The one that Stayed || Y/n x...

By Iain62

1.5K 63 14

The Doctor has many companions that he travels with but either by choice, forced, death or no other option th... More

Characters: Season 2
1 School Reunion I
2 School Reunion II
3 The Girl In The Fireplace I
4 The Girl In The Fireplace II
5 The Rise Of The Cybermen I
7 The Age Of Steel I
8 The Age Of Steel II
9 The Idiot's Lantern I
10 The Idiot's Lantern II
11 The Impossible Planet I
12 The Impossible Planet II
13 The Impossible Planet III
14 The Satan Pit I
15 The Satan Pit II
16 Army Of Ghosts I
17 Army Of Ghosts II
18 Doomsday I
19 Doomsday II
20 The Runaway Bride I
21 The Runaway Bride II
22 The Runaway Bride III

6 The Rise Of The Cybermen II

55 3 0
By Iain62

We sat on a hill, looking at the house, it was night by now. The house was a mansion, it also seems that they were lots of people there.

    "They've got visitors." The Doctor said.

    "February the 1st. Mum's birthday." Rose said. "Even in a parallel universe, she still loves a party."

    "Well, given Pete Tyler's guest list, I wouldn't mind a look. And there is one guaranteed way of getting inside..." The Doctor taking out a wallet.

    "Psychic paper." Rose smiled.

    "Who do you want to be?" The Doctor asked.

    "Psychic paper? What's that?" I wonder.

     "Something the Doctor uses, it says whatever you want it say." Rose told me.


I walk through the door of the kitchen, holding a platter. In a server uniform. The Doctor and Rose the same.
Everyone inside is dressed in fancy clothing.

    "We could've been anyone." Rose whispered.

    "It got us in, didn't it?" The Doctor said.

     "You're in charge of the psychic paper. We could've been guests. Celebrities. Sir Doctor, Dame (Y/n), Dame Rose. And we've ended up serving." Rose said.

    "I did enough of this back home." I say. "But there is a benefit."

     "If you want to know what's going on, work in the kitchen." The Doctor said.

    "That's  true, people talk, like we are not there, you could actually get it quite a lot of knowledge working in the kitchen." I agree.

    "According to Lucy, that man over there..." The spoke.

    "Who's Lucy?" Rose asked.

    "She's carrying the salmon pinwheel." The Doctor said.
It was a girl with brown hair, smiling at a guest.

   "Oh, that's Lucy, is it?" Rose said.

    "Yeah. Lucy says that is the President of Great Britain."

    "President? Not Prime Minister?" I questioned.

    "Seems so." The Doctor says.

    "Or maybe Lucy's just a bit thick." Rose said.

We continue to walk through the house.

    "Excuse me, thank you very much. Thank you, if I could have your attention please." A man called, people clap for him. "Thank you very much."
We walked to the house where we got to the entry room where there were large staircases, a man was standing on them, Pete Tyler, Rose's Dad. "I'd just like to say thank you to you all for coming on this very special occasion. My wife's... 39th." People laughed. "Trust me on this." More laughter. "And so without any further ado, here she is, the birthday girl, my lovely wife, Jackie Tyler."
People clapped as she came down the stairs, well dressed and stood beside her husband.

    "Now, I'm not giving a speech, that's what my parties are famous for, no work, no politics. Just a few good mates and plenty of black market whiskey." Jackie said, and the people laughed. "Pardon me, Mr President. So, yeah, get on with it. Enjoy! Enjoy." Everyone cheered, Jackie and Pete walked down, holding hands and passed by us.

    "You cannot stay. Even if there was some way of telling them." The Doctor reminded Rose.

    "Course I can't." Rose agreed, "I've still got Mum at home, my real mum. I couldn't just leave her, could I? It's just... They've got each other. Mum's got no one."

    "She's got you. Those two haven't." The Doctor told her. "All these different worlds, not one of them gets it right."

    "Rose!" Jackie called. "Here's my little girl! Come to mummy, come to mummy, yes." A little dog barked running over to Jackie. She bent down and picked her up.

The Doctor and I both looked at Rose, we both let out a laugh, it was hard to hold. She was replaced by a dog.



I continue wandering around serving. The Doctor and I sneak upstairs, we stop at a room with a regular computer. We check to make sure no one's looking before we go inside. Quietly, closing the door behind us.
The Doctor put on his glasses. I watch as he looks through the computer. He finds a file and plays it. There was a diagram of a human head spinning around, you could see the brain and the bones.

"The most precious thing on this earth is the human brain..." A man's voice spoke. It went on and showed another diagram of a human head wearing the ear pieces. "This is the ultimate upgrade. Our greatest step into cyberspace." The earpiece is extended up the persons head and connected at the top. The Doctor seems to recognize that this looks like something he's seen before.

