~ { Shadow and Beauty } ~

By ChildOfApollo7

57.9K 2.6K 322

A fanfic where Kiara Morrigan, a daughter of Pluto, falls for Piper McLean, a daughter of Aphrodite. ON HIATU... More

The School Bus
The Skywalk
The Wind Spirits
The Chariot
Camp Half-Blood
The Tour
Cabin Nine
The Big House
Cabin Fifteen
The Campfire
The Daughter of Pluto
The Prophecy
The Bronze Dragon
The Son of Jupiter
Our Saving Grace
Cabin Ten
Leo's Dragon
Cabin One
Quebec City
The Ice Palace
Hera's Gamble
Finally Leaving the Palace
The Fall
Princess Potty Sludge
Ma Gasket and Her Ugly Sons
Fire Boy
What Kiara Remembers
Princess of Colchis
Shopping With A Princess
Organic Life Forms
The White Mansion
The Old Man And His Scary Son
Gold King
We're In A Cave
Hunters of Artemis
The Ghost
Kiara Opens Up A Little
Aeolus's Palace
The Crazy Wind God
Yep. That God Is Crazy
Piper Meets Her Mom
Piper Has A Wad of Cash
The Devil Mountain
Gaea's Gone. For Now
Tristan McLean Goes Home
Taking A Chopper To Battle
Hera Is Locked Up In A Cage But We Don't Really Care
We All Hate Khione
We Almost Die. Again
Hera's Rescued. Yay
Finally A Normal Day At Camp
The Council
Greeks And Romans
The Lost Hero-The Mark of Athena
The God of Boundaries
Seaweed Brain
Daughter of Wisdom
We Lose The Romans' Trust
Siplitting Up
The Goddess of Revenge
Blackjack And Tempest
We Talk A Lot
Getting Rid of The Eidolons
Why Nightmares?
Hazel And Kiara Officially Hate Everyone
Kate's Babies
Operation End Table
Keep It Simple
Ghosts And Gardens
Tea Party With A Goddess
Storms And Skeletons
Sailing Through The Atlantic
Fish-Horse Guys
Really Good Brownies
Non Plus Ultra
Pen And Paper
The Horn of Plenty
Dolphin Men
Golden Boy
Raphael's Tomb
Eidolons Again
Dirt Face
The Room With Water
What Happened To The Nymphs?
Fresh Water
Wonder Bread
Mr. D Is A Calming Influence
Hazel, Kiara And Nico
Breaking Through
Chinese Spidercuffs
A One-Way Trip
Friends To Save
Mark of Athena-House of Hades
Gaea Is A Bitch As Usual
Phil From 'Hercules'

The Ice Princess

556 25 1
By ChildOfApollo7


"Um... yeah," Jason said. "That's a good thing, right? My name is Jason."

   Cal looked so surprised, he almost dropped his sword. "Can't be Jason," he said. "Doesn't look the same."

   Zethes stepped forward and squinted at Jason's face. "No, he is not our Jason. Our Jason was more stylish. Not as much as me—but stylish. Besides, our Jason died millennia ago."

   "Wait," Jason said. "Your Jason... you mean the original Jason? The Golden Fleece guy?"

   "Of course," Zethes said. "We were his crewmates aboard his ship, the Argo, in the old times, when we were mortal demigods. Then we accepted immortality to serve our father, so I could look this good for all time, and my silly brother could enjoy pizza and hockey."

   "Hockey!" Cal agreed.

   "But Jason—our Jason—he died a mortal death," Zethes said. "You can't be him."

   "I'm not," Jason agreed.

   "So, destroy?" Cal asked. Clearly the conversation was giving his two brain cells a serious workout.

   "No," Zethes said regretfully. "If he is a son of Zeus, he could be the one we've been watching for."

   "Watching for?" Leo asked. "You mean like in a good way: you'll shower him with fabulous prizes? Or watching for, like, in a bad way: he's in trouble?"

   A girl's voice said, "That depends on my father's will."

   Jason looked up the staircase. At the top stood a girl in a white silk dress. Her skin was unnaturally pale, the color of snow, but her hair was a lush mane of black, and her eyes were coffee brown. She focused on Leo with no expression, no smile, no friendliness.

   Then she looked at Jason, Kiara and Piper, and seemed to understand the situation immediately.

   "Father will want to see the one called Jason," the girl said.

   "Then it is him?" Zethes asked excitedly.

   "We'll see," the girl said. "Zethes, bring our guests."

   Leo quickly grabbed the handle of suitcase Festus, but before he could even take a step the ice princess glared at him and he froze in place. "Not you, Leo Valdez."

   "Why not?" Leo complained.

