Vicious pain (love at dawn)

By sassybabe177985

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I was panting reflexively, trying to figure out a way of getting rid of the voice that keeps crying; ... More

The beginning
My dreams
fallen into danger
Stay Away From Me
What I saw

The unexpected happens

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By sassybabe177985

Brigitta came to meet me at the school cafeteria, her long straight hair was packed in ponytail with the flamboyant orange dress that reveals her wasp_waisted hips and also has a slender slit by the side, I admire her body far ahead, the way she edge her way toward me , swaying her hips perfectly from side to side, her face shows some hint of makeup especially her lips has a shade of pink lipstick allay, I couldn't take my eyes off her sexy body till she got close to me and my gaze went to her sideburns which was edged sloppily, I felt jealous of her . I'm obese, I can't even get the chance to wear those sexy clothes, I'm just a fat ugly pig.

"Hey girl!" Brigitta greeted, leaning against the wall nearby. Brigitta is my close friend, we've been together for more than two years now and we get along pretty well, she's from an average family, but still prosperous.
"Am I getting too fat, Brigitta!, It feels like I'm adding more weight everyday "I lamented and she let out a mocking sneer.

" Hey... Are you mocking me? I can't believe you're actually taking their sides, do you even see me as your friend, was I a burden to you? Uhn!! "I faced her with tearful eyes, but she frowned and smack my arm strictly,

" Must you always be weak_hearted, I've told you nothing is wrong with your body, you ain't obese, so stop believing their lies. They know that it's your weakness, that's why they stab you with such word, don't let them have their ways, bitch. Be smart whenever you get hit by their filthy scorns"
  " You are slender, beautiful and sexy, your hips are just so perfect, why won't guys drool over you, don't try to deceive me, I'm obese. My body isn't normal"I anticipated and Kellin walked up to us. She's here again, what did she want this time. She suddenly grab me by my shirt collar, glaring into my eyes, there was a hint of tears in those grumpy look,
  "Hey! What have you done to my boyfriend? You better spill it out right now" she hollered to my face, I could see the quality of her coat , it seem to be one of the most expensive coat I've ever seen.
   "What do you mean" I grunts and rolled my eyes.
   "What the fuck did you do to my boyfriend? Don't try to play smart with me, I know your intentions, they aren't good" she threw an heavy slap on my face, making me to flare up at her who huff with anger.
"What the heck are you saying, I don't understand, I did nothing to Bridger. Whosoever he is, I did nothing to him"
  " You killed Bridger, Bridger's my boyfriend and you killed him, you murderer "she break into emotional cry, still standing straight with furious gaze, I just stood dumbfounded as the news replayed in my head, watching her cry.
  "Calm your nerves girl, why would Dahlia ever want to hurt your boyfriend. Where did the incident happened?" Brigitta asked and Kellin stole a glance of my face before she reply, "it happened in the Rings cafeteria"
   "What!!" I left them behind, running to the location as if I was controlled to do so, it took three minutes for me to get there and I saw large crowds around the cafeteria entrance, phones up as they videoed, noise coming from different directions. I barge my way through the crowd, trying to get to the front and I eventually saw something that really baffled me. Bridger was lieing in a pool of blood with deep scratch over his chest as if it was done by a wild animal , he was slaughtered ruthlessly, some of his parts were missing, my jaw slightly drop, trembling in fear when I found my phone on the table next to his body , my eyes went wide so shocked like I was electrocuted and I could feel tear burning my eyes, my hands stayed over my head, yelling to myself inwardly while trying to remain calm in the face of trouble, murmurs about Bridger's death filled the entire building, only few people talked about what happened between I and Bridger in class which made me more frightened to the bones and I decided to leave. I'm a fool, why did I forget my phone there, what should I do now? Should I run back to the dorm or should I stay, what the fuck is wrong with me, don't let me be taken as a suspect, I wish my phone could become invisible. I wander around, unable to figure out any way out of the trouble before me, I slap myself several times just to get something helpful inside my brain. How did my phone even end up on that table, did I actually dropped it there, but I thought it was in my pocket. Everything came tumbling back into my head.

I entered the cafeteria and went straight to the buffet line, there was no one around which was unusual. The cafeteria is always busy with customers, but there are none, why aren't they here.
  "Young lady, how may I help you?" One of the waitress asked .
  " I need a plate of beans pudding with a bottle of chilled water"I replied and went back to sit on a chair, waiting patiently for my order,  "this place looks scanty, it feels suspicious"

Bridger walked in immediately my phone rang in my pocket and I brought it out, answering the call,
   "Who is it?" I said on the phone.
   "Where are your manners! You incompetent child didn't even save my number" I heard my mom's voice.
  "Ohh aunt, I'm sorry for not calling you,ever since the first semester started, I've been busy "
  " Awwn I miss my beautiful angel. Well... How is school? Are you making lots of friends there? Do they like you?do you have any trouble with your studies? "She grilled.
    " Aunt, I've made lots of friends as you told me and they all like me, you don't have to worry, I'm doing so great here, Morondava college is great, Aunt... I shall come back home after this semester, I've missed your homemade pizza "
    " Really? Don't just get yourself in trouble, make your mom proud of you, okay? Focus more on your studies, my fat little princess, don't disappoint your mom and don't also disappoint me"
   " Aunt, I've always wanted mom in heaven to watch me succeed, it hurts me that she's late"
   " then work hard towards your dreams, so your mom can smile at your success, everything will be alright "
  " Aunt do I have to..... "
   " Dahlia! I have to go now, my soup is burning "she cut me shut before hanging up and I sighed deeply. The waitress dropped my order on the table, giving me a chance to satisfy my hungry stomach and then Davis showed up Infront of me out of nowhere, he pulled a chair closer , sitting by my side, I could see Bridger eating alone on a seat close to the window , my gaze turned to Davis, giving him the look that says;
              What do you want.
He cleared his throat, snatching the spoon from the plate and he scoop some beans out, stretching it towards my mouth. "Why should I ever let you feed me, why are you here?" I scowled at him.  "You're so jobless that you roam about, disturbing other people, do you think I've forgiven you for what you did to me, I don't make up with jackass, I'm not a slut"

