Ⓗealing Ⓖolden Ⓢcars (Hunter...

De sun_ve

16.6K 1.3K 8.4K

Y/n, a 19 year old, accepted as a scout healer into the emperors coven, it's a regular job. Healing coven sco... Mais

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Bonus Drawings P.1
Bonus Drawings P.2
Bonus Drawings P.3
Whats next?

⚡︎ 6 ⚡︎

325 24 191
De sun_ve

Your POV:

After that little encounter with the golden guard you had some days ago you've been silently thinking to yourself. How are you gonna break Steve out? He needs to be saved!

You glance at your patient and circle your finger and heal their little slice wound. You nod and they head out. When you look at the clock it reads 5 pm. It's time for you to get off.

"Ugh..." you grumble and walk out of your little office.

Rivers at the front desk talking with Viney. Viney smiles as she sees you.

"Y/n! Are you off?" She asks.

"Yeah, I need to go now.." You say.

"You okay? you look preoccupied." Viney says.

"Mm." You grumble.

You need to find a way to get a map of the castle, most importantly the conformatorium. The only reasonable place a map would be would probably be in scout headquarters. But you're worried you're gonna get caught.

"Is it because of a few days ago?" River asks.

"What happened a few days ago?" Viney asks.

"We ran into mister golden boy when I was showing her around." River says.

"Reallyyy? And how was that?" Viney asks.

"He seems rude. He pushed poor River here against the wall and threatened him and then he had the audacity to shove me." You fold your arms.

"Damn!" Vineys eyes widen.

"If you see him again just don't pay any mind to him, he just wants attention." River rolls his eyes.

"Right." You say.

"Okay. I'm gonna go now." You nod and wave them off.

"See you!" They say as you walk out of the healing wing.

You smile and close the door behind you.


It won't hurt to head to the scout headquarters. You think your allowed there, maybe. All you want is a proper little map.

Your footsteps click against the hard tile ground. It's quiet. Last time you got off work it was really quiet too, not many people wandering the halls.

If you remember right, scout headquarters was this way...

You clutch your bag and walk around to make sure no one is following you. You don't think anyone is.

You keep walking forward down the hall when suddenly you hear voices around the corner. You peek your head.

Oh no.

"Okay and when is that exactly?" A hooded figure says.

"His next shipment comes in next week, so once they're in." The golden guard whispers.

"Right right." The hooded figure waved his hand around.

You quickly speed walk down the hall. They're in a different hallway that's crossed paths with yours. You really hope they didn't notice you, so you just continue speed walking.

Scout quarters is just up ahead. You run down the hall and open the door.

"...go back to where your supposed to be I think I saw someone." The golden guard mutters to the hooded figure.

You're successfully in scout headquarters, you're not sure where exactly to look but you try your best to see any possibilities of a map. You might have to go behind the front desk.

You look around and put your hands on the desk and peek around to look. You were about to hop over on the other side until the scout doors open.

You gasp slightly and look behind you. Oh Titan of course.

"Well what do we have here? Little miss healer was eavesdropping again, oh! and better yet, she's somewhere she's not supposed to be! Interesting interesting..." The golden guard says slamming the scout doors closed, taking some steps towards you.

"What's wrong with me being here? Isn't the scout headquarters for everyone?" You glare at him and fold your arms.

"Is it really necessary for you to be here? Aren't you supposed to be off your job by now? Go home!" He glares at you underneath his mask.

"I'm just exploring." You say.

"Didn't you already explore the damn place a few days ago?" He scoffs.

You go quiet and your face starts getting red in embarrassment. What's a good excuse? Think of a good excuse.

"W-well, you know, it's cool here, I just wanna look around again." You laugh and shrug.

He stares at you for a good moment and you both go quiet staring at eachother. You look down nervously, with your cheeks still pink, hoping what you said was a good excuse. You have your arms at your sides and you're fiddling with the edges of your shirt.

"Yeah right, you've been acting awfully suspicious, trying to sneak into the conformatorium, now you're prancing around scout quarters... not to mention you can't even look at me without getting nervous." He smirks underneath his mask.

"I- um..." you say nervously.

"I- um- tch, oh please, I have you caught." He mimics you and points a finger at you.

