My "best friend" (reader x To...

By celeb_stories123

243K 4.1K 1.7K

I was just a normal high school girl. I wasn't popular but my best friend Tom was. Tom was the captain of the... More

Chapter 1: Friday
Chapter 2: Saturday
Chapter 3: Sunday
Chapter 4: Monday
Chapter 5: Tuesday
Chapter 6: Wednesday
Chapter 7: Thursday
Chapter 8: Friday
Chapter 9: Saturday
Chapter 10: Sunday
Chapter 11: Monday
Chapter 12: Tuesday
Chapter 13: Wednesday
Chapter 14: Thursday
Chapter 15: Friday
Chapter 16: Saturday
Chapter 17: Sunday
Chapter 18: Monday
Chapter 19: Tuesday
Chapter 20: Wednesday
Chapter 21: Thursday
Chapter 22: Friday
Chapter 23: Saturday
Chapter 24: Sunday
Chapter 25: Monday
Chapter 26: Tuesday
Chapter 27: Wednesday
Chapter 28: Thursday
Chapter 29: Friday
Chapter 30: Friday (2)
Chapter 31: Saturday
Chapter 32: Sunday
Chapter 33: Monday
Chapter 34: Tuesday
Chapter 35: Wednesday
Chapter 36: Thursday
Chapter 37: Friday
Chapter 38: Saturday
Chapter 39: Sunday
Chapter 40: Monday
Chapter 41: Tuesday
Chapter 42: Wednesday
Chapter 43: Thursday
Chapter 44: Friday
Chapter 45: Saturday
Chapter 46: Sunday
Chapter 47: Monday
Chapter 48: Tuesday
Chapter 49: Wednesday
Chapter 50: Thursday
Chapter 51: Friday
Chapter 52: Saturday
Chapter 53: Sunday
Chapter 54: Monday
Chapter 55: Tuesday
Chapter 56: Wednesday
Chapter 57: Thursday
Chapter 58: Friday
Chapter 59: Saturday
Chapter 60: Sunday
Chapter 61: Monday
Chapter 62: Tuesday
Chapter 63: Wednesday
Chapter 64: Thursday
Chapter 65: Friday
Chapter 66: Saturday
Chapter 67: Sunday
Chapter 68: Monday
Chapter 69: Tuesday
Chapter 70: Wednesday
Chapter 71: Thursday
Chapter 72: Friday
Chapter 73: Saturday
Chapter 74: Sunday
Chapter 75: Monday
Chapter 76: Tuesday
Chapter 77: Wednesday
Chapter 78: Thursday
Chapter 79: Friday
Chapter 80: Saturday
Chapter 81: Sunday
Chapter 82: Monday
Chapter 83: Tuesday
Chapter 84: Wednesday
Chapter 85: Thursday
Chapter 86: Friday
Chapter 88: Sunday
Chapter 89: Monday

Chapter 87: Saturday

185 2 0
By celeb_stories123

Tom POV:
I was at the gym getting some water after running on the treadmill when I checked my phone. I saw a text from a friend I used to play soccer with named Dominic.

Dom: Hey, party tonight at my frat. You in?

I thought about it for a moment and it did sound nice. All of the graduation and marvel events were beginning to stress me out so I figured it would be a good way to get my mind off of things. I texted Harrison to see if he would go too. We've made up after I invited him to my graduation party but I still don't trust him around y/n.

Tom: Hey Haz, Dom invited me to a party at his frat. I'll go if you go...

I continued to work out and on my way out of the gym I checked my phone again.

Haz: I'm in.

I smiled at the text before driving home. I walked in my house to see y/n, Harry, and Paddy watching a movie. "What are you guys watching?" I questioned.

"Top gun." Paddy replied and I nodded.

"I'll join you guys in a few." I explained before leaving the room and heading to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and slipped on a pair of sweatpants. When I was on my way downstairs I saw my mom.

"I've bought you shirts for a reason Thomas." She scolded.

"I know, I'm just letting my hair dry before I put one on." I shrugged and she rolled her eyes. I laughed at her reaction before making my way to the couch and plopping down next to y/n. "Hi love."

"Hi Tommy." She replied letting her weight fall onto me.

"So I got invited to a party tonight." I mentioned.

"You gonna go?" She questioned, looking up at me.

"I wanted to discuss it with you first." I replied and she nodded.

"It's up to you Tommy." She answered.

"Okay." I said. "I would like to go. It's at my friend Dominic's fraternity."

