
By MissFanceh

40.1K 1K 771

Franny Howard, 16 years old. Just an antisocial girl with a dark past and a black memory that no one has ever... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

1.1K 41 25
By MissFanceh

Hellooo!! I have news!! I changed someone in the cast! Guess who guess who guess who.....okay seriously, here's the news: Zayn Malik is not starring in my story anymore! I replaced him with Kian Lawley so Charles now looks like Kian (but with extra muscles to make him hotter lol)

I also changed Charles Watson's name to Kian Lawley, so that's his name. I'm really sorry if that seems ridiculous, but... I really want it to be a Kian's fanfic. But he doesn't have a YouTube channel in this book which means that he's not famous.

And let me tell you that I like the way he looks not his personality, like I don't hate him but I don't love him so yeah, the point is his look.

One more thing: comment A LOT please=))

Chapter 11 - Ready To Run


"Me Franny, me. I love you, I love you, I love you." Kian said the words I thought I'll never hear.

But I don't have to have this huge hope, he's saying it just to stop me from committing suicide.

"You're lying, You're saying it to save me." I said ending the distance between the knife and my neck.

"Franny no; I'm not saying it to save you, I'm saying it to save me. Think about your decision please, you're not ending your life only, you're ending mine too. You're not killing yourself only, you're killing me." Kian said in rush as the tears started to fall down his cheeks again.

I threw the knife on the table that I was standing on; I mean, after hearing those words, I really need to rethink this decision.

"I love you stupid. don't ever do this again, you was about to kill me." Kian said carrying me bridal-style. I buried my face in his chest and cried silently.

Kian put me on a bed - his bed, I guess - and sat on the edge of it. The tears were falling down my cheeks without any voices coming out of me. Kian was holding my hand with the both of his hands and rubbing it with his thumb.

"Sing to me." I said to Kian, I don't really know where did the idea come from, but I guess it'll help me relax.

"No Franny, I'm sorry but you'll regret that. My voice is terrible." He answered smiling at me and caused me to smile back.

"Please." I begged "Okay, fine." He finally accepted.

"How many times do I have to tell you?
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you
My head's under water but I'm breathing fine..."

that was the last part I remember before falling asleep.

Kian's POV:

I got out of the room when I made sure that she fell asleep, and headed downstairs to the living room. I sat on the couch as I called the only number that can help in such a situation.


"Heyy!! You finally remembered that you have a cousin." I chuckled at her respond. How I miss this voice!

"How are you?" I asked her

"I'm super fine, what about you?" She asked with her energised peppy voice.

"I'm fine too." I'm not, what I've passed through moments ago was not easy at all.

"Kian, your voice isn't normal; were you crying?" Ugh, she of course will know.

"No, I wasn't." I lied to her.

"Oh come on, do you really think that you can lie on me?" Actually no.

"Fine, I was crying." I admitted.

"Awww, what's wrong?" She asked with a gentle tone.

"I need your help." I knew that she'll help; she longs to help anyone in anything; she's so caring and sweet.

"Sure! Just tell me what's wrong." Her voice is so comforting.

"I..." I don't know where to start. "I had a tough day. I told the girl I love that I love her."

"That's great! It's fantastic, how did you consider this as a tough time?" Her voice can clearly explain the way she feels, and you can now tell that she's surprised.

"She was about to commit suicide, the knife was on her neck and..." A memory that will unfortunately stay forever in my mind.

"Oh my gosh, what's wrong with her? Where did she bring the idea from?" She's getting more surprised.

"Her mum told her to commit suicide, and the girl is just so broken that she actually was going to do it." I explained.


"Aye, my eardrum."

"I'm sorry, it's just..... is she really her mother? Is she even a mother?"

"I know, I know. I need you to help her; to bring her back to life, the way you did to me few years ago."

"Sure, just send me her number and I'll talk to her."

"She doesn't have a phone."

"What are you waiting? Go ahead and buy her one."

"I can't leave her alone."

