
By BonganiWrites

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Friends must try and find a way back to each other after secrets threaten to tear them apart. More

Chapter 1: Fun Games
Chapter 2: Flirt
Chapter 3: Suspicion
Chapter 4: Temptation
Chapter 5: Guilt
Chapter 6: Discoveries
Chapter 7: Revenge
Chapter 8: Resentment
Chapter 9: Confessions
Chapter 10: In too deep
Chapter 11: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 13: When all falls apart
Chapter 14: Confrontations
Chapter 15: Put Out of Control
Chapter 16: Relapse
Chapter 17: Relapse p2
Chapter 18: Mending
Chapter 19: Connecting the dots
Chapter 20: Abducted part 1
Chapter 21: Paternity
Chapter 22: Abducted part 2
Chapter 23: Moment of Truth
Chapter 24: Anxiousness
Chapter 25: It gets messy
Chapter 26: Altimatum
Chapter 27: Curtains down

Chapter 12: Enemy within

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By BonganiWrites

“I have been calling you since Tuesday, where the hell were you?” Tendai tries to whisper to Ndoda who is sitting opposite him at the corner table, in the restaurant they always meet. He really doesn’t look happy as he looks around to see if anyone is listening in on them. It’s been a little while since these two were here in this very restaurant discussing the hit on Tsego Rabadi.
“Hey, hey, hey…calm down okay? I was a little busy with other things, my world doesn’t revolve around yours, okay?” Ndoda says as he jumps in to cut in on Tendai who doesn’t seem impressed by the tone, “Hey, don’t you dare forget that you, buddy, work for me” he says whispering again while looking around. But Ndoda quickly cuts him off once again, “let’s get one thing clear here Mr MEC, I do not work for you, okay?” he says with a face of displeasure. “I provide services for anyone I choose to provide services to. I work on contract and once that contract is done there’s nothing
between us. I hope that’s cleared now” as he looks at Tendai in the eyes without blinking.
For a moment there, this seems to build a little tense atmosphere as both men look at each other without uttering a word. “Okay then, whatever” Tendai breaks the awkward silence as he shrugs his shoulders, “I have another contract for you and I need it closed as soon as possible” as he carefully
and slowly slides a brown A4 envelope towards Ndoda, who reluctantly receives it as he looks around to see if anyone is watching them.
He opens the envelope and he’s wide-eyed when he sees the contents in it. “Look, I need this done ASAP okay?” Tendai says as he noticed the discomfort in Ndoda's eyes who puts the contents back into the envelope and slides it back to Tendai before saying, “No thank you. I think I will pass on this
one” as he looks away to avoid eye contact. This comes as a shock to Tendai, who really didn’t
expect this from the guy he’s always worked with before without any hustles. “What the hell do you mean you will pass on this job?” he whispers, once again looking around the other far occupied
tables. “The money is good, Ndoda. What? You think it’s not enough? Okay then name your price, okay?” as his voice is beginning to rise a little bit.
“Look, this isn’t about money, okay?” Ndoda says way calm voice as he sighs deeply. “Why this guy? What did he do that you want him taken out?” he asks curiously as he restores eye contact with Tendai who seems a little annoyed with that question. “Why does it matter to you?” he says
irritated. “I’m paying you to do a job, not to ask me questions about why, okay?” as his voice is
raised again. “But if you must know, he’s a business rival okay? So there you have it. Now can you do the job? Yes, or no?” he whispers looking around him uncomfortably. “No, I think I’m passing this one Mr. MEC. Please find someone else to do this” Ndoda says as he breaks eye contact again by looking away.
“what the hell is wrong with you? Huh?” Tendai asks irritably. “You wanted to know why and I told you why but you still turn me down?” as he looks at Ndoda trying to force him to make eye contact,
to which he succeeds as Ndoda looks back at him, albeit reluctantly.

“Please don’t tell me, this sudden warmth in heart has to do with a woman, is it?” Tendai is
wideeyed. “Did you find a girl and now you think you will stop being who you are?” as he looks at a visibly nervous Ndoda who pulls away from eye contact, which confirms Tendai’s suspensions. “oh my, it’s

true, isn’t it? You fell in love?” Tendai asks in shock. “okay let me tell you something. Forget about her because there’s no future there. What! You really thought this was going to be like in some movie where you just move on with your life?” as his voice is raised all over again. “Well, news flash buddy, it doesn’t work like that okay? You don’t just get to walk away. This is who you are, Ndoda” he’s upset.
“Find someone else MEC” Ndoda says as he stands up and walks out the door, leaving Tendai sitting there shocked at all this. He lifts up his hand to call on the waiter who arrived quickly. “Please can I have a double of whiskey right now?” he says with angry voice!

