Hopeless Love (☆Scott McCall...

Af VelvetDreams82

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Beacon Hills. Home to all kinds of supernatural. It's been that way for decades, a safe haven. That was unti... Mere

Wolf Moon
Second Chance At First Line
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
The Tell
Heart Monitor
Night School


169 10 6
Af VelvetDreams82


Ashton cleared his throat as he sat in the jeep with Peter and Stiles. "You broke our deal."

Peter looked back at Ashton, still cleaning the blood from under his claws. "Allison was the only part of the deal, Lydia wasn't."

Ashton rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

It was silent for a few seconds before Ashton groaned, placing a hand over his chest.

Peter looked up, looking at Ashton through the rear view mirror. "Scott?"

Ashton nodded, letting out a sharp breath as the feeling subsided.

"Is he hurt?" Peter questioned.

"No, he's just.." Ashton paused, trying to find a word to interpret how the beta was feeling. It wasn't anger, it wasn't shock. "In anguish."

Peter hummed. "Has to do with Allison, I assume."

Ashton let out a curse, running a hand down his face. "Oh fuck."

Peter chuckled, apparently having the power to read minds. "Remember your boyfriend, finally?"

"Shut up." Ashton glared. "Talk to Stiles."

Peter rolled his eyes, glancing at the driver. "Don't feel bad. If she lives, she'll become a werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful."

Stiles sighed. "Yeah, and once a month she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear me apart."

"Well, considering that she's a woman." Peter began, letting out a breath. "Twice a month."

"Yeah, forgot to mention that part." Ashton mumbled.

Stiles tensed, looking between the two. "Gotta be kidding me.." He mumbled, looking back to the road, pressing his foot on the gas.

Ashton stood behind Stiles as he typed in the username and password, Peter beside them.

Peter paused, glancing back at Ashton. "His username is Allison?"

Ashton shrugged, chuckling as Stiles typed in the password.

Peter looked back at the laptop, tilting his head towards Stiles. "His password is also Allison?"

Stiles sighed. "Still want him in your pack?" He questioned, turning to look at Peter.

Peter rolled his eyes, looking away from the two teens, highly unimpressed.

"Told you, he's lovesick." Ashton muttered.

"Wait- what.."Stiles paused, eyes narrowed as he looked at the computer screen, Peter and Ashton leaning closer beside him. "That's where their keeping him? His own house?"

Ashton scoffed, watching the realization fall over Peter.

Peter smiled, closing the laptop. "Not at it." He grabbed the laptop, sliding it into his bag. "Under it. I know exactly where that is." He glanced at Ashton. "And so do you."

Ashton nodded, wincing as a howl echoed against his skull.

Peter looked out the garage, no doubt hearing the sound too. "And I'm not the only one."

"You can hear him?" Stiles asked, looking at Ashton.

Ashton nodded.

"How?" Stiles asked.

"I'm linked to him." Ashton reminded.

Peter interrupted the conversation, opening his passenger door and throwing the bag inside it.

Both Ashton and Peter paused as they heard Derek's reply, looking to each other for confirmation.


Peter glanced back at Stiles, walking towards him. "Give me your keys."

Stiles sighed, pulling out his keys. "Careful, she grinds in second."

Ashton sighed sadly, shaking his head. "That's not what he-" He began, stopping as Peter grabbed the keys, closing his fist around them before passing them back to Stiles, bent and broken. "Yup. That's more like it."

"I'll stay with him." Ashton told the alpha, only receiving a nod in reply as he moved towards his driver door.

"So, you're not gonna kill me?" Stiles commented.

"Oh for the love of-" Ashton complained, face-palming himself at the absurdity.

Peter paused, sending an amused smile Ashtons way before walking towards Stiles.

"Oh, god." Stiles whispered, taking a few steps back.


Don't you understand yet? I'm not the bad guy here." Peter defended, shaking his head.

"You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs, and you're not the monster here?" Stiles replied, pointing at Peter for extra clarification.