   "You cannot be in the presence of my father," the girl said. "Fire and ice—it would not be wise."

   "We're going together," Jason insisted, putting his hand on Leo's shoulder, "or not at all."

   The girl tilted her head, like she wasn't used to people refusing her orders. "He will not be harmed, Jason Grace, unless you make trouble. Calais, keep Leo Valdez here. Guard him, but do not kill him."

   Cal pouted. "Just a little?"

   "No," the girl insisted. "And take care of his interesting suitcase, until Father passes judgment."

   Jason and Piper looked at Leo, their expressions asking him a silent question: How do you want to play this? While Kiara's clearly stated: Do you want me to kill them?

   Leo smiled at them with gratitude. "It's fine, guys," he said. "No sense causing trouble if we don't have to. You go ahead."

   "Listen to your friend," the pale girl said. "Leo Valdez will be perfectly safe. I wish I could say the same for you, son of Zeus. Now come, King Boreas is waiting."

   Jason didn't want to leave Leo, but he was starting to think that hanging out with Cal the hockey jock might be the least dangerous option in this place.

   As they climbed the icy staircase, Zethes stayed behind them, his blade drawn. The guy might've looked like a disco-era reject, but there was nothing funny about his sword. Jason figured one hit from that thing would probably turn him into a Popsicle.

   Then there was the ice princess. Every once in a while she'd turn and give Jason a smile, but there was no warmth in her expression. She regarded Jason like he was an especially interesting science specimen—one she couldn't wait to dissect. If these were Boreas's kids, Jason wasn't sure he wanted to meet Daddy. Annabeth had told him Boreas was the friendliest of the wind gods. Apparently that meant he didn't kill heroes quite as fast as the others did.

   Jason worried that he'd led his friends into a trap. If things went bad, he wasn't sure he could get them out alive. Without thinking about it, he took Piper's hand for reassurance. She raised her eyebrows, but she didn't let go.

   "It'll be fine," she promised. "Just a talk, right?"

   At the top of the stairs, the ice princess looked back and noticed them holding hands. Her smile faded. Suddenly Jason's hand in Piper's turned ice cold—burning cold. He let go, and his fingers were smoking with frost. So were Piper's.

   "Warmth is not a good idea here," the princess advised, "especially when I am your best chance of staying alive. Please, this way."

   Piper gave him a nervous frown like, What was that about?

   Jason didn't have an answer. Zethes poked him in the back with his icicle sword, and they followed the princess down a massive hallway decked in frosty tapestries.

   Freezing winds blew back and forth, and Jason's thoughts moved almost as fast. He'd had a lot of time to think while they rode the dragon north, but he felt as confused as ever.

   Thalia's picture was still in his pocket, though he didn't need to look at it anymore. Her image had burned itself into his mind. It was bad enough not remembering his past, but to know he had a sister out there somewhere who might have answers and to have no way of finding her—that just drove him up the wall.

   In the picture, Thalia looked nothing like him. They both had blue eyes, but that was it. Her hair was black. Her complexion was more Mediterranean. Her facial features were sharper—like a hawk's.

   Still, Thalia looked so familiar. Hera had left him just enough memory that he could be certain Thalia was his sister. But Annabeth had acted
completely surprised when he'd told her, like she'd never heard of Thalia's having a brother. Did Thalia even know about him? How had they been separated?

   Hera had taken those memories. She'd stolen everything from Jason's past, plopped him into a new life, and now she expected him to save her from some prison just so he could get back what she'd taken. It made Jason so angry, he wanted to walk away, let Hera rot in that cage: but he couldn't. He was hooked. He had to know more, and that made him even more resentful.

   "Hey." Piper touched his arm. "You still with me?"

   "Yeah... yeah, sorry." He was grateful for Piper. He needed a friend, and he was glad she'd started losing the Aphrodite blessing. The makeup was fading. Her hair was slowly going back to its old choppy style with the little braids down the sides. It made her look more real, and as far as Jason was concerned, more beautiful.

   He was sure now that they'd never known each other before the Grand Canyon. Their relationship was just a trick of the Mist in Piper's mind. But the longer he spent with her, the more he wished it had been real.

   Stop that, he told himself. It wasn't fair to Piper, thinking that way. Jason had no idea what was waiting for him back in his old life—or who might be waiting. But he was pretty sure his past wouldn't mix with Camp Half-Blood. After this quest, who knew what would happen? Assuming they even survived.

   At the end of the hallway they found themselves in front of a set of oaken doors carved with a map of the world. In each corner was a man's bearded face, blowing wind. Jason was pretty sure he'd seen maps like this before. But in this version, all the wind guys were Winter, blowing ice and snow from every corner of the world.

