The Secret Plotter

By ZatroXis

105 0 0

๐‘ซ๐’–๐’๐’„๐’† ๐’ƒ๐’†๐’๐’๐’–๐’Ž ๐’Š๐’๐’†๐’™๐’‘๐’†๐’“๐’•๐’Š๐’” -_-_-_-_- "๐“˜๐“ฝ'๐“ผ ๐“ธ๐“ด๐“ช๐”‚, ๐“ฒ๐“ฝ'๐“ผ ๐“ธ... More

0| Mama, just Killed a Man.
0.05| Can't Wait to Tell This Story To my Grandchildren
1| Where the Wind Blows
2| Broken Crayons Still Colour
3| Raise your Words
4| *L'appel du vide*
6| The Taste of Power
7| Much Ado About Nothing
7.5| Child of War
8| And Then There Were None
9| The Three Musketeers
10| The Divine Comedy
11| Nessun Dorma
12| Va, pensiero

5| *C'est la [fuckin'] vie*

3 0 0
By ZatroXis

Bucky was watching from above.

"Now spill~, who was that gal?" Sam asked and Bucky fought the urge to roll his eyes. This mission was starting to get better and better.

"Photographer," he answered uninterested to continue speaking about this topic.

"Yeah, yeah. You flirted with my sister, not to mention right in front of me, and now when you see another beautiful woman, who was definitely flirting with you, you are declining it...Ass."

"Let me remind you one important thing, Captain. We are on a mind your own business."

"YeH yeah, getting all protective over a bit of teasing," Bucky just had to groan internally. Sam was getting on his nerves, but this was their usual act. Annoy the living shit out of each other. Lovely.

"Chrrgch," Sam tried to continue, but the intercom started malfunctioning. Both men were now clearly alerted. However Sam's eyes started to feel way too heavy and his vision slowly got blurred. Slight feeling of nausea got to him. Until his knees were to weak and the weight of his body dropped on the floor.

All this unfortunately happened when Bucky wasn't paying his full attention to the commotion downstairs.

Intercoms don't start malfunction out of nowhere, there must be something interfering with frequencies.

"Cap?" He tried to contact his partner.

"Sam?" He tried again, but to no avail. "Fuck," he glanced at the ballroom downstairs. His eyes widened and he felt his pulse rise, adrenaline pumping in his veins. All. Fucking all. And every one of guests were on their knees with hands in the air.

He prayed this was some terrible dance move or a part of a norweigian tradition, but his prayers were not answered. Exits were being guarded by full-armed soldiers. He tried to find Sam in this madness. And he did found him.

Passed out. His body laying on the ground. With three darts in his back. So we were drugged. Definitely the same that Hans used on us earlier.

I knew something was suspicious with this mission.

Saving Sam now would be a suicide mission and Bucky knew that. At the moment, he was all alone in this big ass mansion, without the aid of anyone.

Lucky me.

bang Someone shot it the air.

"Attention! Ladies and gentlemen..." shouted a man now holding a gun near the head of the king. "If any of you will choose to be a hero, please do... I will give you truly a heroic death," he continued with a mad expression. All guests paled.

Bucky gulped, because he in fact knew that this was the worst possible scenario he thought of earlier and yet, he would never even imagine this happening.

What a life.

A loud footsteps were heard by the other end of staircase. And Bucky did the only thing, he was absolutely best in. Hide. A quick glance around the room an he found his hiding spot.

Not even a minute later, the door bursted open. Five people entered the balcony, according to the sound of footsteps.

"Where is he?!" barked one with mask. "He said he would be here, where the. fuck. is HE!" the 'boss' continued screaming. Others were searching the room, they looked behind every furniture, but they couldn't find the infamous Wintet Soldier.

After they leave, it would be best to contact the outer world, meanwhile Bucky thought of his next move. S.W.A.T. team would be appreciated. They are used to these kind of situations and most likely John would be with them.

And another super soldier would come in handy. These men started to make thier way out of the room or that is what Bucky thought. He realeased breath he didn't know he was holding. The sound of footsteps echoed through the room and staircase, yet Bucky was still patiently waiting.

The right timing was the key part of success. But even if he escape from here was successful, he would be in unknown enviroment. Just as he was coming out of his hiding spot, something unexpected happened.

"Mister Barnes?" a woman's voice muttered from his intercom. His eyes widened form the shock. Who was this woman? An enemy or an ally? How did she get access to their intercoms?

He gulped, still not fully decided, whether to answer or not.

"I bet you never expected this. Haha," the woman tried to get an answer or even better, a reaction out of James, but with his trust issues..., she could only dream.

"•sigh•" came out of his intercom.

"Fine, the breathtaking lady you met, white dress, stunning brown eyes and most important not wearing high heels. Oh~ don't forget my amazing personality...," the woman said in a mocking tone, boosting her ego. Bucky exhaled, clearly annoyed with the woman's behavior. "Don't answer, just listen for now... those soldier were here before your arrival ar they came after?" she turned all serious and stated her rhetorical question.

And that was the moment when Bucky started to realise things. Soldiers were here way before he and Sam arrived. So this madness was planned. They were tricked into this, because when he looked back, it was an obvious trap.

(Autor-san: In this case •bang• in "gently knocking" on the door)

"My guess is that these lovely gentlemen that tried to kill me are from mafia. Judging by their teamwork and how determine they are in trying to pull up this shit, I would say the king made few bad choices. •bang• I tried to find as much information as I could at the moment, so as far as I know, they are after the bounty on your and your friend's head. •bang• That is another motivation for them."