"Cybus." He repeated, then ran out. I followed after him.
We got down back to the party looking through the people to find Rose.
We rushed over to her as she walked out one of the windows.
I put my face in the glass to see figures walking towards the house, same speed, they look the exact same. And they came a bit closer. I could see were men, metal men.

"It's happening again." The Doctor muttered.

"What do you mean? What's happening?" I asked.

"I've seen them before." The Doctor said.

"What are they?" Rose asked.

"Cybermen." Said that another window shattered people screamed as a Cyberman punched through the glass. Another window was kicked by a Cyberman and another one step through. Glass shattered people screamed, every window every exit a Cyberman now stood. The Doctor pulled me in rows away from a doorway as Cybermen walked through it.
We were all surrounded. Everybody in the room was grouped in the center. Including me, the Doctor and Rose.

"Mr. Lumic." The President spoke, talking to Mr. Lumic through his ear pieces. "I forbade this."

"What are they? Robots?" Rose asked the Doctor.

"Worse than that."

"Who were these people?" The President asked.

"They're people?" I questioned.

"They were. Till they had all their humanity taken away. That's a living brain jammed inside a cybernetic body. With a heart of steel, all emotions removed." The Doctor explained quietly to me and Rose.

"Why no emotions?" Rose asked.

"Because it hurts."

"I demand to know, Lumic, these people, who were they?" The President demanded. One of the Cybermen stepped in front of the President.

"We have been upgraded." It spoke in a robotic voice.

"Into what?" The Doctor asked it.

"The next level of mankind. We are Human Point Two. Every citizen will receive a free upgrade. You will become like us."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what's been done to you." The President walked closer. "But listen to me. This experiment ends tonight."

"Upgrading is compulsory."

"And if I refuse?" The President asked.

"Don't." The Doctor warned.

"What if I refuse?" The President asked the Cyberman again.

"I'm telling you, don't!"

"What happens if I refuse?" The President didn't listen to the Doctor.

"Then you are not compatible."

"What happens then." The President asked.

"You will be deleted." They Cyberman suddenly reached his arm up on the Presidents shoulder, blue light flashes as the Cyberman electrocutes him. Slowly pushing his body to the floor.
The Doctor grabbed my hand because I was closer to him than Rose and I grabbed Rose's arm the moment that happened. People screamed and the Doctor, ran pulling me and Rose out. We squeezed through people jumping out one of the broken windows.

"There's nothing we can do." The Doctor told us.

"But my mum's in there." Rose stopped, just as we jumped out of a broken window.

"She's not your mother, come on!" The Doctor grabbed Rose's hand and we started to run, but was soon blocked by a wall of Cybermen walking towards us. We turned back towards the house to run the other direction. Just as we passed by it again Pete jump for the same window we did.

"Pete! Pete!" Rose yelled He ran over to us, as we continued.

The sound of the metallic feet of the Cybermen filled the air as they walk, partnered with the screams of the people inside the house.

"Pete, is there a way out?" The Doctor asked.

"The side gates." Pete answered we ran forward following him. "Who are you? How do you know so much?"

"You wouldn't believe it in a million years." The Doctor told him as we had to quickly run the other way as Cybermen came from that direction too.

"Who's is that?" Rose asked as as we saw people running towards us.

"Get behind me!" One of the people yelled. No thought they are. We ran towards them as the Cybermen were behind us now.

There were two men, one of them was, Mickey? They also both had guns and when we got behind them, they start shooting, but nothing affected the Cybermen.

The Cybermen stopped walking.

"Oh, my God, look at you!" Rose said, pulling Mickey into a hug. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Yeah, no offence, sweetheart, but who the hell are you?" Mickey asked, as Rose stepped out of the hug.

"Rose!" Somebody else called, we turn to see Mickey, running towards us. "That's not me. That's, like, the other one." Mickey painted.

"Oh, as if things were bad enough, there's two Mickeys!" The Doctor said.

"It's Ricky." The other, Mickey said.

"But there's more of them." Our Mickey said, looking at the Cybermen, they started to surround us.

"We're surrounded." Rose said.

"Put the gun down. Bullets won't stop them." The Doctor said. But the other man that was with Ricky just tried shooting again. "You! Stop shooting! Now!"
The Doctor shoved the man pushing his gun away. "We surrender. Hands up." We put our hands up. "There's no need to damages us. We're good stock. We volunteer for the upgrade programme. Take us to be processed."

"You are rogue elements." A Cyberman spoke.

"But we surrender." The Doctor repeated.

"You are incompatible."

"But this is a surrender!"

"You will be deleted."

"But we're surrendering! Listen to me! We surrender!" The Doctor shouted.

"You are inferior. Man will be reborn as Cyberman but you will perish under maximum deletion." The Cybermen all held on arm up towards us. "Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete."

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