
Від LifeBlood93

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Thomas Morgan has been single for about a year since he got out of a relationship where his trust and faith i... Більше

Character Info
Chapter 1: Coming Around
Chapter 2: Father And Son Bonding Time
Chapter 3: A Night Out Interrupted
Chapter 4: The Pursuit Continues
Chapter 5 Part 1: Takeover
Chapter 5 Part 2: Titles and Hearts
Chapter 6: The First Date
Chapter 7 Part 1: Bad News
Chapter 7 Part 2: Katherine
Chapter 7 Part 3: "I Love You"
Chapter 8: The Tour
Chapter 9: Ablaze
Chapter 10: The Aftermath
Chapter 11: Leaving The Hospital
Chapter 13: The Day After
Chapter 14: Appreciating Her
Chapter 15: The New Place
Chapter 16: Workplace Visit

Chapter 12: Outside Fisiticuffs

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Від LifeBlood93

It had been a few months since Tom had the pins in his leg removed and the road to a full recovery was under way and he was finally able to work out again.

Another month later, and Tom had put on more muscle and the difference was very much noticeable, Priscilla certainly noticed as she kept glancing at him whenever they would work out together and she would blush whenever she could see the muscles in his arms moving about.

Then one day, Tom was feeling rather guilty about having the people closest to him looking after and so to make it up to them, he decided to show his gratitude by taking them out for dinner which they eventually agreed to but they got to choose where.

It was eventually settled on them going to eat at a local bar that also had a full menu to choose from.

Tom was in the spare bedroom of his father's place after having a shower and after putting on some boxers, he saw the scars on his body that were left over from the accident and also the surgeries that he had.
Whatever excitement he had to see his friends was quickly disappearing as the insecurities about his scars were starting to creep to the surface.

A sense of sadness washed over Tom and he sighed as he put the rest of his clothes on which included a long sleeve metal band shirt, some jeans, a pair of sneakers and a leather jacket.

Tom went downstairs and grabbed his keys and wallet and he left the house after giving his dog Cairo a dog treat.

He got in his car and he headed to the bar where his friends, family and girlfriend were waiting for him.

He eventually arrived at the bar and he parked his car but he stayed there for a few moments while he gathered himself.

Tom: fuck, here we go.

He took a deep breath and then he got out of his car and headed inside the bar.

When got inside the bar, he looked around and he eventually spotted everyone at the bar and he went over to them.
His sadness slowly started to disappear as soon as he laid eyes on Priscilla and he smiled at her.

Priscilla was the first to notice him and a twinkle in her eyes shone bright with a big smile on her face as she quickly went over to him and she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

Priscilla: hey baby !

Tom: hey.

Priscilla: it's good to see you.

Tom: it's good to see you too.

When they pulled away from the hug, Priscilla pulled his face closer to hers and she kissed him on the lips and then she grabbed his hand and led him over to his father, brother and best friends.

Priscilla: hey guys, look who's here !

Tom's father, brother and best friends all happily greeted him.

Charlie: hey son, glad you're here.

Josh: me too bro.

Michael: how are you feeling ?

Andrea: are you okay ?

Daniel: yeah, this is the first time you've gone out since the fire.

Tom: I'm fine.

Priscilla could tell that Tom wasn't completely fine but she wasn't about to keep asking because she knows that he will tell her when he's ready and so they all sat down at the bar and while they began talking, Michael had brought up the topic of a new place as Tom had been looking at new places to live.

Michael: so Tom, how has the hunt for a new place been ? I remember you telling me that you've been on the look out for one.

Tom: yeah, there's a place that seems promising but I'm not holding my breath to be honest.

Charlie: do you like it ?

Tom: yeah, there's a great view from the bedroom window and it's not far from the trails that I usually take Cairo on, there's a garage for my car, the kitchen looks awesome and there's even a guest room for when I'd have guests over.

Josh: is it in your budget ? I mean I know that you'll have enough due to the insurance but are you going to be okay managing it all ?

Tom: yeah, I'll be alright, thanks for showing concern though, I've already got plans for it if I do manage to actually get the place.

Daniel: hope you get it dude.

