The Sovereign of the Heavens...

By keishirogane08

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Long ago, the Seven Dragon Sovereigns and the Dragon King perished from the battle with the Usurper King of t... More

Background and Voice-lines
Chapter 1: The Dark Age of the Law (Part 1)
Chapter 2: The Dark Age of the Law (Part 2)
Chapter 3: The Spina di Rosula Case Files
Chapter 4: Turnabout Magician (Part 1)
Additional Voicelines
Chapter 5: Turnabout Magician (Part 2)
Questions about the OC
Chapter 6: Turnabout Magician (Part 3)
Chapter 7: Turnabout Magician - Trial (Part 4)
Voice-lines (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Turnabout Rosa (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Turnabout Rosa (Part 2)

Chapter 8: Turnabout Magician - Trial Latter (Part 5)

1.4K 49 10
By keishirogane08

3rd POV. Opera Epiclese.

Soleil: Let's go, everyone. The adjournment will end soon.

Paimon: But Paimon still doesn't get how are we going to win this case?

Aether: Yeah, I mean her case is watertight.

Soleil: Really? I actually saw the flaw already.

Lyney: Really?

Soleil: It's thanks to the information within her reasoning and from what you told us, Lyney.

Lyney: Eh?

Soleil: Remember the time where we hit our dead end during our investigation?

Aether: Oh, right. You said that we can gain more information during the trial.

Soleil: Exactly. Although, I was hoping that we gain the additional information via the cross-examination.

Paimon: Cross-examination?

Soleil: It is the process where both sides, the witness will be questioned to determine the credibility of their testimony.

Soleil: This is usually done by the defense.

Paimon: Oh, so it's basically interrogation.

Soleil: Well, yeah, but you have to prove how the testimony contradicts with the evidence.

Soleil: But if you can't find any holes from their testimony, you can press them for more details or for clarification.

Soleil: To do so, you also have to be specific about the questions that you'll ask.

Paimon: Woah.....suddenly Paimon got dizzy with all of that information.

Aether: So it's kind of risky to the defense attorneys, as if you mess it up.....

Soleil: Yes, it's over. That is why, cross-examinations are that important, especially to us defense attorneys, as that is our only way to prove the innocence of our clients.

Soleil: Unfortunately, we can't conduct the cross-examination as technically, we are all witnesses of what happened....

Soleil: So yeah, we will be having the same recollections of the events.

Soleil: And it will be time consuming to cross-examine a large number of people.

Aether: So, our only way to find the truth is...

Soleil: To refute the claims of the Hydro Archon.

Soleil: So, technically speaking, we will cross examine the Hydro Archon herself.

Aether: Cross-examine—

Paimon: —The Hydro Archon!?

Soleil: Yes. After all, she was also present when the incident occurred, right? So, technically speaking, she is also a witness.

Soleil: But for her to have that kind of information......that is worthy to undergo cross-examination.

Aether: So, you were really waiting for your time to strike.....

Soleil: Exactly.

Paimon: Yeah! Paimon also wanted to get back at her!

Soleil: Remember your court etiquette. We must do this the professional way.

Aether: We're not lawyers.....

Soleil: Just follow my lead, and you'll be fine.

When they all came back to the court, the trial continues.

Neuvillette: Both parties have finally returned. Let us continue the trial.

Neuvillette: When we last left off, the defendant, Mr. Lyney, accepted the evidence presented by Lady Furina as fact.

Neuvillette: Therefore, Lady Furina may continue to build her case.

Furina: That took long enough.

Furina: Although, why do I feel this familiar sense of pressure?

Furina's eyes land on Soleil who had his arms crossed and eyes closed.

Furina: Soleil is calm and composed.....his defense team doesn't even know what it means....

Furina: But that aura of calmness and tranquility....

Furina: !?

Furina: No....wait.....that is exactly it! Soleil is ready.

Furina: He's about to execute his counterattack!

Furina: This is bad, I have to strengthen my reasoning.....glad I did just that.

Furina: But will he be able to turn this around? When everyone is literally a witness? Right, his only weapon to turn the case around is via cross-examination.

Furina: But since he technically saw what happened as well....

Furina: Ah. Whatever, seems like I got an overwhelming advantage. Let's see how you crumble, Soleil!

Furina: Now then, if everyone would lend me their attention....

Furina: At this stage, the crime scene itself, let's revisit that scene from Lyney's perspective.

Soleil: More like your own perspective. But whatever....let's get this over with.

Furina: As the countdown began, the defendant entered the tunnel.

Furina: When the trolley passed, he opened the box and got an altercation with Halsey, which was the cause of the loud thud.

Furina: This was an error in his part as the sound could be heard by everyone in the opera house, thus his claim he didn't hear a sound.

Furina: Finally, he used the vase to finally knock her out, and make her chamge her clothes to prevent recognition.

Furina: At that moment, Mr. Cowell arrived as he heard the strange noise, and caught Mr. Lyney red-handed. So the defendant also knocked him out and stuffed him into the box.

Furina: Afterwards, Lyney, asked one of his accomplice to move the unconscious Halsey through the magic box in the audience stand, before operating the devices that would rule out that the victim's death is just a pure accident.

Furina: And there you have it, that's the truth behind what happened.

Neuvillette: Does the defendant's side have any objections to Lady Furina's description of events?

Soleil: Of course!

Neuvillette: !?

Aether: !?