"Where's George?"

"He's at work."

"Okay. Tell me what exactly happened."

I told her every little detail about what happened minutes ago. I can be who I truly am around this girl; she's so understanding and sweet - she's the big sister I've hoped for though she's younger than me with one year.

She has helped me through every issue I've passed, she has brought me to life and has shown me that life won't end because of only one thing or person; and that's why I'm grateful for her.

After finishing the call, I went back to my room and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at her, she looks very exhausted.

She deserves way too much more than life's giving her, but I'll compensate her, I'll give her what her family didn't offer; I'll never let her go back to her family, she can see Jake but I won't let her go back to her house again - I can't let her go.


Franny's POV:

"You woke up?" Kian smiled at me, his eyes were so red, I bet mine look the same.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eye "it's almost 8:30" Kian answered with his smile on his face.

"I should go back home." I said picking myself up and setting on the edge of the bed next to Kian.

"Are you kidding? I'm not going to let you go in this situation." Kian replied looking at me with worry.

I sighed quietly "Where's the bathroom?" I asked looking around the room. Kian got up and offered me his hand, I held it and got up. Kian led me to a bathroom that was next to the room I was sleeping in.

"Take a bath, it'll help you relax." Kian suggested. I nodded smiling and locked the door. I took my clothes off as the hot water was filling the tub.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked awful; my eyes are very red, the eyeliner is filling my cheeks and my face is so tired.

"This time I'm ready to run, RUN!
Escape from this city and follow the sun
Cuz I wanna be yours, don't you wanna be mine?
I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night." I started to sing.

Music always helps me through literally everything. My voice is not good at all, but I really like to sing, it helps me to get all of my emotions out because sometimes, it feels like the lyrics were written about your life.

"This time I'm ready to run, RUN!
Wherever you are is the place I belong
Cuz I wanna be free, and I wanna be young
I'll never look back now
I'm reeeaaady to run."

I rested my body in the hot water and started thinking. Am I ready to run? To escape from the house and never look back? Because I want to be free and enjoy my youth.

What was that? She wanted me to die just to dispose of me, but does this mean that I don't deserve to live? God was not going to create me if I don't deserve to live.

I want to live, but not with her or with dad; I want to run away from them - I want to escape from my whole life. I want to start a new one.

I'm not going back, I'll never think of that; it's like thinking about sending yourself to hell, and this is the last thing that I wish for. But where to stay? With George and Kian? I really really don't want to disturb them, and living with them is absolutely a nuisance. But he said that he loves me.... oh god, help me. I guess I'm going to think about this later, I really can't handle this now.

I looked to the left where the wall-mounted caddy was placed, there are two shampoo's bottles and 'for men' was written on the both of them; ugh.

I opened the first one and smelled it, then smelled the second and chose the smell that I preferred. The second one was my choice so I massaged my head with it and washed it.

I got out of the tub and searched for a towel, I didn't find one thanks to my luck.

"KIIAAAN." Was I louder than I should've been? Who cares?! "Yeah!!" He shouted back.

"Have you ever heard of the invention 'towel'?" I heard him chuckling "I don't think so but...I'll Google it and bring you one." He answered "Good, thanks!" I said squeezing my hair so it'll dry faster, yeah yeah I do that, don't judge me. "Anytime!" Kian replied as his voice got farther.


"Are you done?" Kian asked knocking on the door of his bedroom "Yeah, you can come in." I replied while brushing my hair.

Kian started laughing as he got in the room "What?" I asked but he was too busy (laughing) to answer "What?" I repeated louder with a smile on my face.

"You look funny in those clothes." He managed to say between his laughter.

I was wearing Kian's t-shirt and sweatpants; they were big -of course- on me but I didn't have a choice. I faked a pout as I folded my hands to my chest, he held his laughter when he saw me like this.

"Sorry, but seriously you look so adorable though." He said smiling and my smile widened "Thanks." I replied with my innocent smiley face on.

