Born To Love You | Pablo Gavi

By oompa_loompa_6

10.1K 143 51

Delilah is a girl who soon becomes one of the youngest FC Barcelona Femení team players. Unfortunately, she l... More

Nice meeting you all!
Introducing the characters
They left.
Just stay
don't come apologizing later on for something your going to regret.
this fagot is following me!
Who said I can't, darling?!
We don't even talk, dumbass.
Umm ... What sticky note?
Don't look at her you pervert!.
"Hey, I'm not that ugly!".
"He got me wet with water, not with anything else.".
Think of a better excuse next time, sweetheart.
We're not doctors!
The Presentation - Part 1.
The Presentation - Part 2.
It was very nice what you did for her!
You never know what could happen on the world, Delilah!
Not to be messing around with it!
"She's not going to make it in."
"I don't want to! Go away!"
More like a grandmother.
A/N ❤️💙
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥

"Ven a sacarme!"

237 4 0
By oompa_loompa_6

Delilah's POV:

I woke up feeling tired like always.  Pedri always calls me lazy, and I honestly don't blame him. If it weren't for the opportunity I got, I'll be in bed all day, eating.

So that means that if I want to take my career seriously, I must go to training, which is what I'm getting ready for right now. I was brushing my teeth when I remembered that Pedri might not want to take me training..

Sighing, I grabbed my phone and called Pedri.

"Halo? Que quieres?" Pedri asked.
("Hello? What do you want?")

"Me vas a llevar a mi entrenamiento?"
("Are you going to take me to my training?")

"Si, y prepárate. Ya casi no vamos."
("Yes, and get ready. We're almost leaving."

"Vale." I said and declined. Quite surprised he answered my call, unlike the other times I've called him.

I grabbed my bag with all my training stuff inside, and walked out of my room. I headed to the kitchen to make my protein shake. I grabbed my water and filled it up with water. Once I did that, I added my powder.

And that's what I had for breakfast. Well maybe not because sometimes they give us breakfast in the morning. And oof, is that breakfast fire!

The car was parked in the garage because one time Pedri got hijacked, and he was the one asking for a ride. Gavi might've told me. I wonder who Gavi drove with then.

It was freezing outside. Luckily I took Pedri's keys and turned on the car for the warm AC. I was warming up when Pedri came inside the car. I didn't want to ask if Gavi was coming with us. So that meant that I sat in the front seat.

Pedri noticed and glared at me.

"Atrás." He said as he pointed to the back seats.


" Vete atrás, now."
("Go back.")

"Fine..." I mumbled and went to the back seat. "Why do I have to sit back here?"

"Gavi's going to sit here."

I sighed and layed back. One of my blankets was laying back here, so I used that to warm myself up. Not long after, Gavi came inside the car.

"Buenos días." Gavi said while shaking from the weather.
("Good morning.").

"Buenos días." Pedro said back to him.

"Mhmm." I mumbled. What? I was to lazy (and comfortable) to answer to him.

"Let's go now." Pedri said as he started the car engine. "Oh and were passing by some of the boys. They wanted to drive with us."

"Great." I mumbled. One by one arrived and sat in the car. By this point it was 7 of us in the car. I was clearly uncomfortable. " Can I go in the trunk?" I said out of nowhere.

"You can't go in the trunk. You'll suffocate." Gavi said.

"Well I want to. Can I, Pedri?"

"Well if can fit, then yeah." He stopped the car. I opened the door and got out. I made my way to the trunk and open it. "Are you sure your going to fit?"

"Yes I am." I said and hopped in. I pulled my blanket over myself and got comfortable. Although it was a little tight, I was still way more comfortable in her than sitting on a horny single man's lap.

Pedri drop to training. On the way there he blasted some music, which was horrible. His music taste is horrible. I prefer listening to other artists like Coldplay, ect.

Drake was one of them. The weekend a little as well. Not many artists have my eyes on them though. We shortly arrived to our destination. My training doesn't start until the boy's training ends. I get some free time at the meantime.

I'm pretty sure Pedri took the most bumpiest roads just to get me pissed. And boy oh boy did it piss me off. At some certain point I had to scream at Pedri to stop.

