Pokemon: Brother Of Ash Ketch...

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A young man from our world is reincarnated into the world of Pokemon. Now the brother of Ash Ketchum, Lucas m... Higit pa

Chapter 1: Lucas Ketchum
Chapter 2: The Egg And Lucas' Starter
Chapter 3: Ria Olliver
Chapter 4: Training
Chapter 5: Riolu - A New Pokemon Born
Chapter 6: Ash's Starter Pokemon
Chapter 8: Viridian City And Team Rocket
Chapter 9: Through Viridian Forest
Chapter 10: The First Gym Battle
Chapter 11: Lucas And Ash Go There Separate Ways
Chapter 12: Ash Vs Lucas: An Important Lesson Taught
Chapter 13: Ash Vs Lucas - In A League Of Their Own

Chapter 7: The Journey Begins

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After a few more months the time had come for Ash, Gary, Lucas and Ria to begin their journeys. This time had been spent training by all three boys, though Gary trained back at the ranch while Lucas and Ash each took a part of the forest to train in. In that time Ash had taught Pikachu Thunderbolt after it mastered Quick Attack, while also training his speed and attack strength. Lucas on the other hand had focused almost entirely on Lucario's aura, trying to perfect his starter's control as much as possible after he had learned Aura Sphere a month prior. The two had even battled a few times, though Ash had never won, much to the younger boy's annoyance.

In The Professor's Lab

The group are now standing together in the Professor's lab to receive their pokedexes. Ash is wearing his signature blue and white jacket, blue jeans, blue shoes and green gloves, with his trusty red and white trucker cap on his head, Pikachu sitting happily on his shoulder. Lucas is wearing his dark blue jacket with red outlining, blue trousers and sturdy black hiking boots, hair hanging over his left eye in a roughly cut bang, Lucario by his side. Gary's wearing a black jacket with red trim, a black t-shirt, and dark blue jeans. Ria is wearing a blue tunic over beige cargo pants, knee high boots and a wide brimmed hat. Eeevee is sitting by her side. Everyone also has a belt or bag to carry the equipment and pokeballs they will need for their journey. All the other trainers there were wearing their own outfits. "Excellent, you are all here to begin your journeys," Oak said, a pleased smile on his face as he surveyed the crowd of starting trainers. Oak then explained the many challenges they would face on their journeys before passing out the trainer's pokedexes and starters. All the other trainers had not been allowed to receive their starters earlier.

"Pikachu, the Mouse Pokemon. An electric type. Pikachu can store electricity in their red cheek pouches, which they release if threatened. Male and Female Pikachu have different shaped tails," Ash's pokedex explained as it finished scanning Pikachu. "Pika, Pikachu," Pikachu replied, clearly excited to be leaving. "Lucario, the Aura Pokemon, and the evolved form of Riolu. Lucario can concentrate its mental energy into a mysterious wave called Aura, which can reduce boulders to dust," Lucas' pokedex explained. "Car," Lucario replied with a slight grin, pleased with his description. Soon Professor Oak had finished his speech and the gang returned to their homes to begin their journeys and say goodbye to their parents. "Ash, Lucas, remember to always take care of yourselves. Don't forget to eat your meals, sleep, wash daily and stay hydrated. And please be careful in battle and don't take any unnecessary risks. I know you want to be the world's best trainers, but that doesn't mean you should get hurt. Promise me you'll be cautious and make smart decisions," Delia told her sons, continuing before they could reassure her, "Sweeties, keep your Pokemon in good health. Make sure to tend to their injuries and look after yourselves. And promise you'll call me and let me know how you're doing? I worry about you Lucas and Ash!" "Okay mom," Ash and Lucas said, finally managing to stop their mother's nagging, though they knew it all came from a place of worry. "Lucario, Pikachu, promise you'll take care of them too," Delia asked the pair's pokemon. "Lucario," Lucario nodded in reply. "Pika, Pikachu," Pikachu assured Delia with a nod. At that moment, a car arrived filled with cheerleader girls. "This is my crew guys. See ya later," Gary said with a wave as he hopped in the car. "Bye Gary," Everyone waved as the car drove off.

