Nova The Son Of Iron And Marv...

By TheJediKnightRevan

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Orphan child left by his Mother to a Friend he was soon adopted by The great Tony Stark who was unsure of his... More

Unknown Place And Time
Iron Man
13 Years Later
Higher, Further, Faster
Secret Projects
Party Time
Secrets And Showdowns
Iron Man 2
Stark Expo and Hammer Time
Training Along With Disastrous Racing
New Superhero and Threat
World Of Heroes
Team Assemble
A time bomb
Avengers Assemble
Iron Man 3
From Zero To Eleven
Plan B
Payback Time
Avengers Age Of Ultron
Peace In Our Time
Vibranium And Rampages
Regrouping And Visions
Sokovian Rumble
Captain America Civil War
New Hero On The Block

Rediscovered Elements

663 43 34
By TheJediKnightRevan

Somewhere far away after the massive fight at home Tony decided to sit inside a doughnut while eating a doughnut when suddenly he was yeld at from the ground

Fury: Sir! I’m gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut.

Tony looked down at the ground and saw Nick Fury and decided to listen as Fury entered the shop, now inside sitting at a table with Fury with some what of a hangover

Tony: I told you I don’t want him joining your super-secret boy band.

Fury: No, no, no. See, I remember, you do everything yourself. How’s that working out for you?

Tony: It’s… It’s… It’s… I’m sorry. I don’t wanna get off on the wrong foot. Do I look at the patch or the eye? Honestly I’m a bit hung over. I’m not sure if you’re real of if I’m having…

Fury: I am very real. I’m the realest person you’re ever gonna meet.

Tony: Just my luck. Where’s the staff here?

As Tony looked around the shop Fury noticed the rash along Tony's neck

Fury: That’s not looking so good.

Tony: I’ve been worse.

As they were talking Natasha came walking inside the shop

Natasha: We’ve secured the perimeter but I don’t think we should hold it for too much longer.

Tony looks over top of glasses. Sees Natasha only just realising that Natasha was working for Fury

Tony: You’re fired.

Natasha: That’s not up to you.

She sits down next to Fury

Fury: Tony, I want you to meet Agent Romanoff.

Tony: Hi.

Natalie: I’m a SHIELD shadow. I was tasked to watch over Y/n to make sure his identity wasn't public

Tony: I suggest you apologise.

Fury: You’ve been very busy. You made your girl your CEO, you’re giving away all your stuff. You let your friend fly away with your suit. And. Got your ass handed to by your boy. Now. If I didn’t know better…

Tony: You don’t know better. I didn’t give it to him. Y/n let him take it.

Fury: Whoa, whoa, whoa. He took it? You’re Iron Man and he just took it? The little brother walked in there, then your son kicked your ass. Is that possible?

Fury quickly looked at Natasha

Natasha: Well, according to Mr Stark’s database security guidelines, there are redundancies to prevent unauthorised usage. The ass kicking part could have been avoided.

Tony: What do you want from me?

Fury: What do we want from you?Na,na, na,na. What do you want from me?  You have become a problem, a problem I have to deal with. Contrary to your belief, you are not the centre of my universe. I have bigger problems than you in the southwest region to deal with. Hit him.

Natasha returned and injected Tony in the neck causing him to yelp

Tony: Oh, God, are gonna steal my kidney and sell it? Could you please not do anything awful for five seconds? What did she just do to me?

In that moment the rash disappeared as Fury looked at it with Natasha

Fury: What did we just do for you? That’s lithium dioxide. It’s gonna take the edge off. We’re trying to get you back to work.

Tony: Give me a couple of boxes of that. I’ll be right as rain.

Natasha: It’s not a cure, it just abates the symptoms.

Fury: Doesn’t look like it’s gonna be an easy fix.

Tony: Trust me, I know. I’m good at this stuff. I’ve been looking for a suitable replacement for palladium. I’ve tried every combination, every permutation of every known element.

Fury: Well, I’m here to tell you, you haven’t tried them all.

Tony was later returned to the house in its broken and burned state as he and Fury sit together talking about the Arc Reactor and the possible replacement

Fury: That thing in your chest is based on unfinished technology.

Tony: No, it was finished. It has never been particularly effective until I miniaturised it and put it in my…

Fury: No. Howard said the arc reactor was the stepping stone to something greater. He was about to kick off an energy race that was gonna dwarf the arms race. He was on to something big, something so big that it was gonna make the nuclear reactor look like a triple-A battery.

Tony: Just him, or Anton Vanko in on this too?

Fury: Anton Vanko is the other side of that coin. Anton saw it as a way to get rich. When your father found out, he had him deported. When the Russians found out he couldn’t deliver they shipped his ass off to Siberia and he spent the next 20 years in a vodka-fuelled rage. Not quite the environment you want to raise a kid in, the son you had the misfortune of crossing paths with in Monaco.

Tony: You told me I hadn’t tried everything. What do you mean I haven’t tried everything? What haven’t I tried?

Fury: He said that you were the only person with the means and knowledge to finish what he started.

Tony: He said that?

Fury: Are you that guy? Are you? Cause if you are, then you can solve the riddle of your heart.

Tony: I don’t know where you get your information, but he wasn’t my biggest fan.

Fury: What do you remember about your dad?

Tony: He was cold, he was calculating. He never told me he loved me. He never even told me he liked me, so it’s a little tough for me to digest when you’re telling me he said the whole future was riding on me and he’s passing it down. I don’t get that. You’re talking about a guy who’s happiest day was when he shipped me off to boarding school.

Fury: That’s not true.

Tony: Well, then, clearly you knew my dad better than I did.

Fury: As a matter of fact, I did. He was one of the founding members of SHIELD.

Tony: What?

Fury: I got a two o’clock

Tony: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What’s this?

As Fury stood up a few agents came by holding a large crate and putting it on the ground next to Tony who looked at it confusingly

Fury: Okay, you’re good, right?

Tony: No, I’m not good.

Fury: You got this? Right? Right?

Tony: Got what? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to get.

Fury: Natasha will remain a floater at Stark with her cover intact. You remember Agent Coulson, right?

Tony: Yeah. Wait where's Y/n? Is he with Pepper?