Andrea: yeah, you deserve a bit of luck given the shitty time you've had.

Priscilla put her hand on Tom's hand and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Priscilla: we're all here for you Tommy.

Tom smiled properly and he kissed Priscilla on her forehead which Andrea thought was cute.

Andrea: you two are so adorable together.

Priscilla smiled.

Priscilla: thanks girl.

Charlie smiled at Tom and Priscilla together as he knew that his son has found someone who truly and genuinely cares about him and makes him happy, he saw examples of this throughout the first half of his recovery and so did Josh and Tom's best friends.

Then as Tom was talking with everyone, a small group of loud and arrogant guys came into the bar and they sat down by the jukebox and shoved someone away who was minding their own business.

Tom, Priscilla, Charlie, Josh, Michael, Daniel and Andrea all turned back to their drinks at the bar.

Andrea: assholes.

Tom, Priscilla, Charlie, Josh, Michael, Daniel and Andrea all chuckled and they continued with their evening not letting the new arrivals ruin anything, that was until Tom had left his seat to go to the public restrooms and while he was gone, one of the arrogant guys who was overheard as being called Chris had seen that Tom had left his seat and he got up and came over to Priscilla and failed miserably in trying to take her from Tom.

Chris: hey.

Priscilla: hello.

Priscilla turned back to Tom's father, brother and friends but Chris wouldn't take the hint.

Chris: so I noticed that you were with somebody.

Priscilla: yeah, my boyfriend.

Chris: so ? He doesn't scare me, if I want, I'll take you from him.

Charlie: that's my son you're talking about, boy.

Chris chuckled and taunted Charlie.

Chris: well you're precious baby boy ain't here so what's he gonna do, and what are you gonna do old man ?

Josh: you'd better watch your mouth, lad.

Andrea: why don't you fuck off back to your buddies over there ?

Chris: I will as soon as this one leaves with me, until then, I ain't leaving.

Michael saw that Tom had just come out of the public restrooms and he started snickering along with Daniel.

Chris: what are you two laughing at.

Daniel: you're about to find out, loser.

Chris: I ain't no loser man, the only loser here, is the guy that ain't here.

Michael: care to say that to his face ?

Chris: gladly.

Priscilla then chimed in.

Priscilla: well now is your chance to do so.

Chris: huh ?

Josh: he's right behind you, dumbass.

Chris: (laughs) good.

Chris got up from Tom's chair and he turned around to see Tom wasn't happy at all that Priscilla and his family and friends were being bothered and so he started telling him to leave.

Tom: you'd better go back over to your friends.

Chris: (scoffs) or what ? What are you gonna do.... Wait a minute, aren't you that guy that was in that house fire not long ago.

Tom: yeah ? What of it ?

Chris: well I would imagine that you might not be up to the task at keeping your girl here happy so I think I'll just take her from you.

Tom: not an option.

Chris: oh come on, it's not like you can stop me, you're probably still recovering so you won't be able to do anything to me.

Tom: wanna test that theory ?

Chris: yeah, you know what ? I think I will, so do something then.

Tom: not in here, out there.

Chris: (laughs) what ? Are you afraid to get your ass beat in front of everyone here including your girl ?

Tom: nope, it's just that I like it here and I'd hate to make a mess when I kick your head in.

Chris: (laughs) oh hohoho ! You're really that confident huh ?

Tom: maybe, but I also know that when a dumbass like you starts flapping their gums the way you are, they aren't shit, and I certainly ain't going to let you disrespect anyone I care about.

Priscilla admittedly was getting turned on by Tom defending her and his friends and family but with his family and friends right nearby, she tried her best to hide it.

Tom and Chris walked outside the bar and they stood facing each other and Tom took his jacket off and placed it on a nearby bench.

Chris: (scoffs) alright then, let's do this, but I'll be taking your girl though.

Tom: no you won't.

Chris held his fists up and immediately charged at Tom who managed to dodge out of the way and then he saw an opportunity and punched him square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

Then, Chris' friends came bursting outside and they all rushed Tom and then they knocked him to the ground but then, Charlie, Josh, Michael and Daniel came after them and started attacking them back.