"Ohh I have forgotten, you're still angry at me. But you shouldn't have taken the situation serious back then, I only wanted to see what's beneath those clothes "he dropped the spoon and stood up," we need to talk, why don't we meet at Eku woods tonight, if you don't come, you know the worst I can do "
" What if I don't come "I questioned him, waiting impatiently for his reply.
   " You wouldn't dare to do so because I'm going to turn your life into hell. Don't keep me waiting, come before dawn "
" Hey! "I shouted, but he already gone as if he disappeared into tiny air and I went over to sit somewhere else. Where the heck did he go, he behaves like a ghost, why does he have to order me around.

I rub my forehead out of frustration. Why do I have to listen to that idiot, he's the reason why I forgot my phone on that table.

I charge off immediately I heard about Bridger's death, tears was burning my eyes, almost dropping as I could hear my heart throbbing with distant grief, I  was scared and chagrined when I got to the cafeteria entrance, wobbling with shock. Bridger's dead. I found Bridger in a pool of blood with deep scratch over his chest, it was a murder.Someone killed him, but why?. The morgue assistant were busy packing his body into a bag, the thoughts are like needles jabbing at my skin, my throat closed up in terror, a spike of  disbelief tortures me inside, I was frowning with worries, I felt as if I couldn't feel my legs,rigid with fear. Who could have killed Bridger, why do the he person have to do this? Could it be Davis or could it be that fat girl, her and Bridger had a clash in class.
People's incoherent clamour overlapped in my ears, some criticize him while the rest felt pity for him, Kellin suddenly came into the cafeteria just as everyone pave way for her while she ran over to his body, crying out loud at his corpse, all eyes were on her as the corps pulled her away, avoiding her from getting any closer, but she struggles to get away from their tight grip, I just stood there, totally speechless and watching her strangle scream.
"Bridger!" Her hair was already messy as if it hasn't been combed for ages, tears rolling down her cheeks, leaving wet tracks on them. For no reason I felt heartbroken, Bridger's smile replayed in my head and I remembered the voice of my dream, "please save me!?" I muttered thoughtfully. The voice was Bridger.
     "Whose phone is this?" One of the cops asked, raising it up as everyone talked amongst themselves, looking around in case they find the owner.
   "Hold on.... I know who it belongs to, that's Dahlia's phone" Kellin sniffled and collected the phone, staring at it with wide open eyes.
   "Dahlia!? Who's Dahlia?" I asked myself, watching them from the entrance and Davis showed up by my side. "You killed Bridger!?"
   "What if I do, what will you do to me, ugh! Why will I ever kill Bridger, he did nothing wrong" Davis replied, folding his arms.
   "It doesn't make any sense, Dahlia isn't the murderer, you only used her to cover up your doing. How could you!"
    "What do you think? You think I'm the murderer" he let out a wry scoff, facing me immediately."why would I even think of killing your roommate, c'mon... He's just a human. Killing him will be a waste of time for me, so don't accuse me "
   " I know you are capable of doing such cause those scratches on his chest aren't normal, they are done by someone who isn't human, he was killed by an animal "
   " It might be one of the animals from the woods that came into the cafeteria and killed him, don't you think so?"He snickered.
" Dahlia is never going to fall into your trap, you're the only beast here, That's why I suspect you "
" Beast!. Don't try to get in my way little guy, if not you're also going to be evicted. Bridger was killed because of his curiosity, he crossed the line "
   " You might have gotten Bridger, but don't even dare to touch Dahlia " I croaked threateningly and walked away when he gave out an evil smirk.

I decided to leave the dorm just to take a stroll down the Road, my eyes was aching lately because I've been busy reading, there was a blackout, no electricity around , the side road light already went off, leaving the area dark except the moonlight did its job by brightening up everyone's path, so I walked over to a narrow site and a sudden sharp strain hits me in my right shoulder when I stretched, I crouch , trying to get rid of the cramps as I massage my shoulder, it refuse to vanish, I was rigid with stabbing tender, staring urgently at Davis bite that left thick scar on me, it was killing me and I couldn't get back to the dorm as soon as possible. I need my medicine. There was a strange movement in my body as if my bones were changing into another position, it was painful with my eyes turning cold and veins grew beneath my lids, I trudge to the woods ahead, breathing shakingly, paralyzed by agony, darkness engulfed the trees, casting shadows around which made the view creepy, I could feel the pain of my breaking bones, slow and erupting down to my legs with my skin stretching and tightens, I struggled so hard not to transform into my wolf, but it made me become uncontrollable. Furs sprouts over my body, almost like torture when my hands grew into claws and my face contorted, I was able to hear sound about 60 meters away, the scar on my shoulder was covered in whitish gray hair, itching me from the inside as it caused unbearable pains to me, my vision was clear and unhindered by darkness, there was nothing I could do than letting my wolf to take over and as soon as veins loomed by the side of my neck, fangs slightly point forward out of my mouth, extending to a larger size as sharp as a sword of armor, I became big beyond any human height and tingles shot down my spine, the urge for fresh meat tempts me so much that my groan turned into a vicious growl, unable to control my starvation. I ran pass pine trees, heading down to the riverside where meal will be found, the smell was getting stronger the more I got closer.

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