Fury: Oh he's around. And Tony, remember, I got my eye on you.

Fury then proceeded to leave and Natasha turned to Tony before leaving as well

Natasha: We’ve disabled all communications. No contact with the outside world. Good luck.

As Tony watched her leave he turned to Coulson who wasnt in the mood for Tony

Tony: Please. First thing, I need a little bodywork. I’ll put in a little time at the lab. If we could send one of your goon squad down to The Coffee Bean, Cross Creek, for a Starbucks run, or something like that, that’d be nice.

Agent Coulson: I’m not here for that. I’ve been authorised by Director Fury to use any means necessary to keep you on premises. If you attempt to leave or play any games, I will tase you and watch Supernanny with Y/n while you drool into the carpet. Okay?

Tony: I think I got it, yeah.

Coulson: Enjoy your evening’s entertainment.

He leaves Tony to look at the box that has been left for him and begins to look through the box, old Blue prints for the arc reactor, newspaper articles and video reels, he goes to set up the video reels as he looked through more of the stuff left behind, as the video played Tony flickers through a notebook.

Howard: Everything is achievable through technology. Better living, robust heath, and for the first time in human history, the possibility of world peace. I’m Howard Stark, and everything you’ll need for the future can be found right here. City of the Future? City of Tomorrow? City of…

He stopped midway through his lines and took a step back to start again, as Tony was watching he heard footsteps coming from behind him and turned to see Y/n holding a sandwich.

Y/n: Who's that?

Tony felt relieved to see Y/n as he turned more towards him and looked back a couple of times at the screen.

Tony: That? That would have been your grandfather.

Howard: I’m Howard Stark and everything you’ll need in the future can be found right here. So, from all of us at Stark Industries, I would like to personally…

Suddenly a little Tony appeared on the video and holding a piece of the model.

Howard: Tony, what are you doing back there? What is that? Put that back. Put it back where you got it from. Where’s your mother? Maria? Go on. Go, go, go, go.

A man off screen takes little Tony off  to where his mother is as Y/n watched on and looked at his father again.

Y/n: He seems, interesting.

Tony: Yeah, not the word I would go with but.

Y/n: Well he seems a bit like you, so an asshole.

Tony looked at him and didn't object to that statement

Tony: Yeah, definitely, look, about the other night, yeah I was an asshole, and I'm sorry, could we put this in a box and throw it deep into a underground bunker

Y/n took a bite out of his sandwich and sat in the another chair and watched the video not wanting to speak about what happened last night

Howard: I’ll… I’ll… I’ll come in and…

The video changes to Howard drinking

Man: Are you waiting on me?

Howard continued to drink his whiskey before the video changes again

Howard: So, from all of us at Stark Industries, I’d like to personally show you my ass. I’d like to… I can’t… This is… I can’t… We have this, don’t we? This is a ridiculous way… Everything

As Tony reaches the end of the notebook he was reading blank pages were left and probably pages that his father never got to fill in before he died, Tony throws the book to one side and takes a sip of his drinks when suddenly one last video popped up and Y/n tapping him on the arm gaining his attention and then points at the final video

Howard: Tony. You’re too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it on film for you. I built this for you. And someday you’ll realise that it represents a whole lot more than just people’s inventions. It represents my life’s work. This is the key to the future. I’m limited by the technology of my time, but one day you’ll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is and always will be my greatest creation is you.

Tony looks like he’s about to cry as the film ends and Y/n giving him a hug, as they hugged this is when Tony thought to himself that all this time he could have told Y/n about his problem and they could have solved it by now, later on they decided to sneak out and drive down a road in the latest Audi with the number plate Stark11, they drove down the coast and eventually stopped for some strawberries.

Tony: How much?

Strawberry man: $6. Six.

Tony: I don’t have any dough. Here.

Tony proceeded to take off his watch as Y/n rolled his eyes at him

Strawberry man: No, sir, that’s too much.

Tony: No, it’s fine. Take that. It’s fine

Strawberry man: No, señor.

Tony: Take it. Take it. I don’t like people handing me things. If you just hand that to the kid, that’d be great.

Strawberry man: Are you Iron Man?

Tony: Sometimes.

They drive off into the distance when the man yelled

Strawberry man: We believe in you!

They drove all the way to Stark Industries and to what was now Pepper’s office who was still clearing out Tony's belongings but left Y/n's stuff inside, Pepper meanwhile was on the phone while the News was on the TV when Y/n and Tony walked inside with Peppers PA trying to stop Tony but not Y/n who pretty much had free rain of the place.

Pepper: It was an illegal seizure of trademark property.

PA: Miss Potts?

Tony: Relax.

PA: Mr Stark…

Tony: Is here.

PA: He refuses…

Tony: I don’t. It’s fine. I’ll just be a second.

Pepper: Listen, it’s our position that Stark has and continues to maintain propriety ownership of the Mark II platform.

News reporter: When Mr Stark announced he was indeed Iron Man, he was making a promise to America.

Pepper: No, the suit belongs to us.

News reporter: We trusted that he would look out for us.

Pepper: Yeah, but you’re not…

News reporter: He obviously did not.

Pepper: Burt…

News reporter: And now we learn that his secretary…

Pepper: Yes, it does.

News reporter: …Awoman named Virginia “Pepper” Potts, has been appointed as CEO of Stark Industries. What are her qualifications?

Pepper: No.

News reporter: Miss Potts has done nothing to manage this terrible…

Tony: Mute.

Pepper: No… Burt… Burt… Burt, listen to me. Don’t tell me that we have the best patent lawyers in the country and then not let me pursue this.

Tony Looked at the boxes and things in the corner which also caught Y/n's attention and pulls back a sheet and finds the same model as that that was in the video with his would be grandfather.

Tony: I’ll get this stuff out of here.

Pepper: Well, then, tell the President to sign an order. We’ll talk about it at the Expo. Hammer’s giving some presentation tomorrow evening. Will Tony Stark be there?

Tony pulled up a chair next to Peppers desk and looked at the small pendulum that was on her desk.

Tony: Will I?

Pepper: No, he will not. Bye.

Tony: I would like to be. Got a minute?