Over at Sbu’s house, he is hosting his friends Jabu and Tsepo for an afternoon chill. They are not
really doing heavy drinking since it’s in the middle of the week where everyone is going to be waking up the following day for work. They are however having as few beers and meal outside by the pool area. It’s been a while since they’ve been here just relaxing and having a great time.
“Hey man, thanks for inviting us. It’s really been a very long time since we’ve been here” Jabu says to Sbu as he slips on his beer but Tsepo cuts in immediately, “Nah man, it’s been a long time since
we’ve hung out guys” he says. “What happened with us? What happened to us meeting every other
day?” as he looks at his two friends. “Yeah man, I think we are just all busy at the moment” Sbu jumps in, “But yea thanks for coming guys. I really missed hanging out. Even though it’s midweek where we can’t overdo it, but it’s just great seeing my brothers” as he also sips on his beer. This leads to a moment of silence as though the three friends are thinking deep.
“So what’s up with you man? Is everything okay here at home?” Tsepo says to Sbu as he breaks the silence. Sbu looks at him and takes a deep sigh before saying, “Yeah man, things have been really good. Me and Buhle are getting better with each other and we now make efforts to spend as much time together as possible” with a smile of fulfilment in his face.
“That’s really good to hear man” Tsepo says. “Because I was still wondering who cooked here because I know you can’t, hahaha” he bursts out laughing, to which his friends join him. “Yeah man she cooked for us. But you know what? I really don’t want to talk about me” Sbu says, “So what’s
going on with you, rich boy? How are things with Grace?” as he looks at Tsepo keenly. At the back of his mind remembers that he tried to kiss his friends’ girlfriend and suddenly he’s overwhelmed by a feeling of discomfort as he pulls away from eye contact with Tsepo who isn’t paying attention to
that, but saying “Stop calling me that man” as he smiles. “But yeah man, Grace is okay. We are doing great thank you” he says as he takes another sip of his beer.
“And you, Mr Big Shot Attorney?” Sbu says as he looks at Jabu. “What’s up with you man? You really haven’t been yourself for a while now even when we talk on the phone. You seem very withdrawn, is everything okay?” he asks curiously but that seems to make Jabu feel uncomfortable with the
question and he doesn’t know how to respond to that.
“it can only be a woman man, what else? Hahaha…” Tsepo jumps in as he laughs loud, joined by Sbu but Jabu doesn’t find it funny at all as he remembers that Katlego begged him to not tell anyone about the pregnancy and that he could be the father. “Oh come on man, stop that” is all he could say with a nervous smile to try and hide his feelings. “You know me; I don’t have time for women.
I’m way too busy for that” he says as he takes a sip of his drink.
“Okay then, so what’s bothering you man?” Sbu jumps in, “You know you can talk to us, right?” as he takes a look at Tsepo. Jabu seems very uncomfortable with all this but he’s trying hard not to

show it. But the only picture he has on his head is that of Katlego on the night she came to see him where they made love in the couch.
“Guys I’m fine okay?” he says with a low voice, doing his best to avoid eye contact with his friends. “its just work and all the difficult cases that are lined up these coming weeks. I haven’t slept that much trying to prepare for them” as he takes a sip of his beer. “alright man as long as you’re okay” Sbu says also taking a sip. “yeah man, plus you will do great with these cases so relax man, alright?” Tsepo says as he jumps in. “alright enough with the drama guys” Jabu says with a smile trying to cut this discussion short. “Now can we enjoy the cold beers?” as he lifts his, to which his friends join and
toast with him before they all simultaneously take sips.

