One-Punch Man: Reincarnated a...

Galing kay Jaggernuts28

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A young man named Takashi Kamihitotsu, he's a 27 year old man who just got fired from his rude boss for screw... Higit pa

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Season Finale)
Epilogue Chapter
Relabeled Season.

Chapter 2

599 25 18
Galing kay Jaggernuts28

Note: i've been busy and lazy these past few days, so i decided to take breaks after I posted a new chapter. That's all i'm gonna say, just keep reading and liking this fanfic!

Disclaimer: One-Punch Man characters belong to the creator himself, ONE.





Chapter 2:
The Unknown Cyborg.

Last time, Naomi decided to volunteer to recruit Saitama to joining the Hero Association. Right now, Naomi is at her part time job while grabbing canned foods inside a box and putting them on the shelves.

"*Sigh*..." Naomi sighs. 'When will that guy show up? I'm starting to feel that he's at a different supermarket.' She thought as she finished putting all of the canned food on the shelves and walked away with the empty canned food box.

Then she looks to the right as her eyes suddenly widened.

"That'll be 482 yen, please." Said the old cashier lady.

"Alright." Said Saitama as he goes through his wallet again.

It was him, she saw the Bald man with a Cape. She puts down the empty box as she was about to approach Saitama until suddenly, four guys were wearing black masks, grey beanies, and grey pants and black shirts, while holding guns and pointing them towards the people inside.

"This is the robbery! Give us all of your food and money, now!!" Said one of the robbers as the people inside panicked in fear while they put their hands up.

Naomi hid behind the shelves while Saitama was still standing in the open.

"Hey! You there!" Said a robber walked up towards Saitama.

He was still going through his wallet while not noticing four criminals inside.

"Put your hands up like them! And give me your money!" Said the robber as he points his gun in Saitama's head.

"Hold on." Saitama replied while still going through his wallet.

"I said put them up! And give me your cash!" The robber demanded while Saitama just ignored him. "Don't make me shoot you!" He threatened, but Saitama wasn't fazed and still looking for money through his wallet. "You asked for it, Baldy!" He said as he triggers his pistol. The bullet was coming towards Saitama's shiny bald head as it suddenly deflected and shoots instead one of his own robber buddies.

"WHAT THE- WHAT THE HELL MAN!? WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO HIM!?" One of his robber buddies yelled at him as he started sweating.

'W... W-what the hell happened? Did the bullet just ricochet off of this guy's head?' The robber thought while his other two robber buddies were yelling at him.

"HEY! WE'RE TALKING TO YOU!" Said one of the two robbers yelled.

"I-it wasn't me! The bullet ricocheted off of this guy's bald head!" The robber replied while sweating.

"Don't lie to us, traitor! You just want the cash and food on your own!" Said one of the two robbers as the two of them pointed their pistols towards him.

"It wasn't me, I swear! Watch!" Said the robber as he shoots Saitama's head and ricochets back to him.

The robber collapses on the ground while his forehead had a bullet hole. The last two robbers were in shock.

"Here, I have 582." Said Saitama while he puts down 500 and 82 yen on the counter as he looks straight to see the cashier was gone.

Saitama looks over the counter to see the cashier was hiding while shaking in fear.

"Uhh... Why're you hiding?" Saitama asked while with a confused look.

"Don't you noticed!? There's robbers at the entrance! Get down or you'll die!" The old cashier lady warned as Saitama looks towards the entrance of the supermarket to see two guys standing while the other was dead.

"Oh, I didn't noticed there's a robbery going on. Oops." Said Saitama kind of surprised.

The two remaining thieves were trembling in fear as they pointed their guns towards Saitama.

"D-don't move! Or we'll shoot you!" Said on of the two last thieves while in a nervous tone.

"Okay, you two just put the gun down, and we'll talk this out, okay?" Saitama asked while his hands were slightly up and was slowly approaching the robbers.

"I said dont move! Or we'll shoot!" Said one of the two last thieves.

"Just don't shoot, so you two won't cause any problem." Said Saitama still slowly approaching the two thieves.

"S-Stand back! We'll shoot you if you get closer!" Said one of the two thieves getting ready to shoot.

"Just don't pull the trigger." Said Saitama trying to calm the two thugs down.

