Anneliese || ✎

By pitifulkisses

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As long as I have you. *Description still in progress.* Anneliese has been kept in the dark by the people in... More

Chapter 2: Interrogation
Chapter 3: Grudge
Chapter 4: Blush
Chapter 5: Spy
Chapter 6: June
Chapter 7: Stay here
Chapter 8: Caught
Chapter 9: Make up
Chapter 10: Games
Chapter 11: Sidekick
Chapter 12: Episode
Chapter 13: House Arrest
Chapter 14: Milkshakes!
Chapter 15: Number
Chapter 16: Intruder
Chapter 17: Tense

Chapter 1: Regulars

381 6 0
By pitifulkisses


       I wanted to sleep in five more minutes, but the front door slamming shut made me decide against extra sleep.

I can't help, but groan as I roll of bed. I do that little stretch where your bones shake. I stretch till I hear my back pop.

I brush my the tangles from my hair in the bathroom before turning to the shower. I pull the lever to the center, in between 'C' and 'H'.

After my shower I get dressed in a long sleeve, white t-shirt, and my finest pair of overalls. I pair the outfit with my golden heart pendant that hangs above the center of my chest, and my small gold bracelet.

I usually don't take off my jewelry, but I do when I shower or swim.

I always get scared because one time my necklace turned green in primary school because I went swimming and never took it off.

I check the time on my phone. I'm running late.

I grab a pair of light pink socks from my drawer and pick up the scuffed up white shoes by my bedroom door.

These shoes have been through it.

"Bye Mom," I kiss the picture frame of me and my mom that sits on my dresser. "see you later."

I make it half way down the stairs with my socks already on. On the last step I stuff my feet into the shoes, lacing them up.

Straight ahead is the family room, but I call it the den. Den always makes me think of bunnies.

Lying on the couch is Anthony, my dad's younger brother. He's not a fan of me being here.

It's because I'm a bad reminder.

I'm not sure what I remind him of, but I know it's nothing that makes him smile with happiness.

I don't know my dad, he's never been in my life. I could walk past an old man and he could be my dad and I wouldn't know.

Not super old, maybe 47. I'd still suspect him to be a little gray.

When do you grow grey hair? I think gray hair on women is a power move.

I slip out the front door quietly. I've mastered closing doors quietly.

I even got this game where I wait till the microwave gets ready to turn zero, then I open it so it doesn't beep. I'm pretty good at it. Although it was more something I used to do when I was younger.

I leave my car keys inside, not needing them. My brakes are a little screechy right now, so I prefer to not use my car while it's icy out.

I used to have a bike, but it got stolen, so I walk to work now. For now.

A random thought told me Anthony sold my bike, but I burry those thoughts. I remember waking up one night and watching a man grab it from the porch.

I can't help but feel guilty for thinking he'd sell it.

No matter how much he may hurt me.

Walking is not my best decision. Winter in Oregon is harsh. I'm lucky the snow is only one to two inches here. Maybe I'm being dramatic.

I want that rich life, but also my little waitress life. If I was gonna have money I'd be from my own accomplishments.

Marry rich? No.

⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎

I reach the wooden double doors three minutes late. Would've arrived later, but I didn't wait for the crosswalks to say go before crossing.

I felt bad for the red Honda that honked at me.

I'm opening  the diner today, but I usually close and lock up. My co-worker, Cassie, called in sick, though, so I have to open today.

To be honest, I prefer closing. I get a few regulars who are super fun to talk to. Not to mention one tips particularly well.

Wink wink.

Closing has its cons, though. You got the drunk, young adults who have the "munchies". I don't mind the cleaning too much, until they throw up.

A shiver runs through me as I recall the memories.

I can't do throw up. I think I've got emetophobia. I really hope it goes away because I want little ones.

After turning on all the lights I clock in and throw my waist apron on over my overalls. We have uniforms, but Debbie, the manager, told me to wear whatever.

I'm wiping down the tables and counters when my co-workers start to walk in. I greet each of them, smiling and creating small talk.

"Good morning, Tim." I smile brightly. He just nods in my direction before passing me to head to the kitchen.

Old man Tim runs the dishwasher. Sam and Leilani are the cooks, Liam's the host and sometimes the bus boy, he occasionally helps serve, too, and of course Debbie, the manager.

I'm a waitress. I love tips, but I hate tipping culture sometimes. Don't ask.

There are others, but not many. Plus, I usually only pay attention to the people during my shifts.

There was a girl named Stephanie, she was fired for robbing the cashier.

