Broken Wings ‹‹‹ ziall

By D-E-A-D

274K 9.9K 2.6K

Niall Horan deals with homophobic assholes every day at school, that is until some new douche bag shows up. ... More



11K 409 158
By D-E-A-D

Zayn's POV

I smirked at Niall before putting my sunglasses on and walking off. Man, I love screwing with Niall. He's just so adorable when he's afraid. Yeah, I said adorable. They way his icy blue eyes widen and his breath catches in his throat whenever he sees me. Yep, it's adorable.

I walked out of the mall, not having anything to do there and started walking back to my house Luckily, I live across the street from Niall, which I will use to my fucking advantage sometime. I slowed down as I turned onto my street, not wanting to go home immediately.

I really hate my home, if I can even call it that. To put it simply, my dad is an alcoholic. I groaned as I walked through the front door, looking to see if my dad was home. I tried to shut the door quietly, but failed as it shut loudly.

"Zayn! Is that you!" My dad slurred drunkenly, walking into the living room. "Yeah, it's me dad." I said bitterly and stared at the floor. "Why are you home early?" Ugh. I can smell the booze off him and I'm on the other side of the damn room.

"School got let out early." I mumbled. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, you worthless piece of trash!" My father spat at me, scaring me. I looked up at him with fearful eyes. Sure, I'm the badass at school but that's at school. At home I'm nothing but I terrified little boy.

"Do I scare you, Zaynie?" My dad smirked and walked towards me. He used the nickname my sisters called me and it sounded so weird coming from him. He only used my name and then profanities when addressing me. Ew, he stinks.

"I said, do I scare you, Zaynie?" He growled, now towering over me. Stupid, drunk, tall mother fucker. "Don't call me that." I muttered and looked away from him. "Don't call you what?" He spat and slammed me into the front door.

"What? You don't like me calling you Zaynie? You let your sisters do it so why can't I?" He smirked, the booze reeking off of him. "Because I fucking hate you!" I exclaimed and shoved him off of me. "I am your father! You do not speak to me like that!" He shouted before throwing me to the floor and kicking me in the ribs.

I clutched my ribs as he knocked the wind out of me and gasped for breath. He slammed his foot down onto my knee and I groaned in pain as I heard it crack.  "Fucking pathetic." He snarled before aiming a kick at my face. Blood started to drip out my nose as everything got blurry. "You should kill yourself." I heard my dad snapping before everything went black.


Niall's POV

I woke up on Josh's couch, a crick in my neck from sleeping awkwardly and my back was sore. Josh was face first in a bowl of popcorn, loud snores leaving his mouth. I snickered quietly and pulled my iPhone out to snap a picture. I took about five pictures and made one my background.

"Josh, wake up, you fat sack." I said and nudged him with my foot. He mumbled some incoherent words and turned his head in the bowl of popcorn. "Wake up. You are sleeping in a bowl of fucking popcorn!" I said loudly and kicked his arm.

"Be quiet, tampon sucker!" Josh grumbled. He lifted his head and pieces of popcorn stuck to his face. "What the hell is on my face?" Josh asked. "Cum." I smirked and Josh just glared at me. He wiped the pieces of popcorn off before sitting up and stretching.

 "What time is it?" Josh groaned. "6:37." I groaned back. "Ugh, that means we have to go to school." Josh complained. "Maybe Zayn will be there..." I wondered out loud. "I thought he scared you?" Josh asked. "Well, he does, but he's really fucking hot!" I exclaimed.

"Watch the swearing, Nialler." Josh's mum said, sticking her in the doorway. "Sorry mum." Josh's mum is my second mum. And she is good at cooking. "You guys should start getting ready since you both take forever to get ready." Josh's mum joked. "And clean up the living room." She scolded before walking out.

We cleaned up the living room, which took an hour, then got ready and were out the door. I was wearing one of Josh's shirts, which was a red and white tank top, and black jeans that I had forgotten here. "Damn Niall, looking fine in that shirt." Josh smirked as he pulled away from his driveway.

