The young queen. The story of...

By GloriousSnake

849 145 3

"Come here, my dear," Loki purred, extending his hand for Ophelia to grasp. She took his hand, joining her lo... More



11 3 0
By GloriousSnake

As Loki stirred awake with the first rays of the morning sun, he was greeted by a breathtaking sight. Beside him lay Ophelia, the girl he had come to love, her beauty taking his breath away. Her slumbering form exuded an ethereal grace, with snow-white hair cascading over her shoulders and her lips slightly parted in serene repose. She slept soundly, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath, as if she were the embodiment of tranquillity.

Loki couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions as he observed her. Her confession of love the night before had touched him deeply, and seeing her beside him now, bathed in the soft morning light, filled him with a sense of awe and wonder. He marvelled at the serenity of the moment, cherishing the memory of their shared night and the profound connection they had forged.

Gently, Loki reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from Ophelia's face, his heart overflowing with affection for the remarkable woman who had entered his life. In that peaceful moment, he couldn't help but think that perhaps, against all odds, they had found something truly special and enduring in each other's arms.

Watching Ophelia, his beloved angel, sleep so peacefully by his side, Loki made a resolute decision. Today, he would seek an audience with Queen Frigga and formally request permission to court her.

His heart was filled with determination, knowing that their love was worth pursuing openly, even in the face of potential challenges.

As he contemplated his plan, Loki was interrupted by a gentle shift in Ophelia's sleep. Her head had moved, now resting on his chest. His heart skipped a beat as he felt her warm breath against his skin. It was a tender and intimate moment, and he couldn't help but smile, cherishing the closeness they shared even in slumber.

Loki felt warmth enveloping his body as Ophelia, still in peaceful slumber, gently traced her delicate hand over his chest. Oh, how he yearned to express his love for her more intimately, but their relationship was still in its early stages for such expressions of affection.

With renewed conviction, Loki vowed to make their love known to the world, starting with his conversation with Queen Frigga. He knew there would be obstacles to overcome, but he was willing to face them for the chance to be with the woman who had captured his heart.

As the sun's rays gently caressed her face, Ophelia stirred, scrunching her nose in response to the morning light. Her long lashes fluttered, and she slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze met Loki's, and a soft, affectionate smile graced her lips.

"Good morning, my king," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness.

Loki's heart swelled with love as he looked at her. He leaned in and kissed her softly, savouring the sweetness of the moment. "Good morning, my queen," he responded, his voice equally tender. In that intimate exchange, their love was reaffirmed, and they embraced the new day with a shared sense of devotion and hope for their future together.

They lingered in bed for a brief, precious moment, wrapped in each other's arms, revelling in the warmth and closeness they shared. However, the responsibilities of the day beckoned, and Loki eventually broke the silence.

"I would prefer to stay with you," Loki began, his voice tinged with regret, "but I have to meet with my mother." He sighed and reluctantly rose from the bed.

Ophelia followed suit, gracefully standing with her long silk nightgown flowing around her. It was a garment Loki had given her the previous night, a symbol of their deepening connection they now shared.

Though they had to part for the time being, the love they had confessed and the moments they had shared lingered in the air, promising a future filled with hope and possibility. As they prepared to face the day ahead, they knew that whatever challenges lay in their path, their love would be a source of strength and determination.

As Loki dressed quickly and left the room to speak with his mother about their relationship, Ophelia remained in his chamber. She collected the dress from the previous day and gracefully pulled it over her head.

Sitting on Loki's bed, surrounded by the faint echoes of their shared moments, Ophelia let her thoughts wander. She reflected on the stark differences between Loki and his brother Thor. While Thor's affections were often impulsive and boisterous, Loki's approach was measured and considerate. He made sure she was comfortable at every step, never assuming anything. It was a stark contrast to her past experiences.

The intimacy they had shared the night before had been both new and exciting for Ophelia. She had never been this close to a man before, and it had stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her. Loki's gentle touch, his whispered words of affection, and the way he had held her had made her feel cherished and safe.

As she ran her fingers over the fabric of her dress, memories of their night together flooded her mind. The way Loki had looked at her with such tenderness, the warmth of his embrace, and the softness of his lips against hers were all etched in her memory. She had revelled in the sensation of being close to him, knowing that their relationship was still in its early stages, and they had time to explore their feelings and desires at their own pace.

Ophelia couldn't deny that she was falling more and more in love with Loki, and she felt a sense of happiness she had never experienced before.

It was a complex and beautiful emotion, and she looked forward to what the future held for them. With each passing moment, their bond deepened, and she was excited to see where their love would lead.

