First impressions

By LouieChewi666

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My first MHA x Reader Fanfiction, constructive criticism welcome, please be kind. thank you. This ongoing, so... More

First Impressions
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Qualify or Fail
Part 7: Memories to Music Madness
Chapter 8: A Little Love
CHAPTER 9: Tears and Reunions
Quick notes
Chapter 11: Blades and Bloodshed
Chapter 12: Unbreakable
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Eri, The Lost Princess
Chapter 15: Music To Sooth the Aching Sole
Bonus Chapter: Smash or Pass Game
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Comedy of Laundry Errors
Mineta Drama, Chapter 22
Character Update Part 23
Nabu Island Part 2

Birthday Bullets

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By LouieChewi666


Chapter 10:

Early morning, before the dawn, in an abandoned warehouse, on the edge of the busy city, a couple of villains were talking to Tantris Vapour. It was Shigaraki and couple of others. He was pacing slightly, in excitement and impatience.

Shigaraki: "Come on! Let me see him, I want to see my surprise!" He yelled, like a rude child, throwing a temper tantrum.

His colleague and long-term member, Kurogiri, placed him at ease, even if it was for aa short while. The other two, stayed back as back-up to their boss.

Kurogiri: "It's all as you planned sir. Why waste your time worrying, when he is stood right over there by Miss Vapoure's staff."

Shigaraki nodded in agreement, not saying a word. He knew Kurogiri had a good point, but went along with him. The large male specimen was brought before the two villains with Tantris Vapoure in-tow behind them smiling in glee.

He stood about six maybe seven foot tall; Wide broad shoulders under the large shirt he wore with bullet belts across his chest. What once was a messy hair on top of his head, had been cut to a military style buzzcut, with traces of honey-blond tones, still peeking through in the right light. A large cigar hung menacingly from the corner of his mouth, as grey and ash bellowed from his mouth each time, he would take a drag on the retched thing. To say he was not built like a tank, was an understatement, almost the same body type as, a certain hero, All Might.

Vapoure: "Gentlemen, here is Bullet Dust! His quirks, can literarily conjure up any weapon on his hands, and behind his elbows. Unlimited ammo for about... a few hours, before he over-heats and practically destroys everything within a twelve-block radius." Pronounced Vapoure, with a proud prowess of power.

Shigaraki cackled with joy. Before he could continue; someone's voice echoed across the empty building. It was Toga bouncing around, like maniac on acid.

Toga: "PLEASE, let me have a taste, Dabi! I bet it tastes Soo good. Oh please, please, please?!!" She pleaded, with her hands clasped in front of him, trying to look innocent.

Dabi lit one of his hands on fire and clenched his fist in frustration.

Dabi: "If you don't stop bouncing in my face, this flame is going to shut your mouth up permanently. Now, leave me alone will you! You're so annoying." Pulling up the collar of his coat, he turned his back on Toga and walked away.

Toga sulked and sat down on the wooden crate, and complained under her breath, not loud enough to hear out loud, but still just to herself.

Shigaraki walked around the bulk of a monster, studying him for quite a while, coming to a conclusion in his twisted mind. He had a plan to execute, and they might as well start tonight.

U.A, the students are all prepping for the day ahead. Class 1A were all up ahead of Louie Chewie, as they were all planning a surprise for her. Fumikage brought a tall black stained-glass vase with Louie's favourite flowers in, black roses, to the table. And placed a small gift and card beside it. This was only going to be the start of Louie's surprises today. He was a little nervous deep down, but with the encouragement from his best friends, Shoji, Sato and the rest of his classmates, he knew he should never doubt himself today.

Meanwhile in her room, an alarm sounded, awakening the sleeping beauty. She went through her routine like clockwork, but when she went to leave her room, after one final uniform check, a gasp left her lips. She looked different. Her hair had grown longer slightly past her behind, and turned completely black but with sparkly gold streaks. Her fairy powers had grown stronger, somehow, so had she awoken a new quirk? The one her father said she would inherit from his side of the family? Pheonix power. The power to heal and destroy, pending on what, no, how she could control it. Only time will tell.

Making her way to the common room, she was taken aback at the display in front of her.

Classmates, except Bakugo, who had left already, "Good Morning Louie! Happy Birthday."

