Just give me a chance [Vmin f...

By soulmateduo

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"What if i say I love you?" "I don't trust you" Park Jimin a renowned psychiatrist and son of famous business... More

Chapter one: First meet
Chapter two: You are annoying
Chapter three: Next time
Chapter four: A messed up situation
Chapter five: let's date
Chapter six: An unrequited love
Chapter seven: worthy of you
Chapter eight: an ice cream date
Chapter nine: heartbroken
Chapter ten: Night walk
Chapter eleven: a kdrama scene
Chapter twelve: glimpse of past
Chapter thirteen: a much needed assurance
Chapter fourteen: Carnations and Sunflowers
Chapter fifteen: warmth and happiness weren't meant for me
Chapter sixteen: Love and Comfort
Chapter eighteen: I care for you
Chapter nineteen: Congratulations
Chapter twenty: Guilty or not?
Chapter twenty one: Jimin is mine
Chapter twenty two: Angels aren't meant to fall
Chapter twenty three: I Like Him
Chapter Twenty Four: Confession?
Chapter Twenty Five: A Better Person
Chapter Twenty Six: Hide and Seek
update soon!
Chapter twenty seven: Ignorance
Chapter Twenty eight: One wrong step
Chapter Twenty nine: Confession
Chapter Thirty: Healing words
Chapter Thirty one: Melody for love
Chapter Thirty two: Living with love
Chapter Thirty three: Stuck with you
Chapter Thirty Four: Simple yet Complicated

Chapter seventeen: Locked love

249 25 6
By soulmateduo

'I am grateful that you didn't force me, maybe I am not ready to deal with my past.'
Jimin shook him dragging the other from his conception. Taehyung looked back at the intruder, he quickly advanced towards the other trapping him between the headrest and himself.

"Now that you sleepwalked here, I have something I am searching for Would you like to help?"

"W-what" jimin spoke hesitantly eyeing the small space between them.

"I lost my Condom, do you have one we could use?"

Jimin's eyes widened at the comment, his face turning a deeper shade of red. Pushing him back, he took a pillow hitting the smirking male. Taehyung laughed while imagining the red face of his angel, while jimin was annoyed seeing him unaffected so he smashed him more.

"You aren't even embarrassed saying that cheesy shit idiot"

"Don't tell me, you don't like the idea of us doing that" taehyung retorted earning more smacks from the other.

"Oww, Jimin...stop ok i am sorry" taehyung spoke between the constant smashes. Jimin stopped huffing at the sudden power he exerted.

"It's still hurting" taehyung held his hand rubbing it to ease the pain.

"Deserved" rolling his eyes jimin sat crossing his arms on his chest. Taehyung was awestruck at the angry but cute person in front of him. Not getting any response from the taller jimin checked his phone.

"Ohh!! it's 9:30 I am late, I have to go home also" jimin exclaimed climbing down the bed.

"Don't worry, take a bath here, you can wear my clothes." Jimin didn't object, not wanting to be more late than he already was, he rushed towards the washroom. Taehyung smiled softly watching the other running, he strolled towards his walk in closet, after rummaging for 10 minutes he found a matching set of formals for jimin and himself.

He kept one on the bed and walked out in another room for a bath. After finishing with his shower, jimin popped his head out to confirm no one was outside, walking out to wear the outfit kept on the bed.

Taehyung walked downstairs, where his sight landed on the person standing in the kitchen. It wasn't for the first time that taehyung's heart craved for love, it always sought for a person to love. The case here was that the unknown person he wished for now got its face which was oddly similar to the person standing in front of him.

"How long are you planning to stare" jimin questioned noticing the stare. Taehyung smiled shyly, advancing towards jimin.

"Aren't you getting late?" Taehyung whispered standing beside him.

"Still breakfast is important"

Taehyung nodded while sitting on the chair to have his breakfast.

"Don't we look like a couple?"
Taehyung referred to their matching clothes, he liked how good jimin looked in his clothes.

"More like twins"
Jimin replied earning a whine from the taller. Both of them finished their breakfast, after keeping the plate in the sink, they moved out.

"Should I drop you?"

"I have my car"
Although Jimin liked the idea of spending more time with him, sadly he came here with his car.
'should have opted for a taxi'

"Bye" jimin said after sitting inside his car, taehyung waved back, a little saddened by the other's departure.


Jimin walked inside the hospital, when his phone buzzed.

"Jimin you haven't arrived yet, is everything ok?"