But for now, in this quiet moment in Loki's chamber, she allowed herself to bask in the joy of the present, grateful for the extraordinary connection she had found with the god of mischief.

With Loki gone to speak with his mother, Ophelia decided to occupy herself by tidying up his room. She carefully put away his clothes, arranging them neatly, and made his bed with a meticulous touch. The simple act of caring for his space made her feel closer to him.

After completing her tasks, she found herself with some spare time and decided to wait for Loki's return. She settled into a large, comfortable armchair in his chamber and glanced around the room, taking in the ambiance that reflected Loki's personality.

Ophelia's eyes fell upon one of Loki's magic books, and she couldn't resist the temptation to delve into its pages. She picked it up, feeling the weight of its knowledge in her hands, and began to read. The intricate and mesmerizing world of Asgardian magic unfolded before her, and she was captivated by the secrets it held.

As she immersed herself in the book, Ophelia couldn't help but anticipate Loki's return, eager to share with him the newfound wonders she was discovering in his magical realm.

But at the same time, on the sunlit balcony, Loki and Frigga shared a moment of warmth and connection. The golden rays of the sun bathed their skin as they sipped tea together. Frigga, with her perceptive gaze, couldn't help but notice the happiness that radiated from her son.

"What did you want to ask, Loki?" Frigga inquired with a knowing smile, already aware of the nature of his request.

Loki hesitated for a moment before speaking quietly, "I thought that maybe, if you allow it, could it be possible to start courting Ophelia?"

Frigga's smile widened, and she beamed with joy. "Finally! I have seen how you two are together. She is good for you," she replied, her tone filled with happiness.

Loki was momentarily taken aback by his mother's enthusiastic response. Had she been waiting for them to get together? It seemed so. His heart swelled with gratitude for her support.

He voiced his concerns about his father's potential disagreement. "Won't Father disagree? I mean, she is not royalty, but I really like her."

Frigga reassured him with a gentle smile. "We have discussed it, Loki. Both of us have noticed how much you care about her. He approves."

Loki couldn't contain his happiness, and a wide smile broke across his face. "Thank you, Ma!" he exclaimed, "But how do I ask her? How to tell a woman I would like to court her?".

"Oh son, don't worry, just be yourself and she will say yes to you," Frigga taught her youngest child.

"I know she likes me," He walked around the balcony, deep in thought. "But how do I make it magical for her? I want her to remember it for the rest of her life," Loki explained.

"Maybe you can ask her at the ball?" Frigga offered.

Loki turned and rushed to his mother, gently hugging her, "That's wonderful idea! Thank you mother! I must go back to Ophelia then!"

With that, he left his mother's side and hurried back to his chambers, eager to reunite with the woman he loved.

Loki practically flew through the corridors back to his chambers, his heart filled with excitement. He felt like a little boy. He couldn't wait to ask Ophelia to court him.

Upon entering the room, he found her curled up in his armchair, engrossed in one of his magic books. The sight of her reading, her intelligence and curiosity shining through, brought a smile to his face.

"Hi, I'm back," Loki greeted her warmly, his eyes filled with affection.

Ophelia raised her head from the book and returned his smile. "How was the meeting?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Loki's grin widened as he approached her. He gently scooped her up from the chair and twirled her around playfully. "Wonderful! Better than I thought it would go!" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

Leaning in closer, he decided to surprise Ophelia later with the wonderful news and whispered into her ear, "I have a surprise for you, but you'll have to wait until the ball tonight to find out." His mischievous tone made her smile shyly at the enigmatic prince.

"Come now, Ophelia, let's get some food into you," Loki suggested, grabbing her hand as they made their way to the dining hall for breakfast. As they walked together, hand in hand, their shared anticipation for the night's festivities filled the air, and their love seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

The dining hall buzzed with activity as Loki and Ophelia entered. It was a bustling scene, with some people enjoying their meals while others were hard at work, decorating the hall for the upcoming ball.

Ophelia marvelled at the sight of the hall being transformed into a grand venue for the evening's festivities. The decorations were elaborate, with draperies of rich fabrics and intricate arrangements of flowers adorning the space. The preparations for the ball were in full swing, and it was clear that everyone was invested in making it a memorable event.

As they found a table and settled in for breakfast, Ophelia couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her. The anticipation for the grand ball was palpable, and she looked forward to the evening ahead.

After their breakfast, Loki and Ophelia made their way to the tailors to try on the dress Ophelia would be wearing for the evening's ball. As they entered the workshop, the same enthusiastic young man who had greeted them earlier rushed forward, but this time, his intention was clear.

