A Taste of Whiskey

By zephys077

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-Hey Boss.. Speaking of regular.. I turn to see him leaning against the counter trying to look annoyed, rais... More



176 12 55
By zephys077

ZEE! I was about to dive back down but I got pull by my leg making me go under. I got my head out of the water coughing, manage to get on my feet since it was shallow, then I heard a giggle. She was there and okay. I was feeling relief but I was also mad. That was not funny! Her eyes soften and she frown, feeling guilty. She walk closer.
Sorry.. I didn't plan to make it this long.. but you were to fast when you went back the second time and..
You scared the shit out of me! It probably came out louder then I wanted to because she flinch.
I.. it was a stupid prank. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scared you.. I just wanted to make you jump in I.. I'm sorry Jungkook.. I could see she felt bad because her head was down completely avoiding eye contact with me. I took a deep breath calming myself. I grab her hand pulling her into a hug.
I thought you drown.. She look back up. Her eyes were glossy, maybe I overreact..
 Sor.. I pull her into a kiss. I hate seeing her sad and it felt like the right thing to do at that moment. Her arms wrap around my neck. My hand found the soft skin of her back, somehow I forgot she was mostly naked. The water was still warm from the hot day but the night was getting cooler. I felt her shiver under my touch or maybe she was simply reacting to the breeze. 
Are you cold? She shook her head slowly. I move a strand of wet hair that was covering her eye, smiling.
Are you? I grab one of her leg pulling her up.
I'm not anymore.. I move to her lips once more, distracting her, but then in a quick swing I threw her in the water a few feet away having her yelp in surprise. She resurface coughing and shaking her head like a wet puppy. I smirk, it's a small revenge but still satisfying. I removed my shirt and pants so I can swim better, leaving them on the dock.
I guess I deserve that.. I let out a laugh.
That you did.. maybe you deserve more.. I playfully said moving closer to her. When I was about to grab her again she push water in my face before swimming to the deeper part of the lake.
If you catch me first! Now she's challenging me, of course I can't resist having me chasing after her. For a few minute only laugh and splashing water can he heard. We were like children, with no worried in the world, messing around in the lake on a hot summer night. See.. is it not refreshing? 
Yes.. My hands found her waist pulling her closer. ..but how about we make it hot now. I slide my finger over her clothed clit. Her mouth open and she hold my shoulder for balance. I kept on rubbing slowly making her bite her lip. Sweetheart your going to hurt yourself. She release her flesh looking deep into my eyes, they were full of lust driving me insane. Her swollen lip was calling me, I wanted it so I took it, lick it before slowly sucking on it. I felt her leg coming up to my hips, I thought she was about to warp herself around me but no. Her toes grab the edge of my boxer pulling them down, talent I didn't know she had but I guess she was in an hurry. I would lie to myself if I said I wasn't as well. I move my mouth over hers kissing her hungrily. Our tongue were fighting when she finally succeed into dropping my underwear low enough. My finger stop their rubbing to move the cloth to the side giving me access.
Are you clean? She ask breaking the kiss. Both still breathing hard we stare at each other. I got confused for a second by her question but then I figure out what she meant.
My last test was.. She raise a brow not convince. I could understand since she had no clue when this was. I smile. So except if you have something I'm clean. She grin herself putting her leg around my waist placing my dick to her entrance. She move closer ready to crash her lips onto mine once more but I stop her leaving her baffle.
Wait.. are you on the pill?
I am. She didn't waste time getting the kiss that I denied. I push her down, sliding inside, stretching her wall. She gasp and I took this time to have my tongue invade her mouth. With a solid hold on my shoulder she start bouncing. The sensation was different, yet amazing. Feeling the cold water a second and her warmth right after, had her stroke making me weak on my legs. I back out enough to have the dock in reach for support. It also allow me to push in her even harder. The splash of water were not join with laughter anymore but got replace by moan and groan. I lay her back, keeping my free hand close to the back of her neck to hold her in place. Her left hand grab the dock also to keep her balance. She let me lead from there, pulling down on her shoulder every time I push in having my cock hitting her wall fast and hard. I eyed her boobs bounce every trust, making droplet hit our body. I bend down, catching one of her nipple between my teeth earning a moan from her. Jungkook.. don't.. don't stop.. fuck!
