Summoning Japan: Flights of t...

By KageNishi

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That day, iron and blood rained down on the Folk Strait... This is a fanfiction of Minorou-sensei's "Summonin... More

Part 1: Strait of Iron and Blood | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Pearl Harbor in Another World
Chapter 3 - Border Sea
Chapter 4 - A Spinning World
Chapter 5 - Operation Saiyuki In Effect
Chapter 6 - Pearl Harbor Interception
Chapter 7 - Glory and Setbacks of the Gra Valkas Empire Naval Air Force
Chapter 8 - Common Sense and Uncommon Sense
Chapter 9 - Grade Atlastar Ablaze
Chapter 10 - A Fleet of Patchworks
Chapter 11 - The Injured Overlord and the Watchdogs
Chapter 12 - A Man's Flowery Road
Chapter 13 - Hybrid Front
Chapter 14 - The Hyūga Gets Hit
Chapter 15 - All Weapons Free
Chapter 16 - Strait of Iron and Blood
Extra Chapter - ASM-2X Development Secrets
Part 2: Civilization in the Wake of War | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Dolphins That Crossed the Sea
Chapter 3 - The Birth of Yamut
Chapter 4 - Aluminum Storm
Chapter 5 - Dancing Meetings and People
Chapter 6 - Naguano's Adventure
Chapter 7 - The Depressing Party
Chapter 8 - Creeping Ones
Chapter 9 - Each of the Four Is Different
Chapter 10 - Second Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 11 - Geopolitical Recommendations
Chapter 12 - The Superpower's Pride
Chapter 13 - Japan's Confession
Chapter 14 - Dragon Carrier Izumo
Chapter 15 - Leiforia, Nightmare Again
Chapter 16 - Fall of Valkyries
Chapter 17 - 1:48
Chapter 18 - Shaking Bridge
Chapter 19 - The Witching Hour
Chapter 20 - Operation Super Hammer II
Chapter 21 - Eve of the Storm
Chapter 22 - Ancient Weapon Pal Chimera's Fierce Might
Chapter 23 - Footsteps of Ruin
Chapter 24 - Air Raid on Ragna
Chapter 25 - The Enemy Overhead
Final Chapter - Political Turn
Part 3: Irnetia Crisis | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Operation Ragnarök
Chapter 3 - Misplaced Buttons
Chapter 4 - Shadow of the Pal Chimera
Chapter 5 - Battle of Irnetia
Chapter 6 - The Blue Rainbow of Death
Chapter 7 - Titan of the Dawn
Chapter 8 - Red Coast
Chapter 9 - Hymax
Chapter 10 - Out of Competition
Chapter 11 - The Lone Wolf Captain
Chapter 12 - The Lone Wolf and the Wolfpack
Chapter 13 - Excessive Interference
Chapter 14 - Magic Bulge
Chapter 15 - Stuck in Hell
Chapter 16 - Hell with a Chance of Silver Lining
Chapter 17 - Fire, Smoke, and Magic Bullets
Extra Chapter - The Secret Behind the Magic Bulge's Creation

Final Chapter - Japanese Celgaia

487 21 1
By KageNishi

Escorted by Bragston, Cielia emerged onto the upper deck and was stunned. The once majestic Grade Atlastar had turned into a pitiful sight.

"I heard there was a risk of sinking, but... I never imagined it would be such a fierce battle."

"A quarter of the crew has been killed or injured."

Upon hearing Bragston's words, Cielia trembled.

"You must be Chief Cielia of the Foreign Ministry."

Only when addressed did Cielia notice the presence of an unfamiliar man.

"I am Schmidt, captain of the Menkar belonging to the Eastern Fleet."

A submarine surfaced on the port side of the Grade Atlastar. On its deck, crew members were preparing for the launch of a seaplane.

"By government order, I will take you to the Leifor District."

"Apologies. Is it by that plane?"

"That plane can't go directly to the destination. We'll take you to another fleet, and from there, please inquire with the fleet personnel. I don't know beyond that."

"...I understand. Thank you very much."


