Per sapphire-20

278 98 51

Charlotte Love isn't magic and sparkles if the first example blows in your face. Aka, my parents' marriage. B... Més



49 17 9
Per sapphire-20


I glance around, as the warm hues of the orange and purplish sky stream through the windows, casting a serene glow over the familiar surroundings. I find myself standing in a corner of the house. A place that once felt like home.

A sudden, jarring thud reverberates through the space, causing me to flinch involuntarily. My heart sinks as I witness my father staggering in, his movements unsteady and his gaze clouded by the haze of alcohol. It's a sight I had become all too accustomed to in recent weeks, a painful reminder of the downward spiral that had consumed him.

As he lurches forward, barely able to maintain his balance, he bumps into everything in his way as my mother comes to his rescue, balancing him on his feet. He pushes her off him and she staggers back.

I attempt to rush to her side, to offer comfort or assistance, but my body refuses to obey.

I am frozen in place. At this moment, I am transported back to that fateful day when everything changed. The day when everything that I thought was going to be a constant in my life vanished in an instant.

''I've had enough of this.'' my mother says. Her voice, loud and clear. ''It's been a month and I've allowed you to wallow in your failure and misery for far too long.''

He had been removed from the board of directors for having violated his fiduciary duties. He'd engaged in transactions that directly benefited him at the expense of the company. Hence was now dealing with the result of his actions. The consequences of his actions had come crashing down upon him with all the force of a tidal wave, leaving him to grapple with the fallout of his deceit.

He scoffs. ''You've had enough? I've had enough!'' he yells.

I see two heads peeking from a corner. Younger versions of me and my brother, Levi. Our expressions, sad and scared.

''Do you think you're better than me?'' his words dripping with resentment as he takes unsteady steps toward her. ''Ooh, look at me. The big hotshot corporate lawyer.'' he mocks, his voice tinged with disdain.

Despite his attempts to provoke her, my mother remains stoic, not a word passing through her shield of resolve.

His frustration mounts as his words fail to elicit the desired response, and with an irritated twitch of his face, he turns and retreats to the bedroom, his steps more measured now than they were moments before.

I watch as my mother follows behind him, her presence a silent testament to her strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

I try to move again and this time I can. I follow behind them.

He's moving around the room and tossing his belongings in a suitcase

''What are you doing?'' my mother raised her voice for the first time that night or since my father had started not only tormenting himself but us as well.

''I'm leaving.'' He speaks.

''Where the hell are you going to go?''

''To someone who cares about me.'' He says zipping up the suitcase.

She scoffs. ''And who the hell is that?'' she asks.

He stays silent, eyeing the room for any of his belongings.

''I'm talking to you, damn it! Did you cheat on me?''

''I did.'' That's all he says before he starts to drag his suitcase behind him.

As if on cue, my younger brother rushes into the fray, throwing himself at our father's legs with all the strength his tiny frame can muster.

"Dad, don't go," his voice wavers with tears, his small body trembling with emotion as he clings desperately to our father's leg. Levi's eyes, filled with a mixture of fear and determination, his grip unyielding despite his size.

Meanwhile, my younger self stands frozen in the corner, my eyes brimming with tears that threaten to spill over. Anger, pain, and resentment radiate from me like waves crashing against the shore, overwhelming and uncontainable.

I watch in silence as our father looks down at Levi, his expression devoid of emotion as he shuffles in a futile attempt to shake off my brother's grip.

My mother, her eyes glistening with tears, moves swiftly to catch Levi before he falls, her face a mask of stoicism and strength. She doesn't call out after our father, doesn't try to bargain with him or plead for his return. Instead, she stands tall, refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he has hurt her.

As the main door slams shut behind him, a cry echoes through the room—the plaintive wail of my five-month-old baby sister, Luna. Her innocent voice cuts through the silence, a stark reminder of the fragile thread that binds us together in the midst of chaos and despair.

That night, we found solace in our mother's embrace. Despite the turmoil that surrounded us, she remained a pillar of strength, offering words of comfort and reassurance to soothe our frayed nerves.

"It's going to be alright," she murmured softly, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of emotions.

"We'll be better without him," she declared with quiet resolve, her tone unwavering.

As I stood there, a silent spectator to my own past and sorrows, I realized that even in our moments of greatest vulnerability, my mother's love remained a constant, guiding us through the darkness and leading us toward the dawn of a new day.