I have no.. intention to.. I kept the same pace and I could feel her wall closing in around my dick. Its was so tight, felt so good! My climax was coming quickly. In.. in or out? Her breathing was fast, her moans loud but she manage to respond.
In.. fill me up.. I wanna feel it! I had girl talking dirty to me often but it never affect me that much, her.. it was actually pretty tame compare to the others but its just push me over the edge. I was hoping she would follow me soon because I wasn't sure if I could keep my momentum much longer but the big whine that came out of her mouth let me know she release also. I pull her back up, she grab my neck on instinct. Our body were still hot, you could see small smoke coming out of them from the cool air of the night. Sliding out of her had me shock for a second feeling the cold water. Taking a look at her face, she had a soft smile, eyes small, she seem content.
How about we go inside hmm? She nod, giving me a small peck. She start looking around randomly having me confused.
Wait.. I think your boxer are still in the lake.. I laugh and she join me. I walk out of the water with her still in my arms. She shiver when a small gust of wind hit us. I start heading to the cabin faster, I didn't want her to get sick. You can drop me.. I need to get my cloth.. 
I'll come back after and get them.. don't want you to catch a cold..
Don't be ridiculous.. let me help you. I mean you could catch one too. Just drop me now we can gather everything at once. She's not wrong it would be faster. I didn't argue and put her slowly on the grass. Get the stuff by the table. I'll get our cloth on the dock, then I'll come help you with what you can't carry. I chuckle.
So bossy! She smirk.
Have to earn that nickname of mine. She hurried up to the dock. I flat her hoodie on the table and put all our phone, key and wallet in it so I can hold everything at once then bend down to get our shoes. Do you have a dryer in there or do you want me to hang your cloth to dry outside? She ask joining me.
Bring them inside, it's fully furnish. She put her shirt back on before she squeeze mine, removing the excess water out of it. She did the same with my pants while I start heading to the door. Once in I turn the light on, empty my hand on the small chair by the door and move to the fireplace to start it. She enter soon after closing the door behind her.
Wow.. this is more then cozy! And you say you barely come here? I walk back to her.
Not by choice.. work force me to. I'm sure you understand that "miss I don't take days off". She stick her tongue out passing me my wet cloth. Make yourself at home.. the fire should warm up the place soon. I'll be right back. I went to my bedroom after starting the dryer to dress up and get a blanket. I expect her to be waiting for me on her phone checking social media or if everything was going well at the bar but again I was wrong. I found her sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, knees against her chest just watching the flames dance. I found myself staring at her for a few minutes before I snap out of my thought. You know your allow to sit on the couch.. I startle her.
God you scared me! I chuckle.
Sorry.. here I brought you a blanket. She took it mouthing a "thank you". So you prefer the floor? She shrugged.
It's just nice to be by the fire. An idea came to mind.
Scooch over a bit. She turn to me and saw I had the cushion from the couch in hand. She smile and stood up so I could place them in front of the fireplace with a few pillow. Care to share a bottle of wine with me?
I would love to.
Red or white?
White.. if it's ok.. This is how our night continue. We sip on some wine just chatting about random stuff. This was somehow refreshing and I was for sure not use to it. I did felt a bit awkward at the start, it's why I offer to have a drink to keep us distracted but I end up feeling like I was just hanging out with a friend. I caught her staring into the flame often when she was telling stories of her past almost like she was debating something completely different in her head.
What are you thinking? She finish her glass of wine.
Of how nice this is.. She avert her attention back to me, a soft smile decorating her lips. Thank you.. thank for bringing me here. I don't think I relax like this in so long. She let out a sad chuckle. Almost sad that its only tonight. The bottle was almost over I offer a refill be she denied it so I empty the rest into mine.
Well.. if you manage to get yourself a few days off in a row let me know.. One of her brow went up intrigue. I can let you borrow the place for a few days.
You would lend me your house? I took a gulp of my wine.
Sure.. as long that you don't turn the place into an orgy. She made a grimace of disgust. At least not without inviting me! She roll her eye before throwing a pillow at me having me laugh.
Your unbelievable sometimes you know that? I respond with a playful smirk. Still.. thank you Jungkook.
You're welcome..

