From Rivals to Romance: Y/N a...

By HorrorMovie_Addict

3.1K 34 42

Y/n and her family finally arrive back to 2019 only to find out they've been replaced by the sparrows except... More

Meet the Family
Pocket Full of Lightning
Kindest Cut
Auf Wiedersehen
Wedding at the End of the World
Seven Bells

World's Biggest Ball of Twine

301 4 1
By HorrorMovie_Addict

"I am glad we are finally free from all this chaos and now that we are, I can finally nap comfortably." you kiss Five on the cheek and get off your chair, he smiles and winks at you making you blush and you walk upstairs, you go into Five's hotel room because why not? You fall asleep on the couch and wake up in the morning to Five shaking you lightly

"Good morning." he says softly

"Morning." you stretch and sit up and see Five in grandpa clothes, you smile when you see it. "Five, you look so great! I love what you've got going on here." you point to his clothes and he chuckles and sits on the couch next to you

"Thank you. Do you want to go downstairs and get some drinks?" he asks

"Do I?!" you smile and stand up. You get dressed and ready for the day.

You can wear whatever

Five kisses your cheek and you both head downstairs, he gets himself and you a drink and sits down with Klaus and Diego and they are talking about Diego being a father now

"Wait, who's... who's the mother?" five asks

"Lila." diego responds

"What?" you choke on your drink a little

"Excuse me?" Klaus says quietly but not gently

"Whoa, Lila's here?" five asks

"Was. She dropped him off in my lap last night then bolted."

"I don't much care for that one." klaus says

"Don't." diego points his index finger at klaus

"Technically, she's family." five adds

"She was trying to murder us, like, yesterday." klaus says

"Yeah, like I said, "family." Diego, is she coming back?"

"Well, she goddamn better be because we got more important things to be dealing with right now!" diego yells at his kid who is eating at a different table

"Calm down. Shh." klaus says, then Vanya but with way shorter hair walks up to them

"Where's Luther?" vanya asks

"Who cares? Probably out for... a run." diego says looking at her

"Mmm! Love the haircut." Klaus says. Vanya smiles and Five just sips his drink and you do the same with yours

"So I, uh, talked to Marcus last night." vanya says

"Wait, what? You talked with the enemy? By yourself?" diego asks

"Somebody had to do something."

"Who elected you, Vanya?"

"It's, uh, Viktor." you look up from your drink when you hear that

"Who's Viktor?"

"I am. It's who I've always been. Uh, is that an issue for anyone?"

"Nah, I'm good with it."

"Yeah, me too. Cool." klaus says

"That's great, Viktor, Good for you." you say

"Truly happy for you, Viktor. But last time I checked, you don't speak for this family." five says

"Okay, well, it's fine, okay? Marcus totally gets it. He doesn't want a war anymore than we do." viktor explains

"What are you talking about? He tried to homicide us!" diego slightly yells

"So did Lila, and you had a kid with her." klaus says and you laugh and high five him under the table

"That's not the point!"

"Listen! We made a deal. He's gonna give back Five's briefcase, then we're gonna get out of this timeline. We're gonna meet later today for the, uh, the handover." viktor explains

"Oh! Thank God!" klaus says

"Why are you acting like our number One all of a sudden? You shouldn't do this stuff alone, you don't know enough about those kinds of people."

"That's a rookie move. Dude is playing you." diego says quietly

"Oh, really?" viktor says sarcastically

"Yeah, but maybe we can use this. And we turn it back on them, and then we wipe them the hell out." you roll your eyes when he says this and sip your drink

"Diego, stop, please. And you're not gonna, like, do anything today."

"Except bond with your spawn." klaus says putting a hand on Diego's shoulder

"Alleged spawn." diego corrects

"I will get the briefcase, and then we will all go back and fix the timeline." viktor explains

"Hey, we're not going anywhere! This is a perfectly acceptable timeline." five says

"Yeah, why don't you go tell that to Allison, who's upstairs grieving her daughter, who doesn't even exist here!"

"Wait, what! Did I miss something? Claire doesn't exist anymore?" you ask

"Not to mention, we've been replaced by a bunch of blobs and cubes and birds and shit!" diego yells

"News flash, geniuses! It's not about us! Take a look around. If you hadn't noticed, there's no doomsday. There's no apocalypse. The sun is shining. Birds are doing whatever the hell birds do. That's all that matters. We're done messing with time." five lifts up his glass and steps out of his chair "And I'm officially retired." five grabs your hand with his free hand and walks to the food bar with you. After about a minute, Klaus comes up to you two.

