I'm a Boy! NOT! β™‘ BLUE LOCK x...

By luffyxtaro

491K 20.3K 26.5K

y/n is a very feminine girl although her favourite sport is soccer; a boy sport. in primary school she was o... More

˗ˏˋ β™‘ ΛŽΛŠΛ—
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info 2


3.7K 152 204
By luffyxtaro

rin: your hair smells different than it used to

y/n: that's actually..!. really.....    creepy..

rin: i-i'm creepy.....?


I logged on today and I saw 308k reads and 14k votes AND I can't explain how SHOCKED AND happy I AM!!!! TYSM TYSM TYSM

THX SO SO MUCH FOR YOUR FAN ART -himegali I LOVE IT SO MUCH❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a very familiar tanned and blond guy stood before us and rin immediately let out an exasperated groan at the sight of him. on the other hand- shidou's smile widened at the act and he pointed a finger at rin.

"what? not happy to see me, rin-chan?" he said, tilting his head in a mocking matter. "'cause i sure am happy to see you."

"cut the crap. what the hell do you want?" rin rolled his eyes.

"nothing much from you, i'm more interested in the person beside you."

you pointed at yourself and furrowed your eyebrows while shidou's smile only widened. rin's eyes shifted from you to shidou and he could only feel his irritation increasing by the second. he couldn't believe that the one time he could hang out with you alone, the guy he hates most in this wrenched place had to interrupt. out of everyone too.

"what do you want from b/n you fucking freak?"

"hey now, i'm here with pure intentions i'm not here to do anything weird."

"at least you're self aware."

"i know, that's one of my good qualities, wouldn't you agree?"

"you don't have any good qualities, freak."

"alright, i tried to be nice. but now you're startin' to piss me off."

shidou and rin approached each other, and upon seeing rin pulling his sleeves back to punch shidou you quickly intervened in the dispute.

"stop! what are you two doing? you'll get in trouble!" you yelled, pulling rin back by his arm, "can't you be civil for one moment?"

shidou smirked, "yeah, listen to the chibi, rin-chan. you'll get in trouble." he mocked, crossing his arms over his chest. rin clenched his fist tightly, digging his fingers into his palm before stepping forward and punching shidou in the face with his free hand. you watched in shock as shidou took a step back, and thankfully but barely avoiding rin's fist. he ducked and went to uppercut rin, but you quickly intervened once more by pushing rin back. he stumbled backwards and struggled to regain his balance for a moment while shidou stopped abruptly. they were both surprised by your sudden strength as the last time they'd seen you you couldn't even hurt a fly. (or that was their very wrong perception of you, at least).

"i'll give both of you a damn beating if you don't stop! there's cameras around here!" you yelled once more, beginning to feel frustrated by their lack of common sense.

"you know you're contradicting yourself that way-"

"have you given me a choice?"

rin relaxed his body, making you finally let go of him while shidou didn't seem so interested in fighting anymore either.

"so? what did you need? you said you weren't gonna be weird." you asked, deciding to put a little hope on shidou. your impression of him so far was that he's a perverted weirdo with no sense of boundaries or common sense, similar to kaiser. you didn't know which one was worse, but since you had more experience with kaiser he takes the cake.

"nothin' much, just wanted to play you. it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"and you can't wait for the match against bastard?" you mumbled, not feeling like going against a 2nd monster in the same day.

"of course not! i can't wait that long!" he stated as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"i don't want to sweat, i've already taken a shower." you sighed, and he shook his head. "c'mon! it won't be a serious match. you won't sweat! i promise. i'll even go easy on ya."

"i don't know if i feel insulted that you're "going easy on me" or thankful."

rin watched from the side as you two bickered back and forth; you were coming up with excuses while shidou managed to find a solution to every single one of them. it went on for a bit, till he had enough. he stepped in and put a hand ontop of your head, pulling you back with ease. you quickly ripped yourself out of his hold and adjusted your wig that began slipping from his hold.

"how about you do that tomorrow? i've already booked him for the day. wait in line, antennae bastard." shidou's previously playful expression fell at the sight of rin, and his scowl returned.

"booked? this isn't a hotel resort, princess boy."