Louie smiled; said her thank you rather shyly, and went to grab some breakfast. That's when she noticed the flowers and the card in front of her. Her favourites, her shy smile turning to one of pure joy and happiness.

Louie: "Aww, thank you~ Who do I thank for these gorgeous roses?" She said, looking expectantly at the table, no one stood, except one, Tokoyami.

Tokoyami stood and came to his love's side and hugged her lovingly, giving her a beak kiss on her cheek. This caused a little excitable ruckus amongst their fellow class.

Tokoyami: "Open the card, My Queen." He purred lovingly into her ear, his voice dropped a few octaves, sounding a little deeper and somewhat sexier than normal.

Louie nodded, as she shakily opened her birthday card from Fumikage. It read:

'My Queen, My Angel of Darkness, and the key to my soul, have a wonderful birthday. May our souls be intertwined with the stars, that shine as bright as you. With all my love, and Dark Shadow's, Our soulmate, Tokoyami Fumikage. XXX'

Louie hugged him tightly, as a few happy tears escaped her, him, nuzzling into her as he held her. A few aww and coos from the class, brought them back to the reality of the situation. Today was going to be good day. Or so she thought, as soon as she arrived near to the carpark for the staff, Nezu gave her a permission slip to leave the premises, for D.R.K mission. Louie was away for the whole morning.

Louie got a call from her mum, Sandra Fauna. Louie activated the hands free. It started as a happy birthday greeting, then she got to the other reason to why she called.

Sandra: "Right, D.R.K need you for a quick mission this morning. I need you to trail a villain, but the details may change to one of a rescue mission. I also need you and your squad for tonight after curfew. I know it's your birthday, but we really need you. I've got the go-ahead from the Pro-Heroes in the area, but we are going to be greatly outnumbered..."

Louie: "Right. Give me the co-ordinates, timeframe of where I need to be and I'll be there. And, I have some news for you, I've got my dad's quirk, Pheonix..." She answered eagerly, but got interrupted.

Sandra: "You got your father's quirk?! OH. MY. GOODNESS! That's amazing. I am so proud of you. Okay, I need you to be ready in your new role as Commander. The team consists of; 'Ghost' Tia Melody, 'Kat Scratch' Kassey Veerney, 'Hopper' Mei-Rose Deacon, Sasha Calico 'Koi – Black Assassin', Myself, and you Vamilier, so far. I'm going to call for back-up from Hawks if we need it. Happy Birthday sweetie, I'll see you later..."

Louie: "understood, and thank you. See you later on, bye mum..."

Sandra: "Goodbye."

They both clicked off, and thought about the battle that was to come their way. Would they survive? Will the D.R.K's be able to defeat this monster? All they knew, that tonight was going to be a battle to remember.

Time-skip to the journey back to school. Louie had to leave her ride at D.R.K HQ, as it got really badly damaged, so she was given a lift by a chauffeur driven Hearst. Her poor school uniform was the only other damaged personal item. Handing the report to her principle, for her absence, Louie headed to maths class. Midnight wouldn't be there for another fifteen minutes, so

It was near the lunchtime, when Louie got a call from D.R.K office. She had been promoted to a Captain of her squad. All she remembers on arrival at the office was; Getting into her uniform of a short black skirt; White shirt with a black silk tie; her gun harness under her well-cut blazer. Finally smart footwear, and her hair up into tight tidy bun. Getting the promotion, then standing in the reception area to go back to school. She was met by the Pro-Hero Midnight. Her teacher looked confused as well as concerned as to why Louie wasn't in her class today. Instead of scolding Louie, she escorted her inside to her math class that was about to start.

As they walked the empty corridors, Midnight thought to get some information out of Louie to her whereabouts.

Midnight: "Miss Chewie, would you like to tell me exactly where you were dressed like that?" She questioned kindly.

Louie looked at her uniform, and gasped in embarrassment. She had left her spare uniform at her office desk, in her special rucksack. However, she did have her school bag on her, much to Louie's relief. Midnight still waited for an answer.

Louie: "I was called into my agency. We had a rescue mission this morning, then when we got back to HQ; My squad got called in by the boardroom for our promotions, and mine to Captain. This is reason why I'm dressed like I am. I apologise for not being in my uniform, as I stupidly left it at my office." Louie admitted, looking at her feet briefly.