"I think I'm gonna keep it." I smirked at him. "It looks better in you then me." Josh muttered and passed some old lady. "You aren't supposed to pass!" I screeched like a girl and Josh hit the side of my head. "I'm trying to drive." Josh snickered.

"And I'm trying to keep you from killing us!" I exclaimed, joking of course since Josh was much better at driving. I don't even have my license yet, which is gay. I can say that. I'm a homosexual. "Fine. I won't kill us today. And if I did you wouldn't be able to stare at Zayn in class." Josh smirked at me.

"I don't stare at Zayn!" I exclaimed. "Dude, you freaked the fuck out when he asked you your name and you look at him like you're in love." Josh said, going all psychologist on me. "He's probably straight." I groaned into my hands.

"You obviously haven't seen the way he was looking at you in homeroom." Josh mumbled. "What?" I asked, now needing to know what this fucker was talking about. "Zayn stares at you in homeroom." Josh said simply, pulling into the school parking lot and finding a spot.

"How does he stare at me?" I asked, a bit too eagerly. "He stares at you in a kind of creepy way, or at least it's creepy to me because he hardcore stares at you, but it seems like he's staring at you with lust or some shit." Josh explained before getting out.

Did he say Zayn stares at me as if he wants to fuck me? Well, that's what I heard. "WOOHOO!" I shouted once I got out of the car. "Why are you shouting?" Josh asked as we walked into the school. I was actually skipping but oh well.

"What's up, faggot!" I heard Louis shout. Not even him can ruin my good mood today. "Are you ignoring me?" Louis spat before slamming me into the lockers. "Fuck off, Louis." I snapped and shoved him off me. "I'm not dealing with you and your shit today. So, you can grow a fifteen inch dick and fuck your own face with it!" I exclaimed sassily before following Josh to our lockers.

Tomlinson stood there for a while, his mouth open and he was gaping at me before angrily walking off. "Man, that was fucking awesome!" Josh exclaimed and high fived me. "I am so boss!" I exclaimed and opened my locker.

"Niall, look who it is." Josh smirked and tilted his head backwards. I looked past him to see Zayn walking in, his dark sunglasses covering his eyes. "Is it just me or is he walking a bit funny?" I asked Josh as I noticed Zayn limping slightly. You'd have to be really paying attention to notice, which I was.

"Yeah he is. Wonder why." Josh mumbled before pulling books out of his locker. Zayn opened his locker and through his crap in there before shutting. "He's coming over here! Act natural!" I exclaimed. Josh then decided to stand like a retarded dinosaur as Zayn walked over.

Zayn gave him a weird look before turning his attention to me. "Can I talk to you. Without Josh." Zayn said, his sunglasses still covering his eyes. His voice sounded panicked and worried. "Yeah of course. Stay Josh." I told Josh, as if he was a dog. "I'm not a dog, you fag." Josh joked.

"Whatever. At least I don't run from girls who try to hit on me!" I said before following Zayn into the boys' toilets. He made sure nobody else was in here before locking the door. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, leaning against the sink.

"I don't even know." Zayn mumbled into his hands, sitting on the floor with his back against the door. "Okay then." I mumbled, trying not to stare at Zayn. I was staring at the ceiling when I heard him sigh. "Do you like me, Niall?" Zayn asked suddenly, his voice sad.

"Um yeah." I said a bit awkwardly. "Not as a friend, but like, never mind." Zayn said. "Would you be weirded out if I said I liked you?" I asked. "No, because I like you." Zayn said bluntly. Well then. "Okay, the reason I wanted to talk to you wasn't about me liking you, but I have no idea of how to explain it." Zayn said.

"Well, what is it?" I asked, sitting next to him on the floor. "It's just... Its not the easiest thing to say." He said sadly and tugged on his hair. "Then don't say it." Great fuckin' advice, Niall. I mentally stabbed myself for being so idiotic.

"If only it was that easy." Zayn sighed, taking his sunglasses off. "Well, what happened?" I asked. Zayn leaned his head on my shoulder and sighed. "Well, my father is an alcoholic, which is why you probably saw me screaming at him in my front yard the other day and well," Zayn started before getting choked up.