During the fight, Tom managed to get back up and punch one of the guys in the ribs and one of the others in the jaw, but then Chris got back up and tried to attack Tom from behind hut was warned by his dad and then Tom turned around and hit Chris in the face, breaking his nose.
Tom then turned to face Chris who was lying on the ground, covering his broken nose.

Tom: I fucking warned you lad, now for the last time, leave my girl alone or it'll get worse, understand ?

Chris got up and started walking towards Tom but thought twice when he noticed that Tom's dad, brother and friends were right behind him and so he ran away with his hand over his nose along with his friends.

Tom turned back to his father, brother and friends and he asked if they were okay.

Tom: you guys alright ?

Michael: dude are you kidding ?

Daniel: you were the one who got attacked.

Josh: yeah, you got attacked by those dickheads.

Charlie: how are you son ? Are you okay ?

Tom: yeah, I'm okay, just a little sore is all... now let's go back inside.

Priscilla watched from inside the bar and while she watched Tom defend her, she had decided that she wants to talk to Tom after they leave the bar.

Priscilla: fuck, I love him so much.

Andrea: (laughs) yeah, I know you do, you're practically blushing at watching him defend you.

Priscilla had forgot that Andrea was right next to her and she turned to see that Andrea had a smirk on her face.

Andrea: (laughs) go on, take him home... if you know what I mean.

Andrea wriggled her eyebrows.

Priscilla: but wouldn't that be disrespectful to his dad ? it is his dad's house.

Andrea: well he's not exactly going to be there is he ? Just make sure that you guys aren't caught in the act.

Andrea: don't worry, I won't say a word girlie.

Priscilla: alright, you make a good point.

Andrea: (giggled) I know, now go and get your man.

Priscilla knew Andrea wasn't lying, she wanted to show Tom exactly how she loves him tonight and she didn't want to wait to show him and so when she saw Tom come back inside the bar, she walked right over to him and she hugged him lightly and she kissed him.

Priscilla: thank you baby.

Tom: I'm not about to let some jackass disrespect you, I love you and I won't let that happen.

Priscilla blushed and then Andrea covered for Tom and Priscilla by suggesting that they both leave and get some "rest".

Andrea: hey guys, maybe you two should get on out of here and bet some peace and quiet huh ?

Luckily, the guys and Tom's father and brother all agreed.

Charlie: yeah, why don't you get some rest son, I'll see you back at the house okay ?

Tom nodded.

Tom: okay, sorry about that, guys.

Josh: hey, there's no need to say sorry mate, you were defending your girlfriend.

Daniel: yeah dude, get some rest after kicking that guy's ass.

Michael: sorry dude, I with them, go and get some rest.

Tom: okay, fine but we'll go out again but during the day yeah ?

Josh: (chuckles) fucking hell yes, now piss off and get some rest.

Tom: (laughs) alright fine, damn.

Tom left the bar with Priscilla and she got into her car after kissing Tom on the cheek and watching him drive away.

A little bit later, and Priscilla had just come out of a convenience store with a rather crafty smile on her face.

She got in her car and while she was driving, she looked over at a bag on the passenger seat and she bit her lip and she looked towards the road.

Priscilla: oh baby, just you wait.

Meanwhile, Tom was at his father's place and he was sat on the couch and he was watching some tv until he heard a knock at the door.

Tom turned the tv off and he got up and he walked over to the front door and he opened it to see Priscilla stood there with a plastic bag and a black bag in her hands.

Tom: oh, hey.

Priscilla: hi baby, can I come in ?

Tom: sure.

Tom let Priscilla in and he closed the door and then he turned to face Priscilla.

Tom's: what's up ? Is everything okay ?

Priscilla: everything's perfect Tommy, there's actually something that I wanted to talk to you about... is that okay ?

Tom: yeah, sure.

They sat on the couch and Priscilla placed the bags on the coffee table and she faced Tom.

Priscilla: first off I just wanted to ask, are you sure that you're okay ?

Tom: yeah, I'm a little sore but I'm fine.

Priscilla: so you're not lying to me then.

Tom: I'm a shit liar, you'd be able to tell by looking right at me, I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face.

Priscilla: okay, I'm just making sure.