Somewhere else Grace is meeting Lumka in their favorite restaurant. It is beginning to be a little busy in this place since it’s the afternoon. People love hanging out late on the day as they sit and the sunset at sea while enjoying their meals, it is no different for these two best friends. They haven’t had time to chill like this in a very long time since both have been busy with their respective careers, so today they decided to make time
“So my friend how are things with you? How is the gorgeous Tsepo?” Lumka asks the blushing Grace with a naughty smile as she sips on her cocktail. “Are you guys pregnant yet?” as she winks, which sends Grace to burst out laughing, “Hahaha, are you insane? What’s wrong with you silly? Hahaha, of course we are not pregnant” as she also takes a sip while blushing at a thought of what her friend has just said to her.
“Oh come you guys” Lumka jumps in there, laughing as well. “I mean what are you waiting for really? You guys look good together” she says as she takes another sip of whatever is in her glass which seems to be getting in to her, no doubt. “What is looking good together got anything to do with getting pregnant? Hahaha, you are so silly” Grace says with a laughter as she jumps in. “Look, we are just taking our time okay? We are not rushing anywhere” she says with a low voice. “Plus
there’s a lot we still need to learn about each other me and him. A foundation of trust must be built without a rush, so yeah that’s where we are at right” as she blushes with a smile.
“Okay” Lumka says as she throws her hands in the air and shrugs her shoulders. “I hear you. As long as you are happy my friend, I’m also happy. You know that, right?” as she lets out a little smile to her friend who just nods and smiles back at her.
"So what's up with the thing with Sbu?" Lumka asks curiously, " I mean, I really didn't get it fully in your text, what was he doing again?" as she takes another sip of her drink. This seems to make Grace a little uncomfortable as she straightens up in the chair and comes closer towards Lumka, who leans forward as well, "Okay get this okay," she tries to speak low. " I was over at Sbu's house the other day..." but Grace doesn't finish as Lumka gives her a look with a raised eyebrow. "No man, it's not like that okay? So please don't give me that look okay?" Grace protest and continues, "I was over there helping Naledi with homework since I had agreed to Buhle that I will help whenever I can. But Sbu came home before Buhle did. So when I was just about to leave, Sbu tried to kiss me. Can you believe that?"
This leaves Lumka wide-eyed in shock, "Oh my God" she raises her voice, " Why on earth did he do that? Doesn't he known that you are his best friend's girl?" she can't believe it. "Of course he knew" Grace jumps in. "He was just being a jerk" she sounds very irritated with that situation.

"Did you tell your boyfriend?" Lumka asks curiously as she sips on her drink. Grace leans forward while looking around the restaurent to see if anyone is listening to them, "Are you insane?" she

whispers to her friend. "You want me to get in between two friends who have known each for such a long time, over something that didn't happen? No my friend I don't think it's a good idea to tell Tsepo about this" as she looks away, seemingly embarrassed. "So, friend you are going to hide this from him?" Lumka asks with worry in her face. "You know that's how dishonesty start in relationships, right? Is that what you really want for yours too?" as she looks at her friend right in the eyes?
"But friend, what will this do to Tsepo?" Grace asks with a low, worried voice. The thought seems to terrify her a little bit. She can't begin to imagine what this can lead to. "Look my friend, nothing happened as you said, right?" Lumka jumps in rght there. "But just think about how Tsepo would feel if Sbu told him first and you had said nothing. Do you think he'd trust you ever again?" as she takes another sip, only a huge one this time.

"Look my friend, I got you okay? I'm not trying to tell you what to do, so whatever you decide I got you" she smiles at the nerveous Grace who seems confused about all this. Luckily for her, food has arrived so she can get to focus on that a little bit and catch a breather from this heavy subject.


The following day, Buhle is meeting up with her friends in a restaurant on a Friday afternoon and are having a chilled moment. It is the usual restaurant by the beach where they normally hang out at because of its vibe, but this time the mood is a little different with each one as they all look a little preoccupied.

"So ladies, we are here in our usual vibey spot chilling and celebrating the fact that we have our friend Lindiwe back from the dead, but why does it seem like people aren't happy to be here?" Buhle asks as she looks around the table at her friends who each look away as if to avoid this awkward question. But she doesn't ease up, "Katli my friend" she says, "I mean today you ordered Juice
instead of the Long Island drink you always order, what's up with that? You are working tomorrow?" This question seems to catch Katlego by surprise as she smiles nervously, looking around the table to notice that everyone is looking at her with curious eyes. She really could use a strong drink right about now, but she knows she can't. The apple juice will have to do.

"No my friend, eish yeah I have an assessment to do at work tomorrow and it is early so I can't afford to be late hey" she says nervously while she tries her level best to avoid eye contact. She then gives Lindiwe a look to see where her head is at since she now knows about the affair with Sbu but Lindiwe is trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh I'm sorry my friend, that is really bad" Buhle says with a smile, "But don't worry we who aren't working tomorrow will drink for you too okay? hahaha" she bursts out laughing to which everyone on the table laughs but rather very reluctantly, especially Katlego. How do you even begin to explain to your friend that you may be pregnant with her husband's baby? If she had things her way, she wouldn't even be here. But Buhle couldn't take no for an answer. But she isn't alone in this boat.
Lerato isn't entirely comfortable with being here herself. Lindiwe, the woman who could have died at the hands of her boyfriend is sitting next to her and she can't even find courage to look at her in the eyes. She's been avoiding eye contact all day and it's not like Lindiwe herself hasn't noticed that awkwardness.

