Hopeless Love (☆Scott McCall...

By VelvetDreams82

4.8K 214 70

Beacon Hills. Home to all kinds of supernatural. It's been that way for decades, a safe haven. That was unti... More

Wolf Moon
Second Chance At First Line
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
The Tell
Heart Monitor
Night School


120 9 0
By VelvetDreams82


Ashton waited until all the players made their way to the field, moving to sit next too, Matt, as he had come to find out his name.

Matt looked beside him, smiling as he noticed Ashton. "Hey, didn't know you watched practice."

"I don't." Ashton responded. "But I was bored." Lie, big, big lie.

Matt nodded. "Got it." He chuckled. "So, you and Wesley still going out?"

Ashton barely registered the question, watching as Scott rammed into player after player. "What the hell is he on?" He muttered.

Matt laughed, shrugging. "Who knows. It's McCall, so."

"Yeah, enough said." Ashton chuckled, the conversation ending as Matt moved, getting in the line-up, only to immediately be taken out by Scott.

Ashton laughed quietly as Jackson made an excuse, walking off the field and going towards the bench. "Not wanting to get hit?"

Jackson shook his head, sitting on the ground, his body resting between Ashtons legs. "Nah, he's being weird."

Ashton shrugged, gently massaging the teens shoulders. "Isn't he always?"

"True." Jackson chuckled, slipping off his helmet and looking up at his bestfriend. "So, why are you here?"

"See him?" Ashton whispered, glancing to number 14. "Derek's new beta. I'm keeping an eye on him."

Jackson nodded slowly. "So, what? You're the packs keeper?"

"Well, when you put it that way-"

They both stopped talking as three officers walked onto the field. One being Stilinski.

Ashton looked between the officers and Isaac as he walked away with them. "I'll see you later." He mumbled to Jackson, standing and jogging towards the school exit.

"How're you gonna convince him to come?" Ashton asked, slipping into the backseat of Derek's car as he drove up to the school.

"That's why you're here." Derek replied, rolling to a slow stop and looking out the window to Scott.
"Get in."

Scott scoffed. "Are you serious? You did that. That's your fault."

Derek sighed. "I know that. Now get in the car and help me."

"No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up." Scott replied, taking a few steps down the stairs.

"Not when they do a real search of the house." Derek informed.

"What do you mean?" Scott questioned.

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse." He paused. "Alot worse."

Ashton sighed, leaning forwards. "Motus." He muttered, flashing a small smile to Scott as the car door opened. "Come on, little wolf, don't make us force you."

Scott sighed, walking down the stairs and getting in the car. "Better be worth it." He whispered.

Derek rolled his eyes, driving off faster than what would be deemed safe.

"How'd you even turn him?" Scott questioned. "I mean, why Issac?"

"It was my idea." Ashton stated. "Isaac needed something, he needed control."

Scott paused, pointing to Derek. "So, you're turning them. But you," He turned, looking at Ashton, "You're the one choosing them."

"Guess we make a good team." Ashton muttered, glancing at Derek.

Ashton followed behind Derek and Scott as they walked into the house, looking around and taking in the furniture and pictures.

"If Isaac didn't kill his father, who did?" Scott asked, glancing between Derek and Ashton.

"We don't know yet." Derek responded, walking further into the house.

"Then how do you know he's telling the truth?" Scott questioned.

"Because I trust my senses." Derek stated. "And it's a combination of them." He looked to Scott. "Not just your sense of smell."

Scott swallowed, avoiding Derek's eyes. "You saw the lacrosse thing today."

"Yeah." Derek responded.

"Did it look that bad?" Scott whispered.

Derek took a breath, putting a hand on Scott's shoulder, moving him further into the house. "Yeah."

Ashton chuckled, looking around the house. "Imma look around." He told them, moving into one of the other rooms as they made their way downstairs.

Derek had already been here, with Ashton, directly after the lacrosse practice. So Ashton had no interest in having to re-explore everything with Scott.

Ashton walked down the hallway, opening the first door. He looked around the room.

It was obviously, a bedroom. But it looked like it hasn't been used in years. There were boxes all over the floor, the bed covered in photos and small belongings.