The two women had arrived at her classroom, but just as Midnight was about to go inside, her phone buzzed. It was Aizawa, messaging her to the principal's office. Midnight encouraged her to go into her classroom, and let Tenya Iida and Momo Yaoyorozu, know she would be along shortly as she had a meeting to get to. Louie agreed, as Midnight left.

Louie took a breath before entering the classroom, she could hear her friends' talking amongst themselves. She smiled as she entered, keeping to her regular self, only to be met by silence. Looking around at her friends, the guys were staring, blushing like mad. Tokoyami Fumikage looked up from the book he was reading, only for his feathers to fluff up. He gazed at Louie from his desk, taking in the new uniform she was wearing. It hugged to her small curves perfectly, he had no words that described his beloved, to how she was now. But he had to wonder where she went this morning, before school? The girls surrounded Louie as she made her way to her seat, and sat down and crossed her legs casually. Momo broke the awkward silence.

Momo: "Louie where is your uniform? And where have you been?" She asked tenderly, placing a caring hand on her shoulder.

Louie: "I've only just got back from a mission with my Squad...... I also got a promotion..." Louie Started to explain, but got interrupted by a familiar nudge by her beloved and Dark Shadow.

Dark Shadow: "Louie!! Hi, Toko and I have missed you, he couldn't stop worrying about you." He chuckled, as Louie looked over at Fumikage, who fluffed up again in slight embarrassment.

Fumikage: "Dark Shadow! Please contain yourself." * Cough* "I apologise, Louie, my love. You look very Pretty in your uniform." He declared, as he made his way over to Louie to give her beak kiss on the cheek. He smiled, as Dark Shadow receded back inside him.

Fumikage: "Louie? Are you ok? You weren't in any of our classes earlier, I was worried." He asked in his smooth caramel voice concerned.


Near her ear, so only Louie could hear, he whispered what he really thought of Louie's uniform. This caused Louie to blush, and bite her lip in slight shock. She nodded and her reply. Tokoyami was satisfied, with a quick hug that sent pleasant shivers up her spine, he made his way back to his seat. As did the other class members. Then the end of the day rolled around.

It was after school, Louie headed to the music department to hand in her music assignment to Present Mic. With her homework in one hand and her guitar in the other, she knocked politely on the hero's door. He answered and took her homework gratefully. Louie headed to smallest music room to practice her mission piece for next month. That was a secret she hadn't told any of her peers, except Principle Nezu. Alone in the music room, she prepped, and began practicing one of her songs she had to perform. Little did Louie know, while she was in the music department, her friends were preparing a little surprise party for her in the dorm building.

Louie placed her guitar on the stand, and pulled out the microphone to sing. Flicking through her playlists she came across metal playlists. Pulling up the lyrics and pressing play, she played 'Falling in Reverse – Last Resort Revamped'. Taking the mic, she sang her heart out along to the song. The emotions she had built up from her mother echoed around the room.

Principle Nezu was watching the monitors, from his cosy office, and set the button to record on Louie. Never had he known such a student like her, but had some sympathy for the young lady. Mr Aizawa watched the screen beside his mentor and colleague.

Mr Aizawa: "That girl has had to deal with so much crap, it's no wonder she feels the way she does. IS she getting the counselling you requested, Nezu?" He asked, crossing his arms, and not looking away from the screen.

Nezu: "Of course. She really has a talent in so many things, except struggling to ask for help when she absolutely needs it."

Soon, Louie headed back to her dorm room, only to be whisked away, by the girls eager for her to join them for some karaoke. She was still in her Captains uniform, feeling a little uneasy. They had lots of fun, until Mina got a text from Kirishima, letting them know the surprise was ready for Louie. She had no clue.

Louie: "Do we have time, for one more song girls, please?" She asked her friends politely.

Mina: "Last song, then we've got to get back before curfew. What did you have in mind?" She relented, as she quickly texted back, they were on their way, only have to do a quick bathroom break before they headed back to the dorms.

Louie sang one of her favourites that was on a rock list, Jiro let out a happy squeal and told the girls who and what it was. 'Pat Benatar – Hit it me with your best shot' Mina secretly recorded it, for personal reasons.