"I SAID STAND BACK! OR WE'LL SHOOT YOU!" One of them yelled as Saitama was getting closer. "THAT'S IT!" Said one of them as he shoots Saitama and ricochets towards the other last robber.

The last robber looked at his last teammate lying dead on the ground with a bullet hole on his forehead.

Meanwhile, the people were watching this in shock. They were thinking about how he didn't die from the bullet, or how did the bullet ricochet off of his head.

"*Sigh* You didn't listen to me. Like I said, you could cause problems." Said Saitama while his hands were down as the last robber drops the gun and puts his hands up.

"I-I surrender! Just don't hurt me!" Said the last robber as he kneels on the ground while his hands are still up.

"Oh. Well, I was about to knock you out, but that works too I guess." Said Saitama as the boys in blues (cops) arrived.

"Freeze! Put your hand up in the air!" Said a police officer while he pointed the gun at Saitama.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! I'm not the thief, he's the thief, I'm just a hero." Said Saitama while he puts his hands up again.

"Just arrest me, please!" Said the last thief while the cops were a bit confused as they handcuffed the last robber.

"What happened here?" Said another cop asked Saitama.

"Oh, well, for some reason they were shooting each other. I think they were fighting over money and stuff, I don't really know, I was busy paying for my groceries. But hey, at least the situation is over." Said Saitama as he goes back to the counter where he left his groceries.

The cops were a bit confused, some of them are a bit irritated.

"Tch, heroes, always showing off. They think they're the number one of the world." Said a random cop.

"I agree with you." Said another random cop.

"Come on, at least he stopped these guys." Said another random cop not really agreeing with them.

"Yeah, but he stopped them so that we can show up in time and clean up their mess while they're showing off their heroic acts to the people. How irritating and annoying it is." Said the random cop who first said heroes showing off.

"Okay, that's enough, let's just go." Said the cop who didn't agree with them as they walked away.

While they were walking away, Saitama overheard them while putting his groceries inside the plastic bags. He sighs and shrugs it off as he finishes putting all his groceries inside the plastic bags.

"Hey." Said a woman's voice behind Saitama as he turns around. "Hello, you must be Bald man with a Cape." Said Naomi as she finally approached Saitama.

'Bald man with a Cape? Oh yeah, Saitama's hero name was Bald man with a Cape. Oh well, I guess I can live with it. Maybe One Punch-Man was a bit cringe and early to be Saitama's hero name, I guess I should stick with the canon.' Saitama thought.

"Well, you might be interested to a job like this." Said Naomi as she hands over the Hero Association job application paper to Saitama.

"Hmm... I'll think about it." Said Saitama as he folds the application paper 8 times and puts it in his pocket.

"Alright, I hope you'll join, it's perfect for heroes like you." She said with a smile as she walks away.

Saitama picked up his grocery bags and walked away.

Later, at Saitama's apartment.

Saitama was in his kitchen washing dishes while the TV was on.

"The mass outbreak of mosquitoes this year continues to cause chaos across the world." Said the TV news anchorman. "I'm not affected as I'm the indoor type, but I feel children playing outside." Said another guy in the TV saying he's worried about kids playing outside since there's an outbreak. "What might be the cause of the outbreak!? We have invited Mr. Carfetish, a mosquito expert who has written many books on the subject, to answer this question." Said the news anchorman.

"Good morning. Well, let me directly get to the point. Since the said mosquitoes belong to a completely new species, I know jack about them." Said Mr. Carfetish saying the mosquitoes are a new species and doesn't really know about them.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Said the news anchorman snapped.

Meanwhile, Saitama wasn't really listening to the news as he was thinking about something.

'Should I really join the Hero Organization? I mean, I don't really need to since I couldn't just earn money from being famous, but Saitama wasn't like that.' He thought while he forgot the name of the Hero Association since he doesn't really use the word 'Association', but he then changed his thoughts to thinking about the cops saying heroes think their the number one. 'Maybe I should join, I don't really want to be selfish, it makes me feel like a jerk.' He thought as he finished washing the last dish and went to his living room to sit and watch.