The next day I got drag out of my slumber from my phone getting spam. Found myself resting on top of her chest hugging her waist. How I didn't crush her during our sleep I couldn't understand but she look comfortable and still deep under. Somehow we fell asleep in front of the fireplace and still felt well rested or at least would be if I didn't get wake up so early. When I finally manage to check my phone, it sadly made me angry. All the messages were from Joon and he was not bringing good news. The cargo disappear. I remember letting a few swear out that sadly woke her up, shaken. She tried to ask what was wrong but I couldn't give her the detail, would be way to complicated to explain so I simply pass it on some trouble with work and that we had to cut our morning short and head back. She didn't complain and understood, she was even ready before I was, waiting for me by my motorcycle.

After dropping her off I head straight to the office where the guys were already waiting for me. They let me know what happen the best they could. I thought they tried the bait trap to early but no, apparently the package was secure, under surveillance like it was suppose to, but early morning they found the two guard dead and the camera footage missing. There was no trace of it anywhere and I was mad. This stupid pack of drug missing was more then frustrating but I was mostly upset by the fact that I had a traitor in my rank, probably more then one and my trust issue would turn worse then they were before. For the next two days we tried to find any clue and the only thing we manage to get was a shadow on a clip we recover. It was blurry and had so much static that might as well have nothing.

Now was the evening and I was hanging at Golden, drunk with one of the random girl on my lap. She was the distraction I found since the whiskey was not doing it. Our make out session was getting intense and she kept grinding on my crotch making my body heat up. I will have to move her into my VIP room soon before I rip her cloth off in front of the dance floor. I pull on her hair to break our kiss.
Let's go upstairs. She rub her wet thumb on my lips cleaning her lipstick off it, smirking. She stood up, pulling her dress back down when I couldn't resist to give it a slap grinning myself. When I got up the couch to follow behind I froze. A frown replace the smile I had two second ago. She was there.. Even with the gloomy light of the club, she pop out of the crowd as if a spotlight was directly on her. Time seem to slow down. Zee was standing in the middle of the dance floor, in the same frozen state I was. She was gorgeous. Short black dress, not to reveling but hugging her curve to perfection. She pair it with simple jewelry and red heels. Her long hair, for once, were dropping over her shoulders, shining. I should know by now how different she is. I was expecting a drama, her storming toward me to giving me a good slap on the cheek. I would have prefer that but instead her glossy eyes found mine and she gave me a sad smile. I felt a pinch in my chest, I hated it. She slightly bow her head and then turn around and disappear in the sea of people.
No.. I let out as a whisper.. mostly for me because there was no way she heard it. I didn't wait and tried chasing her but I wasn't solid on my feet with all the alcohol I had in my body. I still didn't give up and push people around to open the way, hoping to have a glimpse of her. When I finally did when she was about to pass the entrance door but I got stop by one of my worker.
Sir you have a phone call. I move him to the side annoyed.
I don't have time right now! I growl since he was slowing me down but he dare standing on front of me once again.
But Sir.. It's your mother, Mrs. Jeon. Looking back at the door she was gone. I pull on my hair out of frustration before I grab the phone out of the waiter's hand harshly.

This better be fucking important!
Watch you tone with me son!

I sigh before taking a deep breath. I decide to continue to walk out of the club still, the music was loud and I could use some fresh air. 

What is it mother?
Why are you so aggravate?

I ask myself the same question. Why was I so upset? Why did I care that Zee saw me with another girl? It's not like it was the first time she did. She know how I am and I never hide it. I couldn't even give an answer for it.

It's not important.. tell me why you called.
I have a small issue and I need your help.
I'm trying to buy this place and I offer way more that it worth but the owner refuse to sell.
Then find a different place? I don't see what you want me to do about it.
I want to ask if I could borrow your convincing crew.

This crew was who I send when I had trouble with a certain individuals. Nothing work better then fear and a few drop of blood to persuade someone to change their mind. It work every time but it was not my favorite way of operating.

Mother.. Is this really needed?
Yes.. I need to have this place.. It's important.
Fine.. I'll send them to you tomorrow.
Thank you son.

I hang up. I check the time and debate what I should do now. A part of me want to head back inside and continue my plan, especially that this girl was probably still waiting in the upstairs room. The other part want to pay a visit to Zee's apartment because I didn't think she would head back to her bar. After a few minutes of thinking, none of them win. I lost all the previous mood and I felt like I was to drunk to go see her, I couldn't think straight and wouldn't know what to tell her. So I went home and sleep it off.

