deviants (Stuilly / Billy x S...

By loomismacher

3.5K 219 316

Billy Loomis has never cared about anything in his life until Stu Macher changes that. Afraid that his strang... More

These thoughts aren't helping.
Psycho, smycho.
It's like deep red.
This is what concerns you?
Play the part.
Two birds, one stone.
Just like carrie.
They're shells.
Two ghosts, in the night.
No, we're friends.
You're just as twisted remember?
Billy, what are you doing?
Just broken?
Obsession, possession.
I'm not a moron.
My name in red.
Leave no trace behind.

I wanna be adored.

176 13 19
By loomismacher

June 1995, Woodsboro, CA

I can feel the heavy bass vibrating on the counter I'm sat on, the speaker only a few feet away set up on the pine kitchen table blasting 'Creep' by Radiohead. How fitting. The kitchen is packed full of teenagers in the most typical costumes, I barely recognise any of them and know for a fact that they don't know or care that it's Randy Meeks birthday. When there is a party in Woodsboro, word gets around pretty fast, especially when there is alcohol involved. I have a cigarette in one hand and Sid's drink in the other. I don't know where she's gone, she tried to tell me but I couldn't hear her over the music and then she and Tatum got swallowed up by the crowd. She must have gone to the bathroom but it's been a while now. A good boyfriend would go check, unfortunately for me that's what I'm pretending to be.

I leave my spot of safety where no-one bothered me because it's simply too loud to speak to anyone and push my way through the sea of inebriated teens. I've been to Randy's a handful of times when I was a kid so I kind of know my way around.

I walk through the adjoined living room and into the hall then around the staircase to the bathroom, I knock on the door and don't get a response. I knock again and still nothing. I try the handle and it opens and I'm met with my reflection in the mirror. What a sight, the red horns sticking out of my brown hair which has fallen down the middle. I've got a black top on with the red cape on my back and blue jeans, the only pants I really own. I stood my ground and refused to the put the tail on. Even so I still look like an idiot, my deep brown eyes shine almost black in this artificial light. Why don't mine light up the way Stu's do?

"Boo!" someone grabs my waist and shouts in my ear, I jump out of my skin and spill the drink all over the floor and burn myself with the cigarette. I turn to face them and feel myself biting my lip.

"What's the matter Billy, you look like you've seen a ghost?" Stu's stupid smile takes over his whole face and he creases over with laughter. "Boo? Seen a ghost? I'm a ghost. Get it? Get it?!" He practically shakes me with his hands on my shoulders.

I knock off the sheet which is hanging loosely from the back of his head.

"Hey!" he catches it.

"You seen Sidney?" I place the cup on the shelf behind me in the bathroom and shake the liquid off my hands.

"Yeah her and Tatum just went back to the kitchen, they're pretty wasted" He laughs, obviously slightly drunk himself. He knows I don't really drink so tries to play it down when we're together. When we're both high, it's another story entirely.

"Oh- anyway why the fuck did I have to wear this when you're wearing a sheet" I pull at the white fabric, I try and distract him. If I can get away from playing the perfect boyfriend act by playing the dumb teenage guy at a party act, I will. Hopefully the girls are too drunk to notice our absence.

"Well it still managed to scare the shit outta you, didn't it?" he sticks his tongue out and messes up my hair and horns with his hands.

"Quit it" I move back into the bathroom, out of view. It's obvious he's not thinking clearly and I don't want anyone seeing anything they shouldn't.

He notices my hesitation and steps closer to me, backing me into the corner of the bathroom "Me and The Devil, huh? God, what have I got myself into with you" he looks at me with more intensity then I've ever seen, his blue eyes piercing mine. That shine. He strokes my face with his right hand and I turn my head away.

"Not here" I whisper.

"But you're horny right now" he looks at my horns and flicks one of them.

"Stu, I'm serious"

He gets as close as possible and pushes his leg in-between mine and starts to kiss under my jaw.

"Stu" I push him with all my strength and he backs off, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, Okay"

"Stuuuuuu" Tatum's voice shouts from somewhere outside the bathroom "Has anyone seen Stu? Stu where are youuuuuu?"

Stu turns around and mutters "fuck" under his breath just as Randy appears in the doorway, not looking pleased. Stu holds his finger up to his lips signalling to Randy.

"And why should I do that huh? I said get-together Stu. A few friends and movie, not this? I don't know half these fools. They think my name is Andy!" He whispers loudly, so we can hear him over the low thump of the music "What are you two doing in here anyway?" he raises an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry man. I told the guys, they told the girls, it's outta my hands" Stu answering the least important question.

"I was cleaning myself up, drink got spilt on me" I lie.

Randy looks at each of us and shakes his head "Whatever, I just need all of these people out of here by 12. My folks are back at 2, okay?"

"Sure, Randy" I step past Stu and pat Randy on the shoulder, my cigarette nearly burnt down to the end rests in-between my fingers.


We both make our escape through the back garden door which is right beside the bathroom, outside I stub the cigarette out on the path.

"Where we going? The girls?" Stu twists around and points to me then the house.

"They're having fun and now it's my turn" I speak barely above a whisper as I walk up the path away from the Meeks home.

"Oh" Stu's eyes animate, clearly hearing my words as he suddenly finds his pace and catches up with me. I walk across the yard which is surrounded by the road that leads to a line of trees where Stu parked up, just out of the way. We both get into the car and Stu puts the keys in the ignition so the radio clicks on, playing my 'The Stone Roses' tape the slow build up to 'I Wanna Be Adored' plays.

"I don't think I can drive right now, man" Stu says sounding deflated.

"You don't need to drive, idiot" I turn the radio up and climb across the bench seat and on top of him, one hand goes straight onto his neck and the other in his hair. I start kissing him and biting at his bottom lip. The melodic beat in the background ♪ I don't have to sell my soul ♪ hums in my ear, ♪ He's already in me ♪... One of his arms wrap around my waist the other yanks off my cloak and then makes it's way up the back of my shirt. I pull off the stupid sheet and throw it over into the back seat. ♪ I wanna be adored ♪.

"What if someone sees?" Stu manages to say between kissing, his eyes looking for mine.

I stop whilst looking back at him, my hand moves down to his face and cups his cheek and my thumb traces his lip "I'll kill them, I'll kill anyone who stands between us"

And for a split second I see fear in Stu's eyes, just a hint of innocence.

But then he throws me over the backseat and proceeds to fuck me so I guess he must of liked it?

Authors Note

I just wanted to give a big thank you to junwuateu  for being so supportive and kind to me! I know there's not many people reading this but I would really appreciate if you would go check out her work as it's soooo good and written sooo well! "Me and The Devil" is an incredible story and I had to sneak it in here as it's the perfect description for Billy and Stu's story.


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