With a playful and mischievous spirit, he pushed Loki out of the room, apologizing, "I'm truly sorry, Your Majesty, but the dress must be a surprise for you! Let the lady blind you with her beauty at the ball!" He closed the door firmly, leaving Loki on the other side.

Loki couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events. He had never imagined that someone would actually throw him out of a room. With a chuckle, he settled onto a windowsill, waiting patiently for Ophelia.

Inside the workshop, Ophelia tried on the dress, and the young tailor made some final adjustments to ensure it fit perfectly. She was excited about the surprise she had in store for Loki at the ball and couldn't wait for him to see her in the beautiful gown.

As Ophelia completed her fitting and the tailor made the final adjustments to the dress, her excitement grew.

Once the fitting was complete, the young tailor carefully placed the dress in a garment bag and assured Ophelia that it would be delivered to her room in preparation for the evening's event.

Ophelia emerged from the workroom, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She found Loki waiting on the windowsill, a playful grin on his face. "It seems I'm not allowed to see the dress just yet," he remarked with amusement.

Ophelia chuckled, her own anticipation building. "That's right, Loki. You'll have to wait until the ball to see it. I promise it will be worth the suspense."

With that promise, they left the tailors and returned to Loki's chambers. The excitement in the air was palpable, and their love for each other only deepened as they looked forward to the magical night ahead.

As the day continued, Loki and Ophelia sought solace in the peaceful corners of the palace. They strolled through the lush gardens, where the beauty of nature offered a soothing respite from the hustle and bustle of the preparations for the grand ball. The gentle breeze, the fragrant blooms, and the serenity of the outdoors provided a perfect backdrop for their moments together.

Later, they retreated to the library, a sanctuary of quiet and calm. Surrounded by shelves of books, they found solace in each other's company. It was a stark contrast to the bustling activities that were taking place in preparation for the ball, and they cherished the quiet moments.

In each other's presence, they found comfort and contentment, knowing that their love was a source of strength and peace amidst the whirlwind of the upcoming event. As they whiled away the hours, they shared stories, laughter, and stolen kisses, deepening their bond and savouring the simple joys of being together.

As the evening approached, Loki reluctantly had to leave Ophelia once again, as his princely duties called for him to greet the guests and conduct himself in a manner befitting a royal. He couldn't help but whine playfully, expressing his reluctance.

"Ophelia, I don't want to goooo," he complained with a pout.

Ophelia chuckled, understanding his sentiments but also encouraging him. "Come on, Loki, you can do it. Go and show that you are better than Thor. I bet he will be drunk before the ball even starts."

Loki burst into laughter at the thought. "True, true, but I still prefer to stay here with you. Let the others think what they want," he admitted with a grin.

Ophelia, teasingly, leaned in and brushed her lips against his, adding a touch of temptation. "But then you won't see my dress, Loki," she teased.

He couldn't resist her playful allure. "Right, alright. Okay, I will go, but we leave as soon as possible. You know, I have a surprise for you," Loki declared, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

With their agreement in place, Loki reluctantly left Ophelia, knowing that their reunion at the ball would be a moment they both eagerly anticipated.

Alone in her room, Ophelia rushed to her bed, where her dress had been carefully laid out. The moment she laid eyes on it, her breath caught in her throat. The dress was nothing short of a masterpiece, and it glinted in the soft candlelight, casting a golden glow in the room.

The gown was a work of art, made from pure silk that felt as light as air against her skin. Its pristine white fabric flowed elegantly, cascading like a waterfall as it pooled around her feet. The silk seemed to shimmer and dance with every move, creating an illusion of ethereal beauty.

Gold details adorned the dress, tracing intricate patterns that added a touch of regal splendour. The embellishments glistened like stardust, catching the light and casting a mesmerizing sparkle. The bodice was adorned with delicate embroidery that framed her figure in an enchanting way.

As she slipped into the gown, it felt as if she were enveloped in a cloud of luxury and grace. The dress seemed to have a life of its own, as it flowed and swirled around her with each step, making her feel like a princess she really was.

Ophelia marvelled at the dress, hoping that Loki would appreciate its beauty as much as she did.

Sitting before the mirror, Ophelia carefully arranged her hair, creating a stunning and intricate hairstyle that complemented her exquisite gown. Her skilled fingers worked gracefully, weaving half of her hair into intricate braids that adorned her head like a crown.

The braids were a work of art, intricately entwined with delicate details that added an aura of elegance to her appearance. The rest of her hair flowed freely, cascading like a waterfall of snowy silk down her back.

As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a sense of enchantment. The combination of her breathtaking dress and the meticulously crafted hairstyle made her look like a true vision of beauty. Ophelia was ready for the ball, and she knew that when Loki saw her, he would be captivated by her radiance and grace.