"Sooo, I came to tell you that dad want to talk to you." Kian said seriously "Did you tell him?" I asked widening my eyes "I had to." He answered and I rolled my eyes "What?" He asked 'innocently' "What? Oh, oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud?" I said sarcastically "Anyways where's he?" I asked seriously "In the living room, I'll be here if you need anything." He answered and I nodded smirking.

I headed to the living room where I saw George sitting on the couch. He started laughing when his eyes fell on me, god. "Oh my god, you look funny in these clothes." He said laughing.

The same comment as Kian's. Ugh.

"Take a seat." George's face turned to a serious one now "Thanks." I said as I sat facing George. I have never seen him this serious, and it's kinda scary.

"Kian told me." George remarked "I know." I said looking at the ground "Why did you do this? Why did you even think about it?" George asked using a tone I've never heard from him.

"My life is meaningless." I shortened "You know you can talk to me, consider me as your father; I know you two are not in good terms but... let me be your father." I smiled at his words.

"Thanks, I already consider you as my father." I replied, I know that he's waiting for an explanation of what happened today's so hard to talk about it, and especially today; I need time.

"You need to know that there's people who love you out there, you can't do this for them. Didn't you think about Jake? He's passing through the same thing that you're suffering from; your parents aren't helping according to what Kian told me, you're depending on him and he's depending on you. You can't simply end your suffering and let Jake suffer even more, do you want that?" George said, I shook my head fighting the tears.

He was right, Jake needs me as much as I need him and I wouldn't be happy if he decided to simply go and let me suffer alone; How selfish I was!

"And Kian, didn't you think about him? You don't know how much he loves you. He's always talking or thinking about you. Whenever we laugh over something he says: 'I wish Franny was here to laugh with us.' Look, this isn't my business to tell you how much he loves you, but.... he really does. If you only heard him describing what happened today, you were ripping his heart."

I didn't know what to say so the tears spoke instead of me. I have never thought that someone will ever love me this much. I don't even know if my tears were because of happiness or sadness.

"I didn't say this for you to cry, I just want you to know that there's a lot of people who love you and care about you." George said, I wiped my tears nodding "Come to here sweetheart." George said patting the couch with his hand.

I got up smirking and sat next to George, he wrapped my waist with his hand as I rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you Franny, we all love you. Don't think about doing it again, please." George said before kissing the top of my head "Wait, is this my shampoo?" I laughed hard as he joined me.

George sighed after calming his laughter and said: "Okay, I'm going to sleep now, want anything before I go?" It was 9:45 p.m, I guess his work was tiring. "No thanks, sweet dreams." I said smirking as he got up and went up stairs.

Actually I'm tired too and want to sleep. I went to Kian's room and knocked the door "Come in." Kian said, I entered and saw him playing on his phone while laying in bed shirtless.

He must enter a competition where they choose the hottest guy in the U.K because he's going to win no doubt.

"Hey, um... I'm going to sleep you want anything?" I asked weirdly "No thanks, where are you going to sleep?" Kian replied "Actually, I don't know." I answered shrugging.

Kian chuckled getting up "You'll sleep here. We have an extra bedroom, but it's not prepared so.. I'll sleep in it tonight. I'll prepare it for you tomorrow though, don't worry." Kian explained. I feel bad to sleep in his bedroom but arguing with Kian is just impossible.

"Thanks and really sorry about taking your bedroom." I said moving from the doorway so he can pass.

"Don't be. Sweet dreams." Kian said smiling "Sweet dreams for you too." I replied smiling back.

I jumped into the bed after closing the door, the smell of Kian's stunning cologne was overwhelming and I enjoyed it.

I have passed through a lot of feeling today that I forgot that Kian told me that he loves me, I've missed the chance to tell him that I love him too; I'm so stupid.

I have to tell him about it tomorrow, I know how it feels to tell someone that you love him and not having him says it in return.


Don't forget to vote/comment please=) it's all so appreciated♡♡

30 June 2015

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