"You've been suspicious too! You're making some weird potion with a mysterious guy in a hood and you're discussing secret stuff in the hallways with your weird hooded friend." You glare at him and point right back at him.

He grabs your wrist, shoving your pointed finger out of his face.

"Well maybe you should keep your nose out of other people's business." He takes another step closer to you.

"Yeah, maybe you should too." You talk back at him.

"Oh! I should too now? Hah! That's rich! I'm the golden guard, if you haven't noticed yet, I do whatever I please." He laughs putting his hand proudly on his chest.

After he says that his atmosphere then quickly changes and he then grabs your shoulder and grips it tightly. He towers over you and it doesn't seem like he's happy.

"Now... how much did you hear us discussing?" He says coldly.

"I wasn't even paying attention." You say.

"Don't play dumb with me little miss healer, what did you hear?" He grips your shoulder tighter.

"I seriously was barely paying attention! I don't know a shipment or something? Stupid boring stuff?" You glare at him.

"If I catch you eavesdropping on me again, you're as toast as Stalker is." The golden guard says coldly.

"Why'd you threaten him like that! He didn't even know you'd be in that room, he was just showing me a potions room as an example." You say.

"You both shouldn't have been prancing around anyway, you were both supposed to be in the healing wing and you weren't. You're lucky I'm feeling nice enough to not report you both." He grumbles.

"It was early in the morning! We didn't have any patients!" You say.

"That's not a good excuse." The golden guard scoffs.

"Well still, you really spooked him, why were you being so hostile?" You glare at him.

"Why do you even care?" He sighs.

"Why wouldn't I? That was rude!" You say.

"He's an annoying brat who always shows up whenever I'm doing my private business. It's irritating, I've had enough of his stupid intrusions." He says.

"And if you intrude on my private business as well it won't end well for you either. Stay out of my business." He glares.

"What are you even doing that's so important anyway?" You glare at him.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know." He scoffs.

"Ugh whatever! can you get your dumb hand off of me now?" You say grabbing his arm and pushing it off your shoulder.

You make eye contact with him and for a moment you feel like you can see his eyes through the little eye holes in his mask.

Wait are those brown eyes? Or magenta?

Your eyes widen and you furrow your eyebrows and take a step closer to him in curiosity as you make eye contact.

As soon as you take a step closer to him his pupils quickly contract in size and he backs away immediately and looks a different direction.

"Get out of here." He roughly says.


"Now, or I'll report you." He says quickly.

You glare at him and angrily walk back out of the scout headquarters.

"And I'll be keeping my eye on you." He says coldly.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." You scoff and open the doors and leave.

The golden guard stands there silently. He pulls his hands out of his pockets and rubs his arms a little. He sighs and looks up at the vents.

"Flap." He says.

There's a chirp from vents and Flapjacks squeezes his way out and flutters down and perches on his shoulder.

"...I need a little favor." The golden guard whispers, and starts walking a different direction out of the room.

"Stupid bot." Matt grumbles jamming buttons on his game.

You open the door to your home and close it behind you. Matt glances over at you and then back at his game. He gives a quick wave to you and then focuses on his game again.

"Hey." You say and head to the kitchen.

"Do we have any (favorite food) left?" You say looking around the kitchen.

"I ate the rest of it." Matt says casually.

You drop your bag on the ground and you angrily walk up to him and stand infront of the TV. Matt's eyes widen and he looks at you.

"YOU ATE IT?" You yell.

"I was hungry! Move? Please? I can't see because if you!" Matt says pointing at the screen.


"Oh please. You have a job, go buy some more." He rolls his eyes.

"Asshole." You roll your eyes and head to your room.

You sigh and walk down the hall into your room. As you shut the door behind you your scroll vibrates. You sit on your bed and open up your scroll.

River🤓: Today was okay for you I hope?

That's right, you told Viney to give him your number since he's shift lead.

You: Yeah it was fine 👍

You text him back, not even bothering to bring up the fact that you ran into the golden guard earlier.

River🤓: oh good, yeah, you seem to have been getting straightforward patients :)

You: it's been easy :D  I helped a bit at the nurses office back at Hexside for a bit and it seems basically the same, just waiting to get any more hardcore patients...