All the boys got out, and forgot me inside. Thankfully I had my phone and clicked on the first contact I saw. Gavi's voice answered me.

"Ven a sacarme!" I said.

"Oops, ahorita voy con la llave de Pedri." Gavi said and quickly declined. Some minutes passed and the trunk got unlocked, making me go free.

"Sorry we forgot about you." Gavi said.

"No problem." I said and walked away. Why was I all of a sudden so cold towards him?

3rd person POV:

Delilah walked towards the training facility. She didn't mind people coming up to her asking for a picture. Although many people were really annoying, she somehow managed to stay calm and not punch the person in their face.

Some were very respectful, meanwhile others... not so much. Delilah read the article about all the rumors about her and Gavi. She couldn't help but to start laughing at the sudden rumors.

She doesn't mind the rumors. She knows that her and Gavi being together won't happen. And if it does, it won't work out. Others say it will. Gavi being a very cocky boy, and Delilah being a girl with so much attitude, many people, including their friends ship them.

Without Pedri knowing, of course.

But since Ferran can't keep his mouth shut (he isn't careful when he talks about it), Pedri found out, and immediately stopped the shipping. But of course, they didn't. Now, they didn't tell Ferran anything.

Many of his teammates and their girls just simply don't understand why Pedri doesn't allow this. Pedri being stubborn doesn't share his reason.

Delilah walked into the facility where she was met by Xavi.

"Buenos días, González jr." He said and went in for a hug.

"Ahh, Buenos días, Xavi." She said and accepted the hug.

"Why are you so early?"

"Well I didn't have a ride for the afternoon, so Pedri took me."

"Oh, very good then. Maybe you should teach some of the boys on how to be early." He laughed.

"Oh, haha." She laughed back. "I'm going to go see if they have breakfast, it was nice talking."

"Oh yeah no worries, bye!" He said. Xavi turned around and walked towards the pitch. Maybe  she should teach the boys how to get early.

She can already imagine Xavi calling all the late boys to hurry up.

Delilah skipped all the way towards the cafeteria, where thankfully there was food getting prepared. One of the chef's noticed me, slightly gave me a smile.

She handed her a toast and a hot chocolate, which was perfect for this weather. Delilah liked and thanked her before heading to an empty seat. The girl used her  phone basically the whole time.


Delilah's POV:

All the girls were passing the ball to each other during training. Some of the boys had left, while others like Pedri and Gavi stayed eating lunch. Some of then stayed to keep Pedri and Gavi company.

Pedri had come out to watch me train, but I know that wasn't the case. You see, he was staring at one of the female workers, that supposedly in his eyes is beautiful. I'm not going to be mean, but I don't see what he sees in her.

We were playing some fun games, while of course still training. We basically have to to kick the ball and one person is goalie. When the person kicks the ball, they switch places with the goalkeeper.

And the old goalkeeper goes to the end of the line. We continue doing this for some time. Unfortunately, I'm not good at goalie, or at least that's what I tell myself.

When I was smaller and I would play at school, my position was actually goalie. Not gonna lie, I was basically a Ter Stegen 2.0.

Ok maybe not that professional and good, but I was near it.

The training was over after 2 hours. Normally it was 1 hour and 30 minutes, but since we had a clásico for our next match, we needed to train extra hard. And yes, it is going to be my first match.

After that match, we go into winter break for a couple of weeks, until we have to start training again for the new match. It doesn't seem that bad until you realize all the work and effort we put in.

Finally I was able to shower and head home to sleep.

I walked towards the parking lot where Pedri and Gavi were waiting for me. Many of the girls said bye to me, and so did I.

I walked towards the car, and got in. I threw my bag somewhere around the back seat.

"Lista?" Pedri asked me.

"Si." I said.

He the proceeded to start driving. The way back home was silent. My tummy grumbled out of hunger.

"Pedri, can you pass by a McDonald's?" I asked.

"Tienes dinero?"
("You have money?")


"Vamos entonces."
("Let's go then.")

He drove towards a drive thru and I ordered my food. I payed quickly, and Pedri drove off before anyone noticed who he was.

Finally, I was home on the coach way eating. Pedri did tell at me, but I didn't/won't listen. It's not my fault he gets a white leather couch. Worst color honestly.