Pepper: No.

Tony: Come on, you just got off the phone. You’re fine. 30 seconds.

Pepper looked at her watch and clearly looked aggravated

Pepper: Twenty-nine Twenty-eight.

Tony: I was just driving over here, and I thought I was coming to basically apologise, but I’m not.

Pepper: You didn’t come here to apologise?

Tony: Look, that goes without saying, and I’m working on that. But I haven’t been entirely upfront with you, and I just want to try to make good. Can I move this? This is crazy. It’s like a Ferris wheel, going. I’m trying to get some…

Pepper: No.

Tony: Do you know how short life is? And if I never got to express… And by the way, this is somewhat revelatory to me. And I don’t care… I mean, I care. It would be nice. I’m not expecting you to… Look, here’s what I’m trying to say. I’m just gonna say it.

Pepper: Let me stop you right here, okay? Because if you say “I” one more time, I’m gonna actually hurl something at your head, I think. I am trying to run a company. Do you have any idea what that entails?

Tony: Yes.

Pepper: People are relying on you to be Iron Man and you’ve disappeared, and all I’m doing is putting out your fires and taking the heat of it. Worst of all I'm trying to keep Y/n off the governments watch list after the other night, which I don't blame him for doing but wished it was more subtle. I am trying to do the job that you were meant to do.

Y/n: Sorry.

Pepper looked at him with a smile.

Pepper: No need to apologise, I just need you to stay at home and not do any traveling like I know you do.

Pepper turned back to Tony and noticed he was holding a box of strawberries.

Pepper: Did you bring me strawberries? Did you know that there’s only one thing on Earth that I’m allergic to?

Y/n: Strawberries.

Tony: Allergic to strawberries. This is progress Pepper. I knew there was a correlation between you and this.

Y/n: I told you.

Pepper: I need you…

Tony: I need you too.

Pepper: …to leave now

Tony: That’s what I’m trying to…

At that moment Natasha entered in front of the office and Happy stood by the door holding a suitcase.

Natasha: Ms Potts?

Pepper: Hi, come on in.

Natasha: Wheels up in 25 minutes.

Pepper: Thank you.

Happy: Anything else, boss?

Tony: I’m good, Hap.

Pepper: No, I’ll be just another minute.

Tony: I lost both the kids in the divorce.

Tony laughed and looked over to Happy, who shook his head and Natasha glared at him with a look that could kill.

Y/n: Wait? Wasn't I meant to be going to the Expo?

Pepper: Like I said, while with everything going on it's best to stay at home, we can make sure you have a slot for next year, okay?

Y/n nods feeling rather disappointed but understands the situation as Fury also told him to lay low for a little while as he also took care of other interest parties, meanwhile Tony looks to Natasha who was organising some paperwork for Pepper.

Tony: Are you blending in well here, Natalie? Here are Stark Enterprises? Your name is Natalie, isn’t it? I thought you two didn’t get along?

Pepper: No. That’s not so.

Tony: It’s just me you don’t care for. No? Nothing?

Pepper: Actually, while you’re here maybe you and Natalie could discuss the matter of the personal belongings.

Natasha: Absolutely.

As Pepper and Happy leave Natasha looked at Tony and from where Y/n was standing he was surprised she didn't put him in a choke hold.

Natasha: I’m surprised you can keep your mouth shut.

Tony: Boy, you’re good. You are mind-blowingly duplicitous. How do you do it? You just tear things… You’re a triple imposter. I’ve never seen anything like you. Is there anything real about you? Do you even speak Latin?

Natasha began to speak Latin to which Y/n stood in amazement once more.

Tony: Which means? Wait. What? What did you just say?

Natasha: It means you can either drive yourself home or I can have you collected. And you young man make sure you do what was told to you by multiple people.

She gave Y/n a small smile as she left the room.

Tony: You’re good.

As she left Tony Piles things up the pendulum and stands up from the desk and throws the strawberries in the bin but noticed Y/n was still fascinated by the model and goes back to the model and him.

Tony: What you looking at?

Y/n points to the large globe and all the buildings.

Y/n: This looks awfully a lot like framework for the globe.

Tony looks at it through one eye and too his almost amazement Y/n was right, he pats him on the back and proceeds to grab a couple of smaller pieces of the model.

Tony: Grab the larger ones will you.

Y/n grabbed the larger pieces and then they placed them in the car and started driving home to which they proceeded into the workshop and put it all back together, once everything was put back together Tony called Jarvis whilst Y/n was putting one of the small buildings back in its normal place.

Tony: Jarvis, could you kindly Vac-U-Form a digital wire frame? I need a manipulatable projection.

Y/n stood away from the model as Jarvis scanned it.

Jarvis: 1974 Stark Expo model scan complete, sir.

Tony Lifted the blue projection away from the model and placed it across from Y/n.

Y/n: How many buildings are there?

Jarvis: Am I to include the Belgium waffle stands?

Tony: That was rhetorical. Just show us.

Tony clicks his fingers and the model begins to spin and lifts upright showing that Y/n's theory was correct.

Tony: What does that look like to you Jarvis? Not unlike an atom. In which case the nucleus would be here. Highlight the unisphere. Lose the footpaths. Get rid of them.

Jarvis: What is it you’re trying to achieve, sir?

Tony: I’m discovering… Correction. I’m rediscovering a new element, I believe. Lose the landscaping, the shrubbery, the trees. Parking lots, exits, entrances. Structure the protons and the neutrons using the pavilions as a framework.

Tony and Y/n flick things away then use the remaining buildings of the model and now resemble a nucleus that then Tony expands it across the room. Y/n looked around the room in awe of the element that they had just rediscovered.

Y/n: Dad.

Tony smiled as he spun around on a chair looking up at the element.

Tony: Dead for almost 20 years, and still taking me to school.

Tony snaps down so the model fits in his hand.

Jarvis: The proposed element should serve as a viable replacement for palladium.

Tony: Thank Dad.

Jarvis: Unfortunately, it is impossible to synthesise.

Tony smirked and stood up from the chair along with turning off the model and patted Y/n on the back.

Tony: Get ready for a major remodel, fellas. We’re back in hardware mode.

Y/n: Yes!!!!!