   The princess turned. Her brown eyes glittered, and Jason felt like he was a Christmas present she was hoping to open. "This is the throne room," she said. "Be on your best behavior, Jason Grace. My father can be... chilly." Kiara snorted silently, earning a glare from the snow princess. "I will translate for you, and try to encourage him to hear you out. I do hope he spares you. We could have such fun."

   Jason guessed this girl's definition of fun was not the same as his. "Um, okay," he managed. "But really, we're just here for a little talk. We'll be leaving right afterward."

   The girl smiled. "I love heroes. So blissfully ignorant."

   Piper rested her hand on her dagger. "Well, how about you enlighten us? You say you're going to translate for us, and we don't even know who you are. What's your name?"

   The girl sniffed with distaste. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you don't recognize me. Even in the ancient times the Greeks did not know me well. Their island homes were too warm, too far from my domain. I am Khione, daughter of Boreas, goddess of snow."

   She stirred the air with her finger, and a miniature blizzard swirled around her—big, fluffy flakes as soft as cotton. "Now, come," Khione said. The oaken doors blew open, and cold blue light spilled out of the room. "Hopefully you will survive your little talk."

If the entry hall had been cold, the throne room was like a meat locker.

   Mist hung in the air. Jason shivered, and his breath steamed. Along the walls, purple tapestries showed scenes of snowy forests, barren mountains, and glaciers. High above, ribbons of colored light—the aurora borealis—pulsed along the ceiling. A layer of snow covered the floor, so Jason had to step carefully. All around the room stood life-size ice sculpture warriors—some in Greek armor, some medieval, some in modern camouflage—all frozen in various attack positions, swords raised, guns locked and loaded.

   At least Jason thought they were sculptures. Then he tried to step between two Greek spearmen, and they moved with surprising speed, their joints cracking and spraying ice crystals as they crossed their javelins to block Jason's path.

   From the far end of the hall, a man's voice rang out in a language that sounded like French. The room was so long and misty, Jason couldn't see the other end; but whatever the man said, the ice guards uncrossed their javelins.

   "It's fine," Khione said. "My father has ordered them not to kill you just yet."

   "Super," Jason said.

   Zethes prodded him in the back with his sword. "Keep moving, Jason Junior."

   "Please don't call me that."

   "My father is not a patient man," Zethes warned, "and the beautiful Piper, sadly, is losing her magic hairdo very fast. Later, perhaps, I can lend her something from my wide assortment of hair products."

   "Thanks," Piper grumbled.

   They kept walking, and the mist parted to reveal a man on an ice throne. He was sturdily built, dressed in a stylish white suit that seemed woven from snow, with dark purple wings that spread out to either side. His long hair and shaggy beard were encrusted with icicles, so Jason couldn't tell if his hair was gray or just white with frost. His arched eyebrows made him look angry, but his eyes twinkled more warmly than his daughter's—as if he might have a sense of humor buried somewhere under that permafrost. Jason hoped so.

   "Bienvenu," the king said. "Je suis Boreas le Roi. Et vous?"

   Khione the snow goddess was about to speak, but Piper stepped forward and curtsied. "Votre Majesté," she said, "je suis Piper McLean. Elle est Kiara, fille de Hadès. Et c'est Jason, fils de Zeus."

   The king smiled with pleasant surprise. "Vous parlez français? Très bien!"

   "Piper, you speak French?" Jason asked.
   Piper frowned. "No. Why?"

   "You just spoke French," Kiara said.

   Piper blinked. "I did?" The king said something else, and Piper nodded. "Oui, Votre Majesté."

   The king laughed and clapped his hands, obviously delighted. He said a few more sentences then swept his hand toward his daughter as if shooing her away.

   Khione looked miffed. "The king says—"

   "He says I'm a daughter of Aphrodite," Piper interrupted, "so naturally I can speak French, which is the language of love. I had no idea. His Majesty says Khione won't have to translate now."

   Behind them, Zethes snorted, and Khione shot him a murderous look. She bowed stiffly to her father and took a step back.

   The king sized up Jason, and Jason decided it would be a good idea to bow. "Your Majesty, I'm Jason Grace. Thank you for, um, not killing us. May I ask... why does a Greek god speak French?"

   Piper had another exchange with the king.

   "He speaks the language of his host country," Piper translated. "He says all gods do this. Most Greek gods speak English, as they now reside in the United States, but Boreas was never welcomed in their realm. His domain was always far to the north. These days he likes Quebec, so he speaks French."

   The king said something else, and Piper turned pale. "The king says..." She faltered. "He says—"

   "Oh, allow me," Khione said. "My father says he has orders to kill you. Did I not mention that earlier?"

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