Tom: so what's this all about then ?

Priscilla: like I said, there's something that I wanted to talk to you about.

Tom: okay, fire away.

Priscilla: okay so you know how much I love you right ?

Tom smiled.

Tom: yeah ?

Priscilla: well there's something that I've been thinking about asking you about but I'm not sure whether you would like to or not.

Tom: what are you talking about ?

Priscilla: well what I mean is.... If you want, maybe we could... take the next step together ?

Tom: what do you mean ?

Priscilla realised that it would be better to just show him what she meant and so she carefully straddled him and she kissed him passionately and also slipped her tongue in while doing so.

When their faces pulled away, Tom blushed as Priscilla playfully bit her bottom lip and looked right into his eyes and it was then that he realised what she was talking about.

Tom: o-oh... y-you mean.... It.

Priscilla: to tell you the truth baby, seeing you defend me the way you did really did it for me, so I was just wondering if you would like to... be together, if you know what I mean.

Tom blushed and it was quiet for a few seconds and then Tom gave his answer.

Tom: y-yeah, if you're really sure, then yeah, let's do it.

Priscilla smiled.

Priscilla: really ? You're sure ?

Priscilla looked deep into Tom's eyes and she saw a look that she had never seen before but she was more than excited for, she knew he wanted to.

Tom: yeah.

Priscilla kissed Tom passionately and she could tell that while Tom's hands were on her waist, he wanted to put them somewhere else.

Priscilla: go for it baby, grab my butt.

Tom grabbed Priscilla's butt and he squeezed it making her moan.

After they made out on the couch, Priscilla then stood up and she grabbed the two bags with items inside and she grabbed Tom's hand and she led him to the room that he was currently staying in at his father's home.

(Smut section so skip ahead if you don't want to read it)

After they closed the door behind themselves, Priscilla then pinned Tom up against the door while his hands were on her butt and then she started pulling him towards the bed while still kissing him passionately.

When they were both right next to the bed, Priscilla then started by taking her shirt off as she could tell that Tom was a little bit nervous about taking his shirt off.

She then threw her shirt on the ground and she took her pants off revealing what she had on underneath her clothes which were now on the floor.

Tom was speechless as he admired her body and Tom took off his shirt and then he took off his jeans albeit slower than when he took his shirt off.

Priscilla could tell that he was insecure about the scars from his surgeries and so she attempted to ease his worries by grabbing a hold of his hands and looking into his eyes and telling him that she isn't bothered by them.

Priscilla: hey baby, I know that your scars still bother because it's all over your face, you don't need to be though, I loved you before your scars and I'll love you after them...... and besides, you make scars look sexy.

Tom: a-are y-you sure ?

Priscilla nodded and raised an eyebrow with a playful smirk on her face as she ran her fingers across the scars on Tom's right leg which made him start to get hard and so she looked into his eyes once again but this time, she ran her tongue across her upper teeth as she had an idea.

Priscilla: baby, sit on the edge of the bed please.

Tom: okay.

Tom sat on the edge of the bed and Priscilla turned around so that her back was facing Tom and she gradually and slowly gyrated her hips in a circular motion as she lowered her butt onto Tom's crotch and started grinding her butt up and down.
Priscilla could tell that this was making him harder which is what she wanted and then stopped grinding and then she turned around and stood in front of Tom with her hands on her hips as she looked at Tom up and down with a seductive look in her eyes.

Priscilla: mmmm baby, look at you.

Then as Tom was still sat on the end of the bed, Priscilla proceeded to take the rest of her clothes off until she was completely bare.

Priscilla saw the look on Tom's face which she thought was cute as he was blushing even more.

Priscilla: oh look at you baby, you're as red as a tomato, I love seeing you like this, it's cute as hell.

Priscilla got Tom to stand back up and she crawled onto the bed and she looked back at Tom with an inviting gaze on her face as she beckoned him onto the bed.

Priscilla: come and join me Tommy.

Tom climbed onto the bed and as he got closer to Priscilla, a crafty grin appeared on her face as she held him by his arms and she pushed him down on the bed and she got on top of him and straddled him.