"Hey. What do you say we get outta here, huh? Take a little... road trip." klaus says

"What are you talking about?" five asks

"I'm talking about a sojourn to the countryside. You, me, and Y/n, the wind in our hair. Thelma and Louise on the open road."

"You know they die in the end, right?"

"Holding hands, living our best life, my little cherub!"

"You wanna hold my boyfriend's hands?" you joke and put food on your plate and klaus ignores you but five chuckles

"Listen to me, I nearly died from Luther's sleep farts last night. We need to get outta here, get some fresh air!"

"Okay, I'll bite. Why us, Klaus?" five asks

"Because you said... you said you're retired, and that's what retired people do. And Y/n because she's nice and my best friend. And don't you two deserve some fun?"

"There's no lobsters."

"Huh?" you ask

"Excuse me?" klaus asks

"There were three lobsters in that tank a minute ago."

"Yeah, well, you know, maybe Chet blended 'em into a morning smoothie."

"You're an idiot, but I'm in. What about you, Y/n?"

"I'm in too." you say



Klaus drove and Five was in the passenger's seat while you sat in the backseat

"This actually isn't so terrible." five says

"See? Told you." klaus responds

"Come to think of it, my whole life I've been under the gun. Missions for Dad, working for the Commission, trying to survive the apocalypse. I was always looking around every corner, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's nice to just breathe." Y/n felt bad he had to go through all of that and she leaned forward and rubbed Five's shoulder.

"Good for you, man. Retirement is suiting you." klaus says

"I agree, I love seeing you relaxed and calm." you say, five looks at you and smiles then seems to remember something.

"Oh! Uh... All right! So, I've circled all the roadside attractions along the way."

"I'm not sure we're gonna have time..."

"We have the Brownsville Big Nickel. Oh, Ricky's Bakery has award-winning pies."

"Ooh! Pies!" *y/n looks over Five's shoulder

"If you just let me explain..." klaus tries saying

"Or there's this Cow Henge. That's it-- Don't--"

"Listen to me. Just shut up for two seconds, okay? Just two seconds? All right?"

"Okay, I'm all ears." five folds up his map and looks at Klaus and you look at Klaus also

"We are going to Pennsylvania to find... my birth mother. Yay!"

"What?" you ask

"Excuse me?" five asks with no emotion on his face but you can tell that'll change

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I just needed somebody to come with me for emotional support."

"Oh, emotional support, like a schnauzer?"

"Oh, geez, guys!" you try to stop Five from yelling

"I knew you wouldn't come if I told you, so what was I supposed to do?"

"You're goddamn right I wouldn't have come, Klaus. You know why? Because I am supposed to be retired!"

"I know."

"This was supposed to be a carefree road trip."

"It still can be, babe."

"Ball of Twine? Klaus, turn!" five grabs onto the wheel "Ball of Twine! Turn!"

"What? Five! Five!" klaus says but the car was swerving around the road

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Shit! I'm gonna die!" you yell

"It is one of the best ones! Come on!"

"One of you let go of the wheel!" you yell

"Five, we're gonna die! Whoo!" you just start praying in the backseat for your life

"I don't care! Let go!"

"I accept you as my Lord, God, and Savior! And Lord, please forgive my idiot family! They know not what they do!"

"You know what? No Twine, no birth mother!"


"Yeah, you know. I don't know why, but I thought it'd be a lot bigger." klaus says and you just hold your stomach because you feel sick after that ride

"Seems pretty big to me." five responds


"Here's the real question. How do you know your birth mother is in Pennsylvania?"

"Well, because I was on the ass end of a two-week bender, and I can't tell you the exact date because we were boofing Xanax and the whole business, but Amy Winehouse was at the top of the charts. So that puts us somewhere, where? In the mid to late aughts? I helped myself to Dad's office, looking for the key to his safe 'cause he had Pogo lock up all the stealables. But instead I found a treasure trove of our family history told in expired check stubs. I was too messed up to, uh, do anything about it, too scared to look her up. But always, in the back of my mind, I wondered why she sold me off for three grand. I mean, come on, she couldn't have held out for five? Six?"

"You see anything about my mother?" five asks

"No. Sorry."

"Why now?"

"Well, duh. Dad disowns us. Grace isn't Grace. Ben's... gone. Now just felt like as good a time as any to find out who I could've been if I didn't grow up in this stupid family."

"Well, can you really call what we had a family?"

"No. It's more like a--"

"Institute for snarky Delinquents." Klaus and you laugh "And not a good one at that."