The 24-hour marathon was coming to an end.

"Rubile Control Tower, this is Topaz Squadron. Requesting permission to land."

"Topaz Squadron, permission granted to land. Land on Runway 1S. Wind direction is 80 degrees, 4 knots, headwind."

"Roger, landing on Runway 1S."

"Confirmed the repeat. You're cleared to land."

With caution, Misora lowered the F-2B. An accident here would be disastrous.

The F-2B landed safely. Taxying towards the hangar, Misora spotted Heggie's F-2A landing on the runway. Maintenance personnel rushed over and set up the ladder. Despite appearing elderly, Heggie exclaimed, "Righto," and stood up from the ejection seat, carefully descending the ladder. Next, Gohan descended the ladder. In the meantime, members of the 8th Air Wing/6th Tactical Fighter Squadron continued to land one after another...

One aircraft had an accident, skidding off the runway. One leg was broken, and sparks scattered between the aircraft and the ground. Misora confirmed the number of landed planes. Five, which meant the sixth aircraft had an issue.


Misora called out the TAC name of the crew member and tried to run towards them. However, his steps became heavy along the way. Damn, why...

When he realized it, members of the 6th TFS were clinging to him, even Gohan.

"The heck you're doing?"

"That's our line," Heggie sighed in exasperation.

"The rescue team is already handling it. It's dangerous, and you'll only get in the way."

Misora turned around, and as Heggie said, it was true. Fortunately, there was no fire. Macho emerged from the cockpit. It seemed he was safe.

"Sorry, Gokuu-san," the big guy, Macho, was crying. "I messed up and busted the F-2. It's all my fault..."

"Don't worry about it. It's not your responsibility. In the first place, this operation was a mistake. The crew and I will apologize together."

Runway 1S was closed, and the remaining four planes safely landed on another runway. This marked the first instance of the JASDF losing an aircraft during a mission after the transference, but this precedent was effectively utilized. Such taxing missions were never conducted again.


The agenda of the Nine Countries Leadership Conference shifted to post-war processing. First on the agenda was the disposal of the spoils – the six captured Gra Valkan ships.

Japan's Foreign Minister spoke at the beginning. "Our country considers it sufficient to have one battleship and one aircraft carrier for investigation purposes."

This statement was surprisingly received by other nations. In fact, Japan was the one that captured them. It wouldn't be unreasonable for them to claim all ownership. In fact, the Foreign Minister had received instructions from the home country. Kondō had urged him to issue instructions to the home country.

"As for the remaining four ships, how about deciding through negotiations between the parties involved?"

No one raised objections to this. Moriaul then spoke. "Our country is a landlocked nation, and we have no interest in ships. However, in preparation for future conflicts with the Gra Valkas Empire or the Ravernal Empire, we would like to confirm if a wind dragon can land on an aircraft carrier. If the opportunity for that is guaranteed, we won't insist on ownership."

There were no objections to this either. Thus, it became essentially a competition between the two major powers. It was quickly agreed that the four ships would be divided between the Holy Mirishial Empire and Mu. The major focus was on which country would take the only battleship left.

After the exchange between the two nations, Japan's Foreign Minister spoke again.

"It seems that we won't reach a conclusion with just the two countries discussing. How about hearing the opinions of other involved nations here?"

At this point, the representative of the Magicaraich Community spoke. "We believe that it would be more appropriate for the Mu nation, with its mechanical civilization, to conduct the investigation."

The Holy Mirishial Empire was surprised by this. Furthermore, the Nigrat Union declared support for Mu.

At this point, Liage understood. Mu had likely consolidated votes in the Second Civilization Area. But that wasn't a concern. Representatives from the First Civilization Area, the Kingdom of Torquia, and the Kingdom of Agartha were present. However, Liage had forgotten. The Holy Mirishial Empire hadn't even consolidated votes. Both countries had declared a neutral stance. The Great Magearchy of Pandora in the Third Civilization Area supported Mu. Although the Nine Countries Leadership Conference was not a majority vote, the result was now determined. Diplomat Liage maintained a poker face throughout, but internally, he was boiling with frustration. The prestige of the Holy Mirishial Empire had fallen. Losing in combat was what it meant.