"Alright, time to go," Lucas told Ria and his brother as he pulled on his back pack. ""Yes!" Ash and Ria exclaimed, both excited to begin the journey as the trio left Pallet Town. Lucas had originally intended to go on his journey alone, planning to take a boat to Kalos and head for the Tower of Mastery, but his mother had asked him to bring Ash along as both were aiming for the Indigo League. Lucas had no choice but to bring Ash along and Lucas wouldn't deny Ria. Having a free healer was useful. They took Route One which led to Viridian City. Thankfully since Ash and Pikachu were already getting along there was no major incident with the Spearow. When night arrived they stopped to make food and rest in their tents. Food was prepared by Lucas, Ria and Ash's joint efforts. Lucas and Ria had to prepare the pokemon food themselves however as Ash didn't know how to make pokemon food. "Pikachu! Eevee!" Pikachu and Eevee exclaimed happily as they ate the food put before them, Lucario eating quietly beside them. In the morning the gang prepared to continue to the city after breakfast only to notice a rainbow forming in the sky, showcasing the beauty of nature. A pokemon was also flying in front of the rainbow, as if it had created the rainbow itself. "How could I forget? The first legendary pokemon Ash ever saw. And a legendary that symbolises luck," Lucas thought to himself, pointing his pokedex at the pokemon flying in the sky. "Ho-oh, the Rainbow Pokemon. A fire and flying type. Ho-oh is an avian pokemon resembling a phoenix and a peacock. Ho-Oh's feathers glow in seven colours depending on the angle at which they are struck by light. These feathers are said to bring happiness to the bearers. This Pokémon is said to live at the foot of a rainbow," The pokedex explained. "A legendary pokemon, wow," Ria and Ash murmured in amazement as Lucario jumped forward, glaring up at Ho-oh with a competitive gleam, barking. Ho-oh stopped in mid-flight, gazing down at Lucario with an expression of surprise, amusement and perhaps a hint of interest.

"I see, Lucario wants to battle Ho-oh. And I think Ho-oh is accepting," Lucas realised, gaining an excited grin as Ho-oh flew down in front of the group. "What happened? Why did it come down?" Ria asked, confused. "I'm going to catch it," Ash declared, fishing around his pockets for a pokeball. "Get back everyone. Lucario wants to have a battle with Ho-oh," Lucas replied, Lucario giving a bark of agreement as he glared up at Ho-oh. ""What? Are you crazy?" Ria asked, knowing no starting trainer could defeat Ho-oh. Even with a pokemon like Lucario. "I know we stand little chance with my current skills and Lucario's current training. But we both want to try," Lucas explained with a grin, Lucario nodding in agreement as the pair shared a smile. "Alright," Ria agreed with a reluctant sigh as Ash threw his pokeball at Ho-oh, who didn't even look at him as Ho-oh sent it right back into his face with its left wing, curious gaze still fixed on Lucario. "Pika," Pikacu said in concern as it helped Ash sit back up. Ria pulled Ash away to give Lucas space for the battle. Lucario stood in a defensive stance in front of Lucas as Ho-oh flew a few metres in front of him. "Alright Lucario. Use Power-Up Punch!" Lucas ordered as Lucario charged forward, fist glowing with orange energy before leaping at Ho-oh. The legendary pokemon didn't even try to dodge, taking the attack straight to the chest with a slight wince, though it didn't even look scratched. "Car, Lucario," Lucario murmured, shocked by the defensive power. "Incredible," Lucas murmured, smile widening as he saw the strength of a legendary pokemon. That Power-Up Punch is able to smash through boulders, but Ho-oh took it with barely a wince.

"Alright Lucario, use Swords Dance!" Lucas ordered as Lucario howled swords appearing around him briefly before vanishing as Lucario glowed red, attack increased, "Now, use Bone Rush!" "Car!" Lucario shouted as it formed a staff of bone from blue energy, spinning it before charging forward, striking Ho-oh multiple times with the move, creating a cloud of smoke as Lucario landed behind the legendary before jumping back. "Yeah! Bro's gonna win!" Ash yelled, confident in Lucas' victory. Afterall, Ash had seen even Kangkaskan, a pokemon the Professor had trained himself when he was Champion taken down by a trio of Swords Dance boosted Bone Rushes. Ria remained silent, far more sceptical and just hoping Lucario wouldn't get too badly hurt. The smoke cleared and Ho-oh came back into view. It was covered in a few small scratches and was flying a few feet back, but otherwise looked unharmed.

"No way," Ash gasped, shocked while Lucario simply grinned, excited to see Ho-oh's strength. "Amazing power," Lucas smirked, impressed, "You as excited as I am Lucario?" "Car!" Lucario roared back, eyes gleaming as it glared back at Ho-oh. "Ho-oh!" Ho-oh roared in reply, finally attacking as it sent a blast of blue flames straight at Lucario. "What move is that?" Ash asked Ria, having never seen the move before. Ria pulled out her pokedex, pointing it at the blue fireball. "Sacred Fire, a fire type move. The target of this move is razed by a mystical fire of great intensity. It may also leave the target with a burn," The Pokedex explained. "That move is strong," Ash said, awed, as he stared up at Ho-oh. "Lucario, dodge it!" Lucas ordered as Lucario attempted to jump out of the way. However the fire was too fast and was about to reach him before Lucario could get out of the way. "Lucario, Bone Rush!" Lucas yelled, Lucario quickly forming the bone staff to act as a break, trying to force the flames to go around him. "Car!" Lucario yelled, furiously, still trying to push the flames back as they exploded "Oh no," Ria murmured, worried as the attack hit. "Bro! Lucario!" Ash yelled, concerned as the inferno burned around the Aura Pokemon, Pikachu yelling encouragement at his friend. The flames then began to dissipate, revealing that Lucario was still standing with only a lot of scratches and a few burns across his body as he yelled up at Ho-oh. "Ho-oh?" Ho-oh questioned, shocked Lucario had wisthanded the move so well. "It's still up," Ria murmured, shocked. "Yeah, way to go bro!" Ash cheered. "Great job Lucario!" Lucas congratulated, earning a grin from over Lucario's shoulder, "Now, use Thunder Punch!" Lucario charged forward, fist crackling with electricity, jumping straight at Ho-oh and smashing into the bird before it could move, earning a pained shriek from the Legendary as it struggled to stay flying, face twisted in pain. "Yeah, good job big bro!" Ash yelled, Ria smiling, beginning to think Lucas could win. "Ho-oh!" Ho-oh yelled, expression impressed as it gazed down at Lucario before beginning to glow white, some of the scratches covering its body vanishing as it flew back into the air. ""What move is that? How come its injuries were healed?" Ash asked Ria, confused. "Recover. It's a move that can heal a pokemon's own injuries," Ria explained. "Pikachu, can you learn that move as well?" Ash asked, excited. "Pika. Pikachu," Pikachu replied, shaking his head.

