The tale of a Knight

By NoahJuliusBarner

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For all who wanted to know the backstory of our favourite multiversal host More

The humble beginning
The Curse of immortality
Beginning of an journey
From happiness
The Blade
A small smile works wonders
a daily dose of insanity
Staff against Sword
Children, ember and ascensions
The city shrouded in fog
The base has a couch and it is mine.
A shield strenghtened and a roasts
May i introduce. P. Or P P if you want
Another murderoues day in london
one pretty busted museum
Another day another pile of scrapmetal

Another day another attack

11 0 0
By NoahJuliusBarner

"It is early in the morning why do we have to go out again?" asked Gudako almost sleeping back in on King Hassans shoulders while she was surrounded by light blue smoke which warms her on this cold english morning.

"It is because we have to go back to patrol again you dumbasses." said Mordred. "We know why but why do both of us now have to come. Normaly it is one rests while the other works splitting the load of the work." said Fujimaru while he was almost sleeping while walking. "Because we took down one of the core leaders of project demonic fog. They are probably gonna go on the offensive now and attack with much more numbers now. There is als the possibility that they found out the hideout because of the whole pendeling we do." said Atalante. 

"And to make sure you two are safe we decided that we are not gonna split up the servant force and make you work in one big team." said Romani. "And we don't need sleep so you can just sleep in on our backs. Mash would be really happy about that." said Knight with a smile while he simply through the almost sleeping Fujimaru on his shoulders. "Mr... I mean Knight! Why?!" said Mash emberassed. "Because for the first time in centurys i had the ability to crack that joke. and i have to say. It feels damn good." said Knight with a smile before throwing his head back and laughed.

"Why are you two even that sleepy?" asked Mordred as he saw the basicly zombified Masters. "These wretched authors stole my poor children their sleep by letting them tell their travels to them with hours of follow up questions. Also give me my child Knight. You are the person here with the biggest area of attack range while still being precise so you should have the hands free." said Raikou while taking Fujimaru from his arms and cradeling him herself while they walked.

"Hey do you smell that?" asked Knight Atalante then while sniffing the air. The entire group stopped with the masters, with Raikou getting sad that she cannot hold her child like a baby, getting down to their feet. "Yes it smells like... metal and grease. I first thought that it was because of the city or the fog but the smell is definitly getting stronger." said Atalante while a grumbeling could be heared.

"Mechanical sounds detected. There's a big one approaching!" said Mash tensed up. "Oh, speak of the devil. hah, maybe i'll finally get to fight a Helter skelter." said Mordred. "I am sorry master but your orders please." said Mash. As the helter skelter came took Knight a big exectioner sword out and slashed in one big downward swing the helter skelter in two, while breaking off the blade at the handle. Then Knight pulled out his normal blade again. "Hey that was mine!" shouted Mordred angry while stabbing an automaton. 

"There are more coming out of your direction." said Atalante while firing her arrows at the automatons. "Yeah yeah i know." said Mordred and threw her sword at the helter skelter impaling it before runing towards it and splitting, what was supposedly the head, in two when Mordred tore Clarent out of the helter skelters head. The area slowly began to fill with more automatons and helter skelter with servants raging through the masses

"well maybe we should had back to Jekyll. Not because i am tired but because to recharge on magical energy." said Mordred. "Then i have to dissapoint you. because..." began Roman. "Yeah yeah i know. So shut up and let us kill the next wave." said Mordred while everyone looked at the direction of the incomming enemies. "This is getting annoying." said Knight before lifting his palm into that direction and simply let go of a giant blast of flames which melted the metal beings down to puddles. And burned a few houses. "Shit the houses are burning! Raikou!" shouted Gudako and with one jump she sliced of the parts of the buliding that were burning.

"Ehm... Sorry?" said Knight unsure what to say. In most cases he accidently burned down forrests and not buildings. "Yeah yeah don't worry. You can simply rebuild everything after everything is over." said Mordred. "And also you melted a dozen of those things and  a few helter skelters. So it is fine. Even the fog has gone away for a bit." said Fujimaru. And he was right for a moment it was almost clear as day before the fog setteled back in. "Actualy why is that happening. Simple force of the blast?" asked Gudako. "Most probable contractor." said Hassan while they made their way back to the apartment.

"Can you spit fire?" asked Gudako out of the blue. "I... beg your pardon?" said Knight never having thought of that question. Or if that even was possible. "Can you breath out fire like a dragon?" asked Fujimaru. "That would be interesting to see. And a really nice party trick. The children would love it." said Roman. "I... have actually never tried." said Knight. Truth be told over the millenia he honed his skills as a swordsman to a sharp blade, sharper then most, and he learned bits of magic from the fae princess but he never asked himself what his own magic could do nor did he care to expermient with it.

"Well that is something we definitly have to try out later." said Fujimaru excited. "Jekyll! We are back!" shouted Mordred like a husband comming back from a hard day of work before laying down on the couch. 

"I warm up the rations." said Atalante while receiving rations from Mash. Knight was meanwhile chewing on a piece of dried meat with the texture and taste of shoelaces which he pulled out of his ring out of habit. "And i take that." said Raikou while snatching the dried meat out of his hands for a quick and healthy soup with rations Atalante was warming up. Only the piece he chewed on stayed in his mouth before he remembered that he doesn't have to eat anymore. So no need to eat that terrible piece of meat which he obtained from the cheapest of market stands when he was alive. Yes it was still good. Nothing gets bad in the storage of the ring.