"We interrupt this program with breaking news. A large swarm of mosquitoes is currently headed towards Z-City. Z-Citizens, please refrain from leaving your homes. The Disaster Level is Demon." Said the news broadcaster as Saitama sweats for some reason. "Cattle attacked by the swarm were found as corpses of skin and bones." He said as he shows images of dead rotting animals. "As you can see, contact with the swarm means certain death. This is what the swarm looks like in action, it's like a sandstorm! A mosquitostorm!" He said as he shows an image of a swarm of mosquitoes.

'... I should close the windows, I'm not going out there. Or maybe I am, I don't know. I hate insects, they're so disgusting, especially spiders.' He thought as he stands up to close his only window.


Note: I'm copying this part from the manga version, just to change up things a little bit. Well, not really, but I don't want to copy and paste the anime version always, and at the same time I'll make sure that I'll make original writing.


Outside somewhere.

The swarm of mosquitoes were circling something. Plus, there was a dead person underneath the swarm of swirling mosquitoes.

"*Sigh* What's with you lot? This is not nearly enough blood. Now go fetch me some more." Said a woman that has a mosquito head on top of her own head while she has mosquito legs and arms, plus mosquito wings.


Then suddenly, a few of her mosquito helpers suddenly got vaporized by something.

'Huh...? Quite a few mosquitoes just died somewhere close.' She thought while she sensed her few mosquitoes died all of the sudden.

"I see..." Said a voice coming from the ground.

She looks down to see a dark figure inside of her swarm of mosquitoes.

"You make mosquitoes suck blood only to take it all for yourself. If we assume that you're controlling the mosquitoes by sending them signals of some sort... It would explain why they're moving in such abnormally large swarm. So, if I get rid of you, their master... Will this annoying swarm disband, I wonder." Said the figure in a cold tone.

"Heh, there's my meal. Suck him dry, my little ones." She ordered as her swarm of mosquitoes swarmed the mysterious figure.

"{Incinerate}" The man suddenly burst out a blast of fire as he vaporized the mosquitoes all around him.

She was surprised as the mysterious man reveals himself to be a cyborg.

"I will eliminate you, so stay still." Said the mysterious blonde cyborg in a cold tone.

"You? Eliminate me? Hehe... GO AHEAD AND TRY!" She said with a crazy smile.

Meanwhile, with Saitama.

He was sitting peacefully while reading a random manga. But suddenly, a mosquito appeared and somehow it got in.

'Oh great, looks like one of them got in. I hope it's only one.' He thought with a deadpan look as he catches it, thinking it's dead. But no, it was still alive.

Saitama keeps trying to catch it, but it was too fast until it landed on his head. He then slapped his head. It was a moment of silence until it was still alive. Saitama was still trying to catch the mosquito at high speed. He then finally catches it.

"Gotcha..." He said with a irritated look.

It was another moment of silence, and once again it was still alive.

'DAMN MOSQUITO!!' He thought with a very irritated look.

Back to Mosquito Girl and the Mysterious Cyborg.

The cyborg then fired at her, but she dodges it and swirls around his blast at high speed. She then impale her mosquito horn into his left arm and rips it off of him.

"What's gonna be next? His legs?" She said as she felt something ripped underneath her.

She looks down to see her two mosquito legs missing.

"Where are my legs...?" She asked as she looks down to see the mysterious blonde cyborg had her legs.

He throws them away and glances ather menacingly.

"It's useless." He then tries to fire at her again, but her mosquito minions shield her and sacrifice themselves. "You cannot escape from me." He said as he keeps firing at her little ones.

She was flying away to try to get into safety.

"What's with him? I might get killed if I don't do something." She said with a serious look. "I'll summon every mosquito I can reach with my signals within a radius of about 50km. The townspeople seem to be hiding, but there must have been more than enough blood to suck in the forests." She said as she was about to summon all of the mosquitoes. "All my little ones, come to me right now. Inject the hot sticky juices in your bellies into me." She said in a very wrong way.

"I said, it's useless." Said the unknown blonde cyborg as a huge swarm of mosquitoes gathered all around her all of the sudden. 'The number of mosquitoes has multiplied... I guess she wasn't only making them collect blood in this town, but in a far bigger area...' He thought while staring at the swarm of mosquitoes around Mosquito Girl. 'Seems like blood does not only serve as food for her...' He thought whike the swarm of mosquitoes were getting bigger and bigger. 'She's calling more and more... I better end this before she's done summoning them.' He thought as he was about to fire at the huge swarm of mosquitoes until someone yelled behind him.

"GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE CRAP!" Said Saitama as he suddenly appeared while chasing down a small mosquito with a killer insect spray. "I STILL HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!!" He said while still chasing the mosquito until it stopped, but Saitama was still sprinting as it accidentally went in his mouth. "OH CRAP! IT'S IN MY MOUTH!" He said as he tries to spit it out.

'What is with this idiot?' The unknown cyborg thought while confused.

"What's that cloud? Huh, it's full of squirming... Mosquitoes...? HUH!?" He said while he realized that he accidentally went to the swarm of mosquitoes, which he doesn't want to be involved since he hates insects.

"You over there, go hide somewhere safe. The mosquitoes are being controlled by someone. If she sees you, I'm sure she will make them attack you." Said the unknown cyborg.

"... S-Seriously? T-That's bad, I gotta get-" He replied as Mosquito Girl suddenly laughed inside the swarm of mosquitoes.

The swarm of mosquitoes suddenly now attacks them both as they get covered by the swarm of mosquitoes.

Then the cyborg bursts out fire again to vaporize all of the mosquitoes in the surrounding area.

"Seeing as how you can speak the human language I assumed that you're about intelligent as a human being... But it seems you're a mosquito in that department, too... Making the whole swarm attack me is like asking me to incinerate it in one shot... When I found you, I first checked the surrounding 500 meters for signs of life. If it's here, I can blow up the whole area without having to worry about casualties." The cyborg explained as he realizes something. "Wait a minute, that guy might have-"

"Woaaaaaah! Man, you saved me! You're awesome! How did you do that? You totally just made the bugs bugged out! Buh dum tch." Said Saitama with a smile while he survived the blast from the cyborg that incinerated the swarm. 'He kinda looks familiar, too...' He thought while naked.

'How did he-' The cyborg, or known as Genos, thought as he gets interrupted by Mosquito Girl's laugh again.


"My little ones already served their purpose. I have no need for them anymore. Why, you ask?" She said as her appearance changed. She was more red now while she has longer and pink hair waving around while flying.

Then she suddenly teleported behind the cyborg and slashed his torso with her claws.

"Because I'm this strong now." She said as the cyborg turns around to try to punch her, but she was too fast.

She keeps slashing and slashing him all around the place.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! A weak punch like that won't kill a mosquito! How weak and fragile you are! Let me get your head next!" She said as she goes for a final slash towards him.

'Dang it! I let my guard down!' He thought as she was about to slash his head off until he suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

She missed him and wonders where he has gone.

'Where the hell did he go?' She thought while confused.

"Hey." Said a voice behind her as she turns around to see the cyborg behind Saitama.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this now." Said Saitama as he approaches her while still naked.

"And who are you now?" Mosquito Girl asked.

"I'm Saitama, a hero for fun and justice." Saitama simply replied.

"...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! YOU? A HERO? FOR FUN? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OKAY, THAT'S FUNNY!" She laughed as she continues to laugh more.

'She kinda looks familiar, too.' Saitama thought.

"O-Okay... *Clears Throat* Enough fooling around. I'm just going to kill you both, starting with you!" Said Mosquito Girl as she charges at high speed towards Saitama.

"LOOK OUT!" The cyborg yelled as it was too late.

She slashed Saitama by her claws and went pass him as she turns around to see if he's dead. He was just standing there until he turns his head back towards her.

'Huh...? I thought I killed him? How is he still alive?' Mosquito Girl thought while surprised and confused.

The cyborg was also confused and surprised.

There were no scratch marks or any blood coming out of Saitama, he was just okay while just standing still not doing anything.

'Maybe I missed him, I should try again.' Mosquito Girl thought as she charges at Saitama again and slashes him again.

She turns around to see him still alive and with no scratch again.

'H-How? I slashed him again, and he's still alive. Is he like the cyborg?' Mosquito Girl thought while shocked.


Note: If you guys were wondering how Saitama's shirt didn't get scratched or ripped, it's because he dodged Mosquito Girl without her noticing that he dodged her slash.


Saitama puts his hand on his chin like he's thinking about something.

'If he is, then I'll have to go all out like I did with the cyborg.' She thought as she charges at him again and tried to slash him again.