Paimon: What!? Hey, shouldn't we think this through—

Soleil: I already have.

Soleil: Your Honor, the defense formally requests to cross-examine Lady Furina's recall of events.

Audience: WHAT!?

Audience 1: A cross-examination to the prosecutor!?

Audience 2: Wait, but how is that possible—

Neuvillette: Order! Order in the court!

Neuvillette: Mr. Soleil, you are well aware that Lady Furina is the current prosecutor. She is not a witness.

Soleil: Objection!

Soleil: She is! By technicality, she also witnessed, just like everybody else, the murder itself! So, she is still a witness!

Soleil: And so are you, Your Honor. You saw the crime itself.

Neuvillette: He' a point.....

Furina was furious.

Furina: W-What in the he talking about!?

Neuvillette: Very well then, I shall grant the defense's request.

Soleil: All right. This is my one time chance. So let's not mess this up.

Aether: So....?

Soleil: A cross-examination is a way to find inconsistencies within the witness' testimomy against the evidence.

Soleil: By pointing out those contradictions, we can point out which is a lie or in this case, a false assumption.

Paimon: Right....

Aether: So, we're going to....

Soleil: Glad that I have an audio and written record of Lyney's testimony.

Paimon: Say what now?

Soleil: Paimon, you wrote down Lyney's account of events, while I secretly recorded it with my audio recording device.

Aether: And if that won't work.....

Soleil: Why? You're my witness, Aether. Did you know, the defense can also call witnesses to the court. Though you are still an attorney at this case....

Soleil: You are still a witness due to the circumstances of this unique case.

Furina: Grrr.....

Aether: Then.....

Soleil: Let's begin.

Soleil then began his cross-examination.

Soleil: All right, let's begin with the second statement. Aether, Paimon, what is said within Lyney's testimony?

Aether: Hmmm, according to Lyney, he left via the vent after entering the tunnel. He couldn't have that altercation with Halsey.

Soleil: Exactly. Then, we know what happens next.

Soleil: Instead of knocking Halsey out, he went to the room that contains the Oratrice's core. Which supports Lyney's claim of not hearimg the thud.

Soleil: Yet he heard something different instead.

Soleil: Then when he returned as per his statement.....

Aether: Lyney only saw traces of the aftermath, Halsey's clothes and the broken vase.

Soleil: And he didn't have the time to process what happened as the countdown is already finished.

Paimon: Hmmmm, that makes sense now....

Soleil: Then, could it be.........!? No way!? Is THAT what really happened!? No, wait, let's not jump to conclusions early in this game. We have to find more information and link it!

Soleil: For now, this is what we can do......

Soleil: Lady Furina, mind repeating your statement after Lyney entered the vent?

Furina: Hmph. If that's what you want, so that it can be clear that it is watertight.

Furina: When the trolley passed, he opened the box and got an altercation with Halsey, which was the cause of the loud thud.

Soleil slams the railing.....

And points his finger towards Furina.


Neuvillette secretly smiled from his seat, as he finally felt that air of intimidation from Soleil.

Neuvillette: Here it comes.

Soleil: Lady Furina, you say that Mr. Lyney had an altercation with Ms. Halsey, you say?

Soleil: However, that statement contradicts this piece of evidence! Your Honor, the defense presents Mr. Lyney's true account of the events!

Soleil presents Lyney's statement.

Soleil: The defendant immediately left the tunnel via the air vent.

Soleil: So it's impossible for the defendant to have that altercation!

Furina: WHAT!?

Neuvillette: So, he finally got his client to tell the hidden truth.

Soleil: You see, when we investigated the underground tunnel, I asked the Traveler and Paimon beforehand to take pictures of everything that could be related to the case.

Soleil presents two pictures, the underground tunnel, and the air vent.

Soleil: My client had a different agenda during that time.

Furina: And what would that be?

Soleil: To investigate the core of the Oratrice which is said to be located on the opera house basement.

Soleil: That's the reason why the defendant had to go through the tunnel as that the only way to the basement.

Furina: How insolent!

Soleil: The moment my client was about to investigate the opera house basement, he heard a voice in what should be an empty room.

Soleil: He decided to retreat as a sign of caution.

Soleil: So, the thud is impossible for Mr. Lyney to hear as he was in a different place during the time we heard it!

Soleil: So, by the time he returned, he already has the dress and the broken water vase.

Soleil: And since he didn't have much time to process what happened as he needed to complete the trick.

Soleil: He went to the box where he was supposed to be when the trick is complete.

This caused Furina to tremble as she felt it again, the feeling of being bested by Soleil was once more.

Furina: H-He managed to break my claims in one fell swoop!

While the audience....

Audience 3: Ah, there it goes! It seems we're about to witness Mr. Soleil's prowess in the court!

Audience 4: I know I heard stories of how he is the only one who can match Lady Furina in court, but to see it in my own two eyes!

Audience 5: Mr.Soleil makes a fair point.

To the defense's side.

Aether: Amazing! He managed to do all that!? So, is this what Lynette said as the full power of the man who ended the Dark Age of the Law?

Then, Furina decided to bounce back.

Furina: So, you believe that the defendant knew nothing of the incident?

Aether: Yeah.

Paimon: Moreover, the prosection's reasoning is entirely flawed.

Furina: M-My reasoning?

Soleil: Allow me to explain.

Soleil: When I further investigated everything, I came to the conclusion that it could be a premeditated crime.

