Secrets (Prowler Miles X Gwen...

By ry_themian

2.2K 45 26

Miles Morales, a dorky 17-year-old living in Brooklyn, who also operates as the vigilante 'The Prowler', work... More

Chapter: 1 Alone
Chapter 2: Solus
Chapter 3: Contingency
Chapter 4: Resonance
Chapter 5: Confrontation
Chapter 6: Plunge

Chapter 7: Renewal

101 2 2
By ry_themian

Third Person POV:

Gwen stood outside the theater, feeling the cold air hitting her face. She had been waiting for 30 minutes, constantly glancing at her phone. She felt disappointed, but more than anything, she was worried because this behavior was out of character for Miles. He wasn't the type of guy to leave her waiting like this.

The once bustling street was now left almost deserted, as the people surrounding Gwen slowly faded away. The street darkened and she was left there, sad, disappointed, and worried. Her mind raced as she stood there cold and alone. Taking constant glares at her phone, she imagined what could have happened to Miles.

Was one of his relatives in the hospital?  Was he in the hospital? Did he forget? Did he stand me up?

None of it made an ounce of sense, she had been texting him constantly so there was no way he had just forgotten and there was no chance he just stood her up. 

Defeated, Gwen walked off back towards her house.


Miles woke up in a dimly lit, unfamiliar room, feeling a heavy pressure on his chest that made breathing hard.

Dazed and confused, Miles began to wiggle around, but to no avail. As his visions returned to him, he could now see a large piece of rubble lying across his chest. Feeling the impact, Miles panicked and struggled to escape the debris. However, it was futile; he was trapped.

Miles lay there, trapped beneath the rubble, his mind swirling with a mix of confusion, panic, and despair. The weight on his chest felt like an insurmountable obstacle, and the darkness around him seemed to press in. As he grappled with the harsh reality of his situation, memories of his uncle Aaron's wise words echoed in his mind.

"Never give up, Miles. You've got the strength inside you. Remember that," His uncle's voice whispered in his head. Miles drew on those words, a source of strength and inspiration that had guided him through very dark moments in his past. He reflected on the many times Uncle Aaron had encouraged him to persevere and never give up, even in the darkest of moments.

Gritting his teeth, Miles began to summon all of his inner strength, as he prepared to use his gauntlets to push the piece of rubble off of him. He shut his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm his panicked nerves. He envisioned his uncle's face, recalling all the moments they had shared and all the lessons Aaron had taught him.

As he struggled, another face appeared in his mind - Gwen, the girl he had a crush on. The thought of her brought forward a new sense of urgency. Miles imagined the profound sadness and heartbreak on her face if he didn't make it out of this predicament. The idea of leaving her broken and hurt fueled a renewed sense of purpose.

"I can't give up," he muttered to himself. The image of Gwen's smile and the moments they had shared flashed vividly in his eyes. It became a beacon of hope and determination.

With renewed determination, Miles began pushing as hard as he could against the piece of concrete on his chest. Using all the strength left in his body, he pushed as hard as he possibly could.

Finally, with a desperate, final push, Miles emerged from the wreckage. Gasping for air, he lay on the cold ground, his body battered and bruised. The dim light of the unfamiliar room revealed the toll the ordeal had taken on him.

Miles attempted to stand as the initial rush of relief washed over him. However, a searing pain in his chest forced him to his knees. Clutching his torso, he winced as he felt the source of the pain—a sizable bruise, a deep shade of purple, blossoming on his chest where the heavy debris had pressed against him.

Miles remained on his knees, breathing heavily as he clenched the large bruise on his chest. The room seemed to spin as he tried to regain his composure, nearly vomiting several times. Miles stood up and scanned the room around him. He was in the basement of the warehouse he was in and it had now collapsed. He was lucky to be alive.

Miles emerged from the rubble of the warehouse, his body battered and his clothes ripped and covered in dust. The cold night air hit his face as he surveyed the pure destruction all around him. The once-large structure now lay in ruins, shattered pieces of concrete and metal filling the landscape around him.

His relief immediately turned to anxiety as he spotted a chaotic scene unfolding in the sky. Helicopters with blinding searchlights were scanning the wreckage, casting an eerie glow on the carnage below them. The wail of sirens soon filled the air, signaling the arrival of emergency services. Panic soon gripped Miles, as the sheer gravity of the situation hit him like a brick.

Attempting to avoid detection, Miles began to slowly creep through the stacks of rubble, carefully avoiding any loud or attention-drawing movements. The sporadic flashing of searchlights and the sirens of police cars added to the disorienting atmosphere.  

Reaching the outskirts of the warehouse, Miles observed a swarm of emergency vehicles converging on the scene, with dozens of cops and firemen rushing towards the rubble. Miles was out of time. With one deep breath, Miles ran as fast as he could away from the wreckage, clenching his bruised chest. His heart stopped as a spotlight fell over him, he found himself bathed in the intense glow, frozen in his tracks. The sound of footsteps echoed behind him as law enforcement officers on the ground took notice. The chase was on.

Without hesitating, Miles broke into a sprint, diving through the maze of destruction in front of him. His breaths were heavy and ragged, pain seared through his body as he put constant pressure on his bruised chest. Miles nearly passed out several times, a mix of the pure pain in his chest and the exhaustion, but Miles pressed on and continued to dodge past concrete pillars and large steel beams.


Breathless and with a pounding heart, Miles managed to put enough distance between himself and the pursuing law enforcement. He scaled the fire escape to reach the window of his apartment, the metal rungs cold against his trembling hands. Once inside, his apartment felt like a haven, though an unsettling silence hung in the air.

With a sense of urgency, Miles fumbled for his phone and dialed Gwen's number, hoping she would answer and provide some semblance of reassurance. The phone rang, each tone echoing the intensity of the situation. Miles glanced around the dimly lit apartment, noting the absence of his mother. The realization struck him - she wasn't home.

"Gwen," Miles panted, struggling to find the right words. "It's me, Miles. Something went wrong, really wrong. I need your help."

A hushed silence followed, broken only by Miles' heavy breathing. He hesitated, his secret identity as the vigilante Prowler preventing him from sharing the details of the warehouse incident. As he spoke, Gwen's concern deepened, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of Miles' chaotic narrative.

"I'm coming over," Gwen declared, her determination evident. "Just stay put. We'll figure this out together."

Miles sank onto his couch, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. The distant wail of sirens served as a constant reminder of the danger that lurked outside. Gwen's impending arrival brought a sense of reassurance, a flicker of hope amid the uncertainty.

As Miles peered through the window, he could see the flashing lights of police cars below. The realization that his mother wasn't home heightened his anxiety. With Gwen's presence offering a sliver of comfort, he awaited her arrival, hoping for guidance in navigating the challenges that lay ahead. The night, once filled with chaos and pursuit, now held the promise of collaboration and resilience against the unknown.

Author's Note: I last updated this book a few months ago and had planned to take a 1-2 week break. However, my break turned into several months, and I lost the motivation to write. With school back in session and family obligations, I couldn't find the right time to write this chapter until now. But now I'm ready to finish the story and plan to provide weekly updates, although they may be longer. I don't want to make any false promises, but I'm committed to completing this book.

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