Summoning Japan: Flights of t...

By KageNishi

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That day, iron and blood rained down on the Folk Strait... This is a fanfiction of Minorou-sensei's "Summonin... More

Part 1: Strait of Iron and Blood | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Pearl Harbor in Another World
Chapter 4 - A Spinning World
Chapter 5 - Operation Saiyuki In Effect
Chapter 6 - Pearl Harbor Interception
Chapter 7 - Glory and Setbacks of the Gra Valkas Empire Naval Air Force
Chapter 8 - Common Sense and Uncommon Sense
Chapter 9 - Grade Atlastar Ablaze
Chapter 10 - A Fleet of Patchworks
Chapter 11 - The Injured Overlord and the Watchdogs
Chapter 12 - A Man's Flowery Road
Chapter 13 - Hybrid Front
Chapter 14 - The Hyūga Gets Hit
Chapter 15 - All Weapons Free
Chapter 16 - Strait of Iron and Blood
Final Chapter - Japanese Celgaia
Extra Chapter - ASM-2X Development Secrets
Part 2: Civilization in the Wake of War | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Dolphins That Crossed the Sea
Chapter 3 - The Birth of Yamut
Chapter 4 - Aluminum Storm
Chapter 5 - Dancing Meetings and People
Chapter 6 - Naguano's Adventure
Chapter 7 - The Depressing Party
Chapter 8 - Creeping Ones
Chapter 9 - Each of the Four Is Different
Chapter 10 - Second Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 11 - Geopolitical Recommendations
Chapter 12 - The Superpower's Pride
Chapter 13 - Japan's Confession
Chapter 14 - Dragon Carrier Izumo
Chapter 15 - Leiforia, Nightmare Again
Chapter 16 - Fall of Valkyries
Chapter 17 - 1:48
Chapter 18 - Shaking Bridge
Chapter 19 - The Witching Hour
Chapter 20 - Operation Super Hammer II
Chapter 21 - Eve of the Storm
Chapter 22 - Ancient Weapon Pal Chimera's Fierce Might
Chapter 23 - Footsteps of Ruin
Chapter 24 - Air Raid on Ragna
Chapter 25 - The Enemy Overhead
Final Chapter - Political Turn
Part 3: Irnetia Crisis | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Operation Ragnarök
Chapter 3 - Misplaced Buttons
Chapter 4 - Shadow of the Pal Chimera
Chapter 5 - Battle of Irnetia
Chapter 6 - The Blue Rainbow of Death
Chapter 7 - Titan of the Dawn
Chapter 8 - Red Coast
Chapter 9 - Hymax
Chapter 10 - Out of Competition
Chapter 11 - The Lone Wolf Captain
Chapter 12 - The Lone Wolf and the Wolfpack
Chapter 13 - Excessive Interference
Chapter 14 - Magic Bulge
Chapter 15 - Stuck in Hell
Chapter 16 - Hell with a Chance of Silver Lining
Chapter 17 - Fire, Smoke, and Magic Bullets
Extra Chapter - The Secret Behind the Magic Bulge's Creation

Chapter 3 - Border Sea

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By KageNishi

The new patrol ship of the Kingdom of Altaras' navy, the Tarcos, was patrolling the northern side of Altaras Island.

The navy of the former superpower Parpaldia Empire suffered devastating losses in the Japanese-Parpaldian War. As a result, the security in the waters around the Philades Continent temporarily deteriorated. It was a repetition of the Rodenius Continent. However, unlike Rodenius, it wasn't former naval personnel who now turned pirates after not receiving salaries from the military, causing trouble. Instead, pirates who had quietly operated within the Parpaldia Empire until then began to act boldly.

When Altaras was occupied by Parpaldia, Altaras' military was annihilated. Altaras achieved independence again, but the country was still in the process of rebuilding. However, without ships, the navy couldn't crack down on pirates. During the war, the JMSDF handled policing activities at sea. Immediately after the war, the Coast Guard patrol ships took over. However, claiming sovereignty as a nation, Altaras couldn't continue relying on other countries to maintain its internal security.

It was when Queen Lumies instructed the government to rebuild the navy.

"Your Majesty, Japan will do everything for free. Why must we sweat and risk our lives fighting pirates?" a noble said.

At that moment, Queen Lumies took an unprecedented action. She rose from her throne, disregarding the hem of her skirt, and delivered a powerful kick to the noble's face. Looking down at the noble, who was now sitting with a nosebleed and a dazed expression, the Queen declared, "The people of Altaras are not parasites!"

Despite the incident within the government, this episode quickly spread through the streets and resonated with the citizens. The satirical drawings of the Queen kicking a parasite-faced noble became popular, leading to the downfall of the embarrassed noble. This episode eventually became a testament to Queen Lumies' nobility in Altaras' history books.