Priscilla could feel Tom's hands on her hips and while she liked it, she had other ideas and she grabbed his wrists and she held them above his head while she got closer to his face.

Priscilla: uh uh, keep your hands above your head, no matter what baby, until I say otherwise.

Tom: o-okay.

Priscilla bit her bottom lip with a smile on her face.

Priscilla: mmm, good boy.

Priscilla started trailing kisses from his lips down his chin and then his neck and she continued kissing down his body until she reached his boxers and she looked back up at him.

Priscilla: (tsk, tsk) we're gonna have to do something about these now aren't we ?

Priscilla slowly pulls Tom's boxers off him and she threw them on the floor along with the rest of their clothes.

Priscilla: (playful giggles) won't be needing those will we ?

Then as she turned back to face Tom who still had his hands held above his head, she saw his manhood for the first time and a lustful gaze appeared on her face.

Priscilla: oh my, that is something baby, you've been a naughty boy hiding this from me (tsk, tsk, tsk), naughty boy indeed (playful giggles).

For the next ten minutes, Priscilla gave Tom the best head that he had ever had and by the end of it, Tom was breathing heavily.

Tom: (heavy breathing) holy shit.

Priscilla looked up at Tom and she smiled as she wiped her thumb across her lips and licked her thumb clean.

Priscilla: mmm baby, I knew you'd like that.

Priscilla crawls back up to Tom and he could now tell that the make up around Priscilla's eyes was a mess due to her eyes watering from taking him as deep down her throat as she could.

Tom now decided to repay in kind and so he hand his hands on her waist as they began kissing again.

Tom: it's your turn now.

Priscilla: h-huh ? What ?

Tom flipped Priscilla around so that he was now on top of her and he was kissing her lips again.
When he pulled away from the kiss, Priscilla saw a devilish look in his eyes which she would come to know all too well and he grabbed her forearms and held them above her head as he looked right in her eyes.

Tom: now it's your turn to keep your arms above your head.

Priscilla: oh baby.. I'm rather liking this side of you.

Tom trailed kisses from her neck down her body and then for the next ten minutes or so, he went down on her and by the time she got close, Tom stopped and he looked at her as her whole body was quivering and she was pouting.

Priscilla: ohhhhh, not fair.

Tom crawling back up to her face and he kissed her and he slipped his tongue in and she did the same.

For a moment, they looked into each other's eyes and Priscilla asked Tom if he still wanted to continue.

Priscilla: baby, before we go any further, I just want to let you know that you don't have to do anything else, it's already been so amazing with you, but if you want to as well, then we can continue this.

Tom nodded.

Tom: yeah, I want to as long as you do too.

Priscilla smiled lovingly at Tom and a soft twinkle appeared in her eyes.

Priscilla: okay, but there's something that I want you to do first.

Tom: what's that ?

Priscilla: reach into that plastic bag on the bedside table and get one out of the pack.

Tom looked in the bag and he saw that it was a pack of protection that Priscilla had brought with her from the convenience store and he got one out of the pack.

Priscilla: hand it to me.

Tom gave it to Priscilla and she tore the wrapper open and she pulled it out and then she grabbed Tom's manhood and she placed the protection on and threw the wrapper in the bin.

They both looked into each other's eyes as the anticipation built and then Priscilla nodded at Tom.

Priscilla: okay baby, you can....(gasp) oh my gooodddd.

Tom teased her entrance and then slowly slid his protected manhood inside her until he was fully inside.

Priscilla could feel how deep he was inside her which she liked as she was smiling as he started to thrust slowly in and out.

Priscilla: oh baby... mmmm yeahhhh.

A little bit later and Tom started to pick up the pace as he was going faster and she had her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and her hands were on either side of his face as they kissed while Tom continued thrusting in and out of her at a gradual pace.

Then, five to eight minutes into their love making, Tom had an idea and so he pulled out of her for the moment and Priscilla looked confused.

Priscilla: baby ?

Tom: trust me on this.

Priscilla: but what are you doing ?

Tom smiled devilishly as he flipped Priscilla over onto her stomach and she started giggling playfully.

Tom lifted her butt up and Priscilla held herself up until Tom pushed her back down so that her face was in a pillow.