Y/n began to smash walls with his fists with ease whilst Tony used a sledge hammers, when it came to the more precise work Tony drilled holes in the floor whilst Y/n fiddled with the wiring, later Y/n brought in a bunch of large and heavy pipes creating a circle, as he held them in place Tony put them together but had a small problem with balancing when suddenly Coulson ended the workshop.

Agent Coulson: I heard you broke the perimeter.

Tony: Yeah. That was, like, three years ago. Where have you been?

Agent Coulson: I was doing some stuff.

Tony: Yeah, well, me too and it worked. Hey, I’m playing for the home team Coulson, you and all your Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Now, are you gonna let me work or break my balls?

Y/n enjoyed the scolding his father got as Coulson pulled out a familiar looking object out of a box.

Agent Coulson: What’s this doing here?

Y/n: Oh that's my Shield.

Coulson: Your shield?

Y/n: Yeah I made it when I was a little younger, but I decided to stress test it by putting it infront of a moving truck.

Tony looked up at them and saw the shield.

Tony: That’s it. Bring that to me.

Agent Coulson: You know what this is?

Tony: It’s exactly what I need to make this work. Lift the coil. Go, go. Put your knees into it.

As Agent Coulson hands it to him the shield he was made to lift up the coil even though Y/n was only next to him, Tony puts the shield under the coil and then looks to Coulson

Tony: There you go. And… Drop it. Drop it.

Coulson quickly let go of the extremely heavy coil and Tony put a leveller on top and smiled.

Tony: Perfectly level. I’m busy. What do you want?

Agent Coulson: Nothing. Goodbye. I’ve been reassigned. Director Fury wants me in New Mexico.

Tony: Fantastic. Land of Enchantment.

Agent Coulson: So I’m told.

Tony: Secret stuff?

Agent Coulson: Something like that. Good luck.

Tony: Bye. Thanks.

They shook hands

Agent Coulson: We need you.

Tony: Yeah, more than you know.

Agent Coulson: Not that much.

He goes to leave but stops at Y/n before leaving and smirks slightly.

Coulson: Try not to break anything or go anywhere until I get back.

Y/n: Yes sir!

Y/n jokingly salutes as Coulson leaves and rejoins his father who was now just waiting for him, they started up the coil as Jarvis began to shout out over the loud noise to which Y/n put on ear defenders as it was becoming unbearable to his enhanced hearing.

Jarvis: Initialising prismatic accelerator.

Tony goes to turn the wheel on top of the accelerator which was impossible for him to move.

Approaching maximum power.

He quickly patted Y/n on the shoulder and pointed to the wheel who then proceeded to turn the wheel but not before cutting holes in the wall.

Y/n: Whoops!

Eventually it’s concentrated on a small triangle piece which begins to glow blue to which Tony turns off the accelerator and walks towards it.

Tony: That was easy.

Y/n quickly joined him after He took off his ear defenders and when he joined his father Tony removed the triangle piece using a pair of pliers

Jarvis: Congratulations sir. You have created a new element.

Tony then placed  it into a new arc reactor that quickly started to power up with zero signs of rejection.

Jarvis: Sir, the reactor has accepted the modified core. I will begin running diagnostics.

Meanwhile Y/n went upstairs to get changed into some fresh clothes when his new phone went off, he quickly checked a bunch of pockets before he found it and answered.

Y/n: Hello?

Natasha: You answered the phone, good.

Y/n: Nat, I mean Natasha, hi.

Natasha: Nat is fine as long it's between us, everything going alright at home?

Y/n: Err, yeah, yes. We finally fixed the reactor problem, it was pretty easy fix really.

Natasha: That's good, I'll let Fury know to give back all the privileges.

Y/n: Does that also mean I can come to the Expo now?

Natasha: Nice try, remember everyone has talked about this, stay at home and lay low for a little while, stick on that favourite show we've occasionally watched.

Y/n: Yeah okay, but it's not the same.

Natasha: I know, your a good kid, talk to you later.

Y/n: Bye Nat.

She hanged up and leaving Y/n feel a little bit stuck at home now that he and his father had finished their project but he'll have to manage for the meantime. He later returned to the workshop and Tony gave him a bunch of things to keep him occupied and whilst talking to one of the arms when suddenly the phone rang again.

Tony: Dummy, You, can we clean up this mess? You’re killing me. You know I don’t…

Jarvis: Incoming call with a blocked number sir.

Tony: My phone privilege is reinstated. Lovely. Coulson. How’s the Land of Enchantment?

Ivan: Hey, Tony, how you doing? I double cycle.

Tony: You what?

Ivan: You told me double cycle’s more power. Good advice.

Tony: You sound pretty sprightly for a dead guy.

Ivan: You too.

Tony quickly mutes his speaker and turned to Y/n who was standing next to him.

Tony: Trace him.

Jarvis: Sir.

Ivan: Now, the true history of Stark name will be written.

Tony: Jarvis, where is he?

Jarvis: Accessing the Oracle grid. Eastern Seaboard.

Ivan: What your father did to my family over 40 years, I will do to you in 40 minutes.

Tony: Sounds good. Let’s get together and hash it out. Or shall I send the kid to kick your ass like last time.

Jarvis: Tri-State area. Manhattan and outlying boroughs.

Ivan: I hope you’re ready.

The call ends

Jarvis: Call trace incomplete.

As Y/n looked at the screen and noticed it was in New York he then sees an advert for Justin’s presentation

Y/n: He's going to attack the Expo.

Tony agreed and went over and picks up new arc reactor quickly replacing his old one with it.

Jarvis: Sir

Tony: You want to run some tests, run them. And assemble the suit while you’re at it. Put it together now.

Jarvis: We are unclear as to the effects.

Tony: I don’t want to hear it Jarvis. Y/n go get your suit on all hands on deck.

Y/n: Hell yeah!!!

Tony: That tastes like coconut. And metal. Oh wow, yeah!

Meanwhile at the Stark Expo. Natasha opens the door for Pepper to exit the car and Happy remained inside.

Happy: I’ll keep the car down here, all right?

Pepper: Thank you Happy.