While the girls were out enjoying themselves, the guys were working hard to set up a few snacks, decorations for Louie's birthday surprise and a special birthday cake. Rikido Sato had really outdone himself making a Dark chocolate sponge cake, with apple jam; and marbled chocolate drizzle icing on the top; with a few sugared apple slices on top, with added whipped cream swirls.

Sero: "Hey Sato! That's awesome." He called, as he held the ladder for Kirishima, hanging the balloons.

The others looked over, as Sato passed past with the cake, to the cake stand, at the top of the table. Sato answered bashfully.

Sato: "Thanks man, I appreciate it. Hope Louie likes it."

Fumikage, Shoji, Iida and Midoriya were just setting up the pile of gifts for Louie, to one side. Kaminari, pulled what looked like a trolley, made by Momo, for the postal deliveries. He smiled at the weight of it, struggling slightly, but he persevered.

Kaminari: "Hey guys, anyone free to help here please. Some are from our folks back home, and it looks like a lot are for Louie when she gets here, with the girls." He asked at whoever was listening, or nearby to help him unload this heavy contraption.

A plethora of hands came to help after doing their owns tasks, and made light work of the job at hand. They turned the lights off, and waited excitedly for the guest of honour, Louie.

Finally, the girls had arrived back to their dorm building, they talked animatedly all the way back, except for Louie. She had felt a bit car sick; the girls took good car of her, making sure she had mints, water and even travel bands on her. They were all relieved when they saw their dorm building and Mr Aizawa waiting for them. The girls all noticed the lights were all out, but motioned for Louie to go first, not saying a word.

As they made their way inside, the girls separated from Louie for a brief moment, to join the others to surprise her. Louie called out.

Louie: "Hello? Did someone overcharge again?"


They danced, had fun playing some of the games Louie liked to play at parties, even having a go at pin the hair on a picture of one the teachers, Present Mic. Only Louie and Jiro tied, and shared the prize of some English chocolate, Louie had shipped over. Soon, the cake was cut and Mr Aizawa called time on the festivities. After everyone had tidied up, Louie handed out some little goodie bags for all her friends, and a special one for Fumikage.

One hour until the battle......

D.R.K prepped their weapons, their quirks and suits ready for battle. Louie's squad started getting changed into their suits, from their remote locations. The rendezvous point and time arranged, it was only a matter of time before all hell broke loose.

Shrugging into her jacket, and making sure the corridors were empty, Louie headed to her Love's door. She needed to have a quiet private word with him, before she left. He wasn't there. They were all in the common room relaxing before curfew. The merriment of concoctions of voices echoed throughout the common room. So much for leaving without a fuss, though Louie annoyed. She was instantly bombarded with questions and fuss, she couldn't get a word in. Fuss about her suit, where she was going, it was Fumikage who spoke up for his beloved. Stepping up to be beside her, holding her hand as a comfort, she held tightly, not shying away from him or letting go.

Fumikage: "Do you mind! Louie has a mission to do. Please wish her luck, rather than question her. Louie good luck my Angel." Fumikage spoke forcefully at first, then softened facing her his reason for fighting and being, hugged her lovingly.

Louie: "Thank you my King, as for your questions, I can't answer them due to being classified. If I need back-up I shall ask from the help from the Pro-heroes, but if your phone does go off, and you're needed by my squad, Mr Aizawa sir will let you know. So, no need to worry alright. Fumi, please feed Dark shadow those sugared apple slices, and some left for yourself. I love you, I shall come back to you, alright?"

He smiled and placed a beak kiss on her cheek, right in front of the whole class, and walked her to the door.

Fumikage: "I'll wait up for your return my love, my Angel. I love you too, now go." He said placing one last kiss on her cheek.

He watched her get on her bike, and speed into the night.

It was a quiet night; a darkened alleyway, a lone sinister figure of a man, cylindrical fingers pointing at his prey. He licked his lips, as his evil smile grew sadistically, as he looked down the barrel oof his gun. The victims, a young couple who had gotten lost, and ending up in his way of raping a college student, who luckily escaped. This menace to the popular eastern side of the city; not far from U.A, was not well known, only as 'Bullet Dust'. Every victim he kills, his evidence is like dust to the wind.