In contrast, Japan's Foreign Minister was smiling. He thought that if they could use the captured ships, there was no other option but the mechanical civilization of Mu. But the main theme was yet to come – Fleet-Class Anti-Air Annihilation Magic and guided magic bullets.

Japan's Foreign Minister spoke. "First and foremost, it's essential to understand that the export of weapons and technology involves national security. Weapons effective against the ancient sorcerous empire are also effective against humans."

Everyone agreed with this.

"Therefore, to provide weapons and technology, we need to establish diplomatic relations. For countries that haven't established diplomatic relations yet, we would like them to send envoys to our country for that purpose. We always have the doors of negotiation open."

Japanese Foreign Ministry saw this as an opportunity for diplomatic expansion. While they had established relations with many countries in the Third Civilization Area, the First and Second Areas were largely untouched, excluding the major powers.

The Foreign Minister continued. "Let me introduce experts in this field. Commander of Escort Flotilla 0, Rear Admiral Samejima. He is also the creator of the guided missile that blew away the secondary guns of the Grade Atlastar."

A small commotion arose from the seats. Samejima stood up, bowed, and then sat back down. According to the principle of civilian control, Self-Defense Force personnel like Samejima were not allowed to speak in diplomatic settings. Nevertheless, introducing Samejima was a way for the Foreign Ministry and the Foreign Minister to retaliate at the defenses. It was a scheme to let Samejima deal with the misunderstanding of the magical civilization nation. This would later become a headache for the maritime staff.


The next day, Admiral Raider arrived from Mu. As the command of the Muish Foreign Minister's escort fleet had effectively been wiped out, he was hastily dispatched as a replacement. The governments of both Japan and Mu shared the same expectations, and a scene was orchestrated for the press where Samejima and Raider shook hands at the harbor. As the two shook hands, Raider made a slip of the tongue.

"That's a large aircraft carrier... I would have liked to obtain carrier-based planes intact if possible."

Hearing this, the military personnel from Mu turned red.

"We never even dreamed such a thing was possible. If possible, I would like you to show us an example next time, sir."

Upon hearing Samejima's response, Raider also turned red. Somehow, this remark was not reported in Mu. Raider wasn't the only one who came from Mu.

"Rear Admiral Samejima, congratulations on your promotion and victory."

Addressed, Samejima turned around. There stood Myrus, a person from Mu he had met at the JMSDF base festival.

"Myrus-kun, long time no see. But can you please drop the Rear Admiral?"

"Why is that?"

"If I return to Japan, I'll be demoted back to Captain."

"Even though you achieved merit?"

"Any officer in the Maritime Self-Defense Force could do it."

Myrus looked puzzled. It was unclear whether Samejima was being humble or stating the truth.

"Are you already scoping out the Gra Valkan battleship and aircraft carrier?"

"That's one part of it, but also La Kasami."

"She ran aground, right?"

Myrus lowered his voice. "If we were to ask Japan for the repair and modification of La Kasami, would you accept?"

"Hey, hey, I'm a Self-Defense Forces officer. I'm not in a position to answer that."

"I'm aware of that. It's just a hypothetical question."


"Can you load her with guided missiles?"

"That one I can't answer."

Samejima thought it was impossible, but he gave an ambiguous answer. Guided missiles were not useful with just the projectiles. One needs a system to detect distant enemies and a system to guide the missiles to a moving target. This know-how ranked among the top military secrets.

"It seems impossible after all," Myrus chuckled.

He seemed to be well aware of that. However, seeing the outcome of this naval battle, he couldn't help but ask.

"If La Kasami is modified in Japan, and its weaponry is copied and mounted on Gra Valkan battleships..."

"Well, I considered it."

Myras scratched his head.

"But Japan must be anticipating something like that, right?"

"They'll probably anticipate and decide. It's not up to me."

