I found

By smeagolismylove

244 0 2

Arkadia and Trikru high are rival schools. Especially with their rugby teams. Clarke is not big on sports, bu... More

Part 9


24 0 0
By smeagolismylove

Clarkes POV:

I wake up and immediately notice the soreness in my arms. Oh god why did I agree to going with Wells last night. I drag myself out of bed and start getting ready for school. I was feeling extra lazy this morning so I decided to not "dress up". I put on my white sweatpants, green tank top and the school rugby sweatshirt which I had stolen from Wells a while ago and just never gave it back. Wearing his clothes definitely don't help with the dating rumours. I then paired it with my crusty black converse.


Me and Wells get to school with five minutes before classes start. We say our goodbyes and I head to class. I have calculus first block which is dreadful because my brain is still barely functioning in the morning. But Jasper is in my class and he is always so energetic in the mornings so he helps at keeping me awake. I've always wondered how he can still function because of all the weed he and Monty smoke.

After math I have AP phycology. The class isn't hard but it does have A LOT of reading. I don't have any friends in this class so I just keep to myself.

Third block is the lunch block. I meet up with Wells, Jasper and Monty and we all pack into my car. I'm the only one out of the group who has a functioning car. Wells's car is useless and Jasper has a rust bucket truck which he doesn't drive to school because he's too embarrassed. Monty doesn't even have a car. Or a lisence. His parents always think he's going to get hurt doing anything, so that's why he's not allowed to play sports and I guess drive a car. His parents strictness are probably the reason he smokes pot so often. It's a miracle they haven't caught him yet.

We always go to the village near our school for lunch. There are a couple shops, some fast food places and a few cute little cafes. I always get a latte and a muffin for lunch.

Block 4 I have art. It's a pretty chill class compared to all the other classes I'm taking. Maya and Harper are in my art class. They are super sweet so we sit at the table and always talk the whole class.

My last class is biology. I have this class with Wells and Bellamy. Me and Wells are both good at biology but Bellamy isn't so he is always asking us for help. Bellamy used to have a crush on me a few years ago so I got to know him a bit because he was always trying to talk me up.

After school I drove me and Wells home. We went to his house after school to finish the bio homework we got. After we finished we just hung out in his room.

"Oh Clarke I forgot to tell you but my coworker invited me to a party this weekend and told me to invite any of my friends."

"Oh god is it the weird one?"

"Yes, yes it is." We both laugh. Wells works with a kid who goes to Trikru high at a grocery store. I've come to visit Wells while he was working multiple times and we can both tell he has something for me. Always inviting Wells to things hoping that he will bring me with him.

"Ehhh I don't know I don't really feel like getting hit on by him again."

"Oh come on please it will be fun. It's gonna be at one of the rich Trikru kids houses. I searched up the address and the house is sooo nice."

He pulls up the photos on google maps and he was right, the house is huge and it is so nice.

"The house is so big I doubt we will even run into him while we're there. And I can also scope out all the lads who will be on the Trikru rugby team." He laughs

"Wells you are so obsessed with rugby this year I think it's becoming a problem." I say teasing him. He lightly punches me on the arm.

"I am not! I'm just excited. It's my last year and I want to do my best this year. Meaning I want to beat the sons of bitches on the Trikru team. And if that means I have to stalk them at a party then so be it."

"Who are you? Joe Goldberg?"

"Oh okay I see how it is." He start wrestling me on the ground.


I get home from Wells's house and throw all my school stuff on the ground. I ate dinner at his house this time so I didn't need to order or make anything. Mom is still at work and probably won't be getting home until 4am like always.

It's been so lonely with mom at work and dad gone. I always try and spend as much time at Wells house as possible so I'm not left lonely at home. I think that's why mom always takes the night shifts. She can sleep through the whole day while I'm gone at school and then be busy all night. It works her I guess.

I spend the night watching TV on the couch.