Suddenly, all went slow motion as Saitama casually moves to the side to avoid her claws. Then it all returned to normal speed as she misses him once again while she turns around quickly and charges back to him again.

She was trying to slash him all over the place, but he was dodging every single slash from her.

Meanwhile, the cyborg was in shock. He wasn't expecting a regular guy being that fast as her.

'How is he not getting a scratch!? I'm at my full power and speed, but this guy manages to survive all my attacks! HOW!?' She thought while still slashing him all over the place, even though he's not getting a single scratch from her.

Saitama keeps dodging every slash from Mosquito Girl while he's looking at her. He then looks at the half broken cyborg while still dodging every slash.

"... OOOOOH! Now I remember!" Said Saitama out loud as Mosquito Girl heard this in surprise and became confused while still slashing at him. 'I remember now! It's Genos! Damn, it's been a while since I've seen him in his first appearance. I'm used to his new look in the latest chapters of One-Punch Man, or maybe I just don't really pay attention to things.' He thought while still dodging the slashes from Mosquito Girl. Plus, she was getting a little annoyed.


'Also, I never got to watch the anime version of One Punch-Man, I'm just so addicted to the manga version. Plus, the first chapter of One Punch-Man was the time I got into the series.' Saitama thought while still thinking about the series and not paying attention to the enemy in front of him, while still dodging every slash.


Note: Just to summerize this, Takashi/Saitama was still processing and trying to remember Mosquito Girl, until his eyes turned towards Genos and immediately recognizes him because of his blonde hair, while forgetting about Mosquito Girl and instead remembers Genos. I know he should've recognize him earlier, but he just forgotten his original appearance since he's used to his new upgrades/look in the latest chapters. Plus, he's always busy at his work and watching TV in his old apartment from his original world, so he doesn't really go to social media that much since he's always busy and lazy while he goes reading One Punch-Man manga at a manga website in his computer. Even though he doesn't really go to social media, it's the only website where he can read One Punch Man. Anyways, back to reading!


'OH MY GOSH!! I'M GETTING TIRED OF THIS!! JUST GO DOWN ALREADY!!!' Mosquito Girl thought while still slashing at Saitama.

Then he turned his eyes towards her again.

'Oh yeah, I forgot about her. Who is she again? Meh, who cares, I'll just finish this and go home, so that I can sign up in the Hero Organization.' Saitama thought as he disappears in front of her.

Her eyes widened as Saitama reappeared behind her with a serious look while his face was covered with shadows and his eyes were glowing. She turns her head around as he clenches his fist and threw it towards her. She sweats in fear as she closes her eyes.

'C-Crap! Please, I'm not ready to die yet...!' She thought as she starts crying while her eyes were still close.

While Saitama was about to normal punch her, he saw her face in fear while she was crying. He knows she wants to surrender immediately. His face was normal again as he held back his fist, nearly punching her in the face. But instead, it created a massive force that broke every window in nearby vicinity. Mosquito Girl went flying because of the massive force that Saitama created when he almost normal punched her.

"Oops... Uhh... Crap, I hope she's okay..." Said Saitama as he felt bad for doing that while feeling a little guilty.

"Wait a minute!" Said the cyborg behind Saitama as he turns around and looks at the cyborg.

"I am a cyborg, i've been fighting justice by myself! They call me genos! Please tell me your name!" Said the cyborg, known as Genos, demanding for Saitama's name.

'Oh yeah, this is the part where I accepted him as my Disciple.' Saitama thought. "It's Saitama, Saitama Kamihitotsu." He replied as he raises his eyebrow and realizes something. 'Wait a minute, didn't i say my name earlier when I introduced myself to that lady? Eh, whatever.' He thought as he shrugged it off.

"Allow me to be your Disciple!" Said Genos.

"Sure, you can come by to my house if you're ready." He replied.

"Alright! Thank you for accepting me to be your Disciple, Teacher!" He said as a drone flew above Genos. The drone lifts up Genos as it starts flying away.

"I guess I better get home now." Said Saitama as he walked away.

2 Days Later.

Genos was just standing in front of Saitama's apartment room as he took a deep breath.

"Teacher!" Said Genos yelled as the door opens in front of him.

"Oh, it's you, come on in." Said Saitama as he lets Genos in.

Later, they were sitting at the floor with a chabudai table while they were drinking matcha.