The two girls walked inside the Expo when Justin Hammer was about to have his presentation which took over from Y/n's slot which made alot of people unhappy and leave.

Announcer: …Justin Hammer. His presentation will begin shortly in the main pavilion.

As it was about to start Justin dances on to the stage to some uninvigorating music.

Justin: Yeah. That’s what I’m talking about. Thanks for coming. Ladies and gentlemen, for far too long, this country has had to place its brave men and women in harm’s way, but then the Iron Man arrived, and we thought the days of losing lives were behind us. Sadly, that technology was kept out of reach. That’s not fair. That’s not right. And it’s just too bad.

Pepper: Oh, Lord.

Justin: Regardless, it was an impressive innovation, one that grabbed the headlines the world over. Well, today, my friends, the press is faced with quite a difficult problem. They are about to run out of ink. [Two people run on to remove the podium] Get that out of here. Ladies and gentlemen, today I present to you the new face of the United States military. The Hammer drone.

Drones began to rise out of the stage as he calls names

Justin: Army! Navy! Air Force! Marines! Yeah! Yeah! Woo! That’s a hell of a lot better than some cheerleaders, let me tell you. But as revolutionary as this technology is, there will always be a need for man to be present in the theatre of war [Ivan is typing something] Ladies and gentlemen, today I am proud to present to you the very first prototype in the Variable Threat Response Battle Suit and its pilot, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes.

Pepper: What?

At that moment Rhodey began to also rise through the stage and was wearing the suit that he took, but it was now fully customised with a black and silver paint job with a number of modifications and salutes.

Justin: For America and its allies, Hammer Industries is reporting for…

Before he could finish his sentence A large glowing trail began to come closer and closer until it landed on the stage, not long after another one but much less brighter and landed next to the bright light and quickly revealed Y/n and Tony, in there suits. A thunderous applause erupted

Tony: We got trouble.

Tony and Y/n walked next to Rhodey who was quite worried about standing next to them for a moment.

Rhodey: Tony, there are civilians present. I’m here on orders. Let’s not do this right now.

Tony: Give them a wave.

Y/n waved to the crowd who only got louder by his wave which gave him a sense of calm and feeling wanted after the situation the other day proving that he was treated like a hero to them which was soon ruined by Justin so he rejoined his father and Rhodey.

Justin: Hey, all right. Yeah.

Tony: All these people are in danger. We gotta get them out of here. You gotta trust me for the next five minutes.

Rhodey: Yeah, I tried that. I got tossed around your house, remember? Not you kid in fairness you've got quite the swinging arm.

Y/n: Thanks but in all seriousness everyone is in trouble.

Tony: Listen, I think he’s working with Vanko.

Rhodey: Vanko’s alive?

Y/n: Yeah he called my dad not that long ago and is here somewhere in New York.

Rhodey: That's not good.

As Justin soaked up the applause Tony approaches him which seemed to put him on edge immediately.

Tony: Where is he?

Justin: What?

Tony: Where’s Vanko?

Justin: Who?

Tony: Tell me.

Y/n: Can I slap him?

Justin: What are you doing here man?

Rhodey: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

At that moment Rhodeys suit began to override and the large mini gun takes aim and Tony.

Tony: Is that you?

Rhodey: No, I’m not doing that. That’s not me. I can’t move. I’m locked up. I’m locked up! Get out of here. Go! This whole system’s been compromised.

Suddenly the drones did the same and Y/n's energy began to flare up knowing the action was about to start when Tony took off.

Tony: Let’s take it outside.

Over half the drones and Rhodey fire at him and then Rhodey takes off after him leaving Y/n with evacuating everyone inside the room.

Rhodey: No, no!

Tony: Jarvis, break in. I need to own him.

Jarvis: Yes sir.

Rhodey: Tony, Tony, I’m locked on. I have target lock.

Tony: On what?

Rhodey: On you. Tony, on your six!

Rhodey began to shoot at Tony as he manoeuvres around to avoid the bullets, meanwhile back at the Expo Justin Hammer ran over to his technician to find out what was happening.

Justin: What’s going on? What’s happening?

Technician: The software’s been overridden.

Justin: What? What do you mean it’s been overridden? What does that mean?

Technician: I think he slaved the drones.

Justin: That’s impossible. Call the guards.

Jack: All the phones are down sir.

Justin: Well, then call their… Call their cells.

Jack: Their cell phones are not working either sir.

Technician: He’s locked us out of the mainframe.

Pepper: Who’s locked you out of the mainframe?

As Pepper and Natasha walked up to Justin, Y/m came floating to the ground and rather angry with the situation.

Y/n: Have a guess, This nutsack broke out the guy who I put into the ground at Monaco.

Justin: Please, please, go away. Go away. I’ve got this handled.

Pepper: Have you now?

Justin: Yes, I do. In fact, if your guy hadn’t showed up, this wouldn’t be happening. So, please, now go away. Thank you.

As Justin continued to talk to his technician Grabs him and holds him down on the desk earning a look at satisfaction from Y/n as his mouth hangs open.

Natasha: You tell me who’s behind this. Who’s behind this?

Justin: Ivan. Ivan Vanko.

Natasha: Where is he?

Justin: At my facility.

Natasha lets go and leaves as Pepper dials a number on her phone

Pepper: I need NYPD, please.

Justin: No, no, no!

Pepper: Command Central.

Justin: No, no, honey. Don’t call the authorities.

Pepper: Okay. Right away. Right away.

Y/m looked at Justin angry and began to flare up his cosmic energy around him giving the man a scare.

Y/n: Step aside.

Justin quickly moved away before finding out what Y/n might have done, Pepper walks up to the technician whilst on the phone.

Pepper: Tell me everything you know. Go.

Meanwhile Tony is still being chased by Rhodey’s suit and the air force drones dodging and weaving the bullets of the both,

Tony: How are we doing Jarvis?

Jarvis: Remote reboot unsuccessful.

Back at the Expo Y/n was now dealing with the other drones that were now firing at the running crowds as Natasha leaves the building. Y/n flew threw the air and shot blasts of energy destroying one by one keeping them from focused on him meanwhile outside Happy stood by the car when Natasha came towards him.

Security guard: This way.