After a little more small talk, the two parted ways.

Later, Samejima would come to realize how Myrus was indeed a person with whom discussions could take place.


Two months after the naval battle:

The Gra Valkas Navy headquarters was in a state of anxiety. An official report on the Battle of Cartalpas had been submitted to Emperor Gra Lux.

Creating the report was extremely unbearable because the only survivors were the crew members of the Grade Atlastar. Utilizing crew testimonies and communication records from the Grade Atlastar, they speculated and imagined to fill in the unknown parts, managing to piece together a report that made some sense. However, it was an unexpected major defeat. Accountability was inevitable. The Minister of the Navy and the Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Fleet bowed their heads and presented the report to the emperor. Taking the report, the emperor began to read it carefully. After about 30 minutes, he casually threw a book in front of the two.

"Read this."

The Minister of the Navy picked up the book. The Commander-in-Chief peeked over his shoulder. The cover of the book read, "Treasure Continent Special Edition: Read This and You'll Understand the Battle of Cartalpas!" in Mu's official language, with the translation in the Gra Valkan language above it.

The Minister of the Navy opened the book.


Both of them were speechless. The book detailed the battle in five chapters: "Pearl Harbor Interception," "Intercepting the Grade Atlastar," "Folk Strait Pursuit," "Air Raid on Cartalpas," and "Battle of the Folk Strait." Moreover, it contained information that even the naval leadership themselves didn't know.

"Y-Your Majesty, where did you obtain this?"

The Minister of the Navy's voice trembled.

"The Intelligence Bureau bought this magazine at a general bookstore in Mu's capital, Otaheit."

"A m-magazine!?"

"I never thought we would receive more accurate information from the enemy than from my allies."

They both offered their resignations on the spot. Later, only Commander-in-Chief Caesar of the Eastern Fleet was persuaded to stay.


On the other hand...

'Why do I have to go through this?'

Cielia repeatedly questioned herself. And she reached the same conclusion.

'Because we lost in battle.'

She was busy with post-war arrangements. Her current goal was the release of prisoners of war and the return of warships and aircraft carriers. Cielia initially visited the Holy Mirishial Empire's Foreign Ministry. It took a month just to make this visit a reality.

"Have you prepared yourself for surrendering to our country?"

These were the words spoken by the Mirishial diplomat at the beginning of the meeting. Having had her legs swept out from under her, Cielia swallowed her rebuttal and conveyed her business. The initial meeting did not lead to an agreement. It was expected, but the negotiations were tougher than anticipated. So, Cielia also conducted negotiations with Mu behind the scenes. Today, a diplomatic-level meeting was realized, but the result was worse than with Mirishial.

It was so difficult to lose in battle. What if it had been a war? Cielia keenly felt that she had taken the easy way out as a diplomat.

And now, she is at the Japanese Embassy in Mu.

What Cielia was most cautious about was Japan. Gra Valkas defeated Mirishial. They suffered a setback from Mu, but it was not as severe as the blow dealt to Mirishial. However, they couldn't do anything against Japan. Therefore, Cielia expected that Mirishial would be the easiest to deal with and Japan the most formidable. At least until the beginning of the negotiations.

In the room where Cielia and her entourage were waiting, some Japanese people entered. The lead diplomat introduced himself as Asada.

'Why do I have to deal with another difficult case?'

Asada also harbored dissatisfaction with his situation, but both kept it hidden as the negotiations began.

"Our country seeks the release of prisoners of war and the return of battleships and aircraft carriers."

Having exchanged information between the Holy Mirishial Empire and Mu, Asada was already aware of Cielia's demands.

"We have not secured the custody of prisoners of war. Please discuss that matter with the Holy Mirishial Empire."

"But a battleship and an aircraft carrier each, Japan should have secured them."

"Yes, Nagato and Shōkaku are under investigation in our country."

"Nagato, Shōkaku?"

"Their names. Since they are currently registered with the Maritime Self-Defense Force, we named them according to the naming convention of the Self-Defense Forces."