Soleil: Because you claimed that Cowell met Lyney in the undergound tunnel.

Soleil: However, let's assume that Cowell haven't entered the tunnel, who was meant to be killed?

Soleil: Then, what if you said was true, then the defendant only needed to kidnap Ms. Halsey, to cause another disappearance case.

Soleil: That is.....if the defendant is the true culprit. Because if he did, the culprit already gave away himself to me.

Furina: What do you— mean you could've already.....!

Soleil: I am investigating the serial disappearances case for a long time now. From what I already saw, the culprit is elusive, they wouldn't be so foolish enough to leave a trace that can lead me to them.

Soleil: Besides, what would be the point of murdering someone, or specifically, what would be my client's motive if he already had a different agenda on mind.

Soleil: And not to mention, it was a race against time for him.

The gallery began to talk amongst themselves.

Audience 5: Now that makes sense.....

Navia: I know my father told me stories about Mr. Soleil's exploits in court, to think I've witnessed it myself.

Navia: You dumb old man, you could've also witnessed it, and even be here if you just waited for Mr. Soleil to come back and defend you in court!

Then, Furina began to speak......

Furina: Well, well. You never do change, Mr. Soleil.

Furina: You're the same as ever.

Furina: But do you have any conclusive evidence to back up your claim?

Furina: Wait, you said that Mr. Lyney didn't hear the sound because he was somewhere else....

Furina: Can you be more specific about that?

Soleil: Let me remind you, you said that the thud was caused the altercation between Lyney and Halsey during the switch.

Soleil: But like I said, it was impossible.

Furina: Then if it wasn't Lyney who committed the crime......

Furina: Who did?

Soleil: ....

Soleil crosses his arms and closes his eyes as he thinks of who it could be.

Soleil: Alright, Soleil, focus. Let's check about the facts that we have.

Soleil: The cause of death was the suspended water tank crushing the victim, Mr. Cowell, underneath its weight. The suspended water tank fell as its rope was burned by the fireworks.

Soleil: Then, Lyney is already out of the question. Then the only remaining suspects that we have are the other troupe members who could've tampered the props.

Soleil: Hmmm, but....knowing the troupe...

Soleil: There are only a specific number of people within the troupe who can access the props.

Soleil: Then, about the trick itself, only a select few could also know the secret or rather how the magic trick works.

Soleil: As to what we saw on the stage, what we thought was Lyney who briefly came out of the box, was actually Lynette as she can just copy Lyney's appearance by slightly altering her hair and wearing her brother's clothes.

Soleil: Along with another assistant who will be keeping the stage interactions.

Soleil: Then, what about the dress and the broken vase.....? Wait, the dress and the broken vase was discovered by Lyney when he returned......

Soleil: Then how did Mr. Cowell...!?

Soleil: Damn! I knew I already had this same conclusion but I never thought that.....and if I do the process of elimination.....

Soleil: It will totally make sense!

Soleil: Then my conclusion was true all along!

Soleil: The motive was to kidnap Halsey, and Cowell is the culprit behind the serial disappearances case!

Soleil: But....the broken vase and dress.....

Soleil: Does it mean that Halsey put up a fight, and that was the cause of the broken vase and the result is the thud.

Soleil: So, does it mean...Mr. Cowell was the perpetrator but unfortunately, became a victim....

Soleil voiced out his concern that even his team was dumbfounded.

Aether: H-Huh!?

Paimon: T-That's—

Soleil: But he would've also be able to tamper with the props and equipment.

Soleil: So in this case.....!

Soleil points his finger to Furina.

Soleil: The defense formally acuses Mr. Cowell, the victim, as the culprit.

Gallery: What!?

Neuvillette: Oh dear, it seem like he's about create a bluff here or was he really serious.

Furina: Is that so? Then, let's hear your reasoning then?

Soleil: All right, time to get on the offensive this time!

Soleil: But then....if we take into account the Gardes' Testimony of anyone no one leaving....

Soleil: In the first place, why was Cowell in that tunnel? Can I prove that with so little evidence that we have?

Soleil: Wait, the Gardes' Testimony.....

Soleil: Wait, the Opera House was under full security during the magic show! No one will be able to get in or get out! All entrances and exits are sealed!

Soleil: There is no way for the culprit to escape.

Soleil: And that leaves the question....

As Soleil blurted this out.

Soleil: Wait, we overlooked one fact in this case.

Neuvillette: Overlooked one fact?

Soleil: Yes, because......if Lyney is not in the tunnel as proven....

Soleil: Then what about the people who were inside the tunnel?

Soleil: We have proof that Mr. Cowell was inside the tunnel.....what about Halsey?

Soleil: Where did she go?

Soleil: Because by answering this question, I also found the logic behind the thud.

Soleil: It could be the altercation between Mr. Cowell and Ms. Halsey!

Gallery: WHAT!?


Furina: First, accusing the victim as the culprit, and now even spouting ridiculous claims?

Furina: Seems like this is one of your ridiculous court shennanigans, being you cross-examining a talking bird in one of your cases.

Paimon: He did what!?

Aether: Cross-examining a talking bird!?

Lyney: Yep, he did that.

Lynette: And surprisingly, it led him to the truth behind the case and won.

Soleil: ......

Soleil: Hmmm, I guess we have to take a look at this in a different angle.

Aether: Different angle.