Happy: Nobody’s answering the phone. What’s going on?

Natasha: Get in the car. Take me to Hammer Industries.

Happy: I’m not taking you anywhere.

Natasha: Fine. You want me to drive?

Happy: No, I’m driving. Get in the car.

As Happy took Natasha to Hammer Industries lots of drones continued to shoot at Y/n as people screamed, among the crowds and drones a kid with the Iron Man helmet is targeted by a drone as the kid holds his hand up but before it could fire Y/n lands behind him and shoots the drone with his Photon Blast.

Y/n: Nice work little man.

Y/n takes off again and tries to draw as many drones away from the Expo whilst Tony does the same as Rhodey continues to fire at him.

Rhodey: You got multiples coming in on you.

Tony: Let’s get this away from the Expo.

Meanwhile somewhere on the road Natasha was getting dressed in the back of the car as Happy drove and tried to get a sneak peak at what she was doing and almost crashed at one point.

Natasha: Wen we arrive, I need you to watch the perimeter. ] I’m gonna enter the facility and take down the target. Watch the road.

Happy: I got it. I got it.

As Tony and Rhodey flew past a bunch of cars and Tony sets off one car alarm whilst the drones set off the rest Rhodey watched as a bunch of drones flying off in a different direction.

Rhodey: Listen, listen. A pack just peeled off. They’re headed back to the Expo.

Tony: Got it. You hear that kid.

Y/n: Yep just trying to keep them occupied.

Rhodey: In closing in on you. Ordnance coming in hot Tony. Watch it.

Rhodey began to fire at Tony again destroying a bunch of cars along the way as Tony dodged and weaved to avoid the gunfire. Back at Hammer Industries Happy had just parked the car outside and Natasha began to try and break in whilst Happy followed her.

Natasha: Stay in the car.

Happy: I’m not staying in the car.

Natasha: I said, stay in the car.

Happy: What are you wearing? Look, I’m not letting you go in there alone.

Natasha: You want to help? Keep the car running.

Happy: Okay
Happy Opens the door as she unlocks it and runs in as alarms begin to blast through the building alerting Ivan of a security breach message. As Happy walked inside a security guard walked right up to Happy.

Hammer security guard: Hey, hey, hey. You can’t come in here.

Happy punches him as Natasha heads past them and another security guard comes walking towards her.

Second guard: Hold on. Hey!

Natasha quickly disposes of the first security guard and then fights the other guards Some using her SHIELD tech and then some just kicking or punching them as she flings around them with acrobatics and running down the hall once they are down, Happy is still fighting the same guard as Natasha throws something and takes on five guards at once using some more tech and acrobatics followed by punches and kicks and walks away casually whilst spraying one with pepper spray that she had took from another guard all this while Happy’s fighting one guy.

Happy wins his fight with some dirty boxing and shouts for Natasha who had already left the area

Happy: I got him!

Happy turned to see Sees what Natasha has done and a dozen of men lay on the ground whilst one was hanging and another holding his face from the pepper spray, meanwhile Tony is trying to lead the drones away and saw the giant globe across the fountain.

Tony: Rhodey, you still locked on?

Rhodey: Yeah.

Tony: Drop your socks and grab your Crocs. We’re about to get wet on this ride.

Rhodey: Wait, wait, wait!

Tony leads the drones through the globe sculpture as he makes multiple maneuvers through it as most of the drones explode hitting parts of it. Whilst at Hammer Industries Natasha kicks open Ivan’s door holding a gun in each hand whilst Happy is behind her. The room is empty.

Natasha: He’s gone.

Tony was now flying over the biodome and checking on Rhodey who he hasn't heard from him since his tight maneuver through the globe.

Tony: I’m sorry buddy. Had to thin out the herd. What’s your 20?

Directly above him Rhodey flew straight into Tony and sent them both crashing into biodome, Natasha sees that Ivan was controlling Rhodey's suit and quickly puts her guns on the table and starts typing.

Happy: What are you doing?

Natasha: I’m rebooting Rhodey’s suit.

Rhodey was now on top of Tony and trying to shoot him with the mini gun whilst Tony was pushing the gun to keep it from shooting him, it was edging closer with each passing second until a blinding light comes blasting towards them and tackling Rhodey as Natasha gains access and Rhodey’s suit shuts down, Tony sat up to see Y/n land and help him up and Y/n receiving a pat on the back from Tony.

Natasha: Reboot complete. You got your best friend back.

Tony: Thank you very much, Agent Romanoff.

Natasha: Well done on the new chest piece. I am reading significant higher output and your vitals all look promising.

Tony: Yes, for the moment, I’m not dying. Thank you.

Pepper: What do you mean you’re not dying? Did you just say you’re dying?

Y/n: Uh-Oh.

Tony: Is that you? No, I’m not. Not anymore.

Pepper: What’s going on?

Tony: I was going to tell you. I didn’t want to alarm you.

Pepper: You were gonna tell me? You really were dying?

Tony: You didn’t let me.

Pepper: Why didn’t you tell me that?

Tony: I was gonna make you an omelette and tell you.

Y/n: I'm just, going to go, over there.

Natasha: Hey, hey. Save it for the honeymoon. You got incoming Tony. Looks like the fight’s coming to you.

Tony: Great. Pepper?

Pepper: Are you okay now?

Tony: I am fine. Don’t be mad. I will formally apologise…

Pepper: I am mad!

Tony: …when I’m not fending off a Hammeroid attack.

Pepper: Fine.

Tony: We could have been in Venice.

Pepper: Oh please.

Y/n walks up to Rhodey and taps on his helmet as the system restarts and sees the teenager and Tony standing over him.

Tony: Rhodes? Snap out of it buddy. I need you. They’re coming. Come on, let’s roll. Get up.

His helmet opens up and groans.

Rhodey: Oh, man. You can have your suit back.

Y/n: No way! Now we all can be superheroes.

The two men chucked as Tony Helps him up.

Tony: You okay?

Rhodey: Yeah, thanks. Tony, look, I’m sorry, okay?

Tony: Don’t be.

Rhodey: No. I should have trusted you more.

Tony: I’m the one who put you in this position. Forget it.

