won't answer! I'll go destroy the plots the—'

System: [plot consolidation finished. Welcome to Notorious Villains Saves the World. ]

Shen Yuan didn't know whether he wanted to cry or what. Hearing that kind of stupidly named title is making his stomach turn. What's with the half assed title? Stupid system.

System: [not system's fault. The story doesn't exist anywhere. System consolidated the plots and turn arounds, one hundred and thirty eight possible plot's determined.]

What the heck?! That much plot without the self saving system, he's doomed! Shen Yuan couldn't help but curse in his heart. What kind of rubbish is this system pulling again? He damn well thought he was going to have to report back to his original world for self sacrificing his ass!

System: ....... *Long silence*

As usual, this blameworthy system is totally trashedly doomed.

System: [the story line, has reach the Heaven's pandemonium. Protect his Highness, Xie Lian's Pu Qi Shrine.]

Pu Qi Shrine?

System: [as coolness points and deductions have been freezed. Do you want to avail the plots from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation and Heaven's Official Blessings for free?]

'Oh. Yes of course, system, been waiting for that!' without his fan, Shen Yuan had to make with a straw fan. He is so going to get back his body.

System: [warning, Enemy spotted.]


System: [In front of you.]

Fuck you system! Shen Yuan couldn't help but cry deep inside. 'Hey system... Is this unavoidable... If it is, are fucking kidding with me?'

System: [................. System have always been a jerk.......... Goodluck............ (◍•ᴗ•◍)v ...]

"SYSTEM!" Relieved... Glad the system knew. Damn it!... be continued...

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