Noon and here I was standing in front of her door. I thought of inviting her for lunch and maybe fix whatever there was to fix. I didn't even know why I was there but for some reason knowing she was upset at me didn't sit right. So here I was knocking on her door. It swing open short after.
Hey you want.. wait who the fuck are you? A guy stood before me, just with sweat pants on exposing his "unimpressive" chest to the world.
I should be the one asking you that. He cross his arm leaning against the doorframe, eyeing me down with a smug grin on his face. I really just wanted to punch his face.
Listen shorty I don't have time to play with you I'm here to..
Who is it Jimin? I look pass him to see Zee walking toward the door fixing her shirt. She slowed down when her eyes connect with mine. What are you doing here?
You know this dude? I didn't like how she smile at him when he caught her attention, especially when she pat his chest.
Yeah.. I got it Jimin you can go take your shower now.
Hope you left me some hot water. He wink at her before sending me a small glare. She bring her attention back to me arm cross.
What do you want?
Who is he? I couldn't read her face, wasn't sure if she was mad or sad but either way she was upset.
None of your business.. I still wanted to know.. She was seeing someone? No way right. Maybe he was one of her ex lover. I open my mouth to question more but she interrupt me. Jungkook why are you here?
I want to invite you for lunch.. maybe talk.. Her eyes got soft for a second, she tried to hide it but I notice it.
There is nothing we have to talk about.. She took a step back to leave space for the door to close. And as you can see I have company and I have work later, so I have to decline your invitation. I stood there dumbfounded, wasn't sure what to reply.
But I..
Have a good day Jungkook. She close the door. I resist the temptation to knock again, I was not sure how I was feeling but it didn't feel right.

I should have left. I should have went home or back to the office and work more on trying to find who was backstabbing me. Instead I was in my car, still in the parking lot just waiting. I was hoping to catch her alone, maybe when she head to work. I was completely focus on her apartment, even my phone was on silent mode. I didn't want to get distracted. What am I doing? This wasn't like me.
I'm loosing it.. I should go.. I was about to turn the key when her door open. I saw blondy got out. About time! Sadly he stop for a second because she hugged him.. way to long.. I was getting annoyed again. They finally separate and he walk away. As soon as he was out of sight I got out of my car and stroll to her doorstep and knock. I heard a laugh before the door open.
Jimin did you forget.. Jungkook.. She stood there stunt, only in her underwear and a shirt, I guess she was getting ready for work.
Who is he? I ask once more slowly walking inside. She backed away at the same pace.
Jungkook what are you..
I said.. who.is.he? Like waking up from a dream she snap out of her shock state and instead look angry.
What right you have to talk to me this way. I told you it's none of your business! Why do you.. I don't know what took over me but I suddenly got hit by a dose of possessiveness.
Because you're mine! I kick the door close behind me before grabbing her behind the neck and crashing my lips on hers. Deep down I was hoping she didn't push me away. She should of after how I just acted but she respond to the kiss with the same intensity. She pull on my hair hard making me groan, it was her way to challenge my tongue to a duel. I spin us around and push her against the door hard enough that it broke our kiss. We both glare at each other.
You confused me.. I pull her up so she could wrap herself around me.
I confused myself.. I dive into her neck sucking her skin. I felt her fighting with the button of my jeans to drop them. We were both hungry, acting like we didn't see one another in months. She didn't waste time, as soon as my pants drop her hand start stroking my cock. I growl against her skin before finding her stare. You drive me insane. I kiss her again, perhaps to hard since she whine into my mouth but she didn't stop me. At this point she kept rubbing her covered clip on the tip of my dick making her moan.
Do.. do you care?
What..? My brain didn't register her question. So I found her eyes once more while catching my breath.
Do you care for me? Was she really trying to have a conversation right now? All I was thinking at that moment was how bad I wanted to pound inside her. I squeeze her butt hard.
I care for this. Her hand stop stroking me and put them on my chest. 
Excuse me?
I care for that nice ass of yours sweetheart.
Put me down! Her tone completely change. What happen? I said put me down Jungkook. She sound irritated, so I let go of her legs.
What wrong? She push me firmly that I almost lost balance.
That all I am to you? A booty call? I wasn't sure why she was surprise by this. I put my dick back in my pants since I felt like it wouldn't get action anymore.
What did you expect? You know I don't do relationship.. I never hide this from you..
Then you have no right to call me yours! She swing the door open. Get out..
GET OUT! I still couldn't understand what was happening. Was it because of that shorty? I scoff frustrated.
Really? And you think that your other toy boy care for more? I still head out.
Yes he does.. he actually care for me! I laugh at this.
Right.. Let me guess. Your ex boyfriend that came back saying how much he miss you. This hit a nerve because I don't think I've seen her this mad before.
He's my brother asshole! She slam the door on my face. This is when I realize.. I fucked up..

