daylight | percy jackson

By gracieloveslana

86.4K 3.2K 13.1K

"you had a dream about me?" "it was a prophecy, dont get too cocky" "did i look really handsome and talented... More

synopsis ೀ
aria has a type
boy meets (demigod) world
battle of the gym squad
are last names reserved for enemies?
zeus pooks is a lil paranoid
justice for percy's hair
gladiola my king
percy hates on architecture
jumping off a monument (date idea)
luke gets in aria's bad books
the group becomes walking advertisements
truck travels
the home alone guys in an alternate universe
percy goes pearl diving
charon confirmed aria stan
if the era's tour was in the underworld
trip down...tartarus lane?
real or not real?
is this the end of all the endings?
who tf is andy?
no red flags here
camp rock prepares for war
here comes the goat, all dressed in white
tyson meets fish ponies
group therapy
where is the nearest wingstop
more like hurricane tortilla
bro think he a guinea pig
the group meets fawn
high school musical 3
lukie pookie returns
tree comes back from the dead
movie night...without tyson
did ya miss me
percy meets the family
percy no no wanna
grover is joe goldberg
pinot noir makes a comeback
simba? is that you?
distance distance distance
lord of da wild
say that shi w yo chest
hair ties and dragons
voice of an angel
youre not dead?
fam reunions #awkies
look at the stars
a little party never killed nobody
fooled you cant get fooled again
stork story
said i love you. you say nothing back.
i normally love gingers but
taxi driver, be my shrink for the hour

running away from the orphanage

1.6K 84 139
By gracieloveslana

˚₊‧ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚



❝ lot's of sadness. and soup. ❞

ARIA HATED walking. Her now severely injured leg contributed to this hatred, as the group trudged through the forest, sweat building on their foreheads. Silence, mixed with the sound of distant animals, were the only audible things until Annabeth's voice rang through the trees.

"Percy, you didn't have to intervene back there," Her tone was laced with annoyance. "We had a plan, and you just–"

Percy cut her off, his voice defiant. "I couldn't leave you guys to face those Furies alone. It's not like I could just sit back and watch."

Aria, trying to keep up with their brisk pace, winced as a sharp pain shot through her injured leg. Despite her attempts to conceal her discomfort, it became increasingly evident that she was struggling. The forest floor seemed to sway beneath her, and she stumbled, her vision blurring for a moment.

Annabeth's irritation transformed into concern as she noticed Aria faltering.

"Aria, are you okay?"

Aria, a tight smile on her face, nodded. "Yeah, just a little tired. I'll catch up."

But the strain on her face betrayed her true condition. As they continued, Aria's steps grew increasingly unsteady, and she finally collapsed to the forest floor, her injured leg giving way beneath her.

Percy's eyes widened with worry, and he rushed to her side. "Silvers, what happened?"

Annabeth, her frustration momentarily forgotten, joined Percy in assisting Aria. She inspected the leg with a critical eye. "It's that whip from the Fury. The wound reopened, and it's affecting her. We need to find a safe place to rest."

"And eat." Grover chided in, his stomach rumbling.

Aria, gritting her teeth against the pain, forced a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Just give me a moment."

But Percy, his concern unabated, helped her up, placing her arm around his neck for support. "We're not taking any chances. We'll find a safe spot, and you can rest there. No arguments."

This action from Percy was extremely surprising to Aria. Why was he actually being nice to her?

Amidst the dense forest, vibrant neon lights illuminated the darkness, revealing the presence of an old diner. The alluring scent of food permeated the air, leading the group towards the worn-out sign that proudly declared, "Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium." Aria's dyslexia momentarily played tricks on her, conjuring the whimsical notion of a "Meong Emporium." A second glance clarified the misunderstanding—it was, in fact, a gnome emporium. The realisation brought a wry smile to Aria's face, marking a welcome distraction from her current ordeal.

Grover, sniffing slightly, cast a wary glance at the diner. "Garden gnome emporium? I don't know about this guys. Gnomes can be tricky."