Watch your back, Stephanie, thieves don't get far.

"Hey Anneliese, you ready for the brunch rush?" Liam walks in through the doors, his black backpack swung over his shoulder. The bell above the door chimes when it swings open.

We're usually opened all day everyday except for Sundays and sometimes Thursdays. Yesterday was a Thursday and we happened to be closed.

I do not know why we sometimes close on Thursdays. That's a question for Debbie that I most likely won't ask.

"Hi, Liam. I'm ready as usual, just wasn't expecting it to be so cold when I walked in this morning." I wave and set the pen that I was drawing with down. I look at my note pad, frowning at the pieces of popcorn.

I had a customer recommend drawing popcorn with your eyes closed. She said it's supposed to make it look authentic. I think she lied.

"What are you doing?" He comes over, peering over my shoulder. Tall people habits.

He's 5'11, Blonde, and pretty nice. He helps when I need it or even when I don't.

He just turned 22, two years older than me. He's a good person to be around, I trust him. Other than the time he poured salt in my water.

That's when he discovered my fear of throwing up. I gagged in that salty water so hard, my nose burned.

He actually invited me to his 22nd birthday at a bar, but I don't and can't, drink. I drank 18 sprites that night. It was troubling.

I also had to leave early because the bar can only allow underage people in if the kitchen is opened, and it closed early that night.

"Drawing popcorn. Ever since that customer drew popcorn on the napkin I can't stop trying to replicate it." I hold up the napkin I'd saved, holding beside my note pad.

His eyes shift between the napkin and the note pad. The way his eyebrows go up makes me realize he is not to impressed.

I roll my eyes, smiling. "It's a clean napkin, the table didn't use it." I remind him.

"Hang it up or something," he shrugs. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna grab some more menu's from the back." He pats my shoulder before heading off towards the back.

I look around the diner, thinking of a place to put the napkin. Was he joking? I consider his words before crumbling up the napkin and tossing it into the trash bin.

Just then the bell above the door rings. I frown a little at the sound, but my smiles turns
right-side-up at the familiar clothing style.

I only know one person who dresses this nice to show up to a diner.

"Welcome to Debbie's Diner." I paste on a smile, picking my note pad up, and shoving it in my waist apron. I reach for a menu, but decide against it. He gets the same thing. With good reason.

"Matteo, welcome back! Usual table?" I start walking around the counter to show him to his table.

"Hello Anneliese, thank you. And yes, my usual spot would be great." He smiles, his hands in his pockets of his expensive looking suit.

Matteo is one of my regulars. I've only got two, Matteo and Albert. Albert doesn't wear suits, he wears the knitted sweaters his wife made for him.

Albert is an older gentleman who brings a picture of his wife every time he comes in. I'm waiting for him to tell me why he likes this place so much.

"Milkshake? What flavor will it be today?" I ask Matteo after he gets seated at his usual booth near the corner. He always gets a milkshake, but changes the flavor.

I prefer smoothies, but we don't have any here.

The diner has an old roof that comes up on all sides to form a hip roof. It is made out of those curved roof tiles that were painted brown, over the old red paint.

The brown paint is chipping now, though, so you can see the red coming through. Windows all around for a view of the outside, the blinds opened.

It isn't much of a view. The diner is kind of in the corner of the area. I've got some flowers seeds buried in the dirt outside, though. They are slowly sprouting.

"I'll do chocolate today." He replied with his smile. He has dimples.

Matteo's got dark, long-ish curls that frame his face with dark green eyes, a sharp jawline with the smallest dimple in his chin and tan skin.
He's got a few tattoos on his left arm.

Matteo is seven months older than me so he's already 23. His birthday was in November, before I met him. We talk a lot since the place doesn't get too busy.

I still gave him a free milkshake when I found out, after he became a regular. Technically it's a free sundae, but he asked for a shake. I found 20 bucks in my apron later in the night.

"I'll be right back with it." I give him my best smile before hurrying back behind the counter.

Liam is back at the front, seating the costumers who walk in. Walking behind the counter top, which serves as the bar, I grab everything I need for Matteo's milkshake.

As a waitress I was trained to do some basic drinks. Leilani and Sam do milkshakes too, but it isn't too busy, so I pick up the tall plastic cup.

"Still doesn't want anything to eat?" Sam asks from behind me, in the kitchen.

I turn back, obviously smiling. "Nope, just his usual milkshake." I laugh to myself for no specific reason.

