Corpse Groom

By Bee_Vomit_Queen

23.8K 846 367


Before we start
Chapter 1 - It's A...Day, I Guess
Chapter 2 - Meeting Victoria
Chapter 3 - The Rehearsal Disaster!
Chapter 4 - I do
Chapter 5 - Remains Of The Day
Chapter 6 - Such Bad News
Chapter 7 - Getting To Know Each Other
Chapter 8 - Going Up Top
Chapter 9 - Exposed And Misunderstanding
Chapter 10 - Tears To Shed
Chapter 11 - Crazy Things Happen On The Surface
Chapter 12 - Reconciliation
Chapter 14 - The Dead Walk The Earth!
Chapter 15 - A Romance Novel Ending

Chapter 13 - A Dead Wedding

1.2K 51 12
By Bee_Vomit_Queen

(Y/N) sat outside the pub, near the back of it, with nothing but her guilt-ridden thoughts as company. She had thought over what Mayhew had told her and all she could feel was guilt. In her mind, she ruined her brother's chance at a happy ending with Victoria. And, even worse, Victoria was forced to marry someone else she didn't even love.

Everything seemed to consume her and she couldn't see a bright side to any of it. If her brother didn't hate her back in Victoria's room, then he definitely hated her now.

As she was wondering what to do now, she was pulled from her negative thoughts when she heard voices coming from the kitchen.

"Oh, Miss Plum, what am I to do?"

That was Emilien.

She got up from where she was seated and peeked through the back door, into the kitchen. There she saw Emilien with Miss Plum, who was cooking something in a large pot, along with two other chefs.

"She just walked off without saying a word. I wonder if she's alright? Those things that that man said about her brother really seemed to sadden her." 

"Give her some time, sweetie. She'll be back soon. She's just worried about her brother. After all, it's a right mess for him up there." Miss Plum sweetly reassured.

Her words only seemed to bring (Y/N) even lower. There was definitely no way she could ever face at her brother again. He'd resent her for ruining his life, and she couldn't blame him if he did.

"I guess you're right."

Just then, Elder Gutknecht walked it, with a giant book in his hands. "My boy, we need to talk."

"Let me tell him, please. Let me tell him." The maggot pleaded from underneath one of the book's pages.

"What?" Emilien asked.

"There is a complication with your marriage." Elder Gutknecht informed.

"I don't understand."

"The vows are binding only until death do you part."

"What are you saying?"

"Death has already parted you."

They all gasped at the news, even (Y/N) as she watched from her hidden spot.

"If she finds out, she'll leave me. There must be something that you can do." Emilien begged.

"Well, there is one thing." Elder Gutknecht confessed, though he seemed to dread what he had to say.

His tone was very different from the maggot's, that very excitedly pleaded, "Oh, please, please, let me tell him."

"It requires the greatest sacrifice."

"Go on, get to the good part."

"What is it?" Emilien asked, growing worried.

"We have to kill her!" The maggot blurted out.


(Y/N) gasped as she leaned against the wall, still out of sight. Her heart was racing, pulse quickening with every fearful thump.

"(Y/N) would have to give up the life she had forever." Elder Gutknecht explained as he paged through the book, to show Emilien what needed to be done. "She would need to repeat her vows in the land of the living and drink from the wine of ages."


"This would stop her heart forever. Only then would she be free to give it to you."

Emilien stood for a moment, allowing the words to sink in. But he just couldn't do it.

He dropped to his knees, unable to bear this truth as he lamented, "I could never ask her to do that."

"You don't have to."

They all whipped around to see (Y/N) entering the kitchen. There were tears brimming in her eyes but a soft smile adorned her lips.

"I'll do it." She agreed.

Emilien looked up at her, as if she were an angel, and he couldn't believe she was about to make such a sacrifice.

To be honest, she couldn't believe she was about to do it either. She must have been crazy... But she loved him. As strange as it was, she had grown fond of the corpse groom, who had stolen her heart without either of them realizing. This man, who shared her ideals and who was as passionate as she was, who didn't judge her like anyone above did, who loved her without condition.