Peter sighed. "I like you, Stiles."

Stiles let out a breath, glancing at Ashton.

"Probably not a good thing." Ashton chuckled, crossing his arms, letting the scene play out. He knew where Peter was going with this, but he also knew Stiles's answer. He had no reason to intervene.

"Since you've helped me, I'm going to give you something in return. Do you want the bite?" He offered, offering it as if it was a simple piece of food.

Stiles froze, his eyes moving between Ashton and Peter. "What?"

"Do you want the bite?" Peter repeated, slower this time. "If it doesn't kill you, and it could, you'll become like us."

"Like you?" Stiles replied, his voice forced.

"Yes." Peter replied quickly. "A werewolf. Would you like me to draw you a picture?" He mocked, taking a step closer. "That first night in the woods, I took Scott because I needed a new pack. It could've easily been you. You'd be every bit as powerful as him. No more standing by his side, watching him become stronger, and quicker, more popular, watching him get the girl. You'd be equals. Maybe more."

Peter reached down, grabbing Stiles's wrist, pulling it up and holding it just next to his mouth. "Yes or no?"

Ashton almost stepped forward, almost intervened as he saw Stiles hesitate, saw Peter opening his fang-filled mouth. But he relaxed as soon as Stiles pulled his arm away, just in time.

"I don't wanna be like you." Stiles replied, his voice shaky.

"Do you know what I heard just then?" Peter asked, tilting his head. "Your heart beating slightly faster over the words 'I don't want'." He paused, letting his words sink-in. "You may believe that you're telling me the truth, but you are lying to yourself." He sighed. "Goodbye, Stiles."

Peter turned, glancing at Ashton. "Meet us when you can." He mumbled, getting into the car. He waited until Stiles moved out of the way before backing out and driving away.

Ashton stepped out of the elevator as soon as it opened, abandoning Stiles as he made his way over to Jackson. "Jax."

Jackson turned, a breath of relief escaping him as he wrapped his arms around Ashton. "Thank god."

Ashton sighed, patting Jackson's back as they separated. "How is she?"

Jackson shook his head. "They don't know." He cleared his throat, looking at Ashton. "Hey, you get ahold of Wesley yet?"

"Shit." Ashton muttered, pulling out his phone.



*Eleven missed messages from Ally🏹*
*Two missed calls from Ally🏹*
*Six missed messages from Wes♥️*
*Three missed calls from Wes♥️*
*Four missed messages from Kate*
*One missed call from Kate*
*Ten missed messages from Mom*
*Four missed calls from Mom*
*Sixteen missed messages from Dad*
*Ten missed calls from Dad*
*Two missed messages from Danny*
*One missed call from Jax🥍*


"I had my phone on silent, for the dance." Ashton muttered, quickly sending Wesley an 'I'm alive' text as Jackson mouthed something to Stiles.

Ashton put his phone away as Stilinski led Stiles away, down a hallway.

Jackson sighed. "Wesley and Danny were freaking out, by the way."

"What? Why?" Ashton questioned, crossing his arms as he looked at Jackson.

"Because you left to check on me, and then I showed up carrying a bloody Lydia and you were nowhere to be found." Jackson reminded.

Ashton cleared his throat. "Yeah, makes sense."

Stiles ran up to them a few minutes later, grabbing Ashton. "Let's go." He rushed, pulling Ashton with him down another hallway.

Jackson stuttered, following after the two. "Hey, where are you going?"

"To find Scott." Stiles replied, letting go of Ashton.

Ashton sighed, rolling his eyes as he trailed behind them. "Fun."

Jackson scoffed. "You don't have a car."

"I'm aware of that. Thank you." Stiles replied.

"Here, I'll drive, come on." Jackson said, trying to grab Stiles and stop him from walking away.

Stiles shrugged his hand off, stopping and turning towards him. "Look, just because you feel guilty all of a sudden doesn't make it okay, all right? Half of this is still your fault."

Jackson sighed. "Look, I have a car. You don't. Do you want my help or not?"