"So there will be alcohol there then?" She suggested.

"Duh." Harry replied listening in on our conversation.

"Shut up Harry." I scoffed. "But yes, there will be alcohol there."

"Okay." She said. I could tell she was thinking. "Are you going to have any?"

"Maybe." I answered. "I invited Harrison to go too so we can watch over each other."

"Okay, I trust you." She replied. I smiled and kissed her on the cheek before pulling out my phone to respond to Dom's text.

Tom: I'll be there. Haz is gonna come too.

Later that night I was on FaceTime with Harrison trying to pick out something to wear. "Okay what if we wear our soccer sweatshirts?" Harrison questioned.

"No, I don't want to point out the fact that we are in high school still." I mentioned.

"That's so valid." Harrison nodded. "Dress shirts?"

"Maybe a little much." I shrugged. "Shirtless?"

"Eh, I've kind of lost my abs a little now that soccer season is over." Harrison shared making both of us laugh. "What if we go shirtless with an open Hawaiian shirt?"

"With sunglasses?" I added.

"Yes." Harrison finalized. After a few minutes I hung up the phone and began getting ready. I put on the outfit that Harrison and I planned together before heading to y/n's room. I peeked through the doorway and saw her typing on her laptop.

"Hey baby." I greeted walking in the room, she looked up at me and laughed.

"What are you wearing?" She questioned.

"Harrison and I planned it together." I mentioned and she laughed even harder. "What do I look stupid?"

"So stupid." She answered and I shook my head.

"It will look better when Harrison and I are next to each other." I reasoned and she shrugged. "What are you working on?"

"Making a slideshow for our graduation party." She explained. "Your mom asked me to."

"I'm sure it's going to look great." I smiled.

"So are you driving or is Harrison?" She asked.

"Harrison is coming to pick me up." I shared. "He doesn't drink that much."

"Okay well if you need me to drive you guys home just call okay?" She offered and I nodded.

"Of course baby." I replied approaching her bed. I pecked her on the lips before making my way out of the room.

"Love you loser." She yelled down the hallway.

"Love you." I laughed. After a few minutes Harrison arrived and I got into his car. He drove us to the party and it was easy to spot. There were lights coming out of every window in the house and a few groups of people on the lawn with red solo cups.

"You ready?" Harrison questioned.

"So ready." I replied as we made our way into the party. I tried to find Dominic quickly so that he could introduce me to everyone in the frat while Harrison just made his way into the kitchen for a drink. After a few minutes I spotted him and he waved me over. I made my way over to the group he was in.

"Hey Tommy boy." He greeted dabbing me up. "Nice grip man. You've been hitting the gym huh?"

"Yes. No skip days." I laughed.

"No skip days!" Someone in the group agreed.

"Okay guys this is Tom. Tom this is Justin, Evan, Fred, and Owen." Dom introduced everyone.

"This is the freshman on varsity Tom?" Evan questioned and Dominic nodded.

"He's insane." Dominic mentioned.

"I wouldn't say that." I said trying to sound humble.

"I would." Owen mentioned. "You played with the broken ankle right?"

"Uh yeah, I did." I replied and they all nodded.

"I thought Harrison was coming." Dominic shared. "I want him to meet everyone too."

"He's here, just getting a drink." I commented.

"Should we join him then?" Dominic asked and I nodded. We made our way into the kitchen where Harrison immediately threw me a beer. "Osterfield! It's nice to see you."

"You too Dom." Harrison replied approaching the group.

"You taller then me now?" Dom questioned and Harrison shrugged making the group laugh. "This is Harrison guys, that's Justin, Evan, Fred, and Owen."

"Wonderful selection of drinks you guys have here." Harrison complimented which made the group laugh.

"Thank Dominic." Fred insisted. "He's on his way to becoming president."

"President as a sophomore?" I questioned and Dom nodded.

"Perks of being a student athlete." Dom shrugged. "You coming here next year? I could use you two on the team."

"I am." Harrison mentioned making Tom smile.

"What about you Holland?" Dom questioned.

"I'm going to Atlanta." I shared.

"What's in Atlanta?" Justin asked as I chugged down half of my beer.

"I got cast in a movie with my girlfriend." I answered.

"Girlfriend?" Dom questioned. "Is it that Zendaya chick?"

"Dude Zendaya? I know her. She's so fine." Evan commented.

"Don't say that about his girlfriend." Owen scolded.