She was sure she had nothing left up top. Her parents were already not an important part of her life and she was certain she had lost Victor too. He had been her only solace up top, her best friend. So, without him, she truly had nothing left to keep her staying in the land of the living.

(A/N: Trigger warning!!! I just fucking realized how this may seem like she has suicidal thoughts and I swear that was not my intention. I more meant it like she has no reason to live up top now, so she has nothing to keep her from happily marrying Emilien.)

"My girl." Elder Gutknecht spoke up. "If you choose this path, you may never return to the world above. Do you understand?"

She took Emilien's hand, helping him up. He gazed at her in confusion but his eyes softened as she smiled at him, placing his hand against her heart. As if to show him that it already belonged to him.

"I do."


Emilien and (Y/N) excitedly made their way to the centre of the town. They climbed up onto a statue of a skeleton horse, Emilien placing his bride on top of it, before turning to address the crowd.

"Gather around! Gather around, everybody!"

Everyone indeed gathered close to the couple. Many were confused by the sudden announcement but gazed up with interest, waiting to see what would happen.

"We've decided to do this thing properly. So, grab what you can and follow us."

"We're moving this wedding party upstairs." (Y/N) happily blurted, making the couple both chuckle with excitement.

"Upstairs?" Someone in the crowd gasped. "I didn't know we had it upstairs."

"Sounds creepy."

"Let's go!"

The large crowd of the dead grew just as excited as the couple and soon they dispersed in order to get ready.

🎵Chorus: "A wedding. A wedding. We're going to have a wedding."

Emilien grabbed (Y/N) by the waist, making her squeal with surprise and delight, as he hopped off the statue. He placed her down, ready to drag her off so they could enjoy each other's company before the ceremony.

However, his plan was stopped as the spider lowered herself next to (Y/N) and politely interjected, "Hold on, (Y/N). You can't get married looking like that."

She gazed down at herself and even she had to agree. She'd spent two days in a (F/C) dress that was now tattered, ripped, and muddy. Her hair was also a mess, no longer neat or in her usual (H/S). She was a horrid sight and it was definitely not how she wanted to look on her wedding day.

She smiled sadly at Emilien and he frowned but begrudgingly walked away so she could get ready with the spider. Once he was out of sight, the spider climbed on the girl's shoulder and led her to a more private setting.

She then whistled and a bunch more spiders soon lowered themselves next to the girl. As she got out of her ruined dress, allowing the tattered fabric to pool around her ankles, the spiders began to spin out their silk.

🎵Spiders: "The spiders think you're the best, but goodness knows you need a dress. But have no fears, we're quite adept, we'll have you looking lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely yet!"

Some measured, others snipped, and many more began to make a beautiful wedding dress right on her body. She watched in amazement as they intricately worked and weaved, creating a wedding gown before her very eyes.

🎵Spiders: "A little stitch, a little tuck, some tender loving care. A little thread will make it up but we've got plenty as you see, and personally guarantee our quality repairs."

Some spiders that had finished their measuring now went into her hair, combing through it with their thin legs, making it look beautiful, and even placed a bunch of dead flowers in it. She could smell the slight but delicate fragrance of the flowers and a wide grin found its way onto her face, and she was unable to control it.

🎵Spiders: "A little here, I'll fix the mess, we're going to do our very best. When everybody sees you, they will all be quite impressed!"

They were finally finished and (Y/N) rushed to see herself in the mirror. But, as she did, two women waited outside for her, volunteering themselves as her bridesmaids and were busy putting a bouquet together for the blushing bride.

🎵The bridesmaids: "A wedding. A wedding. We're going to have- "


🎵Miss Plum: "A wedding cake is no mistake, it must be quite sublime."

In the kitchen, Miss Plum and her two helpers were working on a large and extravagant cake for the wedding. They all stood over a large pot, Miss Plum stirring it vigorously, while they all added ingredients to it.

🎵1st Chef: "We're missing something."

🎵2nd Chef: "Try some dust."