Ashton cleared his throat, glancing at Stiles. "C'mon, let him help."

Stiles stated at Ashton before letting out a breath, looking at Jackson. "All right. Did you bring the porsche?"

Jackson nodded, holding up his keys. "Yeah."

Stiles gave a curt nod in reply, grabbing the keys. "Good, I'll drive." He stated, turning and getting ready to walk again before stopping.

"Shit." Ashton whispered, pulling on Jackson's vest to stop him from walking, his body going tense as he stared at his Dad and two other hunters.

"Ashton." Chris called.

Ashton cleared his throat, stepping out from behind his friends and walking towards his Dad, standing beside him.

Chris nodding, looking at the other two with a small smile. "Boys. I was wondering if you can tell me where Scott McCall is."

Stiles swallowed, shaking his head. "Scott McCall? Haven't seen him since the dance. Jackson, you?"

"I-" Jackson started but stopped, stuttering and pausing. Too nervous to come up with a reply.

"Oh, for the love of god." Stiles whispered, rolling his eyes and then closing them.

"Shit." Ashton muttered.

Chris turned, nodding to the two hunters behind him.

"Hey! Careful!" Ashton hissed, following after them as they grabbed Stiles and Jackson, pushing them into a room and on a gurney.

Ashton turned as he heard the door close, seeing his dad lock the door.

"Let's try this again. Where is Scott McCall?" Chris repeated.

"We don't know." Stiles shouted, looking between Jackson and Ashton.

Chris scoffed, grabbing Stiles by the front of his shirt, pushing him into the door.

"Dad!" Ashton shouted, glaring at the hunter who grabbed him, pushing him back from the scene.

"Let me ask you a question Stiles. Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"

Stiles shook his head. "No. I could put it on my to-do list if you let me go."

"Well, I have. And the only thing I've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you wanna know what happened?" Chris continued, ignoring Stiles sarcasm.

"Not really." Stiles replied. "No offense to your storytelling skills."

"He tried to kill me, and I was forced to put a bullet in his head." His dad informed, shoving his finger at Stiles forehead for show. "The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?"

"No," Stiles replied. "And it sounds like you need to be a little bit more select-"

Stiles was interrupted as Chris shoved him into the door again.

"Dad! Stop!" Ashton shouted, glaring at the hunter who, once again, pushed him back. "Don't touch me!"

Chris gave his son a brief look before returning to the interrogation on Stiles. "Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? Did you have to lock him up?"

"Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator." Stiles converted, his gaze switching to a knowing glare. "Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?" He hissed.

Chris scoffed, letting go of Stiles and taking a step back. "I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that."

"Oh right." Stiles muttered. "Derek said you guys have a code, guess no-one ever breaks it."

Ashton swallowed, figuring out what Stiles had come to learn.

"Never." Chris replied.

"And if someone does?" Stiles questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Chris sighed. "Someone like who?"

Stiles paused, glancing at Ashton before looking back at Chris. "Your sister."

Chris paused, looking at Stiles. "No-"

"He's telling the truth." Ashton interrupted, meeting his Dad's gaze head-on.

Ashton moved to walk forward, rolling his eyes as the hunter pushed him back. "I said, don't touch me." Ashton mumbled, flicking his wrist, a satisfied hum leaving him as the two hunters fell to the floor.

"What do you mean?" Chris questioned. "He's telling the truth?"

Ashton swallowed, looking between Stiles and Jackson. "The fire..it was her."

Chris stuttered, shaking his head. "How do you- It couldn't...Where's your proof?"

Ashton paused, his shoulders dropping with guilt. "I'm the proof." He noted his father's confused face. "It wasn't just Kate, Dad."

Stiles sighed, stepping forward. "Tell him, Ash. He deserves to know." He whispered.

Chris swallowed, taking a moment to mentally prepare himself before looking at Ashton. "Tell me."


"Where are we going?" Ashton asked, holding onto Kate's hand as they walked through the woods.