"Lerato what's up with you?" Lindiwe asks curiously. "You don't seem to be yourself today, in fact lately. What is going on with you?" she fixes her eyes on her. This is the question Lerato was hoping to avoid at all cost but she also knows it was bound to pop up somewhere.
"No girl, I'm good hey" she says nervously. "It's just that things have been hectic at work lately, notwithstanding the fact that I'm rather new there. So there's a lot to learn and catch up on" as she takes a sip of her drink. "Oh yeah I almost forgot, your boyfriend hired you in one of his companies, how is that really going?" Buhle asks as she jumps in on the conversation. "Wow I can't believe you actually took a day job my friend, hahaha. I mean who would have thought you'd do that? You must really love this guy huh?" as she smiles at her rather nervously looking friend. "Oh come on Buhle, don't be so blunt like that, what is wrong with you?" Lindiwe says as she looks at Buhle as if to say Did you really have to put it like that?

"Yeah girl I really love this guy hey" Lerato says with a smile. "He is very honest with me and I really feel safe around him. He is definitely not perfect but we really get each other" as she looks at everyone in the table with a smile. That seems to be enough enough to get her out of corner as everyone smiles back at her.

"But enough about me, what's going on with you? "she asks looking at Buhle, "Why are you all excited and all lovie dovie? Are you pregnant?" with that question, Katlego almost chocks on her juice which makes everyone notice but ignore it. "Hahaha, what? "Buhle asks as she bursts out laughing. "Girl don't be silly, I'm not pregnant okay? I'm just happy that things are a little normal at home. There hasn't been much drama lately, if any at all. I took yo'lls guys advice about not taking extra shifts at the Hospital and I decided to hire a doctor to help out at the surgery on a locum basis, you know incase I'm busy at home with my family" as she takes a sip.

"Now you see? That's really good girl. I'm really happy, just keep at that okay. You and Sbu have something going" Lerato says as she lifts her glass to toast but Katlego jumps in right there, "So does that mean no more fooling around with that guy? Who was he anyways?" the question catches Buhle off guard as she chocks a little on her drink.

She is rescued by Lindiwe who jumps in her defense, "Oh come on Katli, drop that okay?" as she raises her voice a little bit. "It happened and now she is fixing things with her husband so please stop with that" she sounds very irritated and her friends can see that and they are probably wondering what's that about. "What?" Katlego jumps in, "I was asking an honest question. I was just wondering if she is still seeing that guy, that's all" as she shrugs her shoulders but Lindiwe cuts her off, "We all make mistakes Katli. Have you never made a mistake in your life Katli?" as she looks at her in the eyes as if to say I dare you to try try me my friend.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" Lerato intervenes as she calls for cease fire. "Can we all calm down a little bit, please. My friend, are you okay? I mean, is everything alright at home between you and Bheki?" she asks softly as she looks at Lindiwe who still has her eyes fixed on Katli. "Well things between me and Bheki are just great. Excuse me, I'm going to the ladies" Lindiwe says as she stands up and leave the table.

She leaves her friends wondering what was that all about as they all look at each other in amazement. But that is probably the breather that was needed as things were starting to get heated in that table.


Bheki is at Tendai's house having a few drinks and discussing business they share together. Things seem to have come back to normal between these two after they had a fallout over the shooting of Lindiwe. It seemed they could no longer trust each other with Lindiwe almost fully recovered, it's all but forgotten.

"You know I had put a contract on Sbusiso Ndimande but my guy is refusing to take the job and I'm really frustrated about it" Tendai says as he frowns of the sip of whiskey he is having. They are
sitting in the balcony of this huge mansion since it’s a little warm this Friday evening. "Sbu Ndimande?"
Bheki asks curiously, "Why would you put a hit on this guy Tendai?" as he also frowns over the sip. "What do you mean, why?" asks in frustration. "For starters, he is a business rival, okay and then he
took that Lauren Analytic contract that was already in the bag for me. As if that was not good
enough he has turned Lauren against me. She is now holding my balls about some business I did with her a long time ago which forced me to give up that Lauren Analytic contract" as he downs whatever was left in that glass. He is frustrated.

"Okay, I hear you man" Bheki interjects to try and calm his friend down. "But we have many business rivals, you in particular have many of those and you have had many people trying to take business from you and you have never ever put hit on the. So why this guy?" he is curious about all this.

This question seems to make Tendai a little upset but he doesn't respond to it. This brings a little bit of silence as both men drink in silence. "Oh no, wait" Bheki says as he breaks the silence, "This won't happen to be about this man's wife, would it?" as he becomes wide-eyed. "Tendai are you using business as an excuse to covert someone's wife? hahaha, oh come on man, you can't be serious about that" he can't help but burst out laughing but Tendai is not impressed at all by that as he can see that his business partner has him figured out. They continue to chill in the balcony for a little while.

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