Aria, still leaning on Percy, couldn't help but smirk. "Well, if they have food, I'm willing to take my chances."

They decided to wait outside, finding a relatively sheltered spot where Aria could rest and heal. With a deep breath, Aria began to sing, her voice carrying a soothing melody. It was a hymn to her father, a plea for healing. The others watched in awe as a warm, golden glow enveloped Aria's leg. Slowly, the pain ebbed away, and when the light faded, her leg was restored to its normal state.

Percy, who had been watching with a mixture of concern and fascination, couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes. "That was..incredible." 

Aria, now able to stand on her own, flashed him a grateful smile. "Thanks. Perks of being a child of Apollo."

As the group made their way back to the peculiar diner, the forest seemed to thicken around them. Grover, ever attuned to the natural world, couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. 'Guys, I don't like this. There's something off about this place," he whispered, his eyes darting nervously between the trees.

Percy clapped a reassuring hand on Grover's shoulder. "Come on, it's just a diner. What could go wrong?"

Despite his apprehensions, Grover was gently ushered inside by his companions. The moment the door swung open, a chime echoed through the air. The interior was surprisingly quaint, adorned with mismatched chairs and tables. A warm, homely aroma wafted from the kitchen, promising a comforting meal.

In the corner of the room, Grover's eyes widened as he spotted a small statue of someone who Aria guessed he recognised.

"Guys, there's something seriously weird about this place. We shouldn't–"

Before he could finish his sentence, the door creaked open. A mysterious figure, clad in a long black veil, stood by the entrance. The air in the diner seemed to still as all eyes turned toward the enigmatic owner.

"Children," she said, her voice silky and smooth, "It is far too late to be out all by yourselves. Where are your parents?"

"Dead," Aria said.

"Six feet under?" Grover chimed in.

"Buried," Annabeth continued.

"We, uh, ran away from the orphanage. Didn't like the soup they were feeding us," Percy concluded.

"Yep. Lot's of sadness. And soup," Aria said.

"Orphans?" the woman exclaimed. "Oh you poor sweethearts!"

Aria faked some tears and acted out a sniffle. "It was really hard losing our families, but the one thing that made us feel better was food. And on that topic is that food I smell?"

"Oh yes yes, you must come in, poor children. My name is Aunty Em. Head straight to the back of the warehouse where there is a dining area."

They gratefully flashed their nicest orphan smiles at the lady and headed inside.

"Soup? Really?" Aria whispered to Percy.

"I was under pressure!" Percy defended.

Walking through the warehouse was like walking through the terracotta warriors. Statues of people in all different kinds of poses filled the room, and Aria couldn't shake the weirdness of the whole thing. Gnome Emporiums were creepy.

"Sit down my darlings," Aunty Em said.

"Don't need to ask me twice," Percy exclaimed, already rolling up his sleeves as if he was about to dig into a five course meal.

"Excuse me ma'am," Grover said, "we don't have any money."

"No worries children. This is a special case. A free treat for you little bundle of joys."

"Thank you," Annabeth said.

Aunty Em's expression momentarily soured as she shot a distasteful look in Annabeth's direction. However, the transient disapproval was swiftly dismissed, and Aunty Em regained her composure.

"Of course, Annabeth." Aunty Em replied, her tone now affable. "You have such gorgeous grey eyes my dear."

Annabeth, momentarily surprised by the unexpected comment, managed a nod of acknowledgment. In a swift motion, Aunty Em disappeared behind the dirty counter and brought back plastic trays filled to the brim with cheeseburgers, fries, and shakes.

Percy gulped his burger down hungrily, and the two girls politely sipped at their shakes. Grover on the other hand, barely touched his meal, and instead he opted to pick at the fries, tossing them over in his hand.

"What's that hissing noise?" he inquired, suspiciously looking around the diner.

"Hissing?" Aunty Em questioned, eyeing him down. "Probably the deep fryer oil. You have awfully good hearing, Grover."

"I take vitamins. For my ears."

"How cute! But please, you are my guest. Relax."

Percy piped up, trying to make lighthearted conversation. "So, uh, you sell gnomes?"