- - -

As Loki stood with his parents, the anticipation for the ball weighed heavily on his mind. His mother, Frigga, couldn't help but inquire, "Are you nervous, dear?"

Loki shook his head, a playful glint in his eyes. "Me? Nervous?" he let out a quiet laugh. "Actually, I'm terrified. What if she has changed her mind? What if she doesn't want me?"

"Don't be fool, Loki. She will say yes to you. Haven't you noticed how she looks at you? She cares for you deeply," Odin reassured the young prince.

Both parents smiled at their son, their hearts filled with happiness that Loki had found someone who brought him joy and had a positive influence on his life. They knew that Ophelia was a good woman, and they were pleased that she had entered Loki's world.

"But where is Lajfen?" Loki suddenly inquired, his mind dwelling on the thought of his childhood friend.

"He couldn't make it today. The invitation to the ball was rather impromptu," Frigga informed her son.

"What a pity. I'm certain he would have relished the feast and the dancing," Odin added.

"Yes," Loki agreed, but with a playful tone, he remarked, "Yet, I'm secretly relieved he couldn't come. Who knows, he might have tried to snatch Ophelia away from me!" Loki teased, adding a touch of humour to his words.

However, Loki's good mood took a slight shift when Thor arrived. He had hoped that his brother wouldn't come or, at the very least, would keep his distance.

However, being familiar with Thor's nature, he would never let the chance to revel in drinks and festivities slip by, especially when the ball was held in his honor.

The tension between them had not entirely dissipated, and Loki was wary of any interactions that might disrupt the harmonious evening he had planned with Ophelia.

Before the guests began to arrive for the ball, Thor approached Loki, a sense of urgency in his expression. "Loki, can I speak with you?" Thor asked his brother, his voice earnest.

Loki, initially reluctant, tried to move away, but Thor caught his hand. "Please, just listen to me for a moment!" Thor implored, his grip firm.

Loki, his anger still lingering over past grievances, was about to rebuff Thor, but the desperation in his brother's eyes gave him pause. He decided to hear what Thor had to say, albeit with scepticism. "By the Norns, what do you want? After what you did to my Ophelia..." Loki began to express his frustration but was abruptly cut off as Thor spoke.

"I'm so-so sorry! I wanted to apologize, but I never had the chance!" Thor spoke, his voice filled with remorse. Loki, his emotions swirling in a maelstrom of confusion, anger, and surprise, found himself momentarily stunned.

Thor continued, "Here, I brought you this as a sign of my apology." He thrust a poorly wrapped package and a goblet filled with red wine toward Loki. After a moment of hesitation, Loki reluctantly accepted the gifts, his mind racing as he tried to process the unexpected turn of events.

"What is this, Thor?" Loki sighed, inspecting the pile of wrapping papers in his hand.

"Open it, I'm sure you will like it" Thor grinned.

Loki took a sip of the wine, his gaze fixed on Thor as he tried to make sense of the situation. "It's not me you have to apologize to," he finally spoke, his tone laced with a hint of exasperation. Thor watched with a contented smile as Loki swallowed the drink, knowing that his plan was now in action.

"I know, but I still haven't found Lady Ophelia. She must still be getting ready for the ball. But come on, open it already!" Thor continued their conversation. Loki simply hummed in response, took another sip of the wine and gave the goblet to Thor to hold.

The young Odinson unwrapped his present. After seeing its contents a small smile stretched onto his face. There, in his hand was a lovely dagger, decorated with gold and emeralds.

It looked almost identical to the one he had lost to Ophelia some weeks ago.

"Thank you, Thor, it's beautiful" Loki said. Thor just nodded and smiled to his younger mischievous brother.

As the guests began to flood into the grand hall for the ball, Loki found himself feeling a bit drowsy, his senses slightly dulled. "Thor, where did you get that wine? It's starting to make its way to my head," he remarked with a slightly slurred and humorous tone.

Thor grinned, revelling in the success of his plan. "That, brother, is one of my special wines," he replied cryptically.

Unbeknownst to Loki, a subtle enchantment was at play, and Thor was orchestrating events with the help of Amora's magic, setting the stage for the surprises yet to come at the grand ball.

Frigga and Odin observed with contented smiles as their sons, who had previously engaged in intermittent conflicts, now conversed with a friendly aura enveloping them. 

However, their attention quickly shifted to the grand entrance when the girl their youngest son admired, gracefully slipped into the hall. Her arrival infused the ballroom with a palpable sense of brightness and anticipation, capturing the gaze of everyone present.

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