Kate chuckled, leaning down and picking up the young boy. "To practice your magic."

"Really?" Ashton beamed, wrapping his arms around his aunt's neck.

Kate laughed, moving further into the woods.

Maybe if Ashton was older, more alert, he would've seen them. The two men, holding containers of gasoline, rushing past them, barely concealed by the dark. But he didn't.

"Here we are, kid." Kate whispered, setting him down on his own two feet before kneeling beside him.

Ashton looked around, pointing to the house just ahead. "What's that?"

"A house." Kate chuckled. "It's abandoned."

"It's so pretty." Ashton whispered, staring at the house in awe.

"Yeah. Okay, ready to practice?" Kate whispered, taking Ashton's hands in her own.

Ashton nodded.

Kate smiled. "And remember, it's our little secret, yeah?"

Ashton laughed, nodding in agreement. "Mhm!"

Kate released Ashtons hands. "Okay. Focus, say the first word that comes to mind. I want you to imagine fire. Strong, wild. Can you do that?"

Ashton nodded, sliding off his gloves. He passed them to Kate, hovering his hand over where she moved it too.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the image of a flame. "Incendia." He whispered, opening his eyes.

He squealed as a leaf sparked, soon a small set of leaves becoming covered in flames. "I did it!"

Kate laughed, high-fiving her young nephew before hugging him. "You did!"

Ashton pulled away from the hug as he saw the fire spread, confusion lining his face. "Aunt Kate, what's-" He began to ask, but stopping as he saw the line of fire spread, erupting the house into flames.

"Don't worry, it's abandoned." Kate whispered, sliding the gloves back onto Ashton's hands.

Ashton nodded, letting his aunt pick him up as they moved away from the house.

"No!" Ashton shouted as he heard the screams, seeing burnt arms reaching out from a grate. He kicked and punched at Kate, dropping from her arms before running back towards the house.

"Ashton!" Kate shouted, grabbing him and pulling him away from the house.


"No." Kate said, turning Ashton away from the house. "What's our code?"


"Say it."

Ashton bit his lip, biting back his tears. "Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent." He whispered.

Kate nodded. "Good." She turned him back around, holding him, making him watch as the house burned, hear the screams that echoed. "There were bad people in that house, the things we hunt."

"All of them?" Ashton asked.

Kate sighed. "No. But sometimes, sacrifices have to happen."

"So," Ashton paused, wiping his eyes. "I killed humans?"

Kate smiled. "Don't worry Ashton, no-one will ever know."

Ashton swallowed the lump in his throat, closing his eyes as the flames got taller, hiding his face in Kate's shoulder, willing the screams to stop.

"She used me, Dad." Ashton whispered, ignoring the tightness in his throat.

Chris sighed. "I should've known. You had nightmares for weeks after." He swallowed. "And you not liking her..god." He ran a hand down his face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"How would we have explained it?" Ashton questioned. "The others don't know about me, about what I can do. How would we explain it?"

Stiles cleared his throat. "We need to find Scott."

"I know where to go." Ashton stated, looking at his dad. "Come with me. Help me stop her."

Chris paused, the internal conflict he was having showing in his expression. "I'll drive you."

Ashton nodded, walking towards the door before looking back to Stiles. "Have a plan?"

Stiles nodded. "Always do."

"Kate!" Chris called, gun in hand as he walked towards them.

"Derek." Ashton whispered, running over to the hurt werewolf. He dropped beside him, looking him over before looking up at his sister. "What'd you do? Allison.. What'd you do?"

Allison stuttered, looking between Ashton and Kate.

Ashton shook his head, looking back down at Derek. He sighed, grabbing the arrowheads and pulling them out, biting his tongue as he heard Derek groan. "Anywhere else?"

Derek nodded, pointing to his shoulder. "Bullet."

Ashton sighed. "I'll get it later." He looked up, watching his dad get closer.

"I know what you did." Chris informed. "Put the gun down."