Anyways, I continued to eat until Gavi came and sat next to me. We watched the movie in silence. I didn't notice that he was slipping a piece of fry to his mouth every now and then.

When I caught him, i slapped his hand away. He grunted in pain, while I just smirked. Pedri came down and informed us that we had to go to a last minute dinner for some stupid stuff.

Now I had to go get ready. great.

I was originally planning to be lazy and sleep all day but I'm guessing Pedri has other plans. Grunting, I got up and went to my room. I didn't know what type of dinner it was going to be, so I just wore a dress that isn't to fancy or to homeless looking.

I put on a pair of short high heels because I knew my feet were going to hurt like hell. When I was done getting ready, I went downstairs to look for Pedri.

"Pedri! Ya estás listo?!" I yelled, which you can hear from a mile away.

"Ya voy!" Pedri screamed. He and Gavi came down the stairs, giggling at something. Oh here we go again. Pedri of course is acting like nothing happened...

We walked towards the car, and i went to my spot, the backseat. I don't think there's ever going to be a day where i can finally with in the front seat, with Gavi in the back.

At the end of the day, I'm grateful I can at least have enough space at the back.

Shortly after, we arrived at the restaurant. It didn't seem that fancy. Ok never mind, it's very fancy...what did i expect? I'm grateful I at least whore a dress and not jeans.

We sat down at our tables, but before that, we said hi to all the players. I sat down next to milky, which thankfully is seated next to my assigned seat.

I thought the dinner was just for the men's team, but nope. Alexia walked in dressed all fancy. So i guess I was supposed to be here. Or maybe not.

Vicky walked in after Alexia. I've met Vicky a couple of times. I'm not really interested to be her friend, but more of her teammate. She seems like a pick me to me. It's just my opinion....

We started to talk to one another. I was to busy talking to Mikky. Maybe we were to busy chismeando, and we didn't notice when the waiter came.

Pedri basically had to pinch me and remind me to tell the waiter my order. I turned red and quickly told the waiter my order. Afterwards, i continued to talk to Mikky.

"Bueno, supongo que deberíamos irnos de vacaciones durante el invierno" Alexia said as she was talking to my brother.
("Well i suppose we should go on vacation for winter.")

"Estuviera bien, no?"
("It'll be good, no?")

"Dependiendo a dónde nos vamos. Los chicos son nenas. No creo que puedan soportar el frío". Alexis joked.
("Depending on where we're going. The boys are babys. I don't think they can stand the cold.")

"¿Has visto a Ansu y Gavi en invierno? Te juro que son bebés."
("Have you seen Ansu and Gavi in the winter? I swear they're babys.")

"Haha, so lo e visto."
("Haha, yes I've seen it.")

"Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es planificar adónde vamos y a quién invitamos. Recuerden que es Navidad y no creo que los niños quieran pasar su tiempo con nosotros sino con sus familias." Pedri said.

(" Allá we have to do is plan where we are going. Remember it's Christmas and I don't think the boys are going to want to spend time with us, instead of hanging out with their families.")

They continued to talk about that topic, until many people joined the conversation. It was to the point where Pedri got tired of the conversation, so he some how managed to stop it.

We all ate in peace. That was until Xavi  inturrepted us and announced the dates the boys and the girls were going on break. Unfortunately, Jonatán couldn't make it due o him being sick.

after dinner was over we went home. I went room and got redy to go to sleep. But i wasn't tired, so I decided to stay awake watching the new Spider-Man movie. I rate it like a 7/10.

To be honest, it was kind of ass. But other parts where good.

I ended falling dead asleep while watching my movie. I was a little exited for the game, which was happening in a couple of days.


A/N: back with another chapter. I'm sorry i couldn't post these days. Turns out I had to do exams, and I think i failed them. Oh well...

No new phone, so I'm still using my ipad. I broke it the other day after i was writing a new chapter. This one is a little shorter cause I didn't have time to write a bunch this week.

I'll see when I can post soon. Hopefully it's soon (or maybe not due to many reasons). My schedule is very fucked up so... Not much I can do about it.

Anyways, I'll see you guys soon. Thank you guys for the love and support 😘.

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