Chapter 3: Contingency

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Miles' POV:

"Miles, papá, time for school!" Miles groaned, slowly getting up and sitting on the edge of his bed. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before standing up and making his way to the bathroom. While passing by the TV, Miles froze like a deer in headlights upon seeing J. Jonah Jameson from the Daily Bugle on the screen.

"Trouble in Manhattan last night after a winged suspect wreaked havoc, destroying cars and smashing into buildings." Toomes... Miles knew precisely who he was looking at, Adrian Toomes aka the 'Vulture'.

Miles had briefly worked with Toomes while he was being mentored by Uncle Aaron. Aaron had been working for the Sinister Six for a while, to make money on the side. Miles knew Aaron never wanted to be bad, he was just stuck in a bad situation.

"Mijo what're you doing?" Miles was broken from his trance by his mother.

" it's nothing." I briskly walked past it into the bathroom, she gave me a concerned glare as I did so.

An hour later Miles was in his room having taken a shower and gotten ready, he stared looking down at his hands while sitting at his desk. In his hand, he held a police badge with 'City of New York Police' written across it. It had belonged to his father before he died eight months ago. He had been killed by a stray bullet during a failed robbery.

"For you da-"

"Miles you've gotta go!" He heard his mother calling from the living room. Realizing what time it was he rushed up, grabbed his backpack and his suitcase from his bed, and left his room, entering into the living room. "Miles wait." She told me as I was walking to the front door.

"What I'm gonna be late?"

"Look mijo, if you ever need to talk, about anything, you can talk to me, alright?"

"Yeah Mom, it's just uh...I've just been... y'know since Dad and Uncle Aaron it has just been..."

"I get it Miles, believe me, I do."

"Don't seem like" I whispered to myself so she couldn't hear what I was saying.

"Look Miles you're gonna be late just go" Rio walked up to her son, and kissed him on the cheek as he grimaced in embarrassment. "I love you now go. And no sneaking out tonight." Miles rushed to the front door and opened it, rushing down the stairs of their building down to the sidewalk as Rio followed him.

" Papá, see you Friday!"

"Okay, mami. Hasta luego!" Miles called back to her before rushing down the sidewalk, ready to get to school.

Gwen's POV:

"Today's your first day at this new school butterfly, should be excited"

"It's whatever" Gwen solemnly replied earning her a genuinely sympathetic look from her dad.

"Look butterfly I know I haven't been around much, but if you ever need to talk..."

"I know Dad. Look it's just been... I've just been feeling..." I paused thinking about what to say next, but I just couldn't find the right words. I broke the tension by looking down at my watch, "Shoot I'm gonna be late. Love you bye." Barely giving myself a chance to speak, I rushed out of the house, with my bag walking down the sidewalk towards Visions Academy.

I wasn't ever really interested in going to this school, my Dad had signed me up for some lottery that I had won which meant I had gotten a spot at the school. I don't know much about it, except for the fact it's a pretty prestigious, rich, and science-obsessed school. I used to be pretty infatuated with physics before, even doing an internship at Empire State University for Dr. Connors. I was there with Peter for a while, but eventually Connors ended up in jail for turning himself into a reptile and my interest in science died after Peter died.

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