"I did what I was told to do." Kate replied, the metal of the gun clinking as she kept it held at Scott.

Chris scowled. "No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human." He looked to Ashton, pointing to him before looking back at Kate. "No one asked you to trick Ashton into starting the fire, to make him your accomplice. He was eleven, and you used him. No-one told you to do that." Chris fixed his gaze, keeping a stoic mask. "Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at a 16 year-old boy with no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the code, Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent."

Allison looked down, whispering the english translation. "We hunt those who hunt us."

Ashton tensed as he saw Kate's finger wrap around the trigger.

Chris lifted his gun, holding it, the nozzle aimed at her. "Put the gun down." He waited just a second, firing the gun, missing her by an inch. "Before I put you down."

Ashton let out a breath of relief as Kate lowered her gun.

They all turned as the door cracked open, slowly, like it was taunting them.

"Allison, get back." Chris warned, him and Kate both moving their guns to the door.

Ashton stayed kneeled beside Derek, prepared to protect him as Scott and Allison stood just seconds apart from each other.

"What is it?" Allison questioned, her grip tightening around her bow.

Scott leaned down, his eyes fixed on the door. "It's the Alpha."

Ashton flinched as a shadowed figure jumped around them, too fast too catch with the eye.

Weapons raised, the others turning in circles to track him.

Chris was the first to get thrown.

"Ally!" Ashton yelled as she was tossed to the ground, her bow sliding away from her.

Then it was Scott.

Leaving just Kate.

Ashton looked down, moving the jacket away from Derek's shoulder as Kate yelled. "This is gonna hurt." He warned.

Derek nodded, closing his eyes.

Ashton hovered his hand just over the entry wound, closing his eyes. "Motus." He ignored the sound of Derek's muffled groan as the bullet emerged from under his skin, the wound already working to heal.


Ashton looked up at the sound of his sisters scream, seeing her run into the house. "Ally! Wait!" He yelled, standing and running after her.

Ashton paused as he rounded the corner, Allison grabbing onto his arm for support.

Peter smiled as he saw Ashton walk into the room, his nails pressed into Kate's neck as she gasped. Peter looked back to Allison. "She is beautiful, Kate. Looks like you. Probably not as damaged."

Ashton swallowed, wrapping a hand in Allison's jacket, just in case. "Peter-"

"Don't." Peter said, looking at Ashton. "Don't tell me you don't want this. After what she did to us?"

Ashton ignored the comment. He may wish her dead, but Allison doesn't. Allison adores Kate, seeing her die would traumatize her.

Peter looked back at Allison. "So perfect." He whispered, tightening his hold on Kate to get her attention once again. "So I'm going to give you a chance to save them. Apologize. Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years. Say it, and I'll let them live."

Kate gasped, her eyes locking with Allison's, sympathy and sadness mixed within them. But then her gaze shifted to Ashton, and there was, nothing.

Ashton scoffed, letting go of Allison and taking a step forward. "I know you don't regret using me, but come on. It's Ally. Save her, please. Don't let her die. You love her, I know you do. So do the one good thing you can, and save her."

Kate swallowed, a tear falling down her face as she looked back to Allison. "I'm sorry."

Peter hummed, closing his eyes. When he reopened them, his eyes met Ashtons, a small, humorless, and evil smile covering his face as he drug his claws across Kate's neck.

Ashton covered his mouth, barely stifling the laugh he made as Kate's face morphed to one of confusion as she fell.

He turned as he saw Allison moved forward, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back.

Allison shook in his arms as they watched the life leave her eyes, her blood pooling around her head, staining her hair.

One twin crying in pain, the other relishing in relief.

Peter looked back up at Allison. "I don't know about you, Allison. But that apology," He tilted his head, "didn't sound very sincere." He finished, walking towards her.

Ashton pushed her behind him, looking to his sides as Scott and Derek appeared.

Scott looked towards them. "Run."

Ashton nodded, pulling Allison with him as they ran out of the house, finding their father and kneeling beside him.