Lexa's POV:

(Same day but back at 6:30am)

I wake up to my alarm and roll out of bed. I put on black jeans, a black graphic-t, an oversized dark blue sweatshirt and my blue Jordan's. I decide to not wear any makeup today. My hair is looking a little dirty so I put on my blue LA dodgers cap so it can cover my hair.

Instead of making breakfast just for me, I also make some for Aiden. I make two breakfast wraps and then cut up some fruit. I wrap up Aidens in tinfoil and eat mine. I finish getting ready for school. I text him to hurry up and get downstairs.

In the car I give him his breakfast and we head to school. I give him a kiss on the head good bye and drive to my school.

For block one I have English. I hate English because I'm not good at analyzing texts or writing. I have this class with Lincoln but we sit at opposite ends of the room so I never get to talk to him during that class. Our teacher is already introducing a group project. It's going to be on our Macbeth unit we did before break. I fucking hated that unit. I never paid attention so I know this project won't be good.

We have to be in groups of 4 so I pair up with Lincoln, Nylah and Roan. We have full creative control to do whatever we want for this project, we just have to show the main points of the play. We decide on doing a reenactment of the most important scenes. We get two weeks to finish this project.

Block two is foods class. All we do is cook and do assignments about what we make. It's really easy. The one bad thing is Costia is in this class. I purposely switched into this class at the start of the semester so I could be with her. Now look how that worked out. I had skipped this class yesterday because I did not want to see her.

I was sitting at my table nervously waiting for her to walk in the room at any time but she never did. Thank god. I did not want to see her at all. I am still so mad about it. How she is mad at me when she was the one who cheated. It makes no sense.

Block three rolls around and thank god it's lunch. I decide to actually hang out with my friends this time instead of hiding from them like yesterday.

I go to the parking lot where we meet. Nyko and Lincoln are already there. We wait until Sophia, Baylie and Jamie showed up. Then we all got into Lincoln's truck and drove to the park we always go to for lunch.

"So Lexa where were you yesterday?" Asked Sophia.

"Oh.. I just didn't feel good." I lied. I looked up at Lincoln and he was already looking at me with a sympathetic face.

"Oh okay, you feel better now tho?

"Yea I feel better."

"Where's Costia? Is she hanging out with her friend group instead today?" Asked Jamie.

I was about to lie. Tell them that she was hanging out with her other friends. But I decided it would be easier to tell them now than them finding out later by someone else. I mean god knows who Costia has already told.

"No..." I swallow trying to stop my shaky voice. "We actually broke up on the weekend... so yea. And I wasn't actually sick yesterday I was just avoiding everyone I could." I look at my feet trying to avoid the looks on everyone's faces.

"Oh Lexa I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Jamie says.

"Aw Lexa are you okay? Why did you guys break up?" Sophia asks before receiving a punch on the arm and a "why the fuck would you ask that" look from Lincoln.

"Well basically she cheated on me but I don't want to talk about it." I say quickly wiping away the one tear that escaped.

Lunch was awkward and quite the rest of the time.

We got to school early before block four so I just walked around the school alone waiting for the block to end. I turned the corner and almost ran right into a girl. And that girl was Costia.

"Oh.. Lexa. Hey."

I ignore her and shove my way by her.

"Wait-" she grabs me by the hand and spins me around towards her.

"We should talk." Talk? Is she serious. I could feel myself getting so angry.

"Oh so now you want to talk? After ignoring my messages for days and declining my calls?" She is looking around trying to shut me up because I am getting louder and people are looking at us.

"I see how it is. You're the one who fucks up but for some reason you break up with me? I did nothing wrong but for some reason I'm the one getting ignored? How does that make any fucking sense?" I am yelling at this point and people are stopping and staring at me.

"Lexa don't do this here." She grabs my arm and tried to drag me somewhere else.

"NO!" I whip my arm out of her grasp. She looks shocked. "Im not fucking following you anywhere!"

She is trying to shut me up by trying to put her hand over my mouth.

"No, no fuck you Costia. You are such a cunt and such a terrible person. Don't fucking try and talk to me again."