Aunty Em perked up at the mention of her precious gnomes.
"Oh, yes! And animals. And people. Just anything really. I also do custom orders. Statues are very popular these days."

"Do you get lots of business on this road?"

"Not much since the highway was built. Cars do not tend to go down here. I must savour every customer I get."

Aria looked around the quaint little diner, taking in the sight. However, as her gaze landed on a particularly lifelike statue in the corner, an unsettling feeling crept over her.

Intrigued, Aria got up from her seat, her eyes narrowing as she approached the statue. It was a figure of a person, frozen in a pose that seemed almost too realistic. The details were uncanny - from the intricate folds of the clothing to the subtle lines etched on the face. The statue's expression was somewhat terrified, and Aria found herself backing away slowly.

It looked a little bit too real for her liking.

"Ah," Aunty Em said. "You see, some of my creations do not turn out well. People do not tend to buy them. The face is the hardest part to get right. Very difficult."

"You make them yourself?" It was now Aria's turn to ask the questions.

"Yes Aria, I do."

Aria tensed. How did this woman know her name? The group certainly hadn't introduced themselves.

Aunty Em continued.

"Once upon a time, I had two sisters to help me in the business. Sadly they have passed on and now I am all alone. Just an ageing lady and her statues. They are the only things keeping me company."

Aria noticed Percy giving the woman a sympathetic look and a reassuring nod of the head.

Annabeth leaned forward in her seat, a worried look taking over her features. "Two sister's you say?"

Aunty Em spoke. "It's a terrible story. Not very suitable for your young ears. You see, Annabeth, a very nasty woman, was extremely jealous of me, long long ago, back when I was young. I had a boyfriend and this awful woman was determined to split us up. She caused a terrible accident but my sisters stayed by me. They shared my pain and bad luck for as long as they could, but eventually they passed away. I survived, but at a costly price. A very big price."

No fucking way.

"Um, haha, Annabeth, I think it's past our orphanage bedtime! We should probably leave now." Aria said, backing away to the exit.

Annabeth continued with the lie.

"Oh yes um Mrs Spank will be wondering where we have run off to!"

Mrs Spank? Aria had to stifle a laugh.

Aunty Em leaned in closer to Annabeth, her fingers hanging precariously close to the girl's face.

"Such pretty grey eyes. It has been forever since I have seen eyes like yours my dear."

"Guys, I think we need to leave," Grover whispered.

As Grover's words hung in the air, Aunty Em, sensing a change in the atmosphere, diverted her attention to the group. Sensing the tension, she attempted to diffuse it with a seemingly innocent request.

"Before you go, how about a photo? Just a little memento of your visit."

The group hesitated, exchanging wary glances. Percy, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrent of unease, saw no harm in the seemingly harmless request.

"Why not? A photo would be nice," Percy suggested, missing the cautious glances exchanged among his companions.

As Aunty Em agreed to Percy's suggestion, her demeanour took on a more deliberate and calculating air. With a subtle touch, she guided Annabeth and Aria to stand in the centre, positioning them with unnerving precision. Percy and Grover, unwittingly falling into place on either side of the girls, exchanged puzzled glances as the tableau unfolded.

Percy, ever the reluctant model, squinted up at the dim lighting inside the diner. "You know, the lighting in here isn't very good. Maybe we should find a better spot?"

Aunty Em, however, seemed undeterred, her gaze focused on arranging them just so. "Nonsense, my dear. The lighting will be just perfect." Her insistence betrayed a sense of urgency as she subtly positioned the group, her fingers deftly guiding them into place.

Meanwhile, Grover, still uneasy about the situation, couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "Uh, Aunty Em, where's your camera?"

Aunty Em paused for a moment, her smile never wavering, as if considering the question. "Oh, don't you worry about that, dear. I've got everything under control."

Aunty Em, now seemingly satisfied with the group's arrangement, gestured for everyone to flash their brightest smiles. "Come now, my dears, nice and wide," she coaxed, her voice taking on an eerie warmth.