Ashton walked further into the room, looking down at the dresser. He picked up the silver medal on the dresser. "Fifth place, Beacon Hills swim team." He muttered, running his thumb over the engravement.

He put the medal back on the dresser, walking out of the room and back down the hallway just as Derek walked out of the basement.

Ashton frowned, looking around. "Where's Scott?"

"Downstairs." Derek replied. "Think you can get a ride? I'm heading to Stiles's."

Ashton nodded, walking past Derek and going downstairs. "Scott?"

"Right here." Scott called back, glancing up from the freezer.

Ashton walked down the stairs, walking up behind the beta. "Feeling it yet?" He whispered.

Scott nodded, closing his eyes, focusing on his breath before opening them again. "It's fine."

Ashton chuckled. "Got a plan?"

Scott nodded. "The freezer will make a good-" He turned, his breath hitching as his chest brushed against Ashton's.

Ashton raised an eyebrow, looking down at the wolf. Though he didn't have too look down much. "Problem, little wolf?"

Scott shook his head, clearing his throat. "No, no problem."

Ashton paused, tilting his head. "Actually, there's something I've been wanting to ask you."

"Ask away." Scott replied.

"Stiles thinks I'm your anchor, not Allison." Ashton confessed. "Is he right?"

Scott stuttered, chuckling. "What? No. No, of course not."

"You're a bad liar." Ashton replied. "Tell me the truth."

"I am." Scott replied.

"Chế cao su đã." Ashton murmured, pausing as he saw Scott's pupils dilate. "Am I your anchor?"

"Yes." Scott replied, blinking away the spell and staring at Ashton with confusion. "You used magic on me."

"That I did, yes." Ashton chuckled. "Wouldn't of had too if you had just told me the truth."

Scott looked down, avoiding the others eyes as his hands moved to the freezer, leaning his back against it.

"Why?" Ashton questioned. "Why not Ally?"

"I don't know." Scott whispered, shrugging. "I thought it was her, but when I thought back.."

Scott took sharp breaths as the coach continued to yell at him, hitting the desks, getting closer.

He could feel his heartbeat rising, feel himself slipping. It was taking everything in him to not lose control. It just too much.

"He needs to stay calm, and breath.."

Ashtons voice carried over the coaches, just barely. But enough for Scott to hear it.

"One of my favorite incantations lets me make a flame in my hand that turns into a butterfly. I've done it everyday since I was ten..."

He swallowed, slightly looking back as Allison put her hand in his, a small smile covering his face. But still, all he could focus on, was Ashtons voice.

Scott roamed the halls, his claws scratching the walls of the school. A growl slipped past his lips as he heard Allison's lips, walking towards the chemistry rooms door.

He slid the key into the door handle, twisting it. He didn't want too, but it felt like his body was on autopilot. But the animal in him, the part that listened to Peter, it wanted to break into that room, wanted to kill them. All of them.


Scott paused as he heard Ashtons voice. He sounded hurt. Why was he hurt? Scott's vision flashed to red, his fist raising, fully preparing to break the door.

"Don't do it..Scott, please. Don't hurt them.."

Scott paused as the words registered. Imagines flashing through his head. The first time Allison and Ashton walked into class, when he went to pick up Allison for the party and Ashton glared at him the whole time, when they were at the clinic.

He broke off the key, ignoring the frantic shouting as he ran down the hallway.

He needed to get to Ashton. He could hear the short breaths.

No, no. He needed to get help. He could run and get help.

Scott groaned as he fell to the floor, covering his head as he felt his canines retract back into his gums.

He panted, looking up as sirens blared, seconds later, police and EMTs running through the doors.

"Scott?!" Stilinski yelled, moving towards him, a paramedic in tow.

"Ashton, he's in the gym." Scott panted, looking at the EMT. "He's unconscious."

The paramedic nodded, rushing off towards the gym.

Stilinski sighed. "Get outside, we'll get the others."

Scott swallowed once he was done explaining, his voice just barely above a whisper. "I didn't realize it at first. But, then I did. She was there, but it was your voice. Then the memories at the school..every one had you in it."

Ashton sighed. "When did you figure it out?"

