The one that Stayed || Y/n x...

By Iain62

1.5K 64 14

The Doctor has many companions that he travels with but either by choice, forced, death or no other option th... More

Characters: Season 2
1 School Reunion I
2 School Reunion II
3 The Girl In The Fireplace I
4 The Girl In The Fireplace II
5 The Rise Of The Cybermen I
6 The Rise Of The Cybermen II
7 The Age Of Steel I
8 The Age Of Steel II
10 The Idiot's Lantern II
11 The Impossible Planet I
12 The Impossible Planet II
13 The Impossible Planet III
14 The Satan Pit I
15 The Satan Pit II
16 Army Of Ghosts I
17 Army Of Ghosts II
18 Doomsday I
19 Doomsday II
20 The Runaway Bride I
21 The Runaway Bride II
22 The Runaway Bride III

9 The Idiot's Lantern I

67 3 0
By Iain62

Rose and I got changed in the Tardis wardrobe, and my God the closest is huge, there is everything inside that thing. I'm not a huge fan of heels but I decided why not.

We walked out of the Tardis into the sun and onto the street.

    "I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era. You know, the white flares and the chest hair." Rose said looking around.

    "You are kidding, aren't you?" The Doctor poked his head out, he even did his hair. "If you want to see Elvis, you go for the late '50s. The time before burgers! When they called him 'The Pelvis' and he still had a waste! What's more, you see him in style!"
We are here the revving up an engine and turn to see the Doctor drive out of the Tardis on a scooter. "You going my way, doll?" The Doctor imitated Elvis.

    "Is there any other way to go, daddy-o? Straight from the fridge, man!" Rose said.

    "Hey, you speak the lingo!" The Doctor smiled.

    "Yeah, well, me and Mum, Cliff Richard movies, every Bank Holiday Monday." Rose told him as we got on the scooter.

     "Cliff! I knew your mother would be a Cliff fan." The Doctor said.

    "Where we are off to?" I asked as we drove down the street.

    "Ed Sullivan TV studios." The Doctor answered. "Elvis did Hound Dogon one of the shows. There were loads of complaints. Bit of luck, we'll just catch it."

    "And that would be TV studios in, what, New York?" Rose wondered.

    "That's the one!" But just as he answered a read double Dekker bus passed in front of us. That's when we really noticed of the flags and how the streets were decorated.

    "Digging that New York vibe!" I laughed.

    "Well, this could still be New York. I mean, this looks very New York to me. London-y New York, mind, but..." The Doctor said.

    "What are all the flags for?" Rose asked.
They were flags hung everywhere in the colours of the flag.


We walked up to a truck as two people lifted out an old telly.

"There you go, sir. All wired up for the great location." The man who sold the telly said.

"Great occasion? What do you mean?" The Doctor questioned.

"Where you been living, out in the colonies? The Coronation of course!" The man answered, closing the doors to his truck.

"And what Coronation's that, then?" The Doctor asked.

"What do you mean? The Coronation!" The man, obviously thought we were either joking, or we were just really dumb.

"It's the Queen's!" Rose realized. The Doctor looked over at her still confused.

"Queen Elizabeth!" I clarified.

"Oh, oh! Is this 1953?" The Doctor realized.

"Last time I looked." The man answered. "Time for a lovely bit of pomp and circumstance. What we do best."

"Look at all the TV aerials." Rose said, I looked to see almost every house had one maybe one or two didn't.
"Looks like everyone's got one." I say.

"That's weird. My mum said were so rare, they all had to pile into one house." Rose said.

"Not round here, love. Magpie's Marvellous Tellies." He pointed at the name on his truck. "Only five quid a pop!"

"Oh, but this is a brilliant year, classic!" The Doctor smiled. "Technicolor! Everest climbed! Everything off the ration! A nation throwing off the shackles of war and looking forward to a happier, brighter future!" Rose, and I laugh at The Doctor as he spoke in a sophisticated accent.

"Someone help me, please! Ted!" We heard a woman scream quickly, ending our joy.
We turn to see two men holding someone with their face covered by a bag as they loaded the person into a black car. Both men were in suits.

"Leave him alone! That's my husband!" The woman, shouted. "Please!"

The Doctor, I and Rose quickly ran over.

"What's going on?" The Doctor asked.
The person was pushed into the car.

"Oi! What are you doing?" someone yelled, and a boy came running out of his house.

"Police business. Get out of the way, sir." One of the men told us.

