Hopeless Love (☆Scott McCall...

By VelvetDreams82

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Beacon Hills. Home to all kinds of supernatural. It's been that way for decades, a safe haven. That was unti... More

Wolf Moon
Second Chance At First Line
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
The Tell
Heart Monitor
Night School
Party Guessed


172 11 7
By VelvetDreams82


"This is ridiculous!" Ashton shouted, grabbing onto the back of Scott's seat for support.

"You're the one who came with us!" Stiles shouted back.

"Well, I told my family I was with you to study! I didnt know we'd be helping Derek." Ashton bit back, moving to duck into the floorboard as his aunt drove up behind them.

"Are-" Stiles turned, looking back at Ashton. "Are you hiding?!"

"I can't let her see me, dumbass." Ashton said back.

"I thought she knew you were helping Derek." Scott stated, looking between the road and the rear view mirror.

"Look, just let me hide and focus on driving." Ashton replied, groaning as Scott took a sharp turn, his side colliding with the back of Stiles seat.

Scott panted, glancing at Stiles. "Faster?"

Stiles nodded. "Much faster."

Scott groaned, moving the gear shift and speeding up. But not nearly enough.

Stiles sighed, grabbing onto the side of the door. "Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here."

Scott sighed, shaking his head. "If I go faster, I'll kill us."

"Well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us." Stiles bit back.

"Yeah, I should've drove." Ashton muttered, letting his head fall into his hands.

Stiles let out a breath, glancing behind the car. "They're gone."

Scott nodded, taking another sharp turn and driving towards the iron works.

Ashton sighed, moving to sit back up, pulling himself back into the backseat. "Floorboard, not comfortable." He muttered.

Scott yelped as an arrow went over their car, barely missing them. "Open the door!" He shouted to Stiles as they got closer.

Stiles nodded, moving into the backseat before turning around. "I can't-"

"I'll get it." Ashton stated, flicking his wrist. "Motus!" He shouted, watching the door fly open.

"Get in!" Stiles shouted, leaning back in in the backseat as Derek jumped into the passenger, shutting the door as bullets rained against his car.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott questioned, driving towards the exit.

"Damn it, I had him!" Derek shouted, a muttered and rushed thank you exiting his mouth as Ashton passed him a bottle of water.

Stiles leaned forward, nearly pressing himself onto Ashton's lap. "Who, the alpha?"

"Yes!" Derek shouted. "He was right in front of me, and the friggin' police showed up."

"Whoa, hey, they're just doing their jobs-" Stiles stated, pausing as Derek glared at him.

Derek sighed, his glare moving from Stiles to Scott. "Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state."

Scott rolled his eyes. "Can we seriously get passed that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it."

Stiles interrupted again. "All right. How'd you find him?"

Ashton scoffed. "He's not gonna tell you that, he doesn't trust you."

Scott glanced back at Ashton before looking at Derek. "Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?"

"Yeah, both of us." Stiles stated, slowly moving further into the backseat as Derek glared at him. "Or just him. I'll be back here."

Ashton sighed, rolling his eyes before leaning forward, where Stiles had earlier been. "Seriously, just tell him."

Derek sighed, giving Ashton a more than playful eye roll. "Look, the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris."

Ashton hummed. "Damn, I liked him." He whispered.

Stiles paused. "Our chemistry teacher?"

Scott glanced back at the two in the backseat, quickly moving to look back at the road. "Why him?"

Derek sighed. "I don't know yet."

Scott let out a breath, clearly getting annoyed with the lack of information. "What's the second?"

"Some kind of symbol." Derek informed, digging through his pockets before pulling out a piece of paper, unfolding it and holding it out for the other three to see.

"Oh, shit." Ashton muttered, his jaw twitching in annoyance.

Scott sighed, glancing at the drawing a few times before rolling his eyes.

"What?" Derek questioned, looking between the two. "You know what this is?"

Scott sighed, looking back at Ashton.
"I've seen it on an necklace."

Stiles shrugged. "S-"

"Wait for it." Ashton muttered.

Scott sighed, switching the gearshift as he looked back at the road. "Allison's necklace."

Derek sighed. "Of course."

Ashton paused, interrupting the conversation with a random change in topic. "Is no-one gonna talk about how Derek said 'friggin'?"

Stiles laughed, nodding. "I noticed it too!"

Derek rolled his eyes, glaring at the two, though it had a minor affect on Ashton. "Shut the hell up."

"Don't say that, it's a bad word." Ashton teased, crossing his arms.

Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I cuss! It was just a habit!"

"Oh yeah, totally." Stiles stated.