Zayn then started crying on my shoulder and I had no idea what to do. I held him close to me and just let him cry. He clung onto me as if I was going to slip away and whatever was making him cry would come and get him.  

"I don't even know why I'm crying about this. He's done it tons of times before." Zayn muttered into my shoulder. "Well, what happened?" I asked, running a hand through his hair. "When I got back to my house, my dad was drunk, like always and he started insulting me and I snapped at him." Zayn started, cuddling into my side. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him closer to me.

"A-and he threw me onto the ground before kicking me in the ribs, possibly breaking my knee and kicking me unconscious." Zayn whispered, his voice now cracking as tears formed in his eyes. "When I woke up my little sister Safaa was sitting next to me and wiping s-some of the blood off my face and crying and I just don't even know what to do anymore." Zayn said before he started crying again.

I rubbed small circles in his back as he cried into my chest. He slowly calmed down and leaned his forehead on my chest. "I'm so pathetic." He whispered. "No, you aren't pathetic." I said to him. "Sure. You're only saying that to make me feel better." Zayn muttered.

"You aren't pathetic, Zayn. Not even close." I said and held his chin so he was looking at me. Zayn just nodded and closed his eyes. "Do you want to ditch school for today?" I asked. Zayn just nodded and kept his eyes closed. 

"Come on. Let's go steal Josh's car keys." I joked and Zayn smiled a bit. "You go get the car keys." Zayn said and untangled himself from me and stood up. I missed the contact, but oh well. I stood up and adjusted the tank top I was wearing.

"Got it. I'll be back." I said before unlocking the door and slipping out. I made my way towards Mr. Peterson's classroom and peeked in the doorway. "Josh!" I hissed at him. He was sitting in the back and turned his head to look at me.

"Give me your car keys!" I whispered/yelled. "Why?" Josh said back. "Just give them to me." I snapped. "Niall! What are you doing interrupting my class?" Mr. Peterson snapped. Shit. "Uh. I was just um..." I stuttered, thinking up a lie.

"Run, bro!" Josh said, tossing me his car keys. I caught them and took off before Mr. Peterson could do anything. I ran back to the bathroom and Zayn was fixing his hair. "Let's go before Mr. Peterson finds me and kills me." I said to Zayn.

"Where are we going, just asking?" Zayn asked as we ran out of the school building and to Josh's car. "My friend Andy's flat. I have the key since he's in America for like two months." I told Zayn as I started the car.

Just because I don't have my license doesn't mean I don't know how to drive. We drove in silence and Zayn just stared out the window. When we got to Andy's flat Zayn got out with out saying anything and leaned against the car.

I got out and Zayn followed me up to his flat. I fumbled with the keys and finally managed to unlock the door. I stepped inside and Zayn followed after me. Zayn kicked his shoes off and I did the same. "I think I'm gonna crash on your friend's couch." Zayn said and laid on the couch.

"Or you could use the guest bedroom. Just saying." I joked. "That sounds like a brilliant idea." Zayn mumbled into the couch. He stood up and shrugged his jacket off then followed me to the guest room. "Damn. That's a huge bed." Zayn said as we walked in.

Zayn flopped onto the bed and sighed. "Well, I'll be sleeping." Zayn said and pushed his face into a pillow. "I'll be in the living room." I muttered. "Wait." Zayn said, sitting up. "What?" I asked, half way out the door. "Will you, um lay with me?" Zayn asked awkwardly.

"Sure." I mumbled. Zayn's eyes lit up as I got in the bed next to him. "Thanks." Zayn whispered and cuddled up against me. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me. Zayn's breathing slowed and his eyes were shut. Aw, he's adorable when he sleeps. I don't now why but I leaned foreword and kissed his forehead before shutting my eyes and falling asleep.

[a/n] I'M DYING OF ZIALL FLUFFY FEELS! Anyone else dying too? Maybe it's just me. Idk. so, I'm thinking of starting a Larry fanfic but I feel like nobody would read it. It would be a bit sad but if you would like a Larry fanfic just tell me in the comments and I'll upload it :3

- Ocaen

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