"I just reached Hye joon"

"Ohh that's good can you come to my cabin please, it's urgent"


Jimin turned back forwarding towards Hye joon's cabin. Opening the door he found Hye joon standing there with a cheerful smile and his hands hiding something behind his back. Unaware of his next moves jimin went near him.

"Why did you call me here"

"I wanted to tell you something"

Hye joon stepped back taking out a big bouquet of roses. Jimin nervousness increased on seeing that, he wasn't dumb to not understand what he is up to. Hye joon smiled offering him the bouquet. Jimin gazed at flowers not speaking a word.

"I love you jimin, from the time i first saw you till now. Please be my boyfriend." Hye joon confessed eyes shining with anticipation and cheeks red with blush. Jimin stood still trying to digest this new piece of information, his mind searching for answers he could give which would be a polite and respectful no without hurting Hye joon's feelings.

"I am sorry Hye joon but I never saw you in this light, even if I try I won't be able to return your feelings"

Jimin rejected his proposal with a heavy heart, guilt surrounded him after seeing the disheartened expression of Hye joon.

"Jimin why can't you see my love"

"I am sor-"
Jimin paused on hearing his ringtone and glanced at his phone. Hye joon who was disappointed by his rejection looked at jimin's phone where taehyung's name was on display. He bit his lips in vexation and threw the flowers on the ground.

"He is the reason you are rejecting me right?"
Hye joon yelled holding jimin's arm in a death grip. Jimin tried wiggling his hands out but it wasn't loosening a bit, Hye joon eyes held pure anger and hatred, it irked him that that person he was trying to pursue for so long, was now rejecting him for someone else.

"Hye joon have you gone mad leave my hand"

"I just want you to love me back is it wrong? I can do anything for you, I can even eradicate that Kim out of our relationship"

Jimin today's quota of nonsense was completed, observing the distracted person he kicked on Hye joon's feet, which affected his grip, taking advantage of that jimin held his hand tightly twisting it to his back. Hye joon hissed in pain.

"Eradicating is not even in the picture, trust me you can't even touch him and how much straightforward do I have to be I.DON'T.LOVE.YOU"

Jimin shoved him away after releasing his hand.

"If you loved me you would not pull out these cheap stunts on me, just because I considered you as friend I am leaving it here next time i won't tolerate your shit"

Jimin dusted off his coat, after picking up his phone from the ground he walked out of his cabin. Hye joon was fuming in anger his hands clutched the roses petal breaking them.

"Don't worry jimin you will pay for this insult with your most precious thing."

Jimin sat back at is table when his phone lightened up with a notification, picking it up he opened the application.

"I reached my office, you weren't picking up the call so texting it here."

"Sorry I was busy with something,"

"You know I am missing you right now"

"It's just been an hour since I left, so stop being dramatic"

Jimin chuckled imagining the sulking expression of him.

"Its an hour, means 60 minutes or it can be framed as 3600 seconds God!! that's too long"

He stated in an attempt to prove his point. Jimin's mood instantly lifted up with taehyung's weird messages.

"I admit my defeat now I want to concentrate on my work so bye"

Jimin kept his phone back after texting knowing the messages won't stop if he was online.


"Have you ever fallen in love, Soobin?"
Taehyung picturized him living with jimin, how it would feel like to see that beautiful face every morning when he opened his eyes. He just got a glimpse of it in the morning and his heart wished for it to be his everyday occurrence.

"Even if i will be, I won't behave like a stupid lovesick teenager" he rolled his eyes at the boy who was busy daydreaming while he stood there for like 10 minutes with the papers he needed to sign.

"Sign the damn papers idiot I want to go home" soobin shouted, his voice laced with irritation. The latter laughed nervously taking those papers.

"H-here you go" taehyung said being a scaredy cat.

"Thank you so much" snatching the file from him soobin rushed out from there.

'anyways let's go to my fav person.'


"I think this would take another session so make sure she is present here" jimin instructed the parent whose child he was treating.

"Thank you so much doctor"
Jimin rested back on the chair morning events resurfaced in his mind, how his friend forced him to accept his proposal, he could have accepted the proposal but something inside him stopped him as if it wasn't the right thing to do. His heart strongly declined to that proposal.

'maybe if it was taehyung my answer wouldn't be the same, WAIT!! why am I even thinking about this, heck why is he even invading my thoughts.'

Jimin stood up to leave when his ankle suddenly twisted, his great fall was prevented by two strong arms, he held onto the person as if his life depended on it. Jimin looked up to see the hero who saved him in a kdrama style, his eyes met with the one who was currently messing up with his brain.