Scott shrugged. "The night Derek became the alpha."

Ashton nodded. "Why not tell me? You know I wouldn't of judged."

Scott sighed. "Isn't it, I don't know, weird? I'm with your sister, you're with Wesley."

"Why does that matter?" Ashton whispered.

Scott looked up. "What would she say?"

Ashton paused, tilting his head to the side as he thought. "I don't know. You gonna tell her?"

Scott shook his head. "No."

Silence filled the room for what seemed to be hours. But, the moon was getting higher.

Ashton cleared his throat, stepping away from Scott. "Should probably start getting ready."

Scott nodded, walking over to the end of the fridge, taking off the chains. He hissed, his eyes flashing gold.

"Scott?" Ashton called, walking over as the beta walked away from him, moving to sit on the floor, the chains in his hands. "Scott." Ashton tried again, kneeling beside him.

Scott glanced at Ashton, his eyes a dim gold. "I can't-"

"You can." Ashton interrupted, mentally cursing his sister for not getting here sooner, since he was smart enough to know Scott told Derek his plan, who then told Stiles, and then Stiles would tell Allison. So, she should've been here by now.

Scott shook his head, looking back down at the floor, closing his eyes.

"Hey, no." Ashton whispered, running a hand down up Scott's back. "Open your eyes. Look at me."

Scott did as he was asked, slowly opening his eyes, looking to the Argent. "I don't want-"

"To hurt me?" Ashton chuckled. "Little wolf, I could snap your neck in seconds. Trust me, there's little you could do to hurt me right now."

Scott chuckled, his teeth just barely sharper than normal. "Good to know."

Ashton wrapped an arm around Scott's shoulders, letting the teen rest his head on his shoulder. "Just match your heartbeat with mine."

Scott nodded, closing his eyes as he focused on the others heartbeat. It was slow, and steady. "How are you always so calm?" Scott whispered.

"Magic." Ashton replied.

Ashton looked up as the front door opened, the sound echoing around the house. "That's Ally. I'll send her down." He said, moving to get up.

He turned as Scott grabbed his wrist, barely taking note of the claws that now replaced his nails. "What?"

Scott swallowed. "Don't leave."

Ashton smiled, moving his hand to wrap around Scott's. "I'll be right upstairs. Promise."

Scott nodded, his gaze returning to the floor as Ashton walked up the stairs.

Ashton ran a hand down Allison's back as she leaned against the basement door. "He'll be okay."

Allison nodded, following Ashton as they walked into the kitchen. "What?" She muttered, hitting the flashlight against her palm, her breathing shaky as she set it on the counter.

Ashton stood just behind her, staring out the window.

Both twins tensed, theirs breaths catching as a clear hiss came from behind them, almost exactly like a snake.

Allison covered her mouth, Ashton slowly turning around.

Allison grabbed Ashtons arm as a creature, yellow slitted eyes, stared back at them. Unwarranted screams of terror and shock slipping past their lips.

Ashton froze as he stared at the creature. It was, ungodly, almost like an abomination. He knew he had heard about something like this, but he couldn't put a name to it.

But something about it, it's eyes. Something was familiar to him. Too familiar. It made Ashtons whole world stop. It was like he knew, who or whatever this was.

Normally, he would use his magic right now. Would stop it's heart or throw it against the wall. But he couldn't. He just stared.

Even as Allison grabbed a knife, her voice bouncing off the walls, Scott breaking through the door and standing in front of them.

The only thing that made him move, was when the unknown creature jumped onto the wall, baring it's teeth to them as it climbed onto the ceiling. Ashton, then, stepped forward, only stopping when Scott held his arm out, keeping him in place.

"Motus." Ashton whispered, knocking the animal off the ceiling, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding when it ran off.

Scott walked forward, looking at where the creature ran off. Allison soon behind him.

"What the hell was that?" Allison questioned, dropping the knife she had grabbed.

"I don't know." Scott replied, glancing at Ashton. "You good?"

Ashton slowly nodded, looking down as Scott turned to check on Allison. He glanced back out the window, looking around.

Something was wrong. Very, very wrong.


(2261 Words)

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