Newtmas & Dylmas One-Shots

By Stupid-little-Things

234K 6.2K 3.2K

I write stories a lot, wether I have the time or not. I also love Newtmas (And Dylmas) and always end up gett... More

Wearing each other's Clothes (Dylmas #1)
Mix Up (Newtmas #2)
You Have What I Want (Dylmas #3)
I Can't Marry You (Newtmas #4)
I Lost My Pet and Found You (Newtmas #6)
Timeless (Dylmas #7)
His Weakness was the Maze (Newtmas #8)
Great, I'm Stuck With You (Dylmas #9)
If I Lose (Newtmas #10)
I Always Wanted You (Dylmas #11)
Please, Tommy. Please. (Newtmas #12)
I May've Had a Drink (Dylmas #13)
Chores (Newtmas #14)
Soulmate (Dylmas #15)
Lost Control (Newtmas #16)
His Angel was the Devil (Dylmas #17)
The Wrong Twin (Newtmas #18)
Forgotten Birthdays (Dylmas #19)
Christmas With A Not So Coordinated Thomas (Newtmas #20)
Now You See Me (Dylmas #21)
Sex Me (Newtmas #22)
Burying Newt (Newtmas Bonus #23)

Velociraptors and You (Dylmas #5)

8.7K 236 46
By Stupid-little-Things

It's been a while but I'm finally back with imagines. I got this idea from Jurassic World when I watched it with my friend. He said I could just replace the mains with Newtmas and I was like "There's an idea." And then he dragged me around the city to find Harry Styles -___- Anyway this is a bit different from the movie as Thomas won't be the girl exactly, but Dylan would be Owen basically. And I don't have this huge dinosaur getting out and stuff. It's focused on the Velociraptors. And this won't be realistic at all but screw that. This one is super super super short btw but yea. I like it.

Dylan was currently training his four Velociraptors down in their cage as they'd grown more used to him being around. And, he was now fully able to be down in their holding cages when they were out as well, as they'd grown accustomed to him and no longer charged at him, seeing him as pray like anything else that moved.

In the meantime, Thomas was walking onto the bridge above the holding cages, glancing down at what the other boy was doing, but not saying a word as he didn't want to distract him and risk one of the Velociraptors charging at him anyway. Thomas would be here occasionally to check on some of the animals as he was a paleontologist studying their behavior. He'd never seen Thomas before though, as he'd never been asked to look at the Velociraptors until today.

Eventually, the animals were brought back into their cages, only their heads being seen as Dylan pet each of them gently.

"Is it safe to come down yet?" Dylan glanced up, smiling at the stranger and nodding.

"Who're you?"

"I'm Thomas. Sent to check up on them." He gestured to the animals again, and Dylan looked at him, unsure about it.

"Relax. I have a pass and everything to show that I'm allowed to be in there with you."

"Very well. Come down then." Thomas did what he said, going down the stairs and heading over to Dylan when the cage opened for him to access. They shook hands, Dylan's a lot rougher and callused than Thomas' soft ones.

"Thomas you said? I'm Dylan." Thomas nodded, biting his lip before walking over to the first Velociraptor.

"This is?" Dylan walked after him, still hesitant about letting Thomas be so close.

"That's Echo. She's a bit aggressive at times." Thomas carefully reached out to pet her, and she snarled at him. He, however, barely even flinched, leaving Dylan surprised and astounded.

"Who's beside her?" Thomas moved on to the next one besides Echo, and Dylan chewed on the inside of his cheek as he thought.

"Delta. She's the second oldest."

"Is she?" Dylan chuckled, responding with another yes before going over to the next one. Thomas eventually going after him.

"This would be Blue. She's the oldest of them all. Fought with Echo once over being the leader. She won and Echo was left with a scar."

"Well they definitely sound like siblings don't they?"

"They do indeed. Anyway, last on the list we have Charlie. She has major respect for Blue. Even gives her her own food." Thomas gave him a strange look, and Dylan gave him a worried look in response.

"I don't know if that should be a good thing or something to be worried about."

"Well it's always been like that. It's no big deal." Thomas sighed, not wanting to start an argument with Dylan even though he disagreed.

"You don't see it as no big deal do you?"

"Maybe not. But you're the one that's been with them since they were born. If you say it's nothing then I'll take your word for it even if I'm the one that's the paleontologist." Dylan smiled, walking around the cage they were in with Thomas following after.

"So, you're only here to check on them a bit and then you're leaving again."

"Pretty much. That's usually what I'm here for." Dylan bit his lip, moving a little closer to the other as he walked each step.

"That's a shame." Thomas laughed, Dylan smiling over at him.

"Why's that?"

"Maybe I like you enough to want you around more."

"You're not good at complimenting or flirting are you?"

"Not one bit." They came back to the entrance, Thomas starting to walk out before turning back.

"Well, if I gave you my number then maybe you can call me and I can show up a bit more." Dylan bit his lip, Thomas mirroring him as he got a pen from his pocket before taking Dylan's hand in his. He wrote a number on the others wrist, big enough for him to read properly.

"You better call me now. I only give my number out if I feel like it's worth it." Echo made a noise from where she was when he'd finished speaking, and Dylan turned to look at her before nodding.

"I'll probably call you in ten minutes with separation anxiety."

"Nine minutes too long." And then Thomas walked away, heading to check the Mosasaurus next. And just like Dylan had said, he called him ten minutes later saying he needed Thomas to check on his Velociraptors again, just in case he missed something. But they both knew that that was an excuse so that they could be around each other again.

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