Taehyung's eyes caught the scared expression of Jimin clutching his sleeves tightly, the sight felt too beautiful for him, those shiny caramel brown orbs gazing at him, looking closely he found a small mole on the right side of jimin's forehead, his lips parted breathing softly. He is literally admirable.

Jimin cheeks turn pink with taller's intense gaze lingering on his face.

Jimin voiced in tiny incapable of hiding his flustered face, taehyung lifted him up, his eyes still fixed at him.

"So where is my kiss?"

"What kiss"

"I mean that's what happens in kdramas"

"You watched the wrong k-dramas Mr Kim because kisses are like the most awaited thing in them." Jimin answered walking near the chair for his coat. Taehyung sighed watching him wearing his coat, he strolled beside the latter.

"As you are free now let me take you out for a date" Jimin raised his brow at the smiling person. He could reject the offer but he wanted the latter to open up to him so that he needed to spend time with taehyung also his heart and mind were screaming to say yes.

"Ok" he said maintaining his stoic expression. Taehyung was overjoyed by his reply, he wrapped his arms around him hugging him from behind, loving the fact that jimin didn't oppose him from doing so. Jimin let the other hug him, he somewhat liked being squished by him, a sort of comfort and happiness is what he felt with that embrace.

Both were enjoying themselves in their love bubble oblivious to the hateful gaze fixed on them. Hye joon was passing by the corridor his steps halted when he saw taehyung hugging jimin, his eyes turned dark not liking the closeness of them.

'would you mind if I kiss your cheeks now?' taehyung glanced at smiling jimin taking the risk he pecked his cheeks. Jimin who wasn't expecting that turned a deep shade of red.

Hye joon stood there gritting his teeth.
'how much I wish to rip them apart from each other, how can they be happy like that.'

"S-stop being clingy or i will not go" jimin exclaimed turning to face him and dragged him out while holding his hands. Hye Joon hid behind the wall while they walked away.


"Have you ever viewed Seoul from the top?"

Jimin shook his head in a no, eyeing the place taehyung was talking about. He walked out of the car, followed by jimin.

"Then let's do this today"

Taehyung held his hands pulling him towards the ticket counter. Jimin was mesmerized by the view, the shining tower was lighting up the whole place no wonder it was the most visited place in Korea. They were at the bottom of namsan tower a place known to hold the most beautiful picture of Seoul. Taehyung watched the awestruck boy, it was a loving memory for him too, his mom showed him this place when he was five, he couldn't describe his happiness when he saw the whole city from above, his curious eyes watched every thing fondly as if wanting to capture them forever in his heart. He came to live that moment again with someone special, jimin squeezed his hands indicating him to step in the elevator. It was of glass enclosure, jimin could see the height they were ascending to, his hands tightened around taehyung's arms shifting closer to him, taehyung was equally scared it was more scary than he imagined. Both of them held each other tightly.

"You are scared of heights and you decided on this place?" Jimin asked clinging to taehyung.

"I didn't know it would be that high, I was a kid when I came here. I thought it would be romantic"

"Then why does it seem like a nightmare to me"
Jimin closed his eyes hugging taehyung tightly, people present there laughed at the scaredy cats, after a prolonged struggle they reached the top floor.

"You can open your eyes jimin we survived to the top floor"
Jimin peeked around ensuring his safety, his eyes widened on noticing that he was almost carried by taehyung the whole time, in an instant he moved back straightening his clothes.

"If the view wasn't beautiful i would have thrown you down from here" jimin nagged while glancing at the city view. They both went near the glass observing the view.

"Everything looks so peaceful the lights, the building." taehyung said reminiscing his small version seeing these before. Jimin glanced at him and gently took his hand in his, cooing at the way they perfectly fit together while his heart fluttering at the contact.

"I am still scared" jimin replied before taehyung could say anything, he turned his face away to hide his blush. The latter just smiled holding his hand tightly.

They were roaming around when jimin noticed someone familiar who was gazing right back at him.

"Eunwoo?" Jimin exclaimed seeing his brother here walking near him he discovered that it was eunwoo only, while Taehyung eyes met with someone he badly wishes to disappear from there.

"Hyung you are also here" eunwoo smiled seeing him here.

"Did he force you to come here?" Jungkook asked glaring at the raven head.

"And what made you think so?"

"Because jimin hyung is scared of heights" Jungkook retorted.

Jimin knew a fight would break very soon so he just dragged taehyung with him whereas jungkook was taken away by eunwoo.