I gave up that day. I didn't want to see anyone. I even went to Solid instead of Golden. Since I rarely hang there I was able to just sit in the lounge and drink. I'm just sitting there lost in my thought. I was not myself anymore. Outside of work, my life had no drama, no worry, no stress, just fun. I should have know it would be different with Zee. We act more like friend with our interaction, maybe friend is still a strong word for it but still all the sign were there but I completely ignore them. Was it why she was pushing me away for so long? She was right, she knew, but my greedy ass wanted to taste her. I didn't think at all about the consequences.. because there was never any.. or any that I care about. A flash of her at the club came back. She looked beautiful, breath taking, it was making my heart flustered. And then her face.. she looked so hurt but still smile through it. It would have been so much easier if she got mad. I still wonder what she was thinking at that moment, maybe..
So what do you think about the project Mr. Jeon? I snap back. I was in a meeting and there was a presentation but to be honest I didn't listen to any of it and now I was put on the spot. Fuck.
Hmm.. Everyone in the room was looking at me, especially Mr. Kang who was waiting for my answer. What the fuck do I do? My lost eyes found Joon's. He seem shock by the fact that I was not focus but he gave me a nod confirming that it was a good project. It's pretty interesting.. I'll review the contract and come back to you with a full answer by the end of the day Mr. Kang. He seem please by my answer. I avert my attention to my assistant. Mark make sure all the paper are on my desk this afternoon.
Of course Sir. I stood up after.
Thank for coming everyone. I gave a slight bow before heading out. Joon followed shortly behind me but remain quiet. Well until we reach my office and the door was close.
What is happening? I sit at my desk, open the files that were on it trying to keep busy.
Kook.. Still avoiding eye contact I randomly decide to check my email.
Just annoyed we still didn't find the coke.. He stood in front of me.
Bullshit.. look at me. I raise my head to face him. Spill. I hate that he can read me so well. He might be working for me but we have been friend for years and he always know when I'm trying to hide something.
It's not that serious.. it's not work related.
You say that, yet it seem serious enough to affect it. You didn't listen to one word of that meeting and that's not like you at all. You always pay attention to every detail concerning it but the pass few days you've been completely lost. I sigh. Kook, I know you. Something happen because I never saw you this bother. I lean back in my chair defeated, he sit in the one next to him ready to listen.
It's about a girl.. I saw his lip moving upward into a smirk. Don't! I knew what he was about to say and I didn't want to hear it. He has been telling me for years that I should stop sleeping around because one day it will come back and bite me in the ass. Anyway.. I fucked up.. and I don't know how to fixed it.
Did you got her pregnant? I made a disgust face.
What? No! At least not that I know about..
Then what did you do? How do I explain that.
I'm not sure really.. He stare at me for a few second thinking.
Let's see.. You slept around with her, pretty much being yourself but this time it feel wrong? He pretty much explain it right so I nod. Who is this girl, do I know her? Or is it one of your random date.
It's.. I don't know why I was hesitating. Maybe because he does know her.. well know she exist.
It's Zee.. He raise a brow not sure. Boss.. from the Flying Slipper. He smile.. A big smile like I just gave him the solution. 
That's the girl you talked about all the time isn't? The one that kept resisting to your "charm". I cross my arm annoyed remembering how many time he tease me about it but I confirm it was her.That explain it all.. I was even more confused. He chuckle probably at the face I was making. Your invested, she's not a stranger.
How is it different?I mean some of my "date" I know them.. well I see them more then once.
You have a relationship with her. You two have been flirting back and forth for months, even if it seem small you both still learn about one another. You saw her personality and you kept going back to her even if she refused your advance tons of time.
I just wan.. He interrupt me.
You wanted more then just having her in bed Kook. Think for a moment. I saw you get rejected before..
Not often! He send me a small glare.
Still.. it happen. I never saw you push it more then once or twice. With Zee you did it for almost a year, you wanted more. I would argue but I had nothing. Was it just a one night?
No.. I took her on a coffee date before it and we took a ride to the lake house.. He look baffle.
And you still think its just to get in her pants? My eyes widen. He was right. Now think.. what did you do?
I told her I only care for her ass.. He shook his head holding the bridge of his nose.
Oh Kook..
I never deal with this shit before Joon.. I.. is it fixable? He laugh looking back at me. It's not funny!
Kind of. I groan annoyed. Apologize. He stood up.
How? She kick me out last time we talked..
Just go and apologize, tell her how you feel. Trust me. He head toward the door but I stop him.
How am I suppose to tell her how I feel when I don't even know myself? He gave me a reassuring grin.
You'll figure it out. Don't overthink it. He disappear behind the door, I wanted him to stay but I couldn't stop him again since Mark came in with all the paperwork for the contract. Don't overthink it.. I guess that's what I did and focus on the contract.