"Who did they take? Do you know him?" Rose asked the boy who looked to be in his teens.

"Must be Mr. Gallagher." The boy answered. The men got into the car and started driving away. "It's happening all over the place. They're turning into monsters.

"Tommy!" An angry man who must be the boys father yelled. "Not one word. Get inside now!"

"Sorry, I'd better do as he says." Tommy went back inside his house.

Quickly, we ran over to the scooter hopping on the Doctor presses the gas, and we drove after the car.

We followed the car, it was still a way ahead of us, but we could see it clearly. It turned the corner, and when we reach the corner, we turned. But there was no car. There was no other way for the car to go because the other side of the road was blocked. The only way they could've gone. Had a market stand with people working.

"Lost them. How did they get away from us?" The Doctor questioned.

"I'm surprised they didn't turn back and arrest you for reckless driving." Rose told him. "Have you actually passed your test?"

"Men in black? Vanishing police cars? This is Churchill's England, not Stalin's Russia." The Doctor said.

"Monsters, that boy said." I say.

"Maybe we should go and ask the neighbours." Rose suggested.

"That's what I like about you, the domestic approach." The Doctor said.

"Thank you." Rose smiled. "Hold on. Was that an insult?"

The Doctor didn't answer and instead started to drive.


It was night when we rung on their door in unison the three of us said "hi" when the door opened, and the boys father stood in the doorway.

"Who are you, then?" The man asked.

"Let's see, judging by the look of you, family man, nice house, decent wage, fought in the war." The Doctor thought. "Therefore, I represent the Queen and country!" He pulled out his psychic paper. "Just doing a check of her forthcoming Majesty's subjects before the great day. Don't mind if we come in? No, I didn't think you did. Thank you." We pushed past him walking inside the house. "Not bad, very nice, very well kept." The Doctor said as we walked into the living room. "I'd like to congratulate you Mrs...?"

"Connolly." She answered.

"Now then, Rita. I can handle this. This gentleman's a proper representative. Don't mind the wife. She rattles on a bit." Mr. Connolly said.

"Well, maybe she should rattle on a bit more." The Doctor told him. "I'm not convinced you're doing your patriotic duty. Those flags, why are they not flying?"

"There we are, Rita, I told you. Get them up. Queen and country."

"I'm sorry." Rita apologized to the Doctor.

"Get it done. Do it now." Her husband ordered her.

"Hold on a minute." The Doctor said.

"Like the gentleman says..."

"Hold on a minute." The Doctor stopped Mr. Connolly. "You've got hands, Mr. Connolly. Two big hands. Then why is that your wife's job?"

"Well, it's housework, innit?" Mr. Connolly said.

"And that's a woman's job?" The Doctor asked.

"Course it is." Mr. Connolly answered.

"Mr. Connolly, what gender is the Queen?" The Doctor asked him.

"She's a female." Mr. Connolly spoke.

"And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework?" The Doctor asked him.

"No, not at all."

"Then get busy!" The Doctor handed him the flags.

"Right. Yes, sir. You'll be proud of us, sir! We'll have a Union Jacks left, right and centre!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Connolly. Hang on a minute. Union Jacks?" Rose asked him.

"Yes, that's right, isn't it?" He looks like he's been put on the spot.

"That's the Union flag. It's the Union Jack only when it's been flown at sea." Rose said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I do apologize." Mr. Connolly said.

"Well, don't get it wrong again. There's a good man." Rose told him.

Now get to it!" I say with authority in my voice. Mr. Connolly hurried to try and hang the flags up.

"Right, then, nice and comfy. At her Majesty's leisure!" The Doctor sat down on the sofa. "Union flag?"

"Mum went out with a sailor." Rose answers.

    "I bet she did." The Doctor chuckled. "Anyway I'm the Doctor and this is Rose and that is (Y/n). And you are?"

   "Tommy." The boy answered.

    "Well, sit yourself down, Tommy." The Doctor, patted a spot on the sofa in between him and Rose. They made space for him, and he sat down. He also had the chair for Rita to sit down. I sat down on the arm of the sofa beside Rose. "Have a look at this. I love telly, don't you?"

    "Yeah, I think it's brilliant." Tommy smiles.

   "Good man. Keep working, Mr. C!" The Doctor called, then lowered his voice. "Now, why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

   "Did you say you were a doctor?" Rita asked.

   "Yes, I am."

    "Can you help her? Oh, please. Can you help her, Doctor?"

    "Now then, Rita, I don't think the gentleman needs to know." Mr. Connolly said.

