Highway to Heaven 🔞

By kyukyu_ji

133K 3.7K 1.7K

"We'll take the highway to heaven And I can't wait to love you all alone" -NCT 127 > Zhang Hao x Sung Hanbin... More

1. 만남
2. 입맞춤
3. 첫째
4. 시도
5. 쿠키
6. 성적
7. 쇼핑
8. 겁나
9. 바이올린
10. 영상통화
11. 편안
12. 춤
13. 다른 춤
14. 영화
15. 반전
16. 취한
17. 믿음
18. 샤워
19. 직면
20. 후회
21. 설렘
22. 얘기
23. 노래방
24. 조절
25. 촬영
26. 시작
27. 기회
28. 축하
29. 위아래
30. 바다에
31. 지켜
32. 고통
33. 의심
34. 소중한
35. 냥
37. 달빛
38. 더럽게
39. 더럽게 (2)
40. 슬픔
41. 모델
42. 뉴스
43. 행운의 부적
44. 피크닉

36. 푸른색 밤

2.1K 64 36
By kyukyu_ji

Ricky isn't very good at keeping secrets, especially from people so close to heart. Although he didn't tell Gyuvin that there was an unexpected guest joining them for the dinner, the younger knew something was up. Ricky definitely did not act like it was their usual couple dinner.

"You keep checking your phone, you know?" Gyuvin said, when they were halfway through their route.

"I do? Well... Not anymore." Ricky locked his phone, without actually answering.

"I'm pretty sure you have something up your sleeves." Said the younger, relaxing on the taxi seats. Ricky only shrugged. Staying quiet would mean spilling less, but it also solidified the other's suspicion. Yet, before reaching the restaurant, Gyuvin didn't come to know. Only when they walked through the private aisles of second floor, to reach the table that had been booked, did he notice the presence of a third person. He hadn't met the guy in person, but that face- he knew it well.

"Ricky, hi!" The man enthusiastically greeted, "And you must be Gyuvin-ssi? Kim Gyuvin?"

"Yeah." Gyuvin bowed, "Nice to meet you, Lee Jeonghyeon-ssi." He exchanged a glance with his boyfriend once he stood up. Clearly, Ricky didn't tell him before that they were going to meet his senior.

"Take a seat, both of you! You don't mind if I talk to you casually, right?" Jeonghyeon asked. He was shorter than them both, had a very comforting, cheerful aura surrounding him. And he was really handsome! Thin body, defined jawline, pretty lips. Gyuvin could tell what the company looked for- because somewhere he saw the similarity between the guy and Ricky.

"Not at all!" Ricky ensured. The all took seats as told, and then he spoke again, "Hyung, did you wait long?"

Jeonghyeon waved it away, "Just got here, about two minutes before you two." He offered a warm smile and shifted his attention to Gyuvin, "So, how long have you two been dating?"

Gyuvin snapped his head at Ricky. Jeonghyeon knew?? He thought his boyfriend went as far as to conceal his name from the entire industry- how come his senior knew about their relationship?!

Seeing him shocked to no bounds, the oldest of them chuckled, "So you didn't tell him yet, huh?"

Ricky joined in, "No, not yet."

When Gyuvin was about to ask what it was all about, Jeonghyeon spoke, "Ricky told me about you yesterday. Before that, I only knew you as his friend, but he clarified that you're boyfriends and honestly- you guys look so cute together!"

Gyuvin looked at his man once, then a silly smile formed on his lips. He bowed his head in gratitude.

"No but really, I mean, when Ricky said you're handsome, I was like- hm, how good can it be, but you're actually really good looking."

"Thank you, you're one stunning man yourself, Jeonghyeon-ssi."

"Just call me hyung." Jeonghyeon said. He was so easy to talk to, didn't feel like he had been in the industry for such a long time, known and admired by so many people. Gyuvin kinda realized why Ricky had been so fond of him. Lee Jeonghyeon really was a good man. They talked about themselves for a while, then about Ricky and how he did some cute mistakes here and there. At this part, Gyuvin totally bonded with the model- since they both laughed over a red faced Ricky who was seemingly out of the world cute.

All of a sudden, Gyuvin found his jealousy and insecurities a tad bit childish.

Their meal arrived, Jeonghyeon who was a regular in the said restaurant pointed out the good ones in excitement. According to him, knowledge about good food should be shared with people- keeping it inside is a crime.

"Mm, it's actually really tasty!" Gyuvin said. His super engrossed expression left the other two smiling. Especially Ricky who had felt nothing but relieved.

"Oh, by the way, Ricky, I forgot to tell you," Jeonghyeon started halfway through the meal, "They asked me to do a couple shoot with a younger model, preferably you. Are you interested?"