"Another thing, the prince is safe, he is here with me... •bang• Shut up assholes! " on the other side could be heard a lot of ruffling and shuffling. Like someone was moving the furniture or dragging a body (or both).

"Do you have phone with you?" she asked sightly out of breath. "ᴳᵒ ʰⁱᵈᵉ ᴾᵘᵐᵖᵏⁱⁿ..." he also heard, but this was obviously not meant for him, but it indicated that the kid is with her. Bucky was slightly taken back by her kind voice, but he didn't voiced anything.

"Yeah," he whispered, while searching for any men in the room.

"•bang• I am sending you our location, no need to hurry. Also be prepared to see a gallons of blood, but I guess you are used to that." This was way too obvious jab to his past life as a Winter Soldier, more hurtful that it should be.

"No killing and no blood, just knock them out, you have a child with you for God's sake. Just who are you exactly?"

Bzz. Bzz.

He looked at his phone and was surprised, how detailed plans of this mansion were. Unfortynately the location she sent was nearly on the other side of mansion.

"Fine, no killing," she whined. "I will answer your questions later, I'm too busy at the momENT," she barked at the end of her sentence, presumably she was multitasking. Which only meant giving orders, while fightning.


Bucky internally groaned and as subtly as a super soldier with a vibranium arm could, he made his way to the doors.

To said he was surprised, was an understatement. He was surrounded. While he was idly chatting with Michelle, three guns had been pointed at him.

"Fuck-," he groaned. Bucky was truly the luckiest person. Why? Because there was no fucking way out of this situation.

"Don't move," he tried his best not to leash out on three men. The commotion would be too loud if he was to attack them.

"Problems?" Taunted the voice from his intercom. He noticed her heavy breathing. He couldn't afford to blow up her cover, she was his only way out. "I was able to contact your people, of course they didn't believed me at first. You Americans always need proofs. Anyway, in the meantime we are alone in this..."

" ᴾᵘᵐᵖᵏⁱⁿ, ᴵ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ. ᴵᶠ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵉˢ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵈᵒᵒʳ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱᵗ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵐᵉ, ᴾᵁˢᴴ ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᴮᵁᵀᵀᴼᴺ ."

"So, mister Barnes...You still at the balcony?" She turned her full attention to Bucky. "Because it seems they sent the weak ones after me>."

"Guys, I don't know about you, but I am not really fond of fightning at higher situated places," he subtly answered her question and silently prayed that she could catch up.

But he should never underestimate an opponent such as her. Trained to kill, to not feel pain or emotion. To do the job as quietly and quickly as possible. Without any witnesses.

And this pathetically trained men were merely a warm up.


"Now...Please, do as I said, Pumpkin. I need to save a damsel in distress," Michelle winked at him as he nodded his head eagerly. The motionless bodies on the floor were dragged out of the room. She closed and locked to door behind her and was welcomed with a pleasant sight.

All eyes on me.

Four men. Guns. Pointing at head.

"Aw~ You shouldn't have," she taunted, waiting for an opening to knock them out. Men looked at themselves and then their eyes travelled to her. To her body especially. Sadly, the arousal could be smelled in the air and thanks to her senses, she not only did smell it, but nearly puked at the smell.

Her body belonged to her husband and only to her husband. The atmosphere started to become way too heavy. Normally, she would just kill them, but after mister Barnes requested to not kill anyone...

Meh...I can still wound them.

"Barnes, not all of us are super soldiers, I can't knock them out with one punch," Ohhh, trust me, she could, but it would be to much of a hassle. This sentence was supposed to be a warning for Barnes, to not ask her such a request again, Michelle would not comply. On the other side grunts could be heard along with painful wails.

A sudden movement brought her back to reality. The soldier with a mask on, pointed his gun at his comrades.

How unexpected.

Another unexpected thing was, that it wasn't bullets firing form the gun, but darts. Those idiots didn't even noticed that they were betrayed. Gravitation helped them with their fall. I didn't even have to fight.

"You know... leaving us all alone in you're flat was a bad idea. Not to forget you left without a proper goodbye. How dare you?"

" ...anyway, you look stunning as always sis. Have I told you that if we weren't family I would make you my woman?" She rolled her eyes at the remark.

His voice was a bit harder to recognise, but words leaving his mouth were recognisable enough.

"You shouldn't be here," and now it was Uraš's time to roll his eyes, but thankfully Michelle couldn't see, the mask did a splendid job in hiding it.

"Raff is watching from outside," he ignored her pleading eyes and turned to continue where she headed. According to her lighter footsteps she decided to follow him.

"We need to help heros, you okay with that?"

"Oh trust me, this mask," he pointed at his face, it was a tactical gear helmet and it covered his whole face, "is not leaving my face and... we will be long gone before they will even notice our presence."

"Good, you two should leave as soon as possible. Its too dangerous, also I saved the prince, which means I can't disappear without a trace."

They held this conversation while walking through the mansion, and looking behind every corner for more mafia men.

"We will get you out," he patted her head, just like a big brother should.

"As in old days?" This sentence made Uraš even happier than before. He was glad to help his younger sister.

"Hell yeah, as in old days."


*C'est la vie* - In French, c'est la vie means "that's life," borrowed into English as idiom to express acceptance or resignation, much like Oh well.

[Sorry I'm too lazy to rewrite it manually]

With love, Autor-san.

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