"So, you're here for training?" Saitama asked.

"Yes, but first, may I ask two questions?" Genos asked.

"Sure, I'm all ears." Saitama replied.

"What parts do you use?" He asked.

'Oh yeah, I remember this part.' He thought. "I'm not a cyborg, I'm a human, Genos." He replied.

"Then, what is that skinned-colored armor on your head?" He asked.

"I'm bald." Saitama replied.

"Oh, so you are really not a cyborg like me? Then how did you get strong?" He asked.

'Actually, I only got strong when I was reincarnated as Saitama, so I don't know if his training regimen will work.' He thought as he took a deep breath. "Listen up, I'll tell you how I got strong." He said with a serious look.

Genos leans foward and pays attention to what Saitama was about to say.

"100 PUSH-UPS, 100 SIT-UPS, 100 SQUATS, AND A 10 KILOMETER RUN, EVERY SINGLE DAY!" Said Saitama yelled.

It was silent for a second until Genos replies.

"... That's it?" Genos asked.

"Yep, that's all, but do it everyday with no breaks." Saitama replied.


"... But... The truth is... that's all I really did." Saitama replied. 'Not really, but I hope so.' He added in his thoughts.

Meanwhile, somewhere else.

At a dark room with a green lit computer screen. A man with glasses while wearing a black suit was sitting in his chair while talking with someone else.

"Mosquito Girl was defeated? With one punch, you say?" Said the man with glasses and suit asked. "Well, she was merely a prototype, after all." He said as the screen shows Saitama about to punch Mosquito Girl. "He'll make an great specimen. We shall study his physiology. By force, if necessary." He said with a smile. "Send a messenger and invite him here, to our 'House of Evolution'." He ordered the other person with glasses as well.

Back to Saitama and Genos.

Genos was still not believing what his Teacher said, he was repeating the same question over and over again.


"I already tell you the truth, that's all I really did, literally." Saitama replied.

"NO, I WOULD NOT BELIEVE THAT! IT'S LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE! HOW WOULD A REGULAR TRAINING REGIMEN WILL MAKE YOU THAT-" Genos keeps going as Saitama gets annoyed at him repeating the same question.

"ALRIGHT, ENOUGH!" Saitama snapped as Genos gets silenced. "STOP REPEATING THE SAME QUESTION! IT'S SO ANNOYING! ARE YOU A KID OR SOMETHING?!" He yelled and asked.

"N-No, I am not..." Genos replied ashamed.

"*Sigh*... Look, I don't like repeating questions, okay? It gets super annoying. Alright, if you don't believe what I said, then you--" He said as he gets interrupted by Genos.

"High-speed object approaching! It is here!" Said Genos as he stands up.

Then suddenly, something crashes down on the ceiling. It was a mantis like monster.

"Greetings! I'm-- Huh?" Said the mantis monster as he gets normal punched in the face by Saitama.

"Pay for my ceiling, you jerk!" Saitama said with a vein on his head.

"There seem to be more outside. Let me handle them, Teacher!" Said Genos while he goes outside and jumps of the balcony as Saitama was already there to take care of more creatures.

"Why did you have to make a hole in my ceiling." Said Saitama while there were two monster pummeled in the ground by him.

"Ah, nevermind." Said Genos as his Teacher gets pulled into the ground by two arms. "Teacher!" He yelled as he runs towards his Teacher to try to pull him up until something came up behind Genos.

"High energy detected. Are you a cyborg, too?" Said another creature who seemed to be another cyborg. "You are not our target." It said while glaring at Genos.

'A cyborg, could it be...' Gemos thought as the cyborg creature charges at him.

"Out of the way!" It said as it tries to slam it's arm towards Genos, but he blocks it with his arm.

"I have a few questions to ask..." He said with a cold tone again.

Meanwhile, Saitama was still stuck in the ground, he was approached by a lion-like monster and a mole that came out of the ground.


"Now this is what you call a tight spot! Good job, Ground Dragon!" Said the lion creature, known as the Beast King, to the mole creature, known as Ground Dragon.


"Makes our job easier if he can't resist." Said the Ground Dragon.

"Teacher!" Said Genos as he goes back to his Teacher until he gets grabbed by the cyborg creature.