River🤓: if you get anything let me know if you need any help, id be glad to help :)

You: will do!

River🤓: Hey! I wanted to ask you something :)

You: sure, what's up?

River🤓: You said you worked at the library for a good 3 years if I'm not mistaken right?

You: yep I did.

River🤓: what was that like?

You blink. He must be trying to make friendly conversation with you.

You: it was nice, I sometimes read to the children, I checked peoples books out, put returned books awayyyy, reorganize the books all that stuff. I worked a bit with Amity Blight.

River🤓: oh! she works with her father now I believe, with blight industries. I've heard of her.

You: yeah, she didn't seem to really like me though, very grouchy.

River🤓: Must be her personality... I ran into her when her and her father were doing some shipments. Very bossy.

You: yeah, she was an interesting coworker, what about you have you had any weird coworkers?

You and River continue texting back and forth for a good while. He's kind of funny, you talked about stupid coworkers, and then it revolved into talking about pets, and then other things. He's actually not that bad of a guy.

Eventually you decided it was time to sleep.

You say goodnight and then turn your scroll off and lay down on your bed. Odd how River decided to talk to you all suddenly, but you don't really care. You don't really have anyone else to talk to besides Viney.

You take your shoes off and click off your lights. Now isn't the time to be feeling upset over stuff that happened such a long time ago. You shake your head and bury yourself in your bedsheets.

A nap is all you need right now to brush all those stupid thoughts.

Golden Guard POV:

I enter my room and shut the door behind me. Today might as well be finished. I take my boots off and put them by the door and throw my cape and mask off.

"Titan." I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

Flapjack tweets and stands on my desk.

"Listen." I sigh and sit down on my desk chair.

"I need you to watch her for me. I don't care what she does just make sure she isn't intruding on my plans." I sigh.

"This is getting more complicated than I thought now that she's here, not that I mind her presence. However, she needs to stop intruding in the middle of my plans...." I grumble.

Flapjack tweets.

"No! Why are you on about that still?! I am not 'happy' she's here!" I roll my eyes.

Flapjack tweets some more.

My ears and cheeks turn pink, and then I quickly shake my head and take a deep breath.

"...Enough." I grit my teeth and point at him in rebuttal.

Flapjack tweets again.

"No!" I glare at him.

Flapjack flutters up in front of my face and starts yanking at my hair strand. I yelp and try swatting him off of me.

"Ow!! Ow!! Stop!" I exclaim.

He gives my strand another swift tug. I yelp loudly and try grabbing him.

"OW!!! DAMN IT FLAP!" I yell.

He chirps and then flutters back and sits on my desk.

"Seriously Flap, enough about that. That's the past, we're talking about the present. Right now, okay? Understand?" I glare at Flapjack.

Flapjack tilts his head.

I facepalm and grumble and gently take Flapjack in my hands. He curls up into my palm and I gently pet him with my fingers.

"Look... can you just do this small favor for me and make sure she doesn't interfere with my private matters?" I ask.

"Please?" I ask.

Flapjack sits up in my palm and tweets. I grin and let his head a little.

"Thank you, just watch her while she's on duty and if you see her coming anywhere near me just try and find a way to distract her. And don't let yourself get seen... okay?" I ask him.

"At the end of each day, report back to me and let me know what's happened okay?" I say.

Flapjack tilts his head.

"You get it." I nod.

I frown a little and place him back on the desk. I sigh and lay my head down on the desk. Flapjack comes up to me on nibbles on my hair strand.

"When I finish this... everything will be good again." I sigh.

"We just need to wait for that next shipment to come in... and then we can try this plan..." I whisper, and clench my fist.

"And if it doesn't work, I'll think of a better plan. But... this one will work, it has to work." I mutter.

Flapjack tweets.

"My assistant's good, even if his stupid potion isn't exactly close to the original it should at least do something..." I whisper.

"I'll figure something out." I mutter.

Flapjack let's go of my hair strand and flutters and sits on top of my head. He chirps again.


"Once Belos is dead, I'll be the new Emperor... and I'll lead the emperors coven like how it should be." I smirk.

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