"Dad. Dad?" Allison called, shaking him, trying to wake him up.

Ashton sighed, looking around. "Fuck. Stiles and Jackson should be here by now."

Allison paused, looking at Ashton. "Jackson knows?"

Ashton swallowed. "Yeah, yeah he knows."

The twins looked up as Scott was thrown from the house, landing on the ground.

"Shit." Ashton muttered, watching as the alpha ran out of the house, grabbing Scott and lifting him. "Kick him!" Ashton shouted.

Scott glanced at the Argent before kicking his feet against the alpha's chest, flipping away from him as the alpha stumbled and fell against the porch.

Ashton stood as the alpha did, both looking towards the bright lights as a familiar porsche pulled into view. He smiled as Stiles and Jackson stepped out of the car, jogging closer.

Ashton watched as Stiles threw, yet another, molotov cocktail at the alpha. His breath hitching as the alpha caught it.

"Allison!" Scott shouted, grabbing her bow and tossing it to her.

"Motus!" Ashton shouted, pulling her case of arrows closer, handing one to her. Briefly noting the look she gave him. "I'll explain later, shoot now!" He shouted, kneeling back beside her.

Allison nodded, pulling back her string before releasing the arrow. Her eyes widening as it collided with the glass, covering the alpha's arm in fire.

Jackson saw his window, throwing his own glass of chemicals at the alpha, stepping back as it's body became covered in flames.

Ashton pulled Allison and Chris back as the alpha moved towards them, a shaky breath of relief escaping him as Scott kicked the beast away.

They all watched as he burned, slowly shifting back to be Peter again. Or, what was left of him.

Ashton turned to Allison, taking the bow from her, putting it on the ground. "Go to him."

Allison nodded, standing up and moving towards Scott.

Ashton stood up, walking into the Hale house and helping Derek stand. "He won't like this."

Derek nodded. "It's necessary."

"Yeah." Ashton whispered. "Yeah, I know."

Ashton trailed behind Derek as they walked out of the house, moving towards Peter's charred body. Ashton stood beside a tree, watching as Derek moved to kneel over the alpha.

"Wait!" Scott yelled, running towards them. Ashton sighed, stepping away from the tree, wrapping a hand around Scott's arm, stopping him. Scott merely glanced at Ashton before going back to looking at Derek. "You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this, I'm dead. " He motioned towards Allison. "Her father, her family..what am I supposed to do?!"

Ashton swallowed. "Scott, it's better this way."

Scott stuttered, glancing at Ashton.

"You've already decided." Peter rasped, his eyes slowly flashing to a weak red. "I can smell it on you-"

"Wait! No! No! Don't!" Scott yelled as he saw Derek raise his arm, claws reflecting against the headlights.

Ashton tightened his grip on Scott, moving his arms to wrap around his chest, keeping him in place as he heard the sound of tearing flesh.

Scott let out a weak breath, collapsing forward, his body resting in Ashton's hold, his own hands wrapped tightly around Ashton's forearm.

Ashton watched as Derek turned, his eyes a bright red.

"I'm the Alpha now."

Ashton sighed as he sat in his dad's car, Allison in the backseat.

"So, your a witch?" Allison asked.


"And you've been a witch since we were kids?" Allison asked, again.


"Sweetheart," Chris interrupted, looking back at Allison, "We can discuss this later. For now," He sighed, glancing at Ashton, "We can talk about how you were helping them."

"Scott's innocent." Ashton defended. "And so was Derek."

Chris shook his head. "We have rules-"

"The rules are outdated." Ashton replied.

Chris swallowed, his eyes looking back to the road. "You're going to get yourself killed."

Ashton hummed. "So are you."

Ashton rolled on his heels nervously as he knocked on the door, he had rarely been over to Wesley's house, and only briefly met the foster parents who ran the group home. By briefly, he means for five seconds to pick to drop Wesley off back home.

But his boyfriend had been blowing up his phone since Ashton disappeared from the dance, and after, he was so busy with Peter and Derek he never got a chance to explain why he vanished.