"okay! stop! why can't you two get along for even a second? this isn't normal." you huffed, stepping up once more. "and shidou, based off all you've been saying the only thing you want is to beat me. you're still weird! but how about you beat me a different way?"

"i like where this is headed-" he began, grinning widely and i quickly shot him a glare.

"in a card game!"

he slouched his shoulders in disappointment. "card game..?"

"yeah! you're saying you'll go easy on me but i don't really trust someone like you to do that. sorry! i'll give you all my attention in the upcoming match. deal?" 

"now you're talking my language! that's a deal."

you turned to rin who held a poker-face and gave him an apologetic smile. "can you put up with him for just a bit?"

he sighed, rolling his eyes. "do you  think of me as a child? i can manage myself. let's go."


after that little event we went on to get cards from ego. he unwillingly handed them over, not trusting shidou and rin to keep them intact, but i managed to convince him by promising that i'd keep an eye on them, but now that we've begun playing i don't know how long i'll be able to keep my promise.

we sat from across each other in the lounge and handed out the cards. it started as a normal match, the one with the most cards loses. and it quickly got boring when rin kept winning, so we decided to "spice things up" (not my words, shidou's) and of course since it's shidou he has to suggest the most dreadful thing. 

the winner will ask the loser any question and they're forced to answer it truthfully.

now I wasn't a fan of this and neither was rin, but shidou's persistence made me give in and of course this is the time shidou had to somehow get insanely good at the game.

as we played, I couldn't help but notice how rin was deliberately losing. it wasn't like him at all, giving the fact that he's been on a winning streak just a few minutes ago. the thought that he might've been doing it to protect me struck me in the face, but I quickly shook it off as something too foolish to be true. but as the loser he had to answer all of shidou's questions and since he's only allowed one per loss, he made sure they were horrible.

in the end, rin couldn't take it. so here I am with the most cards in my hands and the two others  hands practically empty.

rin shot me a sorrowful expression, as if to apologize for the events to come, but it was gone as soon as it came.

"so... my friend." shidou began, leaning his hand on his knee as he stared directly into my soul. "you've finally lost."

"haha... yeah...............uh..." I forced out, secretly praying that he wouldn't ask me a question that would put me in trouble. (ahem... anything to do with my true gender).

rin glared at shidou, who ignored him.

the tanned boy opened his mouth to  ask his question and i began dreading it. seconds felt like minutes that felt like hours as i waited for him to ask. for a moment it felt like shidou was dragging it on himself to add to the tension, until he finally spoke.


who taught you football?"

i slouched forward in disappointment, "huh...?"

he grinned, showing his sharp teeth. "what did'ya expect? something weird?"

i corrected my posture almost immediately. "uhmm... well obviously! something bad, like your questions to rin!"

he waved his hand, "don't worry, you're next on the list." 

i sighed. "haah... i'm not surprised...

anyway- uhh it's my...... brother." my voice sounded unsure as i answered him, which he easily caught on. in reality, i just didn't know whether mentioning my brother or not would be a smart decision since i'm pretending to be him. he raised an eyebrow at this, "oh yeah? then why're you sounding so unsure? be truthful, man!"

rin clicked his tongue, "it's one question not two, antennae bastard."

shidou glared at rin and i quickly intervened before they could beat each other up. they can do that as long as it's not in front of me because that'll bring me trouble as well!

"hey! it's fine. and i'm being truthful, i'm no liar." that was a lie on it's own, but he doesn't need to know that.

he shrugged, leaning back, "fine then."

rin seemed further exasperated by this interaction, which i would too if i was him. basically shidou has been deliberately being an asshole to him just because he can and i'm next! how exciting.

shidou began shuffling the cards before throwing us each of our own. i sadly picked up mine, knowing my incoming fate was inevitable and the dangerous glint in shidou's eyes sent even more shivers down my spine.

as we played, i tried my best. my absolute best! i used all the brain cells i had left to play and i still...


i was never really good at card games to begin with... i'm not sure why i even suggested it. maybe it was because i was in the heat of the moment and i had no other choice as to get shidou off my back over going against him in football. but had i known that it would end up like this i would've taken the balls he'd throw straight in my face anyday over that.

an evil chuckle sounded from shidou, making me cover my face with the hundred cards i gathered from losing.