Then-Princess Lumies, who had sought refuge in Japan, learned about the country's social system. She also discovered that Japan was one of the leading aid providers in the old world. Why was Japan so eager to provide assistance? Although she felt it was inappropriate as someone who had received help, Princess Lumies couldn't help but wonder. She learned that Japan's aid policy was based on "self-reliant support."

Feeling that it would be quicker to ask the Japanese directly, she was hesitant to ask officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as she expected only official responses. Instead, she sought the help of a friend, an exchange student from Qua-Toyne, to introduce her to a Japanese acquaintance.

"Making friends, I guess?"

The response from the Japanese college student was beyond Princess Lumies' imagination.


"Yeah, not a master-servant relationship, but friends."

"Wasn't Japan one of the great powers in the old world?"

The questioned Japanese student looked perplexed.

"Well, economically, we were third, and militarily... I think we were in the top five. But I don't think we were considered a great power."

The questioning Princess Lumies was also puzzled. Judging by the rankings, they were nothing but a great power.

"Don't Japanese people take pride in their homeland? Don't they boast about being a great nation?"

A message of "I don't understand" appeared on the face of the Japanese college student.

"Well, um... there's a sort of regional pride, I guess. But that doesn't really depend on the size of the country."

Princess Lumies felt defeated.

"Moreover, boasting about being a great nation just because your country is large is uncool, especially if your country is a great nation."

Princess Lumies couldn't comprehend what was uncool about it.

The Japanese college student, accustomed to such reactions from foreigners in the (new world), shared an episode.

A few years before Japan's transference, a massive disaster struck the country, resulting in nearly 20.000 deaths or missing persons. At that time, countries worldwide supported Japan. They sent aid, relief supplies, and rescue teams to Japan. Of course, the scale varied depending on the country. This story was also unbelievable to Princess Lumies. To use an analogy, it was as if a peripheral country like Altaras sent support to a disaster occurring in the Holy Mirishial Empire. In this world, it would be nothing short of a joke.

"True friends help you when you're in trouble."

Upon hearing these words, Princess Lumies came to a realization. A 'world order not relying on power' seemed to be Japan's goal. To Princess Lumies, who had witnessed the oppressive rule of the Parpaldia Empire in the neighboring country across the sea, Japan's ideal seemed dazzling.

. . .

If Princess Lumies had not been rescued by the Shikishima, she would have perished from a poisoned arrow. It would be impossible demand to refrain from inserting bias into Queen Lumies' perception of Japan, especially when Japan not only saved her life but also her homeland.

. . .

It was only natural that the attitude of the nobles, who only thought of exploiting Japan, would incur the Queen's wrath. The new government was careful not to step on the same landmine. The reconstruction plan for the navy was promptly considered. However, the proposed reconstruction plan was disappointing enough to disillusion the Queen. It was a straightforward suggestion to acquire decommissioned Japanese warships for free. At that time, the people of Altaras didn't comprehend mechanical civilization. They believed that Japanese warships operated through magic, and with a bit of effort, they could handle them too. That was what they thought.

Even the Queen was at a loss in this situation. She understood that they were mistaken, thanks to her experience of living in Japan. Without that experience, she could easily have made the same mistake. Therefore, she couldn't unilaterally scold them. However, it wasn't easy to dispel their misunderstanding. Sending them to Japan would be the fastest solution, but the newly established Kingdom of Altaras couldn't afford such a luxury. When she stayed in Japan, she had never considered (or rather, had no time to consider) that the cost of living in Japan was exorbitantly high. During her asylum, she could rely on others, but it wasn't the case after gaining independence. She wondered what she had meant by calling that noble a parasite.

At this point, Queen Lumies came up with a brilliant plan. If going to Japan was impossible, then they should bring Japan to them. That was her idea. Specifically, she proposed that the Japanese government dispatch a public ship to Altaras, allowing the government and military officials to visit and observe. She believed that if they experienced what she had on her first voyage on the Shikishima, it could dispel their misunderstandings. However, this was a one-sided convenience for Altaras. Asking Japan was still too easy. While explaining their difficult situation to Japan and seeking understanding was necessary, the proposal had to offer benefits to Japan as well.

Later, an invitation arrived from the newly established Altaras to the Japanese government. To express gratitude to the crew of the patrol vessel Shikishima, which had rescued Princess Lumies at the time, Altaras decided to award medals to the crew's representative, Captain Seto. The invitation stated that they would hold an award ceremony and invited all the crew members of the Shikishima.