By the time he got back home and had a moment to check his phone, his phone was already dead.

So, obviously, the best idea was to show up, unannounced, at almost two in the morning. Great plan.

Ashton looked up as the door open, Wesley standing in the doorway, the house lights off behind him.

Ashton looked Wesley up and down, taking note of his tank top and sweatpants, and his tired expression. Shit. "Oh, sorry, did I wake you up? I didn't-"

Wesley shook his head, reaching out and pulling Ashton into the house. "C'mon."

Ashton followed behind Wesley as the teen led him upstairs and into his room, shutting the door behind him. "My phone died, so."

Wesley shrugged, walking over to his nightstand and turning on his lamp. "It's fine. Anyways." He turned back towards Ashton, crossing his arms. "What happened? You disappeared, literally."

Ashton paused. "Well, alot. Actually." He chuckled.

Wesley frowned. "Tell me. I won't judge."

"Allison and Scott had a bad falling out, really bad." Ashton began, slowly figuring out what all he was going to say. "So, I took her home. But when we got there, we couldn't find my aunt."

"The one you don't like?" Wesley interrupted.

"Yeah, Kate." He cleared his throat. "But Ally loves her, so. Y'know, she got worried. So, we called our parents and we went out looking for her. But we couldn't find her."

Wesley paused, his arms falling to his sides. "Is she okay?"

Ashton hesitated, the cops had already claimed Kate's body, and the news would be all over town in the morning. There was really no harm in telling him now. "No, she..Do you know about the Hale fire? The big fire that happened a few years ago."

Wesley nodded. "Yeah, I've heard about it."

"My aunt, she was the arsonist." Ashton confessed, crossing his arms. "The cops found her in the Hale house, what's left of it."

"Is she-"

"Dead." Ashton responded. "We're waiting on the autopsy, but so far all we know is she's not alive."

Wesley sighed, his face contorting into one of sympathy as he walked over to Ashton, wrapping his arms around him. "I'm so sorry."

Ashton nodded, wrapping his arms around the other. "Thank you."

Wesley cleared his throat, separating from the hug and moving to the bed, sitting down. "Wanna talk about it?"

Ashton shook his head, running a hand down his face. "I'd literally rather talk about anything else."

"Like you saying I love you?" Wesley suggested, looking up to Ashton.

"What?" Ashton replied, shaking his head. "I never- oh my god. The dance." He muttered.

"Yeah, the dance." Wesley laughed. "So, do you? Or was it just heat of the moment?"

"I-" Ashton paused. Does he? Yes. But is he ready to admit it? Maybe? Love was complicated.

Wesley shrugged. "There's no wrong answer."

Ashton cleared his throat, internally shoving his nerves and doubts to the back of his mind. "Yeah. I do."

Wesley smiled, standing and pulling Ashton over to him. "So do I."

"Yeah?" Ashton chuckled, wrapping his arms around the others chest, his nails tracing lose shapes against his back.

Wesley laughed, nodding as he leaned down, his lips colliding with the others. Ashton was quick to reciprocate the kiss, tightening his hold on the other.

Wesley was the one to break the kiss, but not pulling away much. "I love you." He whispered.

Ashton smiled, not caring as he saw the lamp flicker in his peripheral vision. "I love you."

Ashton frowned as he watched Scott and Stiles sneak out of Lydia's room. "What're you doing?"

The two jumped, clearing their throats. "Nothing?"

Ashton scoffed, rolling his eyes. "The truth, preferably."

Scott sighed. "Making sure she's not turning."

Ashton nodded. "I've got that covered. You should be worried about someone else turning." He stated, walking towards her room.

"Wait, what?" Stiles asked, glancing at Scott for answers before looking at Ashton. "Who?"

Ashton smiled. "Didn't you hear?" He paused, opening the door. "Derek bit Jackson." He chuckled, stepping into the room. "Guess you and Derek won't be the only wolves in town anymore, McCall."


(5066 Words)

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