"so.... b/n.... are you ready?"

i peeked a little from the cards to see shidou leaning forward on his knee, a wide grin covering his face.

"no..." i mumbled, but he ignored that.

"so...." he began, "are you really a guy?"

rin completely froze at his words and so did i, making my cards fall down on my lap. shidou furrowed his eyebrows at our reaction so i immediately began laughing loudly, "what makes you think that, shidou? that's hilarious!"

he leaned back on his hands and looked up at the ceiling in boredom. "is that even a question? your personality is soft, you're short and you don't put on muscle easily, you don't even shower or change in front of your teammates- which i'd ignore if it didn't make so much sense that you were just a girl from the beginning."

i completely forgot how smart shidou is because of his annoying and weird personality. i looked over to rin for help, but he seemed too speechless to even say a word. immediately i realized i was on my own at this and depending on my next answer i'd most likely get in trouble.

"h-how do you even know about the shower thing? you were never there..." i cursed my voice for stuttering. i'm sure that made me even more suspicious.

"rumors, sweet b/n. you didn't know about them?" he chuckled, cocking his head back towards me.

"well- they're just rumors. i have showered and changed in front of some before! i just don't like to do it with a lot of people! i have social anxiety!" i panicked loudly, almost slapping my face at my dumb excuse, "and i value privacy... so.."

i tried to ignore the look rin shot me of disappointment and dissatisfaction at my dumb response. it looked like he held absolutely no hope for me.

"really? do you have someone to vouch for you, then?" he asked, leaning his head on his hand tiredly.

i slapped rin's back, knocking the air out of his lungs at the force. "RIN!" i yelled while the taller boy sitting beside me coughed.

shidou's eyes of anticipation quickly turned flat at the mention of his rivals name. his eyes moved on to rin who finally composed himself and he raised an eyebrow at him, to which rin slowly nodded.

"what are you idiots doing on the floor?" a voice sounded from behind us, scaring me and rin half to death. we were so focused on shidou that we didn't even hear the approaching footsteps. we turned around to see ness staring down at us with distaste. my face immediately lit up at the sight of him while rin's face turned even more sour than it already was.

"ness!" i smiled, jumping up to my feet. 

ness tilted his head at this, "yeah? you're never this excited to see me." 

shidou huffed, now bored of the game. "that was disappointing." 

rin shot him a look, "what did you even expect, fucking idiot? girls aren't allowed in this shitty place. it's men's football." and just from that sentence i knew that rin was going to bully shidou over this as long as he could.

a groan sounded from shidou, "shut up... i needed answers, alright?"


i turned to ness and looked behind him to see him alone. i expected kaiser to be a few steps behind him since the two rarely are seen separated.

"no kaiser?" i asked.

"hm? are you disappointed?"

"NO! absolutely not!" i immediately answered, "it's just that you two are rarely separated."

ness sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "he's pissed over isagi. they had an argument a bit ago..."

"huh... why am i not surprised," i mumbled, rubbing the bridge of my nose. i turned to shidou and rin who were glaring at each other. "guys- i think i'll go back to bastard's side. my teammates can't survive a moment without my supervising."

the two turned to look at me and nodded. "i'll see you later, b/n. i can bring the cards back to ego." said rin who stood up and stretched his tense limbs. shidou was second to stand up. 

i nodded and locked my arms with ness's, "okay! bye!"  i called out before dragging the confused boy away from them. he stayed quiet though and allowed me  to keep speed running away until we were at a fair distance away from them. i sighed in relief and let go of ness.

"so? what was that about?" he asked, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"ehh... nothing. he just started asking weird questions about my gender. i felt bad for lying... but i'll feel worse when my dad beats me up over it-" i slammed a hand over my mouth almost immediately after those words slipped out. i stared forward and kept walking as if nothing happened because i knew that there was nothing to save me from my dumb slip up other than acting like i never said anything.

ness turned his head to me slowly with wide eyes while i avoided his gaze as much as i could.

"......what did you just say?"


that happens to me sometimes so i had to include it in the story LMAO

big question again eveyone- do you mind shorter chapters and quicker posts or longer chapters and slower posts?

fun fact: y/n wasn't REALLY lying when she said she changed or showered with Rin, but it is more different than what he meant with his question

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