Furina: He's surprisingly calm. He's not like before where he would be sweating bullets when he's cornered like this.

Soleil: Yeah, so...let's review the trick behind Lyney's box swapping trick and the underground tunnel.

Soleil: There are only three exits. But reviewing the case this far....

Soleil: There are only three exits, one of them was being occupied by Lyney.

Lyney: The vent.

Soleil: So...

Soleil: I was thinking.....

Soleil: Could it have been.....

Soleil: All right, I know this is going to be much more ridiculous....

Soleil: But please hear me out.

Paimon: Uh oh....

Aether: *gulp*

Soleil: Could Halsey disappeared into water.

Lyney: Wha—!?

Paimon: Disappear into water!? Like Lynette did from the water tank!?

Furina: Excuse my interruption, my dear opponents. But a delay in performance is a sin within this opera house. You know you must not let the audience grow impatient.

Neuvillette: If the defense no longer has any issues, then we shall proceed at the next stage of the trial—

Soleil: HOLD IT!

Soleil: All right, if it's answers you want, then answers you shall get.

Soleil: I think you already know how Lyney was not in the tunnel, and the sound that we heard must've been from the clash between Mr. Cowell and Ms. Halsey.

Soleil: So, all I have to do is to prove it.

Soleil: Now then....

Soleil: The broken vase which contains water.....could have been a way to make Halsey......

Soleil: "Disappear"

Aether: But that was already ridiculous! If you are comparing it with Lynette being able to do the disppearing into water trick inside the water tank....

Paimon: Yeah, but how is that even possible as Lynette's performance was also explained.....!

Soleil: I know, but because there is something that's been bugging me....

Soleil: And I know making such a ridiculous claim is my only shot to get to the truth.

Furina: You really are desperate now, aren't you, Mr. Soleil? You know that the magic trick and Halsey's disappearance are two completely different cases!

Soleil: Then! We just have to examine the victim's belongings, since the defense accused them of being a culprit.

Furina: Huh? There is no need for that.

Soleil: Objection! There is! Mr. Cowell's belongings must've contain information!

Soleil: The defense formally requests for the inspection of the victim's belongings!

Neuvillette: Where are you going with this, Your Eminence?

Neuvillette: And what is your basis on this, Mr. Soleil?

Soleil: The Prophecy.

Neuvillette: The Prophecy....? Why?

Soleil: There is a part in the prophecy that mentions everyone dissolving into water.....

Soleil: So, it could be that there is a way to dissolve someone......

Soleil: With water.

Neuvillette: .....

Neuvillette: Very well. I also believe that additional evidence will give us more progress in our trial. Gardes, please proceed to the lounge and have an investigation on Mr. Cowell, the deceased's personal effects.

After some time, a Garde returns and steps on the stage.....

Soleil: Mr. Esmond?

Esmond: As requested by the defense, we performed an investigation on the victim's possessions.

Esmond: And just as the defense suspected, we made critical progress.

Esmond: We discovered several test tubes of fluid within Cowell's baggage, each labeled separately.

Esmond: The notebook from his backpack claims that these fluids are "Water from the Primordial Sea."

Neuvillette: The Primordial Sea...

Soleil: What? Wait, don't tell me that....! Water from the Primordial Sea can....

Esmond: The notes' content also indicates that Cowell belonged to an organization that sells illegal drugs, and that he had an accomplice.

Soleil: An organization.....? Then, could it be that the culprit is rather than one person....

Soleil: They are an entire organization? I also thought of that but's probably going to be clear.

Esmond: The notebook contains entries concerning safe usage of these fluids, in which the keyword "dissolve" appears many times.

Aether: Uh oh....

Paimon: Wait, then Mr. Soleil's theory is....

Esmond: One of these tubes was labeled "Opera Epiclese" along with yesterday's date. It is empty.

Esmond: The notes also state that the dissolution properties work exclusively on people from Fontaine. It's likely that Halsey was chosen as some sort of test subject.

Esmond: As such, the defense's claim is in fact, supported by sufficient evidence.

Soleil: Why do I have a bad feeling regarding this.....?

Aether: Hm? Why?

Soleil: I don't know. It's just....we have our lead as to how the disappearances could occur....

Soleil: If that is so.......

Soleil: Then once we ask the Garde who is behind all of this....

Soleil: Then....

Paimon: Then he could be dissolved!?

Soleil: But we have to get through the bottom of this, right now! We can't let this lead slip by!

Soleil: Mr. Esmond, what do you mean about the test tubes being labeled as "Opera Epiclese," the date, and the said bottle being empty?

Esmond: Probably the place and day where the culprit will conduct one of their acts, and from what I said earlier, looks like the disappearances are some sort of experiment.

Soleil: Experiment.....?

Soleil clenched his fist in anger by the horrendous act.

Soleil: So, if the Water from the Primordial Sea can do that, then that means the prophecy really is true and is just around the corner.......

Audience 6: You've got to be kidding, people dissolving from water!?

Audience 7: Could something ridiculous as the defense's claim be actually true!? Also, the Prophecy!?

Soleil: Hold it! Please! The culprit could be amongst our midst! Do not provoke them any further as the danger they pose is now clear!

Neuvillette: I agree with Mr. Soleil on this one.

Everyone in the gallery are actually talking amongst themselves about what happened.

Neuvillette: Your Eminence, it seems like you finally made a breakthrough. But proving your claim is very dangerous.