"Well we went on our patrol today and then we were flooded with enemies. Sure most of them are now spare parts with the remaining being a puddle but still there were so many. Also there were like five helter skelters." said Gudako simply sitting herself down in an armchair while Hassan combed through her hair. Fou jumped away from Mash onto Knight for additional heating. "Fine furball you win." said Knight. "Fou!" said Fou before getting fed with dried meat.

"Ok. I never thought of helter skelters being mass produced but apparently they made it possible. It is likely due to us defeating Paracelsus, one of the main leaders of Project "Demonic fog" that they bolstered their numbers" said Jekyll shocked.

"They probably want one of the materialising heroic spirits. But which one?" asked Fujimaru. "Probably someone who can interact with the fog  that is loaded with magical energy." said Gudako. "weirdly enough the magical energy density of the fog seem to lessen by... a lot every time Knight is in battle. Maybe it is because of his flames." theorized Dr Roman. "I don't know and honestly i am to tired for thinking let the free loaders do it." said Mordred.

"You called." said Anderson. "You summoned us." said Shakespeare. "I feel like i have opened the ark now." said Mordred regreting everything. "Nah we are no such calamity bringing box. But anyway lets cut to the chase." said Andersen and got serious. "The singularities or more precisely something about the holy grail war ritual bothers me but i am honestly almost at an stalemate." said Andersen. "I can now see you as an caster. Even if you are still useless." said Mordred.

"Hey can we return to the matters paretaking towards this singularity and the future." said Romani. "Yeah we are lucky that they are not actively searching for us. Because if they did then they would simply break open every house to find us instead of just patroling the streets." said Raikou while making something with the rations.

"We can no longer wander through the city of mist. That will only empty thy energy reserves, knight of betrayal." said Hassan. "Well it would be alot if we could just blast the entire city and all enemies there are to kingdom come. No obstacles. No complication and less hiding places for them to be hidden. And if what Romani has said is true the magical fog problem is also gone." said Knight. "But we can not simply burn all of london down as long there are people there." said Gudako. Fran said something

"Well how about you run an errand for me to find more proofs for my theory." said Andersen. "But with all those helterskelters outside it will be difficult." said Atalante. "Fou." said Fou. "AAAaaaaaarrrrggghh." said Heracles. "It would be better then just sitting around and doing nothing." said Fujimaru. "Agreed sempai." said Mash. "Where should the trip to the wonderland go?" asked Gudako. "Come on. This is london. It is obvious." said Andersen. "The clocktower?" asked Fujimaru. "Correct. There is a giant organisation here to unlock this worlds secrets. Why not use them?" said Andersen with a grin.

"Well look past the state it could be in wouldn't Jekyll be still in contact with them?" said Romani. "Good point. jekyll hasn't spoken abaout the clock tower." said Mash. "That is because there is no need." said Jekyll. "The mage's assosiciation... That's like underground, from Regent park all the way to Westmister, right?" asked Mordred with Jekyll nodding.

"After materializing and meeting Jekyll, i went there to check it out immediately." explained Mordred before turning back to Jekyll. "The british Museum, was it?" Jekyll nodded again. "I went there because i heard that's where the entrance was. But the entrance was completely sealed off. It was a ruined pile of rubble." said Mordred

"Yeah. Strangely enough, "The building was demolished." No part was left untouched." Perhaps it was "Project demonic fog" who crushed all resistance." said Jekyll. "Doesn't matter. Mages always have records of everything they find out which are extremely tight sealed to protect them from other mages or any possibility of destruction. As long as the workshop itself isn't destroyed it would still be there." said Knight who had seen a fair share of magecraft workshops. 

"So we just need to move the rubble and gain access to the data then." said Mash. "You heared the swords swinger and the avid reader. There is a high chance that those records and archives are still intact. Take me there." said Andersen. "I shall accompany you. The archives of a school of mystics shall be a excellent inspiration." said Shakespeare. "i suppose more fire power is a good idea." said Romani. "Even if their fighting ability is less then abysmal?" said Atalante. "We will do it somehow." said Gudako

"Uhh.. Urh...?" asked Fran. "No Fran you stay here." said Fujimaru. "I agree senpai. Fran with all the helter skelter outside it is to dangerous." said Mash. "Uhh urhh." said Fran. "the let's be off. We'll visit that formerly flourishing mystic academy. Also saber?" asked Andersen. "Yes." Knight and Mordred said. "I have forgotten that their are two saber classes here. Anyways protect us weak casters." said Andersen.

"Hey tell that to shieldy over there not the front fighters." said Mordred angry. "Wha-" said Mash emberassed. "Don't worry, i will come with you." said Jekyll. "What?!" said everyone except Knight. "Yay more dead weight to protect. Lucky me." he said instead unenthusiasticly. that is before Heracles hit his head with a shout. "Yeah yeah i will be trying not to insult the casters or Jekyll." said Knight while rubbing his head at the spot where Heracles hit him.

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