"But what is family? What is it? It's like some kind of giant... ball of twine that can never be untangled."

"A giant ball of obligation I've been pushing uphill my entire life."

"And the older you get, the bigger it gets. And the more you try to untangle it..."

"You watch it roll down the hill..."

"And what's the point?" the guys say in unison

"Hey, I'm glad you came along. You're a good brother." Y/n can't help but smile widely and look at Five, she knows it means a lot that Klaus said that but he also wouldn't show on the outside how much he cared, five just looks surprised at first and doesn't say anything. "All right, all right. You say nice things about me now." five pats klaus's shoulder

"Let's go find your stupid mother." he says and holds your hand as you two walk to the car

"Love you too, tiny dancer!"


You all arrive at the destination and see amish people running around, you all get out of the car

"Son of a bitch! Klaus is amish!" five says and y/n bursts out laughing

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" y/n wipes a tear from her eye and continues laughing "I was just imagining Klaus amish." y/n laughs again and five smiles at how adorable y/n's is

"This explains everything." klaus says

"How does this explain anything?" five asks

"Because look! Look at this place! This is everything my childhood was missing."

"Hey, uh, Klaus."


"Wait up a minute. Doppelganger check. You feel anything strange? Uh, itching, sweats, gas, anything like that?"

"No. No, I feel great. Apart from the old rash on the tackle, but what can you do?" y/n chuckles but is a little grossed out by that information

"All right, good luck."

"What? Wait, you're not coming?"

"This one you gotta do alone." klaus sighs

"Alone? Yeah, okay. Yeah, I can do that, sure." klaus walks away, you and five lean against the car

"So, I am 99% sure that Klaus is your favorite sibling." you say

"What makes you think that?" five asks

"You are different with him, and I love the brotherly love that he shows you and you get softer, it makes my heart melt." y/n chuckles

"Oh yeah?" y/n nods and five places his hands on y/n's waist "I know another way to make your heart melt." y/n smiles at this and five crashes his lips on hers but not roughly, they were gentle and soft but still passionate, when the kiss ended, y/n sat in the car next to five and he turned on the radio and started singing. While he was singing, there was a movement that shook the car and when Five looked out the window, all of the cows were gone. "Oh, can't I get one fucking day off?"


Five was doing calculations on the car and writing stuff down with no help whatsoever from y/n since she sucks at math, but she did massage his neck to ease the stress as much as she could, then she heard yelling.

"Five! Y/n! Start the car, would ya?" y/n looked behind her and saw klaus running from hundreds of amish people. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Five! Y/n! Start the car!"

"What the actual fuck did he do?" you say and Five finally turned around

"Five! Start the car! Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!" five gets in the driver's seat

"Why can't you just get along with people?" five says and you get in the passenger's seat

"I tried. Really, I did. I tried!" then a women ran to klaus and they talked

"Come on! Get in the car, Klaus!" five yells

"Klaus! Get your ass in here!" you yell

"Klaus! Klaus! Klaus, it's now or never! Klaus!" klaus then ran towards the car and got in the backseat and five started the car and started driving

"This whole timeline's chock-full of riddles. Get this. My mom died here before I was even born." klaus says and five instantly steps on the brakes and puts his hand in front of you so you don't hit your head, but when he stops, he looks at klaus

"What did you just say?"



You all arrive at hotel obsidian

"Okay, gather round, people. Where is-- Where's every-- Where's Luther?" five asks

"Haven't seen him."

"Who knows?

"Anybody know where-- Okay, you know what? We got bigger problems to worry about right now."

"Like what?" allison asks

"This." five showed pictures of people on the newspaper

"Who are they?" viktor asks

"These are our mothers." five comes across the page with klaus's mom

"That one's mine.'' Klaus says and Five flips to the next page to Y/n's mom and she looks just like her. Y/n suddenly felt a rush of many emotions at once

"They're all dead. They all died on the exact same day, October 1st, 1989."

"That's our birthday." viktor comments

"Not anymore, it isn't. They all died before we were born."

"That's dumb. If we weren't born, how can we exist?" diego asks


"What are you saying?" viktor asks

"I'm saying, when we jumped here, we created a time paradox. All right? Not just any paradox. This is the Grandfather paradox."

"What the hell is a Grandfather paradox?" klaus asks

HELLO, So I have defintely taken many days off of Wattpad but I want to get back on track with these because I enjoy making them, although, thye defintely take awhile, this one took 3 hours, it is currently 11:32 PM😅


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