"Um no its not Zendaya." I said over the loud music. "Her name is y/n."

"Nerdy y/n?" Dom questioned.

"That's the one." Harrison replied elbowing me. I laughed it off even though I didn't like the comment. The night continued and Harrison and I were getting drunker by the second so much so that we ended up dancing on the counter.

"Harrison i have someone I want you to meet." Dom yelled over the music. Harrison shrugged and got out of the counter and began talking to some girl. She was pretty but I ignored her and continued dancing, forcing Owen to jump onto the counter too.

Harrison POV:
"Hey!" The girl shouted over the loud music.

"Hey!" I replied in the same manner.

"Who is your friend?" She questioned pointing towards Tom.

"Oh um, I don't know him." I responded and she gave me a weird look.

"You guys are matching." She mentioned.

"Okay fine, we are friends." I shared. "His name is Tom."

"He's cute." She smiled and I shrugged. "You're cute too, you just look like my brother."

"I don't know how to answer that.." I laughed.

"You don't have to. Is he single?" She questioned. I thought about it for a moment. If I told her that he was single that she would flirt with him and it would make it look like Tom was cheating on y/n. Then y/n could be mine.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Wow, and how old is he?" She asked.

"18." I answered actually telling the truth.

"Perfect." She smiled getting up on top of the counter.

Tom POV:
"Hi there." The girl that was talking to Harrison smiled.

"Hey." I replied continuing to dance and she joined.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Tom." I answered and she nodded.

"I'm Katie." She replied. "You go to school here? I've never seen you before?"

"No, I'm still in high school." I laughed.

"Wow, you look really developed for a high schooler." She commented.

"Thank you?" I said questioningly.

"I can barely hear in here, do you want to go somewhere else?" She asked.

"Sure." I shrugged. I jumped off the counter and she looked hesitant to jump off the edge. "Here."

"Thanks." She replied grabbing the hand I reached up to help her down. I slowly lowered her to the ground and she smiled. "You're strong."

"I guess." I laughed. She began to walk out of the kitchen and I followed her. She went into the fraternity's book room and shut the door behind me.

"Finally I can hear myself think." She smiled. "So tell me more about yourself."

"What do you want to know?" I asked sitting on a couch on the room. She sat on the couch across from me and began thinking.

"Do you play any sports?" She questioned.

"Yeah I play soccer." I mentioned.

"You good at it?" She said.

"I mean I'd say so." I shrugged. "I'm team captain with my friend Harrison that you met."

"Oh yeah the blonde?" She questioned and I nodded. "Yeah he was a sweetie but he looked a lot like my brother and mum."

"Yeah." I laughed quietly thinking about what she said for a second. "Wait where are you from?"

"Well I was born in London to a single mom but she came here chasing after a guy. I was really young when we moved though so I barely remember it there." She shared.

"I was born in London too!" I confessed and she smiled.

"I can tell, your accent is a lot thicker then mine." She mentioned.

"Yeah, comes with having two British parents I guess." I laughed.

"I like it though." She complimented.

"Well thank you." I replied. "I usually get a lot of weird looks when I open my mouth."

"Does Harrison have an accent too? I couldn't tell, it was so loud in there..." She responded.

"No he doesn't have an accent but he picks up on the words my family and I use." I shared and she laughed.

"What words?" She asked.

"Trousers mostly. He said it sounds more pristine than pants." I explained.

"He's not wrong." She explained. "So let's see. You shared that you play soccer, I shared that I'm from London so it's your turn again."

"Okay, ask me something." I insisted picking up an unopened beer off an end table in the room and opening it before taking a sip.

"Why did you come to this party tonight?" She asked.

"Because my friend Dom invited me." I shared.

"That's it?" She said digging deeper.

"Well it's also because I'm stressed. I mean my graduation is coming up and I'm supposed to be moving out." I confessed.

"Drinking isn't the way to get rid of stress." She smirked. "Luck for you though i major in psychology."

"Do you really?" I questioned and she nodded standing up and walking behind me.

"Yes." She began. "I found that getting rid of physical tension can decrease stress levels."

"Interesting." I nodded before feeling her hands on my shoulders. She began to massage them and it honestly wasn't bad.

"Jeez Tom you've got a lot of knots back here." She shared. "You work out?"

"Yes." I replied closing my eyes and leaning into her touch. "Gotta stay in shape."

"If I had a body like yours I would want to keep it in shape too." She laughed and I smiled.