"Come with me, you are not going to fight here" jimin struggled carrying the bear who was still glaring at the retreating bunny figure, diverting his attention back at jimin his mind just focused on him who was holding his hands while dragging him somewhere. He followed him quietly like a good boy. Both of them stood near the glass window observing the view when suddenly jimin heard a clicking sound.

"You are looking so beautiful right now jimin, I would love to paint this on canvas"

"You know how to paint?"

"No but i can try" taehyung lied not wanting to disclose his reason for abandoning his art. He clicked a few more pictures of him awestruck by the smile he got to witness because of pics.

"Look eunwoo he is forcing hyung to take pictures with him and are they wearing matching outfits?" Jungkook said adjusting his camera lens at the couple, eunwoo closed the lens cap of his camera sighing at the peak nosy behaviour of him.

"Jungkook you are stalking my hyung have some decency" jungkook wanted to argue but stopped realising his behaviour.

"I am sorry"
He focused his camera on eunwoo capturing his smile.

"I didn't know you were into vlogging"

"I have always done that you were also present in some of them mostly with Ju-kyung" jungkook mumbled the last part softly not wanting to ruin eunwoo's mood but the latter heard it anyway.

"Then I don't want to be a part of it"

"W-why" jungkook was surprised by his sudden reply.

"Because I want us to be in it" eunwoo answered taking the camera from him and clicking the jungkook's pics. It was an endearing sight for him to see the bunny smiling like that.
'i wish i noticed you earlier but it's fine at least I have a chance now'

"I will be back in a minute" taehyung exclaimed running somewhere. Jimin glanced at him for a few seconds then turned back to the front where he found eunwoo standing alone, he walked near him.

"Where is jungkook?"

"Told me to wait here, so how are you here"
Jimin was scared and it wasn't something hidden even when eunwoo and Mr Park went to the tower jimin refused to go there thus they had to explore alone leaving him at home.

"Just came following taehyung, anyways does Jungkook know that you have been here more than once"

"I didn't tell him, he was too excited to take me here first"

"He is special to you right?" They blurted at the same time making each other shy.

"Aren't you copying me too much" jungkook taunted seeing taehyung with a lock the same as him.

"I can say that to you also" taehyung retorted hiding the packet aside.

"Do something original, something which my hyung likes"

"I know what he likes and not and he trusts me that's why he is here"

"Here they are"
Their fight was interrupted by a voice, both of them glanced at the duo standing in front of them.

"Don't tell you were fighting again kook" eunwoo raised his brow glaring at him. Taehyung sided with jimin quietly taking his hands and dragging him away from them.

"Where are you taking me"

"To a different area"

He took jimin to a love lock area where thousands of locks were attached at the railing. It was a place where couples tied a lock on the railing and threw away the key, it symbolised locking ones love for a person. Jimin eyes followed the couple standing there writing something on lock and locking it up.

"Will you try this with me?" Taehyung showed him the packet he brought a few minutes ago. Jimin glanced at the taller in an attempt to see that the other wasn't joking but he only had pure love and sincerity which moved jimin to the core. He nodded his head in affirmation.

"But I will write and you will not see what I wrote" jimin instructed taking the lock from him.

"That's not good jimin it's a couple activity"

Jimin ignored the complaining person and wrote something behind the lock hiding it from him. Taehyung tried to peak but was unable to look at it. They both tied the lock and taehyung gave the key to jimin which he took and threw away. He glanced back at taller who picking something up from ground.

"My phone fell"

Jimin didn't say anything, they both stayed for a few minutes strolling around and eating on food courts. After being finished exploring, they finally gathered the courage for the most frightening part of their date, which was descending back to ground floor that too with the see through elevator, both of them entered in it directly looking down suddenly the boldness flew away from there body, closing their eyes they held each other in a death grip.

"You can trust me jimin we would be ok"

"Look whose talking" jimin retorted eyeing the scared raven head.

Their breathing stabled on reaching the ground. Still holding each other's hand they strolled towards their car.

"It was an terrifying experience"
Jimin said sitting inside the car.

"At least we could do those couple things, I know i am genius" taehyung bragged about his idea earning a chuckle from jimin.

Taehyung reached his home after dropping jimin. He hastily walked inside taking off his shoes and coat. Walking to his room he dropped himself on the bed with his phone in hand, searching for something.

"Got it"Taehyung shouted zooming at the picture of lock he silently clicked, he saw his and jimin's name written on it with a sentence.

"If my feelings turn into love i want it to be locked with this person"

Happy new year to all my readers, I hope this year bring the best for you and everyone you love<3

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