My eyes suddenly open and I see nothing but darkness. It was a dream. I take a deep breath as my eyes get used to the absence of light in my room. As I tilt to the side, my eyes still heavy with sleep, I realize that I've awakened just two minutes before my alarm is set to ring.

I slump back as my dream runs through my mind and a groan of annoyance escapes my lips. What better way to start the last working day of a week than to be woken up with a reminder of your abandonment issues? And that too caused by your pathetic excuse of a father.

My alarm blares. With a groan, I reach over to silence the persistent sound and shuffle out of my room and toward my next destination.

Banging on my brother's door and clapping my hands, I urge him to wake up. He raises his head, peeking through his squinted eyes. flashing an "okay" sign before burying his head back into his pillow with a groan.

Next stop: Luna's room. I repeat the routine, banging on her door and clapping my hands. She sits up, her back ramrod straight, eyes still closed in the struggle to wakefulness. The sight elicits a chuckle from me, but she quickly falls back, seemingly drifting off to sleep again. Just when I think she's fallen back asleep, she groans and stretches.

Satisfied that they're both awake, I return to my room and make my way to the bathroom. Leaning on the sink, I peer at my reflection, the evidence of my restless sleep evident on my face. Blinking away the remnants of drowsiness, I grab my toothbrush and begin my morning routine.

All done, I exit the bathroom and make my way through the hallway, peeking into each room on the way. The sound of running water assures me that my siblings are up and about. Ultimately heading down the stairs to the kitchen.

Gulping down a glass of water, I stand before the open fridge, pondering what to make for breakfast.

I decide on cheese omelets, sausages, and toast for breakfast. Gathering the ingredients, I set to work, the sizzle of the frying pan filling the kitchen as I cook.

Midway through, I hear approaching footsteps and glance up to see Levi making his way over. A yawn escapes his mouth as he dutifully starts the coffee machine and grabs the bread for toast, lending a helping hand without a word.

Not far behind, our youngest skips into the kitchen, her morning energy infectious. "Good morning!" she chirps, looking more awake than both of us combined.

"Good morning," I reply, the warmth of her greeting bringing a smile to my face. I plate the breakfast, one by one, each omelet, sausage, and slices of toast carefully arranged, and she eagerly takes them, darting in and out of the kitchen with boundless enthusiasm.

The atmosphere filled with the aroma of our breakfast and the air ringing with their squabbling.

''Ugh, get out of my way!''

''Make me.'' Levi says in a whiny tone.

The two bicker back and forth while Luna tries to sidestep Levi, but he keeps stepping into her way, blocking her path.

How could the morning be complete without this? But that doesn't mean I'm enjoying it. Far from it actually.

"Stop," I interject, but my voice goes unheard amidst their relentless exchange.

''Both of you better stop while I'm being nice,'' I say louder and firmer which earns me sheepish looks and mumbled apologies as they carry on with their tasks.

With that out of the way, we're now settled in our seats.

''I'm going to Emma's place after school today,'' Luna announces whilst spreading jam on her toast. ''So, pick me up at 6 from her place.'' She tells Levi.

''Why are you going there?'' I ask her as I sip on my coffee.

''We got assigned a project together so we're going to finish it up there.'' She answers between bites.

''Can't you both just come over here?'' Levi asks. '' I don't want to be driving back and forth the whole damn day.''

''We can't! Her mom can't pick her up later because she's working the night shift.'' Luna exclaims turning in her chair to face him with a glare.

Levi groans and looks at me. I tilt my head and wiggle my brows at him, reminding him of our deal we made a year ago when he got his license and begged me for his dream car. I recall him following me around, trying to strike up a deal.

''I'll be responsible for whenever and wherever Luna wants and needs to go.'' He had blurted out.

I mean he was still going to be doing it when I wasn't available, but he just saved me the trouble of coercing him into it.

''Fine.'' He says with a mouthful of the omelet.

Done with breakfast, we all disperse to our respective rooms to complete our morning routines before setting out for the day. Saying our goodbyes, I watch them drive off before climbing into my own car and navigating through the bustling New York City traffic. The serene elegance of the Upper East Side gradually gives way to the relentless hustle and bustle of Manhattan. Skyscrapers tower overhead, casting long shadows over the crowded sidewalks as I merge into the stream of honking taxis and hurried pedestrians. I maneuver through the maze of honking horns and impatient drivers, silently praying for a smooth day ahead.

After the shitty start I've had, I figure I deserve a bit of reprieve.

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