Rhodey: No. It’s your fault. I just wanted to say I’m sorry.

Tony: Thank you. That’s all I wanted to hear. Partner. They’re coming in hot, any second. What’s the play?

Y/n: I'm so happy right now.

Rhodey: Well, we want to take the high ground, okay? So let’s put the biggest gun up on that ridge.

Tony: Got you. Where do you want to be?

Rhodey: Where are you going?

Tony: What’re you talking about?

Rhodey: I meant me.

Tony: You have a big gun. You are not the big gun.

Rhodey: Tony, don’t be jealous.

Tony: No. It’s subtle all the bells and whistles.

Rhodey: Yeah. It’s called being a badass.

Tony: Fine. All right. You go up to. I’ll draw them in.

Rhodey: Don’t stay down here. This is the worst place to be.

Tony: Okay, you got a spot. Where’s mine?

Rhodey: It’s the kill box, Tony. Okay This is where you go to die.

Y/n: Oooo. Ooooo. Can I be the Artillery?

Rhodey: This isn't Call of Duty kid.

Suddenly as they argue drones begin to land and surround the three who are now in the kill box. Tony and Rhodey's Helmets came down and Y/n's energy began to surround him. The fight begins.

Tony and Rhodey began to shoot as many as they could whilst Y/n chose a more direct approach and began to punish and kick the drones with combo attacks with his Photon Blasts and looking at the two adults smiling.

Y/n: See that?

Rhodey: Yeah, yeah. Nice.

Tony: Rhodey, Y/n, Get down.

Y/n and Rhodey ducked as Tony began to spin around as lasers slice all the drones in half. And a tree.

Rhodey: Wow. I think you should lead with that next time.

Tony: Yeah. Sorry boss. I can only use it once. It’s a one-off.

Y/n: I could have done that........

Back inside Expo Justin Hammer was arguing with his employee as Pepper shows the police officer who to arrest.

Justin: I told you that five minutes ago.

Pepper: That’s your guy here.

Justin: Excuse me?

Police officer: You’re being placed under arrest.

Justin: Are you kidding me?

Police officer: Hands behind your back sir.

Justin: I’m trying to help here. I get it. I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to pin this on me, huh? That’s good. That’s good. You’re starting to think like a CEO, taking out the competition. I like that. You think you’re making a problem for me? I’m gonna make a problem for you. I’m gonna be seeing you again real soon.

Pepper went outside with some police officers as Justin Hammer was taken away by a few others

Pepper: When they get here, I think you should station them at the south, east and both west exits.

Police officer: We shut down the 7 train in and out of Willets Point already.

Pepper: Well, have city buses there to ferry people to operating lines.

Police officer: Yeah. Are you coming with us?

Pepper: No, I’m gonna stay until to park is clear.

Police officer: Okay.

As Natasha was about to pack up she saw a large target heading towards the three in the biodome.

Natasha: Head up. You got one more drone incoming. This one looks different. The repulsor signature is significantly higher.

Y/n: Wait, you said repulsor?

Suddenly Ivan lands in a full suit in front of the three that scales over them, Y/n's energy begins to flare up again as both Tony and Rhodey prepare for the next fight.

Ivan: Good to be back.

Rhodey: This ain’t gonna be good.

Ivan’s whisps turned on and Y/n was about to launch an attack of his own until Rhodey stepped in front of him.

Rhodey: I got something special for this guy. I’m gonna bust his bunker with the Ex-Wife.

Tony: With the what?

After a lengthy launch Rhodey shoots it and it bounces off Ivan, fizzling off in the water.

Tony: Hammer tech?

Rhodey: Yeah.

Y/n palms his face.

Tony: I got this.

Tony then targets points on Ivan’s armour and fires micro missiles but doesn't do much other than scratch the armour. Y/n launched at Ivan to only get smacked away as both Tony and Rhodey started shooting, Ivan then quickly used his whip to cut off Rhodey's mini gun and then Tony goes in close throwing punches at Ivan and then gets smacked back, Rhodey continues to use his other guns as Y/n came in for another strike but gets kicked to the chest and crashing across again, Tony goes in for another round of punches but ends up in whip like the time a Monaco, Rhodey tries to help him break out but ends up in the other whip and ends with both Tony and Rhodey held onto by Ivan’s whips. However Tony smirks underneath his helmet.

Rhodey. I got an idea. You want to be a hero?

Rhodey: What?

Tony: I could really use a sidekick.

Rhodey: This is your idea?

Tony: Yep.

Rhodey: I’m ready. I’m ready. Go, go, go!

Tony: Take it!

Same as at the house Y/n jumped right in front of Ivan and exploded with Cosmic energy and this causes both Tony and Rhodey to get shot across each side of the biodome. Unfortunately for Ivan, he is in the middle, his armour burned and melting around him and dying from the serious exposure, Tony and Rhodey got back up and walked to Y/n who was standing unharmed and in front of Ivan feeling quite shocked by the extent of his powers but received each and pat on the shoulder by his father and Rhodey.

Ivan: You lose.

They looked down at Ivan as he died but his reactor starts flashing red. So did all the drones.

Rhodey: All these drones are rigged to blow. We gotta get out of here man.

Tony: Pepper?

Takes off as Pepper is by a drone and flies at a supersonic pace and grabs her just as it explodes and flies to a nearby roof and lands, whilst taking off helmet Pepper steps away completely in shock.

Pepper: Oh my God. I can’t take this anymore.

Tony: You can’t?

Pepper: I can’t take this.

Tony: Look at me.

Pepper: My body, literally, cannot handle the stress. I never know if you’re gonna kill yourself or wreak the whole company.

Tony: I think I did okay.

One more explosion goes off just as he finishes speaking.

Pepper: I quit. I’m resigning. That’s it.

Tony: What did you just say? You’re done? That’s surprising. No, it’s not surprising. I get it. You don’t have to make excuses.

Pepper: I’m… I’m… I’m not making any excuses.

Tony: You actually were just making excuses. But you don’t have to.

Pepper: No, I wasn’t making an excuse. I’m actually very justified.

Tony: Listen. Hey, hey. You deserve better.

Pepper: Well…

Tony: You’ve taken such good care of me and Y/n. We've been in a tough spot, but you got us through it, so… Right?