The battleship resembles the Nagato-class of the old Japanese Navy, and the aircraft carrier resembles the Shōkaku-class. That's why those names were chosen.

"Those are Ras Algethi and Algenib!"

"If the crews of those ships have defected with the entire ship, we will return the ships. However, before that, your country declared war on the entire world. Your country is now in a state of war with ours. In that case, Nagato and Shōkaku are spoils of war. There is no reason to return them."

Cielia was at a loss for words. She was pressed on this point in negotiations with the Holy Mirishial Empire and Mu as well. Returning prisoners of war was one thing, but returning warships was an initially impossible demand. However, in diplomacy, the key is how to push through the impossible.

'But I don't have any cards...' Cielia agonized.

But Asada was facing the same dilemma. 'I don't think this approach will work, but... that man (Samejima) gave a strange suggestion to the minister.'

"We also have a proposal."

When Asada said that, Inoue, sitting next to him, spread a map on the conference table.


The Gra Valkan diplomats gasped. It was a map of Gra Valkas mainland, marked with major cities and military bases.

"It seems that your country misunderstands our strength. Without understanding that, negotiations won't progress."

As opposed to before, Asada's voice had become lower.

"Choose any one mark. We will turn that part into ashes. But our country values humanity. Before conveying your choice, we recommend evacuating your citizens from there."

Of course, it was a bluff.

"You can't possibly do such a thing!"

"Then choose. Give it a try."

Cielia was at a loss for words.

"...I will report this to my homeland."

"Feel free to do so. But we cannot hand over the map."

Cielia stood corrected in her impression. Dealing with Japan is the toughest. The aide sitting next to Cielia began to write down place names in his notebook while looking at the marks on the map. In fact, this room was equipped with several hidden cameras, and the movements of the aide's gaze and the contents of the notebook were all recorded. This way, Japan obtained information, "place names," that couldn't be known from satellite photos.

The Gra Valkan naval personnel were not fools. They had disposed of all confidential documents before the takeover. When the JMSDF boarded the ship, there were no maps of Gra Valkas mainland or codebooks left. However, maps of the Leifor region and surrounding sea charts remained, and Gra Valkas' survey accuracy was revealed. The map was made by processing satellite photos to match Gra Valkas' survey accuracy. Even if Gra Valkan diplomats saw this map, they would not realize that it was based on satellite photos. They would suspect leaks from the captured ship.

Also, numerous books and documents written in Gra Valkas' official language were left inside the ship, and, combined with interviews with prisoners of war, Japan identified Gra Valkas' written language. In the battle of Cartalpas, it was known that Gra Valkas' code was on the level of the Enigma code. With Japan's capabilities, deciphering it was not difficult.

Through information gathering within Mu, Japan knew that the Gra Valkas Navy was frantically changing the frequency band and code used for radio communication. But all those efforts were in vain. Furthermore, with the identification of Gra Valkas mainland names, some of the incomprehensible proper nouns that appeared in the code became clear.

Cielia not only failed to push through her own demands but also returned to her homeland with a new problem.


The maritime staff were troubled over the treatment of Samejima. With the Foreign Minister introducing Samejima at the Nine Countries Leadership Conference, Samejima had become a celebrity. His rank as a Rear Admiral was also widely known.

If Samejima were to be demoted to Captain, it would be considered a demotion for someone hailed as the Hero of Cartalpas by foreign countries. Questions would arise about why they demoted a person celebrated as such. Their use of subterfuge in personnel matters would likely be exposed as well. In the end, the JMSDF officially promoted Samejima, a person known as a "man who stopped at captain," to the rank of Rear Admiral.

Honorary Admiral Celgaia of the Parpaldia Empire was a renowned best-selling author and a popular figure in his homeland. However, he was completely unknown in foreign countries. This was because publishing houses judged that Celgaia's writings wouldn't resonate with foreigners and thus were only published in his home country. The same was true in Japan. If Celgaia had been famous in Japan, the maritime staff might have likened Samejima to him.


Thank you for your attention up to this point.

- Mukyomukyo

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