Loud gunshots echo down the alleyway, as the defenceless couple are shot and killed. He leaves via side alley, disappearing into the night. On the rooftops nearby, a war hero, known as Agent Fauna, follows the villain's movements back to the bar owned by non-other than Tantris Vapour, And............ The LOV?

Calling in reinforcements, by her earpiece, she called her team D.R.K and Hawks agency. Hawks picked up straight away.

Agent Fauna: "Hawks?" She asked hurriedly.

Hawks: "Fauna, how can I help?" He replied in calm tone.

Fauna: "I need back-up, Fast! Can you get here to my coordinates?" Fauna answered swiftly, whilst looking down her scope of her long-range rifle, whilst watching the villain.

Hawks smiled and headed out the office door at a fast pace, adjusting his ear piece to be still on call.

Hawks: "Yeah, On my way. I'll send for reinforcements, meanwhile keep tracking the villain, and send me the co-ordinates wherever you end up. I'm hands free, you get all that?" Hawks replied sternly, yet concerned.

Fauna: "Yeah. Got it, Fauna out." She replied as she continued to track him down.

D.R.K had arrived as back-up. They battled for what seamed like minutes, was actually hours. One by one, they were hunted at times, getting quite number of hits in, but he was relentless with his power.

Koi aimed her sniper shot again at his left underarm, but he countered causing a massive consequence. Koi, had got severely injured. Her left arm was dislocated and blown off at the elbow. She screamed in agony. Louie flash stepped and healed what she could with her Pheonix tears. It helped bring back the bones that were blown off, but she was till bleeding profusely.

Louie: "Koi, stay with me. I'm taking you to a medic, hold on." Louie instructed, forcefully, as she tied a make shift sling, using her jacket.

Koi grabbed hold of Louie around her shoulders, as she was lifted piggy back style. Louie made great time to dodge the attacks, and landed down a quiet side alleyway, near the rescue services. Catching the nearest ambulance, she gave them details of the injuries, and ordered them to call for back-up from the Pro- Heroes. She made a quick text of: 'S.O.S' to Mr Aizawa, with her coordinates, needing all available units, asap. Placing her hands-free earpiece, she contacted Fauna.

Louie: "Fauna, koi is down, on route to the hospital. I've called in back-up. Over."

Fauna picked up, pressing the contact button.

Fauna: "Message received Captain Vamillian. Kat-Scratch!!! .............. Kat-Scratch is down, need Medi-vac now!"

Fauna just missed being hit by a stray missile, but was shoved out of the way by kat-Scratch, at the last moment. Kat-Scratch used her cat Quirks to take the brunt of the fall. She was shot in the upper right thigh, and lower abdomen. She was bleeding out. Louie managed to hit one of his vital areas, disarming his left side of the villain's body. Luckily, Louie had thought to grab a small first aid kit, before she left Koi in safe hands. Picking Kat-Scratch up bridal style she raced Fauna and her injured squad member, to the fall-back point with Hopper.

Hopper eyes widened, and saw who Louie was holding in her arms. Louie knocked her out of her dazed state.

Louie: "Hopper, call for a Medi-vac, two alleyways to the east of our location Now. Fauna, can you watch our six, while we get her to the Medics?"

Fauna: "Got it. She ready to move?" She asked careful, not to reveal their location out loud to the enemy.

Louie: "This beyond my abilities. I've stemmed the bleeding for now, she needs to go to hospital. Kat, I need you to stay with us, right?" Louie ordered, sternly.

Kat nodded, and they moved out of cover of an empty office building. The villain was nowhere near at the moment at least. Again, Louie used the piggyback method, and got to another ambulance. She hoped no one else was going to get hurt because of this villain.

The remaining D.R.K Squad, tried their best but they were running on fumes to battle this villain. Their energy was spent, The LOV kept the Pros occupied, there was no way for help to get through. Only, Hopper and Louie remained, as Fauna was a bloody mess, two broken legs due to a small bomb. She was lucky to be alive, if she hadn't activated her hardening quirk to her top half. Hopper, got her to another ambulance. The were outnumbered, outgunned and out of ideas. Louie's earpiece activated, to hear a familiar voice. One that she had wanted to forget for a long time. It was her, her mother, Tantris Vapour.

Tantris Vapour: "Hello, darling~.....?"

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