When this news was reported in Japan, it was well-received by the Japanese people. The crew members of the Shikishima were also delighted. Japanese media came to Altaras and extensively covered the ceremony. However, the recipient himself, Seto, couldn't enjoy the ceremony at all due to nervousness. As a Coast Guard officer, Seto had many opportunities to interact with foreigners. However, his counterparts were either law-abiding sailors or, at worst, pirates. Members of the royal family were completely beyond his usual scope. When he didn't know she was a princess, he could deal with her calmly. However, dealing with her knowing she was the queen posed continuous challenges.

Queen Lumies was fortunate once again. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, upon learning of their predicament, negotiated with the Principality of Qua-Toyne. They agreed to sell a used patrol ship from Qua-Toyne's coast guard fleet to the newly established Kingdom of Altaras. Moreover, the Japanese government would advance the funds for the purchase. The conditions set by the Japanese government for lending (advancing) the funds were no interest and no repayment deadline. Altaras citizens perceived it as essentially a gift, money they didn't need to repay. However, Queen Lumies intended to repay when the financial situation allowed. She kept silent about this intention, as stating it beforehand might cause unnecessary disturbances.

This story progressed smoothly, and soon the first twelve patrol ships were sailed from Qua-Toyne to Altaras. At this time, the Tarcos, a disguised merchant ship stored in Qua-Toyne, was also sailed to Altaras. The Tarcos was an asset of the former Kingdom of Altaras, and there were no issues with the new Altaras inheriting ownership. Thus, the Tarcos transformed from a disguised merchant ship to an official naval vessel. The most significant change was that the navy flag was now flown constantly on the mast.

There was another change—the installation of a 12,7 mm heavy machine gun on the bow. This was transferred to Altaras when the Tarcos and others were sailed back, a transfer made by the Japanese government without any financial compensation. However, strict control and management were imposed on the gun and ammunition. It was crucial to prevent irresponsible individuals from removing them from the patrol ships and selling them to a third country. Since Altaras couldn't replicate guns or ammunition, Japan could transfer them. If the recipient were some countries like the Kingdom of Riem, Japan likely wouldn't have made the transfer or export.

. . .

Thus reborn as a patrol ship, the Tarcos, on the early morning of the third day of the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference, was on patrol duty.

The captain of the Tarcos, with a high-performance binocular presented from Japan (considered advanced in Altaras), hung around his neck along with a gun and was checking the horizon for any anomalies. He had confidence in his vision. Binoculars narrowed the field of view, and he only used them after spotting something unusual. Now, he picked up the binoculars. On the northern horizon, he recognized something resembling a ship silhouette.

"That's quite big. That ship silhouette... is that a wyvern carrier?"

There was only one country in the Third Civilization Area and its vicinity known to possess a wyvern carrier. The captain, nervous, continued observing.

"The bow is sticking out quite a bit... it's the Veronia!"

He turned to his subordinates and gave orders.

"Notify the navy with manacomms..."

The captain's voice was drowned out by a roaring sound.

The crew of the Tarcos looked up at the sky. Within the azure sky, a large aircraft from Japan circled for landing approach to the Rubile Airport.

'The number of them suddenly increased since last night. But what a strange flying machine. It's wearing a hat.'

The captain was momentarily captivated by the plane, but he quickly recalled his duty.

"Inform headquarters. The Veronia has been sighted! It's still on the other side of the demarcation line for now."


Le Brias, approaching the latter half of spring, gradually experienced a decrease in the clear weather. This was due to the approach of the so-called rainy season front, the boundary between the warm and humid maritime high-pressure system and the cold and dry continental high-pressure system, moving northward from the south. Altaras Island, located at a lower latitude than Japan, experiences the rainy season earlier and sees it end sooner than Japan.

At the Japanese embassy in the outskirts of Le Brias, Lilceide, the commander of the Royal Guard, dressed and behaved appropriately for her title as she awaited a meeting with the Japanese Ambassador to Altaras, Takamiya. Due to professional obligations, Lilceide had adapted to her current demeanor, but deep down, she felt that being the commander of the Royal Guard was too burdensome for her.

From an outsider's perspective, it seemed like a straightforward personnel decision. However, Lilceide did not share that view. She believed she was given the responsibility of being the Princess's companion because she was the most inexperienced in the Royal Guard. The rescue of the Princess was thanks to the force of the Shikishima, Seto's accurate judgment, and Japan's advanced medical technology. Lilceide had merely been running around the Princess without much purpose. That was her self-assessment. The young Lilceide had not yet realized the importance of being a psychological support close to the resolute Princess in a foreign land.