I walk by her hitting her with my shoulder as I walk past and I speed walk to the exit to the parking lot. I can feel the tears about to burst. I am walking so fast I'm basically running. I run the last few feet to my car and get in and drive off as fast as I can.

I know I shouldn't have yelled at her like that. Especially not at school. Everyone knows that we were dating. I just know that everyone will know about this by tomorrow. The tears start pouring out of my eyes and they won't stop. I can barley see where I am driving through all the tears. I am just so mad I feel like hitting something.

The rest of the drive home was a blur. I skipped my last two blocks so I got home by 12:00. I go inside and flip on the couch and just cry. I cannot stop crying.


I am awaken from my sleep by a call. I sit up and wipe my face off. I don't remember falling asleep. It's a call from Aiden. Why is he calling me? I look at the time. FUCK!

I answer the call, "oh my god I am so so sorry Aiden. I completely forgot I'm so sorry, I'm on my way now."

I hop into my car and speed over to his school. I cannot believe I forgot about picking him up. Today is just terrible.

Right when he gets in the car I start apologizing over and over.

"Lexa! It's okay you don't need to keep apologizing." He says to me. I can feel the tears coming again. Before I know it I burst out into tears and start sobbing into my hands.

He pulls he into an awkward car hug. I finally stop crying and he lets me go.

"We can go to MacDonalds and you can tell me everything over a McFlurry? He suggests. I can't help but laugh out loud. He is such a fatty.

We get to the McDonald's and I order us large mcflurries and a large fries to share. We sit down and I start telling him everything from when Costia broke up with me to how I forgot about picking him up.

"Wow I can't believe you didn't tell me about you and Costia breaking up. How could she do that to you?"

We stay at the McDonald's for 45 minutes just talking.

We get home by 5pm. We sit at the table and I help Aiden with his math homework. Being with him always helps me calm down. By 6pm mom is home and I decide not to tell her about me yelling at Costia and then forgetting to pick up Aiden. We eat dinner at 7pm and after I head up to my room to have a long shower.

I'm in my room putting my hair in braids when mom comes in. "Did you skip two classes today?" Aw shit. I forgot the school calls parents if you skip. I decide not to lie.

"Yea something happened. But I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay honey. Just remember I'm always here for you. Always. You can talk to me."

"Yea I know, thanks mom."

She gives me a hug and kisses me on the head before leaving my room.


I am laying in bed watching tiktok with Aiden when I get a text. It's from Lincoln.

"Hey lex I heard about earlier with Costia at school. Are you okay?"

Oh god people are already hearing about it.

"I'm fine. I overreacted I guess and now I regret it a lot." I reply.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No not yet. Sorry."

"Don't apologize." I smile at the text. He is always so understanding and has never forced me to tell him anything if I didn't feel ready to. I heart his message and go back on tiktok, but he texts me again.

"I think I know something that might cheer you up."

"And what's that?"

"There's a party at Henry's on the weekend. It's going to be a huge one. All the rugby girls and boys will be there and a lot more other people."

"Is it a start of the season party??"

"Nah just a party. Idk why he is throwing one now tho instead of like last week during spring break."

"Yea that's weird."

"It is. But do you want to come?"

I thought about it for a minute.

"Yea. I need to get fucked up and potentially make out with a girl or two. Or three. Haven't decided yet😋"

"Oh god lex. I'm gonna be monitoring you so you don't do anything stupid."

"Haha okay. No promises I won't try tho."

"You're a goof. Goodnight <3"

"Good night brick wall love you <3"
Brick wall is a nickname he got when he was in grade nine, just starting out at rugby. Some kid tried to run through him but instead Lincoln hit him so hard he had to come off for the rest of the game. Ever since then everyone on the team calls him brick wall.

Aiden knocks me out of my thoughts by hitting me in the face with a pillow.

"Good night, love you." He gives me and hug and climbs out of my bed and goes to his room. I turn off my phone and go to sleep.

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