Ho-oh opened its mouth and sent out a jet of red fire at Lucario, producing a lot of heat.. "Flamethrower. Dodge to the right Lucario, then use Bone Rush!" Lucas ordered, Lucario jumping out of the way as it raced towards Ho-oh, who continued to fire the flamethrower behind Lucario before it sputtered out. "Car!" Lucario yelled as it formed the Bone Rush, flickering in front of Ho-oh to strike it hard across the face twice before landing behind it, Ho-oh crashing to the ground from the attack, crying out in pain. Ho-oh stood, eyes clenched from the pain as it fired a jet of rainbow coloured fire around itself and into the sky. "Lucario, use the Bone Rush to jump over the fire and get away!" Lucas ordered, Lucario attempting to do so as he used the Bone Rush like a javelin to leap over the wall of fire, only to be struck hard from the side by a flamethrower, sending Lucario flying back to Lucas, nimbly landing on his feet, though clearly injured as he fell to one knee. "Lucario? Can you go on?" Lucas asked, concerned, earning a nod from his pokemon as Lucario got back to his feet, "Alright, then give it all you've got."

Meanwhile in Viridian City many people had seen the pillar of rainbow coloured fire. "What is that beam of light in the sky?" One passerby asked, shocked. "Is it a Pokemon attack?" Another passerby replied, awed. "Who cares? It's so beautiful," A third passerby said. "It's the sacred flame," One woman realised, worried as others took pictures of the beam of light. "Nurse Joy, are you sure? According to legend, only Ho-oh itself can use the sacred flame," One of the people at the pokemon centre argued. "I hope the one fighting Ho-oh is safe," Nurse Joy murmured, concerned.

"Alright Lucario, one more time. Thunder Punch!" Lucas ordered, Lucario leaping forward at Ho-oh, who fired back with a flamethrower, "Use Bone Rush to form an opening and charge in Lucario! I know you can do it!" "Car," Lucario grimaced, fighting against the fire as it struggled to force the flames apart with Bone Rush, "Lucario!" With a final yell Lucario struck through, slamming the Bone Rush hard into Ho-oh before striking it across the face with Thunder Punch and landing behind the majestic Legendary, which collapsed unconscious to the ground, quickly followed by Lucario. "Lucario!" Lucas yelled, concerned as he raced over to his pokemon, "You alright, bud?" "Car," Lucario grimaced as Lucas began spraying him with potions, clearly exhausted, though he gave Lucas a slight smile through the pain, clearly pleased with his win. "You battled excellently, Lucario. Thanks so much," Lucas told Lucario gratefully who simply nodded in reply before falling unconscious again. "Woah, they... beat Ho-oh," Ash murmured, shocked as Ria nodded in shocked amazement, the legendary already back on its feet and shaking its head. "Ho-oh," Ho-oh murmured, also surprised by the defeat as it turned to its challenger, concerned by its weakened appearance as it walked over, dropping a feather onto Lucario. "What?" Lucas murmured, confused where the feather came from before turning to the legendary, "Thanks, Ho-oh." "Ho-oh," Ho-oh replied with a nod of respect to him and Lucario before taking off again.

"Lucario needs to get to a pokemon centre now," Ash said as he and Ria came over, worried about the Aura Pokemon. "I know," Lucas replied, returning Lucario before turning and running off down the route. "Wait for us bro!" Ash yelled after him as he and Ria chased after Lucas. "He's so fast. We'll need a bike to keep up," Ash panted after five minutes of running, exhausted, "A bike!" "Hey, you can't steal that bike! It's mine!" A girl yelled as she jumped up from the nearby river. "Sorry, emergency!" Ash yelled back, jumping on the bike and racing off, Ria apologising profusely to the girl as she chased after Ash, only to find the bike destroyed as Ash had crashed going too quickly. "Idiot," Ria muttered, furious as she and Ash continued towards Viridian City. 

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