Therefore, every time she saw Seto's strangely tense smile during the ceremony, Lilceide was reminded of the trauma. Just when she thought that the peaceful days would return after the Shikishima sailed away—it seemed that misfortune had befallen due to her unjust dislike of Seto.

"We apologize for the wait. The Ambassador is ready."

Informed by a Japanese staff member, Lilceide, who had been sitting and waiting, stood up. Despite the impolite nature of the unannounced visit, she felt even more awkward due to the staff member's apologetic attitude for making her wait. Contrary to that, Lilceide was cautious about being underestimated by someone unfamiliar with Japan. However, at least in the new Kingdom of Altaras, this was an unnecessary concern.

The Ambassador Takamiya, in her mid-fifties, could be aptly described as an "elegant lady" in a single word. She was chosen by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs as someone easy for Queen Lumies to consult with.

"Thank you for coming. Commander Lilceide."

"Thank you for the accommodation despite my sudden visit."

"Don't worry about such things. Please indulge me in a little small talk."

Lilceide thought it might be an easygoing conversation. When Takamiya mentioned wanting to engage in 'small talk,' it usually meant there was a willingness to exchange unofficial information. Discussing matters here implied adherence to the so-called third-party rule—anything discussed here would not be leaked to others. If this rule were broken, it would be impossible to have meaningful small talk again. Neither nations nor people would casually confide in someone who shared "just between us" information with others. Lilceide, who was not good at beating around the bush, given the somewhat familiar relationship, decided to be direct.

"The Parpaldia Empire's wyvern carrier, the Veronia, has been sighted. It hasn't crossed the demarcation line yet."

Takamiya nodded and urged her to continue.

"We inquired through the hotline, and the response was that it's a 'routine training voyage.'"

Based on Japan's experience of providing radios to Kaios, the Japanese government also supplied radios (hotlines) to the 73-Nation Alliance. As Kaios rightly pointed out, the early peace agreement in the Japanese-Parpaldia War was possible because there was a channel for dialogue. Of course, it was a cold calculation that Japan could intercept the communication if it was not magical but radio waves. This was also for the security of the Philades Continent. Now that trade with Mu had become active, stability in the Third Civilization Area and its vicinity was a prerequisite for Japan's security.

"It makes sense as a matter of principle, doesn't it?"

"But the Veronia can be considered Parpaldia's last resort. Moreover, I hear that considerable funds are required for both maintenance and operation."

The losses suffered by the Parpaldia Empire's military in the Japanese-Parpaldia War were immense. The biggest blow was dealt to the dragon riders. Wyverns, once considered invincible in the peripheries, were now easy targets for flying machines. Although only Japan, Mu, and the Holy Mirishial Empire owned flying machines, Parpaldia's Overlord, once a source of pride, was now used for target practice.

"They seem on edge. In fact, we received inquiries from Japan too. 'What is the true intention behind gathering bombers in Rubile?'"

Lilceide hesitated for a moment before asking about Japan's response.

"They answered, 'We have no intention of using force in the Philades continent and its vicinity.' Also, they conveyed the request, 'We expect the Wyvern Overlord's flight training to be conducted in the home country.'"

"Was it okay for you to tell me this?"

Lilceide became somewhat uneasy at the generosity of sharing such information.

"Yes, for something at this level. Directives have come from the homeland as well."

"I appreciate Japan's consideration."

In Lilceide's words, there was not only gratitude for providing information but also appreciation for the restraint that made it difficult for the Veronia to launch an Overlord.

"The new Altaras is an important friendly nation for Japan. Please understand that there is no room for misunderstanding. The large aircraft parked at Rubile Airport is not a bomber."

Then what is it for? Lilceide wondered, but she refrained from asking. There was no obligation for Japan to disclose information unrelated to Altaras.

"You must be tired of discussing work all the time. Please allow me to indulge you in a little small talk."

Lilceide hoped for the best. Ambassador Takamiya often used the term "small talk" to subtly hint at important information. Whether this was a directive from Japan's homeland or the personal opinion of the ambassador was unclear.

"You are probably aware that the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference is currently taking place in Cartalpas in the Holy Mirishial Empire. Actually, Japan has joined this conference from this time."

Lilceide was aware of that to some extent. However, bringing up the topic now suggested—

'Is there a significant incident happening in the Central World? Something that might require Japan to consider military intervention!'

It was valuable information that Lilceide could not have known in the current Altaras. Although Altaras might not be able to do anything, remaining ignorant was far worse.

"That was very interesting. I won't trouble you any further. I will return to the castle."

"Is that so? Please give my regards to Her Majesty."

Ambassador Takamiya was smiling. However, it was impossible to read anything from that smile. No matter how amiable she seemed, she was also a capable diplomat.

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