Payback Time

499 35 31

After taking the boat from the Estate Tony, Y/n and Rhodey speed along the Miami rivers trying to come up with a plan as Y/n and Tony still couldn't fly, most importantly they needed to alert the president about the situation.

Tony: If he's right about the location, we're 20 minutes from where Pepper is.

Rhodey: But we also have to figure out this vice president thing, right?

Tony Stark: Right. I wonder who I'm calling right now. Oh! That's the vice president.

Over at D.C the Vice President was at his daughter's birthday party when suddenly one of his guard brought over his phone.

Vice President: Thanks. Hello?

Tony: Sir, this is Tony Stark.

Vice President: Welcome back to the land of the living.

Tony: We believe you're about to be drawn into the Mandarin campaign. We gotta get you somewhere safe as soon as possible.

Vice President: Mr Stark, I'm about to eat honey-roast ham, surrounded by the Agency's finest. The president's safe on Air Force One with Colonel Rhodes. I think we're good, here.

Rhodey: Sir, this is Colonel Rhodes. They're using the Iron Patriot as a Trojan horse. They're gonna take out the president somehow. We have to immediately alert that plane.

Vice President: Okay, I'm on it. I'll have security lock it down. If need be, they can have F-22s in the air in 30 seconds. Thank you, Colonel.

Rhodey: Rhodes and Stark out.

As the Vice President put the phone down one of the agents walked over to him.

Agent: Everything okay, sir?

Vice President: Couldn't be better.

He pans and walks over to his daughter who was in a wheelchair due to being an amputee.

Vice President: I love you, babe.

Meanwhile The Iron Patriot lands outside Air force one and walks towards President Ellis and salutes.

President Ellis: Colonel Rhodes. Glad to see you could make it, son. I feel safer already.

They both walk inside the airplane and proceed to take off into the air and the president had no idea who was inside the Iron Patriot armour.

Rhodey: We gotta make a decision. We can either save the president, or Pepper. We can't do both.

JARVIS: Sir, I have an update from Malibu. The cranes have finally arrived, and the cellar doors are being cleared as we speak.

Tony Stark: And what about the suit I'm wearing?

JARVIS: The armour is now at 92%.

Tony Stark: That's going to have to do.

Tony unplugs the battery from the suit and gets ready to go after Air force one where The Iron Patriot's arm opens and the suit wearer puts their hand against the door handle on a plane, melting it and preventing anyone from escaping.

Military Aide: Everything all right, Colonel?

Suddenly Iron Patriot kills the aide and people begin shooting at him as he had no idea how to use the suit he grabs a gun and kills everyone beside the President, as the President cowers in the corner the helmet lifts up to reveal Savin.

Savin: It is an honour, Mr President.

President Ellis: If you're gonna do it, do it!

Savin: Whoa! Cool your boots, sir. That's not how The Mandarin works.

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