Pepper: Thank you.

Tony: Yeah.

Pepper: Thank you for understanding.

Tony: Yeah, yeah. Let’s talk clean-up.

Pepper: I’ll handle the transition. It’ll be smooth.

Tony: Okay. What about the press? Because you only had the job for a week. That’s gonna seem…

Pepper: Well, with you it’s like dog years.

Tony: I know.

Pepper: I mean, it’s like the Presidency.

They kiss for a moment before separating and looking at each other.

Tony: Weird.

Pepper: No, it’s not weird.

Tony: It’s okay, right?

Pepper: Yeah.

Tony: Run that by me again.

They start to kiss again when suddenly two voices spoke in the background.

Rhodey: I think it was weird.

Y/n: About time......

They break apart and turn around to se Y/n and Rhodey sitting and watching as Y/n was eating a snack.

Rhodey: You guys look like two seals fighting over a grape.

Y/n: Actually, more like two seals on mating season.

Pepper: I had just quit, actually.

Tony: Yeah, so we’re not…

Rhodey: You don’t have to do that. We heard the whole thing.

Tony: You should get lost.

Rhodey: We was here first. Get a roof.

Tony: I thought you were out of one-liners.

Rhodey: That’s the last one.

Y/n: Does this mean I should start calling you mom, I mean, it's not the first time I guess.

Tony: You kicked ass back there, by the way.

Rhodey: Thank you. You too.

Y/n: Hey! What about me?

Rhodey: Dude, you're a wrecking ball and a cheat code all at the same time, it's completely different.

Y/n: Yes! I'm cool!

Rhodey: Listen, my car got taken out in the explosion, so I’m gonna have to hang on to your suit for a minute, okay?

Tony: Not okay. Not okay with that.

Rhodey: It wasn’t a question.

Rhodey Takes off leaving the three on the roof together hugging it out and having a small laugh.

Tony: How are you gonna resign if I don’t accept?

Y/n: Yeah is it a good idea to leave me in charge at fifteen years old where I could do absolutely anything.

Tony& Pepper: No.

They laughed.

It had been a few days since the Expo disaster and Natasha was now leaving the house when she heard a few footsteps and turned with a smirk.

Natasha: You'll have to do better than that to sneak up on me.

Y/n was in a crouched position trying to make Natasha jump but failed miserably as he stands up in awe.

Y/n: How did you know that it was me?

Natasha: I've been watching you for quite some time now, I know your sneaking anywhere.

She chuckled but her face fell a little when Y/n's face fell, she walks up to him and hugged him tightly earning a smile but also a massive blush on his face as they separated.

Y/n: Will I see you again?

She smiles.

Natasha: Give me your phone.

Y/n quickly goes into his pocket and gives her his phone which she began to type in a number and then save it to his phone and had it back to him, he looked at his phone with his mouth open as he sees Natasha's name and number on his contacts and looked back up at her as she smirked.

Natasha: Now I can keep tabs on you and we can keep up with your training, and maybe hangout from time to time.

Y/n nods ecstatically.

Natasha: See you around.

She smirked and walked out of the house leaving Y/n still standing there smiling like he had just won the jackpot, meanwhile somewhere in some kind of building Tony is inside sitting at a table with a file in front of him with a SHIELD logo on it reading.


Fury: I don’t think I want you looking at that. I’m not sure it pertains to you anymore.

Fury enters while looking and stops him opening it

Fury: Now this on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff’s assessment of you. Read it.

He hands Tony the file

Tony: “Personality overview. Mr Stark displays compulsive behaviour.” In my own defence, that was last week. “Prone to self-destructive tendencies.” I was dying. I mean, please. Aren’t we all? “Textbook narcissism”?

He looks at Fury

Tony: Agreed. Okay, here it is. “Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes.” I gotta think about it.

Fury: Read on.

Tony: “Tony Stark not… Not recommended”? That doesn’t make any sense. How can you approve me but not approve me? I got a new ticker. I’m trying to do right by Pepper and Y/n. I’m in a stable-ish relationship.

Fury walks round and rest against the table by Tony’s chair

Fury: Which leads us to believe at this juncture we’d only like to use you as a consultant.

Tony: What about Y/n?

Fury: He'll continue under your guidance and my watchful eye, I believe he's not quite ready for the Avengers just yet, but under your and agent Romanoff's guidance I'm sure he'll be finest hero out there.

Tony stands and offers his hand. They shake clasping his other hand on top of Fury’s.

Tony: You can’t afford me.

He goes to leave, but turns around again

Tony: Then again, I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favour. Rhodey and I are being honoured in Washington and we need a presenter.

Fury: I’ll see what I can do.

The next day.

Stern: It is my honour to be here today to present these distinguished awards to Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes and Mr Tony Stark, who is, of course, a national treasure.

Rhodey and Tony smirked before Stern turned to Rhodey and pinned on his medal.

Stern: Thank you Lieutenant Colonel, for such and exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this.

Rhodey: Thank you sir.

Stern: Mr Stark. Thank you for such as exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this.

Tony winces in pain.

Stern: Oh, sorry. Funny how annoying a little prick can be, isn’t it? Let’s get a photo.

The three stand together as Tony waved the peace sign earning a round of applause from the crowd as Y/n and Pepper watched.

Y/n: Why didn't I get a medal, I was the one to stop Ivan.

Y/n groaned

Pepper: You want a medal from the guy who wants to put you in a lab and study you?

Y/n looked at Pepper shocked and Pepper who looked at him with a serious expression, he looked back at Stren and started to wonder, who else wanted control of him, and how many people was Fury keeping away from him. Meanwhile Fury was watching the ceremony on a screen that was currently facing Y/n when Natasha came walking up to him.

Natasha: He's a good kid.

Fury: I told you that you would like him, How is he?

Natasha: Sad that I was leaving, but I said we would stay in touch.

Fury: Good, That boy has more enemies than friends right now that he doesn't know about yet.

A/N Hey everyone I hope you all have enjoyed the final chapter for Iron Man 2 and are looking forward to Avengers as much as I am, please let me know what you thought about the story overall so far and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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