"It was!" Derek insisted. "Y'know, I had sisters an-"

"Oh, yes." Ashton interrupted. "Many moons ago."

Stiles bit his lip, running a hand over his mouth as he laughed. "Good one."

Derek sighed. "I hate all of you."

"I know." Scott muttered.
"Don't be such a sour wolf." Stiles teased, crossing his arms.
"You love me, I spoil you." Ashton stated, poking Derek's shoulder.
All at the same time.

Derek ran a hand down his face. "I hope the alpha kills me." He muttered.

Ashton sighed as he sat on the stairs, rubbing his temples, students walking the hallways, conversations echoing around the walls.

"Ashton! Finally." Lydia smiled, moving and sitting beside him, resting her legs on his lap.

"Finally?" Ashton chuckled, turning and looking at her.

"You've been at home the past three days, it's nice to see you back." Lydia informed, crossing her arms, her eyes sending judgmental looks to students as they walked by.

Ashton hummed, looking down and unstrapping her heels, running his fingers over her ankle, massaging the obviously, sore muscles. "Yeah, Wes said Jackson has been in a mood recently."

Lydia sighed, rolling her eyes. "That's the understatement of the century. He's been off ever since he got that stupid scratch, and since you haven't been here he's only gotten worse."

"He couldn't of been that bad." Ashton chuckled.

"No, no. He was unbearable." Lydia replied.

Ashton shrugged. "Maybe he'll feel better today. He got the appointment, right?"

Lydia nodded, pulling out her phone as it went off. "He's on his way, said it went well. And, look." Lydia leaned forward, showing Ashton her phone.



"Omw. Doctor said it's nothing to worry about."

"That's great!"

"Yh. Is Ash at school today?"


Ashton chuckled, shaking his head.

Lydia leaned back, replying to her boyfriends question as Ashton fixed her heels. "Oh, by the way!" She stated, putting her phone back in her bag.

"Hm?" Ashton hummed in reply, standing up, helping Lydia up as well before walking towards his class.

"I was thinking, the winter formal is coming up." Lydia stated, moving Ashtons arm to rest over her shoulders, her hand intertwining with his as they walked together. "So, what if you, me, and Allison go shopping?"

"For the formal?" Ashton asked.

"Mhm." Lydia replied. "You can buy my dress, I can buy Allison's, and Allison can buy your suit."

"Okay. But as for the dress," Ashton asked, his heart constricting at the thought of shopping for hours on end. "What kind we talkin'? Are we going for casual or should I expect to spend all my money?"

Lydia chuckled. "Oh, handsome, you're gonna be broke."


Ashton let out a breath of relief as Wesley sat beside him, immediately moving and laying his head in his lap, a quiet insult leaving his lips as Boyd made a joke.

"So, you two goin' to the formal?" Boyd asked, leaning back in his seat.

Wesley nodded, rolling his eyes. "Danny and Jackson talked me into shopping with them for it today."

Ashton paused, immediately sitting up. "That's convenient. Lydia brought up shopping with Ally and I."

"You don't think-" Ashton began.

"No." Wesley chuckled, shaking his head. "From what I've heard from Danny, it's uh," He looked around, moving closer to Ashton and Boyd, his voice at a whisper, "It's looking like Jackson ans Lydia are about to be over."

Ashton choked. "What?"

Wesley nodded, crossing his arms. "Danny said Jackson made a comment about being ready to be single again."

Boyd scoffed. "So much for the 'happy couple'."

Ashton sighed as him and Jackson walked up the stairs to his room, moving towards his bed, pulling out his workbooks.

Usually, Danny amd Jackson would be partners, leaving Ashton to partner with someone random. But, for whatever reason, Stiles insisted on having Danny as his lab partner this time.

"So." Jackson stated, slipping off his shoes and laying down on the bed. "I-"

"Broke up with Lydia." Ashton finished, opening his workbook and flipping to the needed pages. "Yeah, everyone heard about that."

Jackson chuckled. "Guess so."

"Why, though?" Ashton questioned, looking over at Jackson.

Jackson sat, thinking for what seemed to be hours. "Some things are gonna change for me soon, I just wanted to let go of some things beforehand."

Ashton raised an eyebrow. "Changes?"

Jackson chuckled. "I'll tell you one day."

Allison skipped into the room, waving to Jackson, having no problem to ignore the knocking rule. "Kate's going with us to the game tonight."

Ashton groaned, rolling his eyes. "Wonderful."

Jackson shrugged. "I see no issue. She's hot."

Allison and Ashton both paused. Ashton reached behind him, grabbing two of his pillows, tossing one to Allison.

"Wait, guys-"

"Three." Allison started.


"Two." Ashton continued.