Neuvillette taps the ground with his cane to gather the attention of the court.

Neuvillette: Order! Order in the court!

Neuvillette: It is undeniable that further examination of the deceased's personal effects has yielded some surprising results, but we cannot yet verify the veracity of these clues.

Neuvillette: Still, let us assume that these clues are authentic — albeit with the understanding that Ms. Halsey has yet to be found.

Neuvillette: Gardes, please continue examining the items along these lines.

Neuvillette: Now, I would like the defense to continue with this line of reasoning, particularly explaining how the deceased died.

Soleil: Hmmm, now that you mentioned it. We have to prove how Cowell died?

Soleil: And how exactly did he end up inside of the magic box?

Lyney: There are also some pieces of evidence that don't line up, like the hook that you said was found in the tunnel.

Aether: Yeah, or what if the Water from the Primordial Sea was already prepared ahead of time?

Soleil: Do tell?

Aether: Inside the magic box was balloons, that is what we found out.

Soleil: So the hook is some sort of mechanism to....

Paimon: Pop those balloons and let out the Water from the Primordial Sea! Also, it seems that choosing the target was planned too by rigging the number generator!

Soleil: Then....

Soleil: With all of that in mind.....

Soleil: Okay....thanks for the insight. I think I can build a case from the information that we have.

Soleil: All right. Here it goes.

Soleil: So, the plan of Mr. Cowell is to tamper with the water tank rope and the number selector, securing his target.

Soleil: When the magic box containing Ms. Halsey was lowered, the metal hook would retract to pop the balloon at the top of the box.

Soleil: When that happens, the Water from the Primordial Sea inside the balloon would pour down and dissolve Ms. Halsey.

Soleil: Afterward, Mr. Cowell would enter the tunnel and break the water vase to cover his tracks, with the water tank being utilized as a means of covering dissolved Halsey....

Soleil: However, he encountered something he never expected within the tunnel, and thus he ended up with his fate. 

Soleil: But I still believe that Mr. Cowell had that altercation with Ms. Halsey, but due to the fact that we have an evidence that can literally dissolve people into water....

Soleil: We need more information. I think something is still missing here.

Soleil: This is only what we have for now, and we'll strike with everything we have!

The audience began to make sense of it. While Furina...

Furina: Oh no, Soleil sounds convincing now, and I admit I am also convinced. But still, why does Soleil look like he's not satisfied. As if he is still searching for something.

Soleil: But as it stands, my claim of someone dissolving via the Water from the Primordial Sea is dangerous.....

Soleil: We need a witness who could've saw the account....

Neuvillette: Your Eminence, it seems like you is aware of the gravity of your claim. If I were in your place, I would've also said the same thing.

Neuvillette: To think you found the answer already with little information. You already realized the truth, yet cannot prove it because of how dangerous it was.

Soleil: For now, it was also stated in his notebook that Mr. Cowell had an accomplice, if we can confirm their names, then perhaps we can call them to the stand.

With that suggestion, they waited for the Gardes to finish the investigation of the victim's personal items. This also lead to search the items of the magic troupe for the possibility of being one of the said accomplices.

Until, one guard has returned.

Soleil: Mr. Vaughn.

Vaughn: Ah, Mr. Soleil, it is my honor to present the conducted search.

Neuvillette: I have also received the said results.

Soleil: Here we go.

Aether: So, it finally led to this, huh.

Paimon: Yeah, who would've thought.

Soleil: But keep your wits on you. The battle isn't over and things could might be as well turn around against us once more.

Lyney: Now that you've said that.....

Aether: Yeah, I feel like something bad is about to go on.

Vaughn: The Gardes had completed the search of the items amongst the people involved in the case.

Vaughn: And we found an identical sample of Water from the Primordial Sea among Mr. Lyney's items.

Soleil: WHAT!?


Lyney: Wait, I don't get it! Why is there a sample of the Water from the Primordial Sea among my items!?

Lynette: That can't be!

Furina: Hahahaha! Oh, I see. Well, how wonderfully comedic, to have your own counterattack to comeh back and wound you?

Soleil: I knew it! Something isn't right!

Soleil: But if the murder weapon has been found on you on court, there will be no excuse!

Soleil: Think, Soleil, it could've been planted by Mr. Cowell, maybe his plan is to frame Lyney as the culprit to the disappearances case.

Soleil: But, what could've happened that led to Cowell's death? Also, we've already proven that Lyney was innocent from all charges!

Soleil: Then, my only chance is to find the contradiction between Furina's statement once more!

Furina: My dear citizens, my dear audience, allow me to present my reasoning and bring this performance to a swift close.

Soleil: Then, bring it on!

Furina: Oh, it seems like Mr. Soleil is now desperate....

Soleil: Oh yeah, maybe I am.

Soleil: And don't worry, just like back then.....

Soleil: I'll turn it all around!

Aether: Hey! Soleil, you know we're already at a disadvantage here—

Soleil: Aether, Paimon....

Soleil: Let me tell you something about being a lawyer.

Soleil: This is something that I always passed down amongst my junior attorneys as well.

Soleil: "It is when the worst of times that a lawyer should force their biggest smiles!"

And like he said, Soleil smiled, shocking his team.

Paimon: How can you even smile like that—

Soleil: Lyney, Lynette.....

Soleil: I'll always believe in you two.

Soleil: You may be members of the House of the Hearth.....

