so desperately obvious - Jake...

By ThruTheAshes

27.8K 635 353

Follow Jake and Johnnie on their journey towards realizing that what they feel for eachother might be more th... More

what if we get eaten by coyotes?
i'm not cuddling you, man
i thought cuddling was too gay for you?
you really think you're sexy enough to get kidnapped?
you were totally about to piss your pants!
i said thanks, you ass
oh my god, shut up you silly goose.
i'm your little bitch though
you two are a couple, yeah?
who's his emergency contact?
jesus man, you're so sappy
playing hard to get, huh?
my stalkers would have a feild day
the window fucking exploded
you can't die on me man, I couldn't take it.
did you try to punch a ghost?
you can make it up to me later..
we should make out.

fuck me yourself, you coward

1.5K 37 5
By ThruTheAshes

The TV is stuck on some odd channel because neither Jake nor Johnnie feel like changing it, maybe it's Hallmark? Jake isn't sure but an old timey show with cheesy music and grainy production is playing. 'Murder She Wrote' is the name of it and he genuinely could not care less about plot right now.

Usually he's out cold during any kind of show or movie especially this late, but he cant birng himself to sleep. Johnnie's eyes are drooping ever so slightly and hes been inching a little closer to Jake with every half hour or so that passes - or maybe Jake's scooting closer to him subconsciously - who knows? Life is full of mysteries.

The fog is no longer simply looming above the lake in an ominous but logically harmless way, now its surrounding the house - just outside the massive windows. They're both on edge even through their exhaustion. By this point, the blankets that they each individually had have merged into one - layered on top of one another because of their proximity, so close that Jake can feel the rise and fall of his friend's chest from where they're pressed shoulder to shoulder.

The fog is thick and the trees cast lines of grey blue shadows everywhere - enveloping the house in shades of muted sapphire.


Minutes go by and Jake feels soft hair tickle his neck, fuckin' Johnnie falling asleep to a show before he does? This is sick and twisted. His friend's head finally rests fully against his shoulder and he's wide awake now, taking in the gentle breaths against his collarbone with a fervor that would rival a cat watching a mouse.

His eyelashes flutter, what could he be dreaming about? Johnnie's brows shoot together and Jake brings a hand up to run through the emo boy's hair as a reflex - he genuinely couldn't help it if he tried.

Blue hues reflect off Johnnie's pale skin, he's so beautiful and Jake is so fuckin' creepy for watching him like this right now. The shorter man's fringe falls across his forehead and his brows twitch, Jake goes to brush the hair away when he hears an erratic tapping.

Fuck, he's scared.

This was a shit idea, why couldn't they have done another musty ass hotel? Johnnie feels the hand in his hair pause and it must wake him up because his eyes shoot open, Jake moves his hand so it's hovering just behind his friend's head with an expression on his face that definitely spells out guilt as he looks out into the woods.

Johnnie's eyes flick from searching Jake's face to out the window where the knocking continues.

The shorter man finally breaks the silence and Jake would be embarrassed to admit that it startles him.

"Dude, saying 'this isn't helping the gay rumors' is really running it's course.." He smiles nervously, eyes flitting towards the window, clearly also concerned about the noise as he backs away from Jake ever so slightly.

Jake stops himself from saying 'then stop' at the very last second. Now that would be really, really, fucking gay. Like, new levels, he might even win a gay competition.

Instead, he redirects the conversation entirely. "Wanna check out that noise?" He whispers hoarsely and Johnnie sends him a hilariously offended look.

"Fuck no." The other man replies with his eyebrows drawn together despite the fact that he's almost a hundred percent sure that Jake is joking. "Do you?"

Jake laughs and replies with some iteration of 'no'. He pauses for a few seconds, "I kinda just wanted to bother you."

Johnnie huffs in pretend agitation, he could tell. Jake really likes trying to break tension with attempts at 'bothering' the other man despite the fact that the shorter has a hard time staying mad or even 'bothered' when it comes to the him. Hopefully Jake never realizes this, he'd abuse the power.

Trees sway - dancing in the wind and casting shadows that seem a hell of a lot like human onlookers, they begin to discern that the heating of the house makes an odd rythmic clicking noise which is freaky, they tell themselves the heating is what was making the tapping noise. Both of them know this is untrue, they're just afraid that admitting such a thing will make it even more real somehow.

There's finally another noise that breaks the mould of the clicking pattern, a thump coming from upstairs. Jake once again asks if Johnnie wants to see what the noise came from. Nervous tension is overwhelming the two, Johnnie just wants this damn night to be over.

"Are you genuinely a horror movie protagonist 'cuz you're scaring me.. we all know the hot ones die first.." The shorter man's voice cracks at the end of the sentance through his attempt to stay at a whisper.

"Awww you called me hot." Jake coos at the statement.

"I was talking about myself."

Johnnie jolts at the dull 'click' of Jake's camera starting. Once again, his friend is planning on filming him getting mauled. Typical.

"Dude, this isn't fucking Scooby Doo.. whoever's out there probably isn't some harmless guy in a mask."

"Bro. Not all Scooby Doo villains are harmless, remember that beach crab episode?"

"Jesus, that's not the point Jake."

After a few more seconds of nothing, Jake breaks the silence again, "This place definitely has hella ghosts."

"I think a chainsaw massacre is more likely right about now."

"Be honest with me Johnnie, do you have a serial killer fetish?"

"Fuck you."

"Fuck me yourself, you coward." Jake smirks, so proud of himself for delivering such an overused line. Johnnie rolls his eyes and groans quietly, so done with this situation - why does he always feel on the brink of getting murdered as of late? He's at least seventy percent sure it's not his fault.

A thump.

Johnnie jolts impossibly closer to Jake - this time Jake knows he didn't do the inching because he's very frozen in place, much like a deer in headlights.


Johnnie grabs Jake's forearm and for once the taller is glad that he's so focused on the noises because otherwise he'd have a hard time hiding a shit-eating grin at his friend seeking contact with him for stability.

Blunt nails dig into his arm, Johnnie has an impressive amount of grip strength. Maybe they should take up rock climbing.


They're up all night.

All. Night.

Nothing comes of the noises though they keep sounding closer and closer with every hour that passes.

Johnnie thought about running many times until Jake pointed out that the outside of the house is somehow even freakier than inside.

They become very aquatinted with the characters of 'Murder She Wrote' because the TV genuinely has no other channels aside from Hallmark and Jake once again forgot to bring any phone chargers because he's a sick bastard that gets off on torturing Johnnie.

"Johnnie will you ever forgive me??" The shorter man has been complaining about the lack of phone chargers (for the second collaboration video in a row!) since Jake broke the news at approximately 5.27 AM. It's been over three hours.

"Sorry Jake, some things just can't be forgiven.." He makes an overly solemn face for the camera.

"...Sugar Daddy video part two.." Oh so Jake's trying to bribe him with money now... Hmm

"... you have to buy lunch.."

"Deal." They handshake and Jake brings up the idea of night two featuring an Ouija board.

"Jake, are you actually insane? Genuine question."


titles kinda clickbait haha sorry bros this is a family friendly establishment

aghh not my favorite chapter but i hope you guys like!!

most of their spooky vids dont yeild much actual spook so i tried to not go too aggressive on it well see abt the next chap thoo ;))

remember to vote nd comment if you like and please PLEASE point out mistakes if u see em. i wrote this bad boy at the speed of light so there are bound to be some, ty!! :))

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