    "Oh, the gentleman does." The Doctor tells him.

     "Tell us what's wrong." Rose told her in a kind voice.

   "Just tell us, and we can help." I say.

Rita starts to sob. Rose goes over to comfort her. "It's all right. It's all right. Come here. Oh, it's okay. It's all right."

    "Hold on a minute. Queen and Country's one thing, but this is my house. What the... What the hell am I doing? Now you listen here, Doctor." Mr. Connolly walked in front of the sofa. "You may have fancy qualifications, but what goes on under my roof is my business."

   "Not if people are being bundled into..."

   "I am talking!" Mr. Connolly very unwisely interrupted the Doctor.

    "AND I'M NOT LISTENING!" The Doctor stood up and yelled, he's yelled before but not usually an angry yell. I'm glad I wasn't the person he was yelling at. "Now you, Mr. Connolly, you are staring into a deep, dark Pit of trouble if you don't let me help. So I'm ordering you, sir, tell me what's going on!"

At that moment, a thudding came from upstairs.

    "She won't stop." Mr. Connolly answered a little shaken from the Doctor. The thudding continues. "She never stops."

   "We started hearing stories, all round the place. People who have changed. Families keeping it secret 'cause they were scared. Then the police started finding out. We don't know how, no one does. They just turn up. They come to the door and take them. Any time of the day or night." Tommy explained.

   "Show me."

We followed Tommy upstairs. The boy unlocked the door slowly pushing it open the room was dark. No lights are on and the drapes were shut.

  "Gran, it's Tommy. It's all right, Gran. I've brought help." Tommy pushed the door more open, and we could see the silhouette of what looks to be an old lady the floorboards creeped as she walked towards us.
The Doctor turned on the light and I just stared, gone her face is gone. She has her head, ears, hair, the rest of her body but no face completely gone. Eyes, nose, mouth, wrinkles, any features gone.

    "Her face is completely gone." The Doctor said standing closer to her. He took out his sonic screwdriver scanning her. "Scarcely an electrical impulse left. Almost completely neutral shutdown. It's just ticking over. It's like her brain's been wiped clean."

    "What are we going to do, Doctor? We can't even feed her." There was a loud bang from downstairs, the door I has been busted open.

    "We've got company!" Rose said.

    "It's then. They've come for her!" Rita panicked.

    "What was she doing before this happened? Where was she?" The Doctor urgently asked, knowing we didn't have much time. "Tell me, quickly, think!"

    "I can't think. She doesn't leave the house. She was just..." Tommy answered as two men walked upstairs into the room. The man that stood in front of the Doctor was bigger, stronger by the looks of it.

   "Hold on a minute!" The  told them in. "There are three important, brilliant and complicated reasons why you should listen to me. One..." The man hit the Doctor, hard right across the face, knocking him to the ground unconscious.

    "Doctor!" Rose and I yelled.

Rose started slapping the Doctor gently on each side of his face trying to get him up.

   "Leave her alone. You'll hurt her! Mum! Come back. Don't hurt her." Rita called and begged.

I moved Rose's hand away.

   "Apologies in advance." I slapped the Doctor harder than Rose did across the face. We both slightly jumped back as he gasped sitting up.

    "Hell of a right hook. Have to watch out for that." The Doctor said quickly, pushing himself up.
We ran down the stairs quickly.
I follow directly after the Doctor as he pushes through Mr. Connolly, Tommy and Rita at the door.

    "Rose, (Y/n), come on!" The Doctor called as we ran outside. I sat behind the Doctor clipping my helmet on, Rose wasn't with us. "Rose! We're gonna lose them again!"

We couldn't wait, and quickly drove after the car without Rose.

We fold the car down the road and to the same place where we lost it last time but this time we both had an idea what was going on with the disappearing car.

    "Oh, very good. Very good." The Doctor smiled.

We went off parking scooter  and we walked down the dark alley finding a locked tiny door. We both crawled inside.

We peeked around the corner as the two men locked a gate and walked down another hall. Once they were gone, we both went over to the gate. Inside we could see many people crammed in a dark cage. The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to unlock it so we could walk closer. We went inside, so we are at a good distance to get a better look at their faces, like Tommy's Gran faces were gone. We walked inside the cage that they were in every single one of them had no face.
But they seemed to notice our arrival. Walking closer to me and The Doctor.
Suddenly a bright light shone on into the cage. "Stay where you are!" We turn to see the two men.

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