Soleil: But I know how beautiful your souls are.

Soleil: So that's why.....

Soleil: Leave this to me, your big brother, okay!?

Lyney: Mr. Soleil.....

Soleil: I say....

Soleil smiled as he points at Furina.

Soleil: Bring it on!

Furina: asked for it!

Furina: Lyney did not need to take part of the dissolution of the young woman at all. Indeed, he did leave the scene via the vent.

Furina: Having made modifications to the props beforehand, his accomplice Cowell then caused Halsey to vanish using the Water from the Primordial Sea.

Furina: But upon his return, in cruel avarice, Lyney desired sole credit and prepared to do away with his partner-in-crime.

Furina: Ultimately, he knocked Cowell out, and the tool meant to cover the crime up also became a murder weapon.

Furina: Now, as much as I regret having come to such a viciously straightforward conclusion, it does seem that the famed Fatui is quite the cold-blooded and ruthless organization...

Furina: Am I right, Mr. Lyney?

Soleil thinks hard along with his defense......

Soleil: Oh no.....

Soleil: Damn it......

Aether: We've used up all the evidence we have....!

Paimon: Maybe using the water was too good of a move.

Soleil: No.....there must be something think....

Soleil: There has to be

Soleil: We've been debating that Mr. Cowell and Ms. Halsey had that altercation in the tunnel.

Soleil: There was the broken vase and the Ms. Halsey's clothes.....

Soleil: And if we're going to recall, the Water from the Primordial Sea can only dissolve people, specifically those who hail from Fontaine.

Soleil: Wait, hail from Fontaine......what if...the girl was......!

Soleil: Your Honor! The defense formally requests, Ms. Halsey to take the stand!

(Play this theme - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ~ Pursuit Theme)

Aether: Huh!?

Paimon: Wha—

Lyney & Lynette: WHA—


The audience began to make a commotion and talked about the absurdity of the request.

Neuvillette taps his cane three times in a row to maintain order in the court.

Neuvillette: Order! Order! Order in the court!

Neuvillette: Mr. Soleil, do you realize the position you're in now?

Neuvillette: I am well aware of the fact of your absurd requests in calling witnesses to the example was when you called a talking bird to the stand....

Soleil: Don't bring that up now! But it did led us to the truth!

Neuvillette: Now, you're calling someone who is considered dead to the witness stand?

Soleil: Objection! I am sure of it! Also, Ms. Halsey wasn't dissolved.

Furina: Objection! Ridiculous! I can't even believe that your ridiculous antics could be this far—

Furina: be it!

Furina: Prove it! Prove it here in now that Ms. Halsey didn't dissolve!

Soleil: Oh yeah, I—

???: HOLD IT!

(Stop the music at this point)

Gallery: !?

Soleil: !?

Everyone looked at the one who raised their voice, and it turns out to be none other than Navia.

Navia: Phew! I just made it in time. Didn't think that you finally reached that conclusion, Mr. Soleil.

Neuvillette: What's the meaning of this, miss?

Navia: Ah, my apologies for interrupting. But I agree with the defense on their claim.

Navia: In fact, rather than tell, I'll just show it to you.

Soleil: Wait, Miss Navia, are you saying that.....!

Navia: That's right!

Lyney: Wait, but even if Mr. Soleil did actually have proof that Ms. Halsey is alive.....

Navia: That is why, I'll just show it rather than tell. So, prepare yourselves for this magic trick!

Audience 7: What in the world is she saying?

Navia: Then, Mr. Lyney, would you be so kind to do the honors? Of course, Spina di Rosula already prepared the necessary items.

Lyney: Um....

Lyney looks at Soleil whom the latter nods.

Lyney: Very well then....

Lyney: And....

With the snap of his fingers....

Lynette: And voila!

The spotlight shines into the magic box.....

Navia: Now then, Mr. Soleil.....can you repeat your line once more? About calling Ms. Halsey to the stand.....

Soleil: Then....

Soleil: The defense formally requests Ms. Halsey to take the stand!

And with that.....

The box opens and reveals a young woman....

???: Uh, um....sorry for the interruption.

This surprised the gallery.

Audience 8: Wait, isn't that Halsey! Wait, that's really her!

Audience 8: So, the whole thing people dissolving into water isn't true?

???: To be clear, I'm only here because this person told me that if I testify, my sentence would be reduced.

???: I was hiding outside this room, listening to the proceedings because I was afraid that I would be the one to put on trial.

???: I was just happy because I thought no one had noticed me, until the defense attorney claimed that I was still alive and called me to the stand.

???: I was about to make my escape but before I knew it, she caught me.

She looked at Navia.

Navia: I told you not to underestimate us three.

Soleil: Then.....witness, what is your name and occupation?

???: My name isn't Halsey. My true name is Liliane, I am from Mondstadt.

Audience 9: A thief!?

Audience 10: Woah, woah, woah!

Soleil: Then, Ms. Liliane, would you mind to testify as to why you were hee during the show?

Liliane: Of course.

Then, Liliane proceeds to the stage.

Liliane: I heard the news that Lyney will perform.

Liliane: However since I had no mora, I had to steal for a living.

Soleil: So, you are a thief?

Liliane: Yes.

Liliane: That is how I make a living, I steal stuff from here and there.....even avoiding you, Mr. Soleil as you can catch me the moment I began to steal within your line of sight.