Genos turns around and blasts the cyborg creature with his incinerator.

'Teacher...' Genos thought as he goes running towards his Teacher again until the cybog creature was suddenly above him and crashes down, but Genos quickly evades it by moving away.

"I am the crystal of wisdom of the 'House of Evolution'. My name is Armored Gorilla! Your attacks will not work on me!" Said the cyborg creature, known as Armored Gorilla.

"What? Did you say 'House of Evolution?' What do you want of my Teacher?" Genos asked as the Armored Gorilla approaches him.

"It does not concern you, our rule is to erase anyone who opposes us without fail... I have to destroy you." Said the Armored Gorilla with a robotic tone while he raises his big Gorilla arms to get ready to smash Genos into the ground.

Meanwhile, back to Saitama, he was getting a little sleepy.

"Hey, you! What's with that look on your face? What is your..." Said the Beast King as Saitama yawns and interrupted him. "Why you son of a..." He said and getting annoyed by him.

"No, you see, Underground, it's pleasantly cool and warm at the same time, it feels great. I think, I'm going to take a nap, so leave me alone." Saitama said as the Beast King gets irritated and annoyed, but he suddenly laughs.

"Looks like I'll have to make you understand what kind if position you're in." He said as Saitama suddenly gets out of the ground.

"Alright, enough fooling around. You guys, this is your last chance to apologize." Saitama said while Beast King and Ground Dragon were flabbergasted.

"Heh, very well then." The Beast King said as he stands up in front of Saitama.

"Ahh crap, I got dirt in my pants." Said Saitama while he looking at his pants.

"I'll show you the power of the Beast King!" The Beast King said as his claws grew larger. "{Limb Cutter}" The Beast King nearly slashed Saitama, who simply dodged, as he instead slashed a house in front of them.

Saitama keeps dodging every slash from him until the Beast King accidentally killed his own people.

"Oww oww... Wow, hey fro-" One of the other creatures gets up while it's nose was bleeding.

"OUT OF THE WAY, YOU WEAK CRAPS!" As he slashed his own people. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! LAW OF THE JUNGLE, BABY! NEXT IS YOUR TURN! I WON'T LET YOU ESCAPE!" He said as he made his whole body grew bigger while his shirt was ripped.


"{Limb Cutter Meteor Swarm}" His slashes were getting faster and faster as Saitama gets closer to him while dodging every slash.

"{Normal Chain Strike}" Saitama unleashes a barrage of punches at the Beast King as he explodes into organ pieces.

Meanwhile, the Ground Dragon was watching the Beast King get killed by Saitama until he looked at the Ground Dragon with a dark look. The Ground Dragon panicked as he quickly goes underground and digging faster to get away from him.

'WHAT WAS THAT?!... NO ONE TOLD ME HE WAS THAT STRONG! I BETTER BACK OUT FOR NOW AND--' The Ground Dragon's thoughts were interrupted as Saitama suddenly comes out on the right while still underground.

"Found youuuuu~~" Saitama said with a creepy dead look.

'YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING MEEEE!!!' The Ground Dragon screamed in his thoughts as he gets punched out of the ground.

Saitama comes out of the ground while he wipes out dirt all over his suit.

Meanwhile, Genos already defeated the Armored Gorilla without no problem.

"Answer my questions or get eliminated. Pick one." Genos threatened.

"You are the one who will get eliminated, brainless brute. In the 'House of Evolution,' I am only number 3 in terms of power. You will never best our number 2, the Beast King, with that level of power he will destroy you." Said the Armored Gorilla as Saitama walks up behind Genos.

"Is this who you mean?" Saitama asked while he was holding one of the Beast King's eyes.

"... Seems like it." Genos said while the Armored Gorilla couldn't say anything about that until...

"LOOK, I'M SORRY, I'LL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS, SO PLEASE SPARE MY LIFE!" The Armored Gorilla suddenly panicked while he lost his robotic tone.

"Wow, what the hell? Weren't you talking like a robot moments ago?" Saitama asked.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to act cool..." The Armored Gorilla replied while he was ashamed and still scared to die.

To be Continued...

Note from the Author: Finally! I've finally finished this chapter! I'm really sorry for being lazy and busy, because I'm been doing school stuff lately, but I do hope you guys still liked this chapter. See you guys in the next one!

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