Ricky glanced at Gyuvin. Of course, he was. Who lets such an opportunity go? But he was also worried that his boyfriend wouldn't like to see it.


"If you wanna do it, I have an idea." Said the senior, "Seeing your boyfriend today, I started picturing you two together- and I think it will look natural. And you know, a new face is always worth a shot."

Gyuvin who was astonished at the indication, asked for clarity, "Huh?"

"Wait, hyung. I'm also a newbie, how can I-"

"If you both are okay with it, I can talk to the company. I don't think they'll mind if they see you together- like you guys literally look perfect- a perfect model couple." Insisted Jeonghyeon.

Gyuvin looked at Ricky, damn the latter was somewhat shy. When they met eyes, Ricky asked in the softest voice possible, "What do you say, Gyu?"

How to answer to something like that so suddenly? Gyuvin never even thought of modeling. He knew nothing! Plus, couple shoot? What if he ruins it for Ricky?

"Don't think too much, man." Jeonghyeon said, "Answer me after discussing it among yourselves. Just know that the door's always open."

Gyuvin eyed Ricky again. The offer, the environment, the confirmation that Jeonghyeon knew about them, it all felt too good. He felt happy. He knew it was a hard choice for his boyfriend to make- to make their relationship known to anyone from his company. But he did it. Because maybe, Gyuvin's feelings were more important to him.

Slowly, his hand moved over Ricky's under the table, to channel his love through the interlocked fingers. He didn't worry about it anymore. He knew, to Ricky he was also, always, the first priority.


"Hi!" The wide grin on Gunwook's face automatically brought a sweet smile on Taerae's face, even though he intended to act sarcastic.

"Hi, what brings you here?" Asked the older male, since Gunwook usually informs him before hitting his place at night.

"Gyuvin hyung just texted me that he'll stay at his boyfriend's so.. I was kinda scared to stay there all by myself."

"Oh really?" Taerae crossed his arms, "You're asking me to believe that a giant like you is scared to spend the night alone?"

"Hey! That's body shaming!" Gunwook made a dramatic 'offended' face, gaping and holding his chest, "I can be scared too!"

Taerae laughed, "Yeah, whatever. Just admit that you wanted to see me, big guy."

"That too." Gunwook grinned again. The other shook his head, "Come inside then." Gunwook followed him like a cute puppy, neatly putting his shoes at place cause he knew Taerae liked to keep things organized.

"Dinner?" Asked the elder, which earned a negative reply. "I have some rice from before, but I guess- we can order a pizza." He was met with an excited nod this time. Like a pookie bear.

"Why are you so happy??" Taerae laughed again.

"Simple, cause I'm with you." Shrugged the younger male. For some reason, Taerae kept the small flutter hidden behind his calm composure. They took seats across from each other. Taerae was on his laptop, working on his assignment. So, Gunwook also used his phone to kill time. The pizza arrived soon. Taerae ordered a large one. He also heated and brought the leftover lunch, in case if the pizza fell short of satisfying both their tummies. In the end, though, they finished everything.

"Uhhh I'm so full!" Gunwook murmured, "You cook well, hyung. Topped the pizza."

"As if!" Taerae rolled his eyes. The giggles from Gunwook said that he was indeed flirting, pizza is kinda impossible to top, that too with a dish as simple as rice. However, Gunwook didn't get on his nerves because like a good boy, he went to help his hyung with the dishes, and little chores here and there. By the time they were done with everything, it was around 11 pm.

"Time to go to bed!" Taerae exclaimed. Gunwook followed him. They had shared beds so many times that it wasn't even a question whether they'd sleep next to each other or not. They both sat down on Taerae's bed that was by the window. The curtains weren't fully drawn, so moonlight sneaked through the window, on the bright white sheets.

"Is it a full moon or what?" Asked Gunwook, peeking at the sky. The moon was indeed round and pretty. When the other joined him to look outside, his face was washed with moonlight.

"So bright..." Mumbled Taerae, "Reminds me of a beautiful song."

"Which one?"

"Wait." Taerae quickly got up to bring his guitar along. He tuned it, then strummed the chords until he got the desired melody. Gunwook shuffled to sit facing the man. Taerae with guitar and glasses basked in moonlight was a deadly combination itself, but he was about to sing- the cherry on top of the whole setting.

"Do you know this?" Asked the elder, lightly humming a melody.

"Twinkle twinkle little star?" Confused, Gunwook asked. Taerae chuckled, starting the very first verse. It took Gunwook a mere second to recognize the song. The perfect song for a moonlit night.

밤이 깊어갈수록
난 네 생각에 빠져들어 매일
(As the night goes on
I'm falling in you deeper every day)

Gunwook sang along next, as he recalled the fine lyrics. Taerae's deep honey textured voice accompanied by Gunwook's caramel sweet one filled the entire room. On the bed, under the silver light, the brown guitar in the hands of a beautiful man with thin metal framed glasses who was meticulously playing the melody, created an extraordinary ambience that you can only feel with your imagination. Gunwook smiled, singing with his crush-

Yeah, I wish you goodnight!