"I was just-"


"Shit! No!"

Ashton let out a breath, walking towards the bleachers with his family.

His eyes drifted as he saw Scott sat on the bench, his phone in hand. "Hey, I'll catch up!" He called to his family, waving at them before walking over and sitting beside Scott.

Scott sighed, hanging up the phone and putting it in his lap. "Do you know what Derek and Stiles are doing?"

Ashton nodded. "Yeah, do I need to go? Find them?"

Scott swallowed, looking around before nodding. "Maybe, something feels-"

The conversation was interrupted as Jackson sat between them.

He leaned closer to Scott, keeping his voice a whisper, but not quiet enough Ashton couldn't hear. Jackson was never good at whispering anyways.

"He knows?" Ashton hissed, pulling Jackson away from Scott and staring at the beta.

"He figured it out!" Scott defended, looking between the two.

Jackson paused, looking between Scott and Ashton. "Wait, you know?"

"Yes, I know." Ashton replied, rolling his eyes.

Scott sighed, shaking his head, resuming his conversation with Jackson. "I don't even know who he is. Okay, trust me. This whole thing is so much more complicated than you think. There's - there's others. There's hunters."

Jackson stuttered, scoffing out a reply. "Hunting what? What hunters?"

Scott sighed, looking at Ashton before replying. "Werewolf hunters."

Jackson chuckled. "Oh my god, you've got to be kidding me."

"No, jerk-off!" Scott hissed. "There's a whole family of them, and they carry assault rifles. Do you get that? Assault rifles."

Scott glanced back at Ashtons family, leaving the present Argent to roll his eyes.

Jackson paused, looking between Ashton and his family before facing Scott again. "Them?"

Ashton shook his head, standing up and patting Scott's shoulder. "Have fun. I'll go look for the others."

Ashton walked towards his family, happily sitting between his father and aunt. He cleared his throat, keeping his voice quiet. "Can I borrow the keys?"

Chris and Kate both paused, looking at each other. "Why?"

Ashton looked around. "My magic is acting weird. I need to be alone."

Chris nodded, grabbing his keys from his pocket and handing them to Ashton. "Be home by midnight."

Ashton got out of the car as soon as he put it in park, running into the facility and turning down the halls. His eyes immediately noticing the blood and broken glass.

"Derek!" He shouted, looking into the different rooms.

"What're you doing here?"

Ashton turned, seeing Derek leaning against the wall, his arm cradling his ribs, dried blood on his shirt. "Scott asked me too find you." Ashton paused, looking around. "Where's Stiles?"

"He left." Derek stated, walking closer. "How'd you know I was here?"

"Locator spell." Ashton answered, walking down the hall, following the trail of blood.

He paused as he saw it go into Peter's room. "Derek, whe-" He started to ask, turning.

The breath was knocked from his lungs as a hand wrapped around his neck, lifting him and shoving him into the wall.

He went still as he saw the face of Peter Hale, only now, he was completely healed, and far from stuck in a comatose state.

"Peter." Derek warned, walking closer, setting a hand on Peters arm. "Let him go."

Peter hummed, tilting his head to the side, his eyes moving over Ashton. "He's an Argent. I recognize him."

Ashton sucked in a tight and small breath, his lungs burning from the lack of oxygen. "Not just..an argent." He rasped, forcing in a breath through his lips, his eyes filling with tears at the burning sensation. "Phasmatos Morsinus Pyrox Allum."

Ashton coughed, air filling his lungs as he was dropped to the floor, Peter stepping back, a growl pressing past his lips as he pulled at his hair.

Derek let out an amused laugh before shaking his head, kneeling beside Ashton and rubbing his back, helping him ground himself. "That's enough, Ash. Let him be."

Ashton rolled his eyes, a hand resting over his throat as he released the incantation. "Only cause you asked."

Peter panted, moving to stand up fully, running a hand through his hair to fix it. "A supernatural Argent. That's good to know." He said, sending a look to Derek.

Derek shrugged, helping Ashton stand up. "You didn't ask."

"No, you were protecting him." Peter countered, looking between Derek and Ashton. "Why? Why protect him? After what they've done?"

Ashton swallowed, looking away from Peter at the mention of the fire.

Derek scoffed, crossing his arms. "Ashton is on our side, he's been helping me."

Peter sighed, running a hand over the counter. "And does that generosity extend to me?" He asked, sparing a glance to Ashton.

Ashton paused, looking to Derek, only receiving a nod in return. His jaw twitched, looking back at Peter. "Of course."

Peter hummed in delight, holding his hands behind his back as he rolled on his heels. "Great. Then let's talk about Scott McCall."


(2430 Words)

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