Other Worlds Book Club

By OtherWorldsBookClub

529 46 90

We are accepting applications now. SciFi and Fantasy genres only! (18+) Looking for more helpful comments, s... More

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Introduction & Hello 2024!

102 12 2
By OtherWorldsBookClub

Hello and welcome to the Other Worlds Book Club!

We are now taking applications for a Feb. 1st start date! Apply Now!

Hello, fellow Sci-fi and Fantasy writers! Red_Leasia here!

If you read our blurb, you might already have a decent idea of what this club is about, but if not, let me fill you in.

Other Worlds is a community of Wattpad writers looking for support and feedback on Science Fiction and Fantasy stories and their related subgenres. These are the stories they've put their blood, sweat, and tears into. We're also a group of close-knit, crazy, story-loving friends, and many of us have been around the WP book club scene for years.

Our founders have run or adminned for multiple clubs and still do, so we know a thing or two about how to run a tight ship while keeping the party rolling. We also understand how discouraging it can be to work day and night to create the perfect book, only to have it go unnoticed.

And so we've created The Other Worlds Book Club. We want to celebrate our love for creating new worlds, lands, and universes while offering a chance to gain recognition for your art, make strong friendships, and improve your craft.

As a member of our club you'll receive reads, comments, votes(if your partners are nice), follows, and most importantly, honest helpful encouragement. So, what's there to lose?

Add this book to your reading lists to keep up with us and check back soon as I am still setting up and gauging interest! 

The Hard Stuff!

I want nothing more than to let loose, drink a glass of unicorn wine, and have fun with you, but I believe in tough love.

As mentioned before, this is not my first rodeo. I have been doing this for years and hold everyone(yes, even myself) to a high standard of quality feedback and maturity. We're all adults here(18+) and should act our age. Give the support and feedback that you want in return. Those who do this will enjoy everything this club has to offer.

As for maturity, this is a coddle-free zone. We are not your parents, babysitters, or hand-holders. (Unless you need a dance partner to a good song, then, by all means, take a hand.)

No one should be boohooing because someone didn't like their character/genre/whatever. As long as they are taking the time to read your story and give their honest opinion, there shouldn't be an issue. Besides, honest feedback is why you join a book club, right? Right! So put on your grownup undies and act your age.

That being said, I don't stand by bullies either. There are ways to give honest feedback without being an ass. If you can't do that, then goodbye, I wish you luck. All asshats caught purposely causing a fuss will get the boot. We party with Darth Sith Lords here, don't make us call them.


Besides helping you with your writing, we provide our members with a strong community. To do that we've created a discord chat for our members. Joining this chat is optional though highly recommended.

Our chat has lots of fun channels and is a direct line to our founders and admins. We get to know everyone better, make friends, and offer more writing help outside of assignment comments.

It's overall just a great experience and at the very least, members should give it a try. You can always leave the server if you find it's not for you. We won't hold you hostage...for long.

But wait, there's more!

To go along with this strong community, we want you to let us know when you've accomplished something. Won that contest? Reached 5k reads? Went up in rank? Been recognized somewhere? Managed not to flip someone the bird for cutting you off on the highway? Let us know so we can post it here! Allow us and your fellow members the chance to congratulate and support you. Hell, we'll even celebrate your birthday with you! (shots anyone?) It's what a supportive community would do. It's what friends would do.

Best of all, we're always brainstorming new ideas. You never know what we may come up with in the future.

So, what are the benefits of joining our lovely group?

More Reads on Your Story

More Comments

Follows and Friends

Honest and helpful feedback to improve your writing

A close community, club chat included

Recognition for your achievements. Awards, writing, whatever you want to celebrate, we'll pop a bottle of the good stuff with you.

Your book in our public reading list.

First in the grapevine for club awards and contests

A fun time!! :)

If you decide you're up for everything mentioned, please continue to our rules and application. We know we ask a lot, but promise you'll get a lot too. Most of all, you'll get a community of hard-working, supportive, inspiring, and slightly insane friends!

Welcome to 2024! 

Remember a new year is 365 new opportunities! In this case 366!

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