I hear Sam hum before he turns back to the stove top where he cracks eggs and fries bacon for brunch.

"Talk to you later!" I shout, maneuvering around the counter to bring Matteo his shake.

I wasn't expecting Matteo to come in so early. Like I mentioned, I work night usually, so that's when he comes in.

I thought I wouldn't see him till later, but I'm glad he's here because it gives me something to be happy about for the rest of the day.

"One chocolate milkshake. I couldn't find the cherries, though, so I used a strawberry instead." I point out.

"No worries, strawberries work just fine." He gives me a tight lipped smile.

Nervously checking around the diner, I look for customers. There's one other group and Liam's got them.

I move to sit across from Matteo, folding my arms in the table in front of me. I fiddle with my fingers while engaging in a conversation.

"I wasn't going to say anything, but I'm too curious," I smile at Matteo while he sets his phone down.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know?" He says a little too serious. I can't hide the expression that covers my face for a split second. I recover, smiling again.

Something about the death of animal makes my eyes sting.

"I thought I wouldn't see you till tonight." I mumble, looking down. My stomach continues to churn, nervously.

He clears his throat. "Noticed you guys weren't open yesterday. Thought I'd get a head start on my normal setting."

"It's pretty cold today," I whisper to myself. I slide closer the window and draw a little happy face before turning back to Matteo.

He's already looking at me. He's not smiling, though. The corner of my lip twitches and his eyes fall to my lips. He smiles now.

"It is. I doubled up on socks," he chuckles. "Stay warm today, it'll be colder tonight." He nods and shifts his gaze back towards the window.

I follow his gaze to the parking lot. Five cars are parked out front.

I hum quietly, nodding my head. "I'm gonna get back to the counter. Let me know if you need something."

I remove myself from his booth and shuffle away. My mind goes back to his comment.

He usually doesn't say vivid things. I know it's a metaphor, but again, he doesn't say stuff like that.

I'm not sure why it spoils my milkshake, but it does.

Get it? Like don't cry over spilled milk, but milkshake instead.

⚡︎ ⚡︎ ⚡︎

Time goes by and Matteo was still here. He bought four milkshakes before tapping out. It also took him five hours.

I look at the large, pink framed clock in the wall. 1:34 in the afternoon.

I'm pulled from my trance when a women and her three kids waltz in. "Hello Miss, can we get a booth and a high chair?"

"Absolutely. Kids menus?" I beam, picking up three little boxes of crayons. I glance at her and the kids.

One is hoisted in her hip, the other two pressing their small hands against the gumball machine. Her eyes are red at the rims, but she's content.

"Yes please. Thank you, honey." She bounces the baby she holds when she begins to fuss.

"Follow me," I beam, waving the little kids over. I place them at a booth two spots away from Matteo. "What can I get you guys to drink?"

I write down their orders, listening when the kids tell me on their own. Two apple juice's, a milk, and a hot coffee for the mom.

"I'll be back shortly," I nod and fold up the note pad into my apron. I get the drinks and bring them to the table, passing them around.

A few more customers flow in, and Liam helps me manage them. I glance at Matteo only to find the booth empty. I check the bathrooms only to come out and find him outside.

He comes back in to say his good bye's to me after a long phone call outside. Additionally, he paid $50 more than his bill. I'm not complaining, though.

Tips are influential.

I shove the tip into my pocket and take the due to the cash register to pay for his drinks. Liam strolls over with a sideways smile. "Nice tip again? I can't help but think he's flirting. I don't like it, to tell you the truth."

I roll my eyes before taking on an awkward facial expression. "I don't think it's like that. Maybe he's looking for something." My thoughts drift of again.

"Yeah, looking for a pickup." He scoffs, putting menus back into the basket behind the counter.

I glare at him, smacking his chest playfully. "You're ridiculous. Maybe you're just jealous that I'm making $35 tips." I shrug.

Liam shakes his head, "I'm doing just fine with my tips, thank you." I can't help the laugh that bubbles in my throat.

My laugh turns into a choke when I see Matteo's car sitting out front still. It raises goosebumps on my skin. I turn around to grab a towel to wipe his table, but when I turn back around the car is gone.

I can't help but laugh at how uneasy I felt today. Matteo is such a fun person like Liam.

I sigh at the big party that walks through the doors. But my smile grows when I see the balloons. An actual birthday party.

I smell tips.

⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎ ☆ ⚡︎

First chapter done!!

If you ever see a possible grammar mistake, go ahead and politely let me know!!

Once again, thank you for giving Anneliese a chance!!

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