Harrison POV:
After Tom and Katie left the kitchen I realized Tom forgot his phone on the counter. I picked it up and was about to bring it to him when I saw several texts from y/n.

Y/n: I hope you have fun tonight but please don't get yourself into too much trouble.

Y/n: It's getting kind of late, can you come home soon, I'm getting worried.

Y/n: If you and Harrison need a ride home please just call me, I would rather you guys be safe.

Y/n: Tom please answer me I am getting really nervous!

I opened his phone because his password has been the same since middle school and went to her contact to text her back.

Tom: Hey babe sorry I had my ringer turned off. Yes can you please come pick us up. Maybe bring Sam too so he can take Harrison's car home.

I smirked to myself. I've always wanted to call her babe and even though she didn't know the text was from me it still felt good.

Y/n POV:
Sam and I arrived at the frat and I expected to see Harrison and Tom waiting outside but they weren't. "Where are they?" I questioned parking the car.

"Let me try to call Tom." Sam said putting out his phone. He called Tom and it rang before going to voicemail.

"Try Harrison." I insisted.

"Okay." Sam replied calling Harrison. The same thing happened, it rang before going to voicemail.

"Okay I guess one of us will have to go in." I suggested.

"Rock paper scissors?" Sam offered and I nodded.

"Rock, paper, scissors, 1, 2, 3." We sang. I put paper and he put scissors.

"Best out of three?" I questioned and he shook his head no. I sighed before getting out of the car. I walked up to the house where the front door was cracked open. I walked in and saw drunk college kids everywhere. I looked to find Harrison and Tom but neither of them were in the main rooms. I sighed before opening the closed doors in the house. I walked in on two people making out, a group of people doing drugs, girls fixing their makeup, and even someone passed out of the ground. I sighed knocking on another door.

"Who is it?" A girl questioned from inside the room. I cracked the door open and saw the back of a girl and guy.

"Or sorry." I apologized beginning to shut the door. "Wait, Tom?"

"Y/n?" Tom asked immediately standing up and moving away from the girl in the room. I felt my heart drop, her hands were all over him, he couldn't even look at me. "I promise it's not what it looks like."

"Okay who the hell is she?" The girl questioned.

"Who the hell are you?" I replied. "Tom show her your background right now."

"Okay." Tom responded going through his pockets. "I left it in the other room..."

"Tom how do you know this girl, you don't even go here?" The girl asked.

"Because I'm his girlfriend!" I nearly yelled and she laughed. "What?"

"Tom doesn't have a girlfriend girly." She replied.

"Tom!" I scolded.

"Haley, that's my girlfriend, y/n." He explained and Haley laughed.

"Okay so I wasted an hour of my night for nothing." She scolded. "Harrison told me you were single."

"Harrison did this?" Tom asked.

"No Tom, you did this." Y/n said crossing her arms. "I can't believe I trusted you."

"Y/n we didn't do anything, Haley tell her." Tom insisted.

"As much as it pains me to say it, he is telling the truth." Haley shared. "I was waiting for him to make a move but he just never did."

"See?" Tom questioned. I didn't know what to say.

"Get your phone and get Harrison, we are leaving." I mentioned storming out of the house. I got in the car and Sam had a smirk on his face.

"Still mad that you lost rock paper scissors?" He questioned and I shook my head no before the tears began to fall. "Oh, y/n im sorry. Are you okay? Whats wrong? Should we have done best out of three?"

"No, it's okay I'm glad I went in." I said continuing to cry. "I witnessed that your brother is a piece of shit."

"I could have told you that before." Sam shrugged and glared at him. "So are we leaving without them then?"

"No. I told him to grab Harrison." I shared.

"How about I'll drive Tom home and you can go with Harrison." Sam offered and I nodded. "I can try to knock some sense into him on the way home too."

"You're such a good brother." I smiled wiping the tears off my face. Sam looked at me in a questioning manner. "I mean you're such a great brother to me, I don't know what I would do without you, Harry, and Paddy."

"Aww y/n." Sam responded pulling me into his arms. "You are part of our family wether you like it or not."

"I thought I liked it until your brother nearly cheated on me." I complained.

"Speaking of the devil." Sam said. We looked over at the entrance of the frat where Harrison and Tom were stumbling out of the door. "Go get Harrison's keys, we can debrief when we both get home."

"Can Frankee and Winston join the debrief?" I questioned and Sam nodded. I got out of the car and approached Harrison.

To be continued...

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