Priscilla: oh my god baby, I didn't think that you'd do anything like this.

Tom: you bring it out of me.

Priscilla: and I'm glad I do because I'm loving this.

Tom hovered over Priscilla while she was still bent over with her face in a pillow and he spoke into her ear with a gruff tone to his voice.

Tom: well you're gonna like what's to come next.

Priscilla: oh I know I will baby.

Tom: good girl.

Hearing that almost made her knees buckle and so she wriggled her butt in front of him and he grabbed a hold of it with one hand and he grabbed a hold of his protected manhood with the other and he teased her entrance once more and then he thrusted it inside her which made her moan loudly.

Priscilla: ooohhhhhhh fuuuuck !

Tom placed both his hands on her hips and he started thrusting in and out of her and he was gradually pick up the pace faster and harder and when he would look down at her, Tom could see her butt jiggle with every thrust.

As Tom proceeded to pound her from behind, she then propped herself up with her hands on the headboard and she looked back at him as she was moaning loud and roughly.

Priscilla: oooohhhh baby ! Oooohh hoooooly fucking shiiiiiiiit !

Tom then without thinking started spanking her which caught her by surprise but then a sexy smile appeared on her face and she bit her bottom lip and moaned as she begged for Tom do it again and again.

Priscilla: ooohhh baby, do it again, spank me again baby !

(Smacking noise)

Priscilla: ooohhhh yeah baby, again !

(Repeated Smacking noises)

Priscilla: oooohhhh fuck yeah baby, ooohhhh I love it !

Then ten minutes later, and Priscilla could tell that Tom was getting close so she asked him to flip her over onto her back.

Priscilla: (heavy breathing) baby, are you getting close ?

Tom answered as he was pounding her from behind.

Tom: (heavy breathing) uh huh.

Priscilla: then flip me over, I want to look into your eyes as you do.

Tom quickly pulled out and then flipped Priscilla over onto her back and then quickly thrusted back inside of her and continued to pound her from the front.

This went on for five more minutes until Tom decided to grab Priscilla's legs and put them over his shoulder and because of this, he was pounding deeper inside of her which she very much liked as she smiled from ear to ear and she moaned even louder than before.

Priscilla: ooohhhhhhh shiiiiiiittt ! Ooohhh my gooooood !

Tom continued to go faster and harder until Priscilla's legs were just dangling over Tom's shoulders as if they were limp.

Then came the moment where Tom was getting close again and he continued what he was doing before as Priscilla's arms were now wrapped tightly around him as she maintained direct eye contact with him while their foreheads touched.

Tom could feel himself getting closer and closer until he let go and released inside of her with protection on.

Priscilla: oh fuck yes, fuck yes, f-fuuuuuuuuuuckkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And with the last few thrusts that he had in him, Tom leaned in and growled in Priscilla's ear as she dug her nails in and dragged them down his back.

They laid there on the bed for a little bit longer while they gathered their breath and they were holding each other in their arms.

(End of smut section)

After they gathered their breath, they eventually showered together and then Tom got into some shorts while Priscilla had put on a shirt and some shorts and she tied her hair into a messy bun and then they got under the covers and they talked for a little bit.

Priscilla: honestly baby, I gotta tell you, I was really liking your more... assertive side, and they do say that you have to watch out for the shy ones, ain't that the truth baby.

Tom: (chuckled) it was amazing babe, I loved every second of it.

Priscilla placed her head on his chest and she wrapped her arms around him and she draped one of her legs over him.

Priscilla: come on Tommy, let's get some sleep because we both have to go to our respective workplaces tomorrow.

Priscilla then gasped.

Priscilla: (gasp) what are your dad and brother going to think of me if they see me coming out of this room ?

Tom: it's simple, we won't tell them what we did, I'll just say that you got worried about me and so you came over to check on me and ended up sleeping over.

Priscilla: (cute yawn) that's a good idea...... Goodnight baby.

Tom kissed Priscilla's forehead.

Tom: goodnight babe.

Tom and Priscilla were exhausted after they had their first time together and it wouldn't take long for them to fall asleep fully and so they went to sleep and awaited the morning.

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