"Uncle Ferdinand?" Grover questioned, and Aria gave him a puzzled look.

Aunty Em, undeterred by the lack of a visible camera, turned her attention to Grover with a seemingly innocuous request. "Grover, my dear, could you look this way? I want to capture that delightful expression of yours." Her words held an unsettling charm, but her hands remained conspicuously empty.

As Grover reluctantly obliged, his gaze met hers. Aunty Em, now claiming difficulty in seeing through her veil, began to remove the obscuring garment.

"Oh my gods that is Uncle Ferdinand!"

Annabeth, sensing the imminent danger, cried out, "Look away! Don't meet her eyes!"

Reacting swiftly, Annabeth pulled her hat down over her eyes, activating its magic to render her invisible. She instinctively took charge, yanking the trio to the ground. In the frenzied scramble for cover, Aria, with widened eyes, inadvertently caught a glimpse of Aunty Em's true form. A shiver ran down her spine as she saw the warty, talon-like hands that had moments ago seemed so benign.

Percy, unable to resist the impulse to look, lifted his head to catch a glimpse of the monstrous visage. Before he could fully register the danger, Aria lunged forward and with a forceful tackle, she brought Percy down. Her own hands, trembling with fear, covered Percy's eyes in a desperate attempt to spare him from the petrifying gaze of what was now revealed to be Medusa.

"You're not supposed to look, Jackson!" Aria's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and urgency, and Percy stilled beneath Aria's protective grasp.

Snakes hissed above their heads, and Aria could guess that they could only be coming from one place. Medusa's head.

"Come now, my darlings. Such pretty faces deserve to bask in the gaze of a true beauty," Medusa purred.

Aria was having none of it, and she maintained her protective stance over Percy, her hands still latched onto his eyes, not trusting him to not look.

"Do you truly wish to be pawns of the gods?" Medusa's voice, laced with a sinister allure, slithered through the tense air. "Do you comprehend the perils that await you on this foolhardy quest? What lies ahead in the Underworld is not for the faint of heart. Do not blindly serve the Olympians, my dears. A life as statues would be a merciful fate, far less agonising."

Grover suddenly yelled, "Duck!"

Aria and Percy, their attention captured by a sound cutting through the tension, turned their gaze to the night sky. There, with a surprising entrance, was Grover, soaring in with his winged shoes. In his grasp, he clutched a formidable tree branch, its size resembling that of a baseball bat. Despite the makeshift weapon, Grover's eyes were tightly shut, his head twitching from side to side as he navigated the space solely through the keen senses of his ears and eyes.

As Grover descended with a determined cry, his voice echoing through the night, he shouted, "Duck! I'll get her!" However, Aria, quick-witted and realising Grover's less-than-precise aim, didn't leave their fate to chance.

In the desperate urgency of the moment, Aria's instincts took over. Without a second thought, she seized Percy by the arm, her grip firm and determined. With a strength fuelled by adrenaline, she yanked him to the side, deftly guiding him out of the direct path of Grover's impending attack.

Percy, caught off guard by the sudden manoeuvre, stumbled for a moment before regaining his footing, his eyes thankfully squeezed shut.

The hefty tree branch that had once been in Grover's grasp connected to Medusa's head, causing her to trip back. She hissed in a mixture of rage and pain, the echoes of her threat slicing through the air like a viper's strike.

"You dare strike me, little satyr? Your fate will be no different than that of your dear uncle!"

Aria released Percy's arm and reached into her pocket pulling out a small lip balm. With a deft twist of the lip balm's lid, the cylindrical container elongated and reshaped, and before anyone could comprehend the slight of hand (not that they could see it anyway), the lip balm had seamlessly morphed into a sleek and compact bow. Thanks Dad, Aria thought.

With her bow at the ready, Aria tuned in to the sounds of the battle. She took a deep breath in and out before lifting her weapon steadily.

Thwang! The arrow flew silently through the air, and the sizzle of something in the distance let her know she had reached her target. Medusa screeched again and Grover flew over Aria's head, knocking down the woman with another tree branch. The woman fell to the ground and stayed there for a moment.