Their harmonizing falsetto sang to the moon, that smiled upon them, maybe shining a little brigher.

Taerae was feeling the lyrics. Because at one point, he took one of Gunwook's hands, singing

네 손을 잡고 말해 주고 싶어
오늘 하루도 수고 많았어 편안히 잠에 들길
(I want to hold your hand and tell you something-
"You did a great job today, I hope you sleep well")

Did Gunwook blush? Well, the way he uttered a small 'Aish Kim Taerae' tells us that he did.

The song was floating in the night sky, making an invisible whirlpool of emotions that oozed out of their eyes- that they felt at the moment. They felt so drawn to each other, yet they could only say it through the song. Through the climax, the last chorus of the song.

푸른색 밤하늘에
네 얼굴을 그려보며 노래해
매일같이 불러주고 싶어 만든 이 노래
(In the blue night sky
I sing while drawing your face every day
I wrote this song because
I wanted to sing it for you)

Then they sang it together again-


Taerae made the last strum on his guitar strings, and Gunwook clapped, totally blown away by the splendid masterpiece.

"Whoo Kim Taerae! What a song! What a beautiful song you sang there!"

Taerae smiled, his dimple scooping all the moonlight it could. "Right? I love this song."

"You know what?" Asked the younger. "Now I know how to make the confession to you."

Raising one eyebrow, Taerae asked, "How?"

"Singing a song, of course!" Smiled the other, "Damn, I have to practice hard."

"Well, you just sang a song with me." Taerae added, "Ain't it the perfect time to ask me out? The moon's shining so bright, and we're both here alone.."

"But... I wanted to make it grand."

"Grand? Pfft! Why?"

"Cuase you deserve it." Gunwook winked.

"Maybe I don't want it grand," said the elder, "Maybe I want it to be in between me and you only?"


"So what are you waiting for, Park Gunwook? Either make your claim or I will."

Gunwook had so many things to say. Like he really wanted to make it known by everyone- that Kim Taerae is not to be tossed aside, that Kim Taerae should be treated like the gem he is. He wanted to make the other blush with a thousand roses and the most romantic song. He wanted the other to cry a little, upon feeling loved and special... But.. guess he could wait till their first anniversary for all those.

So he sat tight, cleared his throat. Took brief notes of what to say. It made the other giggle again. And the dimple on his cheek, the bright half of his face for being closest to the window and the dark half in the dark bedroom that looked beautiful nonetheless was Gunwook's view. He didn't need much. Just took one of Taerae's hands, asking, "Will you let me be your man, Kim Taerae?"

Playful, Taerae pretended to think.

"Hm... Let me think... What do you have to offer... Hm... I guess.."

"If you say no now I'll jump out of the window." Gunwook joked.

"Oh, do it then." Taerae teased.

"Hyung!!" Gunwook sulked, "I'm being serious here, do you love me or-"

"Okay okay, you won." Taerae pulled his button nose, "Yes, I do love you, Wookie. You have everything that I want."

A wide smile was seen on Gunwook who immediately took the other in a hug. "You ruined my confession but I'll forgive you since you're my boyfriend now." Taerae only beamed in the hug. He once was dying to get a little love from a man who didn't even look at him. Now, he got someone better, someone who came to his world on his own, free will. Someone who loved him without any hesitation.


"Nuh-uh, not that." Said the elder, "Don't keep calling me 'hyung'. Now that we're together, call me bae, or babe, or darling or anything you want hoenstly."

"Is that how you like us to go?" Gunwook asked, letting go of the hug, and cupping his face, "As you wish, honey."

"It works." Taerae shrugged. Although he tried to play it cool, he was getting the shivers seeing how Gunwook was looking at him. At his face, eyes, lips.

"Then, babe... I have a request." The younger asked, after a while, by that time, both of them could only keep thinking about a way to start a kiss. Their very first kiss shared as boyfriends.

"Yes?" Taerae's eyes were droopy. He was already trapped in the other's piercing gaze.

"Will you let me erase every last trace of him from your body?"

Even in a trench, Taerae blinked, for he understood every bit of emotion behind that request. The sense of possession, protection, lust and desire. He found himself nodding ever so lightly, finally feeling free of all the negativities that fed off him all along. He felt safe in a long, long while.

And Gunwook started sealing the unsaid promise of making the other feel loved by pressing their lips together.


Dw you'll get a continuation from hereon. Finally, Gunrae happy together! :')

And I did it again, Taerae singing a song before sharing a kiss with his s/o. It just fits idk T.T

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