Liliane: Anyways, back to my story. I've never been caught before, until Lyney noticed me in the harbor and caught me in the act.

Paimon: Hey! So that's why you look so familiar!

Soleil: You met her?

Aether: Yeah, when Paimon and I arrived here in Fontaine, when Lyney and Lynette was introducing us a little bit of Fontaine, we saw a thief running away and we tried to catch her.

Lyney: But we didn't caught her.

Soleil: What a strange twist of fate, I would say.

Soleil: Anyways, such a skilled thief, yet you still got caught.

Liliane: Yes.

Soleil: Now then, would you mind if you testify on this court upon the events during the box switching trick.

Liliane: Alright.

Liliane: When I was chosen, I decided to go along with the show as I look for my chance to escape.

Liliane: I mean, I don't want to be sent to the Fortress of Meropide. I mean, Lyney mentioned it, and it is a prison, so you know how I feel, right?

Soleil: And Mr. Wriothesley will have another headache to deal with.

Liliane: But as I was looking for an opening to escape, water just suddenly poured on me for no reason.

Liliane: And then, someone tried to nab me in the tunnel. Of course I wasn't going to take that lying down, so I knocked Cowell out cold and stuffed him into the box.

Soleil: ...!

Liliane: With nowhere else to run, I decided to change my clothes and hide inside of a box containing performance costumes.

Liliane: I waited some time then, after the first Garde arrived at the scene, I took the chance to slip out and hid within the opera house just as Mr. Soleil had claimed.

That was the end of her testimony.

Paimon: Can a person really hide in there?

Aether: I mean, she's a professional thief. So....

Soleil: Hmmm, then we have to redo our order of events...

Soleil: And with this......

Soleil: I can finally wrap around this case once and for all.

Soleil: Give me some time, and then.....

Soleil: We'll end this once and for all.

Soleil closed his eyes to revisualize the whole case.

Having the expression of solemnity written in his face, Furina and Neuvillette knew it's about time.

Furina: There it is.....

Neuvillette: It's time.....the moment he closed his eyes like that, is the moment the case will turn upside down.

As to Soleil.

Soleil: Okay, think this through carefully and review the case from the beginning if we missed some facts.

Soleil: So, Lyney entered the tunnel as soon as the trick began. He then ran towards the vault to investigate the Oratrice's core.

Soleil: While that was happening, during that short amount of time, Halsey, who was trying to find a way to escape because of her supposed crimes tries to find a way to break out of the other box that was carrying her towards the box that was on the stage.

Soleil: However, little did she know that she's the next target for the serial disappearances, thus the Water from the Primordial Sea was poured on her.

Soleil: But it is clear that she's with us today, so what's the reason why she didn't dissolve?

Soleil: The Water from the Primordial Sea only dissolves Fontainians.

Soleil: That is how she was still in one piece. Ms. Liliane hails from Mondstadt, not from Fontaine, so she won't dissolve. So having her clothes wet, she panicked and tried to get out.....then that means.....

Soleil: The thud that was heard was Liliane's attempt to break outside of the box.

Soleil: But unfortunately for her, she was caught bt Mr. Cowell.

Soleil: And according to Ms. Liliane's testimony, she knocked Mr. Cowell out cold. 

Soleil: That could be the reason why there was the broken vase! It was collateral damage from their fight.

Soleil: Seeing this....she decided to hide unconscious Cowell inside the box.

Soleil: She then hid inside the box full of costumes and hid there to wait for her chance to escape.

Soleil: And during that time....the incident happened.

Soleil: So, does Ms. Liliane aware of what could've happened next? No? She wasn't.

Soleil: All right let's not overthink this and get back to Cowell....

Soleil: The crime was premeditated.....

Soleil: Then that means the water tank was meant to be a cover up to the crime.

Soleil: Then the means......!

Soleil: The culprit intends to frame Lyney for the serial disappearances case by sabotaging his magic show.

Soleil: That's the sole motive of Cowell! But it failed and led us to this tragedy.

Soleil: But then.....Cowell was also following orders, so......that this very moment, within this court......

(Stop the music from here)


Soleil: Of course! They wouldn't be able to do that crime without the mastermind being present!

Soleil: The mastermind was under our noses all along! Even watching this trial as we speak.

Soleil: But I don't have much evidence and information right now.

Soleil: At the very least, this will clear Lyney's name!

Soleil opens his eyes....

Soleil: *inhale*

Soleil: *exhale*

Soleil: Then.....let's begin.

Soleil: All right. Here's the truth.....

Soleil: We already know about what happened to my client during this time. Now, I would like to present what happened to Ms. Liliane during the time of the switch.

Soleil: Ms. Liliane was already in a panic when she was selected out of the blue to be the audience who will participate in the magic show.

Soleil: Of course, the fear that she was recognized by Mr. Lyney turned into a panic the moment she entered the tunnel all because it was the defendant's way to capture her and take her to the authorities.

Soleil: However, that wasn't the case with the defendant.

Soleil: Now, having the Water from the Primordial Sea poured over her, her panic grew stronger that made her go to an adrenaline rush and was able to kick the door of the box.

Soleil: This was the thud that we all heard.

Soleil: But the moment Ms. Liliane got out, her hopes was dashed when she saw Mr. Cowell within the tunnel as well.

Soleil: The same goes for Mr. Cowell as he never expected that Ms. Liliane didn't dissolve, as she was from Mondstadt.

