Her Magic

By stfubgirl

322 44 8

Avni Mathur a quite, asian girl, loves to live in her own world and being invisible. Until one of her class m... More



17 3 0
By stfubgirl

Avni's POV

"Happy birthday Avni!" My mom and dad said as I sat on the dining table for breakfast.

"Thanks Mom and Dad" I replied without any interest.

My eyes were glued to my phone screen. Somethings are happening at school. This girl named Richa, is our school reporter. It's not an official thing but she has taken permission form the principal and he's said it's fine until it's not bad advertising our school. And I like her channel on I Tube.

Today I'm going to school after two weeks. I was grounded for misbehaving to my parents. And I was the one who got slapped. Huh, parents. And today's my birthday, yay! So happy! Duh!

At school everything is going fine, according to normal world, but there is this very large amount magic and which I can feel. And it's almost over the whole city, but the source of this magic is our school I don't know what's happening but it's definitely not something good. And what making me more curious is that I haven't been to school for ... let's say a long time.

At reaching the school the first thing I saw was the aura around the school, it was calm but powerful. As any normal day many students were roaming near the entrance of the school. I passed by all the crowd and made my way to my first class. As I entered, the class was almost empty as I was 20 minutes early for the class. I sat on my place and organized all my things on the desk.

And then, Leo walked into the class with a very happy face. Well, wasn't he very stressed few days.. well, weeks ago?

"Hye, Avni!" He greeted as he settled on the seat next to me.

"Hi, you look happy today." Fuck, I'm being nosy. "I mean did something happen."

"Yeah, a lot of things have happened." Oh, well I have done a big mistake. "I'll tell you about it, but why were you not coming to school?"

"Things happened." Was my reply.

"I'll take that as my cue to shut up." He stopped. But. "Have you noticed the aura around the school, well the whole city, to be exact."


"Are you going to do something about it? I don't think it's your power. It isn't, right?"

"Do I look like some madwoman to you? Why would I lay my power in open? That too in this amount?" I gave him an odd look.

"Uh, sorry! Are you going to check where is this coming from? I mean this power?" He asked.

"Nah, I don't know who's power is this and I don't want to get caught.. After all having magic is not a normal thing."

"But no-one will know other than you." He said. "And me..", he added.


"But you should at least check once."

"I said no." I stated calmly.

"Fine then. I'm going to check myself." He stood from his seat.

"Leo, wait. Sit down." I tried. But it was of no use. By the time I was getting up from my place, he was almost near the door. Why does he never listen to me?

Ha, great Avni, why in the hell do my mother Mary complexion shows up, when I know I should just shut the fuck up and sit down?

Greatest mystery.

But why in the hell doesn't he understands that it's risky? By the time I gathered my thing and was outside the door. Leo was already on the other end of the hall.

"Leo, wait!" I yelled with all my might hoping that he would listen my voice over all the noises in hall. Which he did. He's fast steps came to a halt. As I walked towards him.

"Are you a fucking idiot?" I started yelling as soon as I was close to him.

"Avni, this is the last time I'm telling you. DON'T CUSS. Or you'll be responsible for what happens next." He huffed while turning back to look at me

"Well, tell me what's your problem with my cussing? Give me a valid reason and I'll stop." I asked genuinely curious about what could be his problem.

"It's just like- nevermind."

"Great then, my cussing is not stopping anytime soon." I confirmed.

"Avni please, just this one request, please." He pleaded.

"Well, I will try." His sudden request made me uncomfortable. Maybe he has some reason or else he wouldn't have pleaded like that.

"Okay, so you're coming with me, right?" He looked at me hopefully, his whole mood changed. What is he? That octopus soft toy? How can his moods change this quickly?

"Why else-" I was cut off by the sound of bell ringing indicating that we should get going to the class.

"We should go to the back of the building if we don't want to get caught by any teacher." Leo suggested.

"No, we are going to the class." I declared.

"Avni, no. A firm no. We are going to check what's wrong. And if you are not coming, then I'll go alone. Easy."

"I'll mind control your as- you and take you to the class." I smirked. "Easy."

"You can't do that." He was actually sacred. This is fun.

"Don't be too sure of yourself." I look at him dead in his eyes.

"So, who will check what's wrong here?"

"We can do that during break."

"But there will be so many kids."

"Oh. Yeah. Fu-" I looked at his face. His was starring at me. "Nevermind. Then we have no another option, I guess."

"So we are going to find out what's wronggg." He sang happily. Kid, I'm dealing with a kid.

We reached the back of our school building. This part of the building was very dark and lifeless. At a second thought, I don't think we are at our school.

But we are at school. The floor was moist, doors were broken and the smell, the smell was awful. Expect a faint lingering smells of a flower. I don't remember the name but it is blue in colour.

As we moved further inside the building. I can practical feel Leo's fear. He was terrified. And it's funny because he was the one who wanted to come.

"Leo." I called. And this boy he literally jumped. I can see his soul leaving his body. I laughed.

"Avni, you scared me." He was pale. Which only added to my laughter. "It was not funny." He pouted.

"It sure was." I said while whipping a tear.

That's when I noticed that one room's door was open and aura around the door was dense and I froze. That's when I thought that it was not a good idea.

But it was already late as a lady stumbled out of the room. And as she saw us her green eyes changed into red.


*intense music playing in the background*
So, who do you think that lady is? What is she going to do to our Avni?

The next chapter will have all the answers. Till then. Bye~

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