"I think we got her!" Grover exclaimed happily.

A hand flew up from the ground and the satyr was thrown into the arms of a stone statue.

"Never mind."

Aria lifted up her bow again, ready to strike, but the weapon was flung away with such force, that the girl fell to the floor. Her eyes felt heavy as she squeezed them as tight as she could and she heard the hissing of what felt like a million snakes.

Percy sprang into action and yelled, "Hey!"

Medusa, momentarily distracted by Percy's audacious shout, growled menacingly. Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Aria summoned her strength and aimed a swift kick at the back of the woman's knee, causing Medusa to stumble forward once more. In that critical moment of vulnerability, Percy, with a swift and practised motion, slashed upward with his sword. The forest recoiled at the sickening slosh, followed by the eerie disintegration of a monster defeated. The head lay lifeless on the ground though, green juice spilling onto the carpet.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Aria asked.

"No, don't move." Annabeth instructed, her tone carrying a weight of authority. With a black cloth, she carefully lifted the head, shrouding it from view.

With the immediate danger seemingly passed, Annabeth turned her attention to the group. "You can open your eyes now. Is everyone okay?" she inquired, her gaze scanning each face for signs of injury or distress.

"Yeah yeah I'm okay. Are you?" Aria said to Annabeth, giving the girl a quick check for signs of harm as well.

"Never better."

Percy, still grappling with the recent encounter, spoke up with a furrowed brow. "Why didn't the head evaporate like the rest of her?"

"Once you sever it, it's a trophy of war. Similar to the minotaur horn. But don't unveil the head. It still carries the power to petrify you," Annabeth cautioned.

Grover groaned in pain, his form gradually untangling from the statue he had been flung into. He staggered upright, rubbing his head with a grimace. "I think I prefer my tree hugging over statue hugging," he quipped, making his way over to the group.

Annabeth, the pragmatist of the group, swiftly retrieved some trash bags. With meticulous care, she double wrapped the severed head. They laid the wrapped head on the table and Percy spoke.

"So, we have Athena to thank for that monster?" he mused, his words laced with a hint of irony.

Annabeth sighed, her patience wearing thin as she glanced at Percy, "Actually, Percy, it's more your dad's fault," she remarked.

Percy raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the assertion. "My dad? Seriously?"

"Medusa used to be Poseidon's girlfriend. They chose to meet in my mother's temple. That's the reason Athena transformed her into a monster. That's also why Medusa was so keen on slicing me up, but strangely wanted to preserve you as a nice statue. It seems she's still sweet on your dad. Maybe you just reminded her too much of him,"

"Oh great so now it's my fault that we met Medusa," Percy argued, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Aria, sensing the rising tension, moved swiftly to intervene. She placed a calming hand on both Percy and Annabeth's arms, a silent gesture for them to simmer down. "Okay guys, I know I'm not the best person to be lecturing on arguing, but let's not play the blame game. We all know the gods have a way of stirring things up. Blaming each other won't change that," Aria interjected, her voice carrying a firm yet soothing tone.

Grover interrupted. "Hate to break up this little thing over here, but what are we going to do with the head?"

"I'll be back," Percy declared before disappearing from the room. Moments later, he returned with a delivery slip, his eyes glinting with mischief.

He signed the slip with a flourish, designating the destination as Olympus. Grover, wide eyed, couldn't contain his disbelief. "The gods aren't going to like that," he remarked.

Annabeth chimed in, "They'll probably think you're being impertinent, Percy."

Percy, undeterred by the potential wrath of the gods, placed a few drachmas in the box alongside the wrapped head. As they closed the box, the package floated off the table and vanished into thin air.

Percy turned to Aria.

"What does impertinent mean?"

camp notes ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁

please remember not to be a silent reader!!

WHEN YOU KNOWWW YOU KNOWWW (aria always looking out for percy and percy always looking out for aria)

do we feel like im rushing things??

they obviously won't confess to each other for a while

but is it too fast paced??

pleek lemme know


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