Entering the Slipper I went directly to the bar. No sign of her.
Zee is not here.. Mary pass by letting me know.
She already went home?
She.. She paused. She's sick and didn't came to work.
Alright thank you. She grab my wrist stopping me from leaving.
Don't bother her she's not well.. She need rest.. I gave her a nod just so she let me go but I was on a mission so I head straight to her apartment. I climb the stairs two at the time to stop in front of her door catching my breath. I knock. No answer. Mary did said she was sick, maybe she's sleeping but I didn't want to leave. I knock once more.
Who is it? Her voice was weak.
It's me Zee..
Jungkook go away.. She wasn't yelling, she only sound exhausted.
Please it wont be long.. I.. I just want to talk. She remain silent. Look I know I mess up I.. The door slowly open revealing her figure. Her hair were a mess, half up in a bun the other falling onto her face hiding it. She had a robe on that she was holding by her arm being cross, maybe she grab it just to open the door.
Talk. I felt anxious all of a sudden. I wish she would look at me but she kept her head down.
I'm not good with these thing.. I never had to deal with it. I.. Look I know I fucked up.. Her head flash up glaring at me.
You think?
I want to apolo.. I stop, noticing something. What happen? I move my hand toward her face to have a better view. Look like she had a small black eye and a cut on her bottom lips. She turn her face hiding it from me.
It's nothing.. I.. I fell She was not a good liar. 
You didn't.. I could feel my blood starting to boil. She tried to retreat behind the door but I was quick enough to grab her by the waist and pulling her outside into the light. She whines in pain and I got shock by what I saw. Trying to push me she let go of her robe that open wide showing her stomach. A huge bruise was covering half of her ribs. Who did this to you? My voice was low. Grabbing the hem of her robe she close it back in a hurry.
It's nothing.. She went back into her place trying to close the door but I stop it with my hand.
Nothing? Are you kidding? I stare at her. She looked scared. Who did this Zee? In a switch her mood change once more.
Why do you care? She raise her voice. My ass is fine.. there is no bruise on it so you have nothing to worry about! I was taken aback by her comment having my hand drop. She took that chance to shut the door and lock it. I took a second to come back to my sense and knock again.
Zee open up..
Go away! No way I'm leaving you like that.
Let me help you! Tell me who did this to you.
It's none of your business! I hate that this damn door was between us. I want to hug her, make her feel safe. I want her to trust me again..
Zee.. I.. I'm sorry. I've been an ass. I care for you I just didn't realize it.. Silence. I had no clue if she walked away or not but I kept going. I said bullshit because my ego refuse to accept that I could have feeling for someone but I was just lying to myself. I don't know what this is but all I know is that you're not like any girl I met.. you're different, you make me different. I heard small sobs. What I would give right now to hold her. That night at the club.. I didn't sleep with that girl, I couldn't. All I though of the past few days is you and how I can fixed my mistake.. I can't stand seeing you sad, it hurt. Why, I don't know but it just made me want to..
Hey. I stood straight and look to my right. Her brother was standing a few feet away from me. How long as he been there? I think you should go. I scoff.
If you think I'll leave her in this state you're dreaming He smile for some reason.You know who did this to her? He took a few step shaking his head.
No.. I felt like he knew more then he was saying. But you should go.
Or what? You gonna make me? I don't know why I thought he turn into this protective brother against me but he didn't.
Listen.. I know what happen between the two of you. Well her side of the story. Right now I don't think you are the one she want to see. He was probably right. I was a mess myself. Trust me I'll take care of her. I sigh.
You better.. He chuckle at my silly threat. Can you do me a favor? He send me an amuse look, like if I had any right to ask.
Maybe.. let's hear it.
If you find out who.. let me know. I can help. I'll make them pay.. He didn't seem to sure but somehow he accept nodding.
How you want me to contact you?
She should have my number.. name Jungkook or maybe its under Whiskey. The last name got him to send me a confused look.
Alright I'll check it out. I nod in a thanks before walking away. I stop remembering something.
Actually.. He was about to knock himself but stop looking back at me. It's might be Asshole now..

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[completed] "Excuse me sir, the ladies from that table gave you this drink"- In which Jungkook finds the waiter far more attractive than the ladies o...
39.2K 2.2K 35
"Why did you make me fall in love again y/n? Why? " "When is it gonna hurt like this? , why did you come into my life, like uninvited? " "Why do I ha...