Chapter 5: Confrontation

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Third Person POV:

Norman Osborn sits alone in his estate, reflecting on what he had witnessed the previous night. Osborn had pursued the Prowler for half an hour after he caught a glimpse of the Prowler gliding through the air in Brooklyn, stalking him to Visions Academy, where he had entered through an open window.

A disturbed smile spread across his face as he stood before a mirror, admiring his reflection. A spark went off in his mind as he thought of the glory and respect he would win from his peers if he murdered the Prowler. These thoughts excited him so much that he let out an insane cackle echoing throughout his empty estate.

For years Osborn had been seen as a joke amongst the Sinister Six. They treated him as if he were insane, laughing at his authority and finding any moment they could to disrespect him. He would no longer be something to gawk at, nor would they underestimate his power again, but he would be a god amongst his peers.

Osborn stayed there, laughing manically at his reflection as his sanity rapidly deteriorated. Eventually, he walked away, preparing himself mentally for what he knew would be a massive undertaking. Osborn had seen the footage from Toomes' helmet the night of the casino encounter. As a result, he knew what the Prowler was capable of and knew that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Miles' POV:

Strolling down the streets of Brooklyn, I let out a deep sigh of relief as the week was finally over, meaning I could get some much-needed rest. This week I have had an eventful one. From my close shave with the Vulture, or my meeting with Gwen, it's been nothing short but significant for my life. Making the trek home, my mind wandered as I pondered about the week I had just had. These thoughts were mainly plagued by one person, Gwen. I can't describe the way she made me feel. Every time I was around her, it felt as if there were sparks in my stomach. Everything about her was perfect, from her crystal blue eyes to the small gap in her teeth and her smile was so genuine and perfect.

"God, I sound corny..."  I thought to myself, shaking my head in embarrassment.

On one hand, I just wanted to confide in her my feelings, but deep down, I likewise felt this strong sense of apprehension. I knew that my job as the Prowler would come to complicate things in the future, and as a result, I was left conflicted and lost. Of course, there was nobody I could talk to about this. My Uncle Aaron was always there to comfort me and would give me advice when these kinds of scenarios arose. For now, I'm on my own as he passed away fighting against Kingpin and the cartel.

Aaron and I dealt with Sinister Six on several occasions while he was mentoring me. The Sinister Six consisted of Norman Osborn, Rhino, Vulture, Electro, Sandman, and Otto Octavius. Fisk had roped in this ensemble cast of characters by uniting them under one common enemy, Spider-Man. Collectively, they all made killing Spider-Man their life goal, and they succeeded. When he died, they were left to their own devices, but Fisk kept them together and used them to gain control of the city.

I know something more significant is going on behind the scenes. Those earthquakes and power surges had to of come from somewhere. A corrupt city official covered up Spider-Man's death, so everyone assumes he was killed by falling debris, but that is not the case.

My eyes were lost in my thoughts, and I was unaware that laughter was coming from behind me. 

Third Person POV:

Osborn maintained a watchful eye on the Prowler, who had donned a school uniform and was leisurely strolling along the pavement. A chuckle escaped Osborn's lips as he continued to monitor the Prowler's movements through the streets of Brooklyn. Miles remained blissfully ignorant of Osborn's presence, lost in his contemplations while walking along the path. However, his train of thought was abruptly shattered by a thunderous roar from behind. Swiftly turning, he caught sight of Osborn hurtling directly toward him, leaving him mere seconds to evade the oncoming danger.

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