🎵Miss Plum: "I wish I had more time."

🎵1st Chef: "Perhaps there's something I can do. These bones might help a bit."

As the first chef went to place the bones into the pot, she accidently knocked the second chef, causing his nose to fall into the pot.

"Oh, my nose."


Miss Plum took up her spoon, scooping up some of the cake mixture and the nose, giving it a taste. She was pleasantly surprised by how delicious it was.

🎵Miss Plum: "Wait a minute, that's it!"

🎵2nd Chef: "A little of that."

🎵1st Chef: "A little of this."

🎵All: "The perfect cake is hard to miss. A wedding! A wedding! We're going to have- "

🎵2nd Chef: "A wedding!"


🎵Chorus: "Huzzah! Huzzah!"

One skeleton solider was atop the skeleton horse, sword drawn as if ready to charge. Though, in actuality, he was just excited and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

🎵Chorus: "We're going to have a wedding! A wedding!"

The dwarf skeleton and some of his troops marched up to the soldier, just as eager to leave as him.

🎵Chorus: "Let's all give a cheer because the groom is getting married today! Hooray!"

They all gathered around Emilien, patting him on the back and celebrating with him. He grinned, happy to have so many people on his side and all so supportive on his big day.

🎵Chorus: "One thing you can surely say is we will stand beside. Until the end, we will defend, our groom's lovely little bride! The bride-to-be! The bride-to-be! Right by our groom's side! Huzzah! Hooray! Huzzah! Hooray!"

The dwarf and the soldier stood right at Emilien's side, all three grinning from ear-to ear.

🎵Chorus: "Our groom is getting married today~"

The men became distracted as some from the crowd began to excitedly mumble. Emilien could hear them saying things like 'she's coming' and 'look how beautiful she is'. He couldn't control himself and made his way to the front of the crowd.

He was stunned when his eyes landed on (Y/N). Her dress was beautiful, simple yet elegant, and her (H/C) coloured hair with the flowers weaved into it made her look even more lovely.

🎵Chorus: "Oh, now the bride is here. The groom has waited for this day for many a year."

She had a large smile on her face, as she reached the last step, with her bridesmaids rushing over to hand her the bouquet they made, also consisting of dead flowers.

🎵Chorus: "For this day, for this day, our hopes and our pride. The bride is here."

When they backed away from her, the spiders descended and placed a simple veil atop her head, which they embedded with a spider web pattern to give it some charm.

(A/N: I am a huge fan of Emily's dress in the movie. I think it looks gorgeous and I thought that (Y/N) could wear it in this fanfic. However, you can pick your own dress choice if you do not like this idea.)

(Y/N) spun around, loving how her dress and veil danced with her movements, and she honestly couldn't have been happier. Her wedding day was unusual, to say the least, but it was happening, and she just couldn't believe how excited she was for it.

🎵Chorus: "Here comes the bride~ Here comes the bride. Here comes the bride."

The maggot watched how Emilien gazed at his bride, with so much love and joy. He was so overwhelmed by the heartwarming display that he suddenly burst out into tears.

🎵Chorus: "For this day, for this day, will last forever. All of his friends will work together."

Mayhew and another corpse came over to Emilien, grabbing his shoulders in a supportive manner.

🎵Chorus: "To make it the perfect day he's always dreamed."

The bridesmaids danced around (Y/N), and she watched with smiling eyes. They got to her side and urged her to move on as they all prepared to go up.

🎵Chorus: "Our hopes and out pride. The bride, the lovely bride."


As many started making their way to the top, Miss Plum was putting the finishing touches to the cake. It was huge and made up of many tiers, with small Emilien and (Y/N) figures popped onto the top of it.

🎵Chorus: "We're going to have a party like nobody's ever seen. The living in the land above will not know where they've been. The land above the party of the groom!"

A bunch of skeletons helped to pick up the cake and, once it was lifted, all were off towards the land of the living.

🎵Chorus: "Here comes the bride. On this glorious day of days. Up to the land of the living to celebrate!"

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