Soleil: So they had the fight, having Ms. Liliane being the winner by knocking  Mr. Cowell out, and breaking the vase as a result of their fight.

Soleil: After that, she quickly moved the unconscious Mr. Cowell inside the box. From there, she then hid within a box full of costumes and as she bides her time to escape.

Soleil: That was a few moments later when the defendant came back and saw the aftermath of the struggle.

Soleil: And then, the rest was history as we know it. Ms. Liliane wasn't even aware that would kill Mr. Cowell.

Soleil: I mean, that is safe to say that the victim was already unconscious when he died, so we can conduct an updated autopsy report to check the concussion that was caused by Ms. Lilian.

Soleil: As for Ms. Liliane, she just waited for an opportunity to slip by. However.....she was caught by the President of Spina di Rosula, Miss Navia.

Aether: Then, she knew she would have to leave the Opera House through the Garde inspection. So she has been trapped here for two days as well.

Navia: She was desperately hungry by the time we were chatting over macarons, so she swiped them right under our noses.

Paimon: And that's the whole story, ladies and gentlemen!

The audience claps at this.

Audience 10: Bravo! Bravo!

Audience 7: So that's the whole story.

Neuvillette: Now then, Lady Furina, would you like to speak against the defense's claims?

Furina: I....uh....

Furina was nervous.

Furina: Ugh, it's all over. Soleil already won....

Neuvillette: Please answer the question, Lady Furina. Also, the trial has not yet ended. As such, I request that the prosecution not leave the court before the proceedings have adjourned.

Furina: Ugh! Are you reading my mind now!?

Furina: *sigh*

Furina: No, I have no further arguments. I admit defeat. But really, could you at least have left me with some dignity?

Paimon: Wow, look at that. She's like a deflated balloon now.

Soleil: I'm really sorry, Furina.

Neuvillette: Then, if there are no objections, let me summarize the case once more.

After Neuvillette summarizes the turn of events....

Neuvillette: While there is much in Mr. Lyney and Ms. Liliane's conduct that should be investigated separately....

Neuvillette: This case, at least, can be handed over to the Oratrice to make the final decision.

The Oratrice lits up its final light as the scales tip towards the defense.

Neuvillette inserts a ticket to the Oratrice's slot, then the machine emits out a burst of light.

Then a ticket is ejected from the slot and Chief Justice takes to read the verdict.

Neuvillette: Now, this court finds Lyney and Lynette....

Neuvillette: Not Guilty.

Everyone cheered....

Paimon: Hahahaha! Victory!

Aether: That was amazing!

Lyney: Thank you, thank you very much.

Soleil: Wheeew......finally.....

Soleil staggers a little bit but Lynette prevents Soleil from falling down.

Lynette: Thanks for the hard work, Mr. Soleil.

Soleil: You're welcome.

Navia on the other hand.

Navia: Great work, partners!

Silver: I knew I heard Mr. Soleil as an amazing lawyer but to see him in action....

Melus: Hahaha! Truly indeed! As expected from the man who ended the Dark Age of the Law.

Back in court.


euvillette: But before we adjourn....

Neuvillette: I would like to bring up some issues.

Neuvillette: Notably....

Neuvillette: I think we need an explanation, Garde Vaughn.

Neuvillette: How did you find the Water from the Primordial Sea from Lyney's baggage?

Furina: Right, your discovery led me to cause a serious mistake, you know.....Or was not that a discovery, but false evidence that you dared bring in to court!

Soleil: What.....? Seems I overlooked at that possibility but nonetheless....

Soleil: Wait, Your Honor, are you implying that Mr. Vaughn was the accomplice of Mr. Cowell?

Vaughn: I....uh.....

Neuvillette: Garde Vaughn, you know what you must do to lessen your sentence.

Furina: Speak quickly, unless you want to earn yourself a one-way ticket to coupon-town (Fortress of Meropide).

Vaughn: I-I was just following orders!

Vaughn: We were supposed to put the blame on Lyney for the serial disappearances and cause suspicion to fall on the Fatui. The higher-ups said that this was the best opportunity to do so.

Soleil: But now that your plan has failed, and the methods of carrying out your crime has been revealed, you are now a liability to the organization.

Soleil slowly stands straight but Lynette carefully places a hand on his back just in case.

Soleil: You know how I've been waiting for 20 years to get a lead on your organization. Now that you're cornered, you will tell us what you know right now.

Vaughn: Y-Yes! I will tell you everything I know!

Vaughn: Our boss discovered that the Primordial Seawater can dissolve people.

Vaughn: It can also be made into a potion which, when extremely diluted, can cause people to experience unforgettable exhilaration.

Vaughn: We've been in this business for a while now and have made decent Mora off it. The disappearances were also the boss' idea. I mean, this is the boss we're talking about, the—


Vaughn then dissolves into water.....

Soleil puts a protective arm over his friends.

Crowd: HUH!?

Soleil: What the!?

Aether: He turned....into water.....

Paimon: What just......!?

Lyney: And now, he can no longer talk.

Soleil: It seems like they still managed to get away, huh......

Neuvillette: An outrageous act. All present submit to inspection immediately!

That also mark the end of the trial.

With that in mind.....Soleil decided to take a nap as he was exhausted for the day.

But little did he know, the discovery of the Primordial Seawater will lead to another case to open up.

The Case of Callas the Unfaithful.

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