Leaving Home (My Heart Never...

נכתב על ידי _uh_what

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I do not own this story. Converted for our escape. All credits goes to the author. עוד

About it.
Chapter 1: What Hurts The Most
Chapter 2: Don't Dream, It's Over
Chapter 3: World Spins Madly On
Chapter 4: No Hope
Chapter 5: You and Me Against the World
Chapter 6: Motherland
Chapter 7: Human
Chapter 8: Here Comes the Sun
Chapter 9: Make You Feel My Love
Chapter 10: What Am I to You?
Chapter 11: All I Need
Chapter 12: Made to Last
Chapter 13: You've Got a Friend In Me
Chapter 14: Daddy's Eyes
Chapter 15: You've Got the Love
Chapter 16: Be Together
Chapter 17: Teenage Talk
Chapter 18: Never Forget You
Chapter 19: Ghosts (The Party Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Hurricane (The Party Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Blame It On Me
Chapter 22: Always Love
Chapter 23: My Love Will Not Let You Down
Chapter 25: Do I Wanna Know?
Chapter 26: There is a Light That Never Goes Out
Chapter 27: Burning Desire
Chapter 28: On Top Of The World
Chapter 29: Paradise By the Dashboard Light
Chapter 30: Endless Love
Chapter 31: You're My Best Friend
New Story!

Chapter 24: Wreck of the Day

1.9K 62 3
נכתב על ידי _uh_what


The last few months have been kind to the growing Armstrong-Chankimha family. Becky is now Becca's soccer coach with William (Friend stepped down as soon as Becky asked her to). Becky and Friend have only talked twice since then. The first time was at one of Becca's soccer games where Becky asked if she could be Becca's second soccer coach instead of her.

It's important to note that this wasn't out of malice. Becky just wanted to be closer to Becca and soccer was the best way to do that. Becca and Becky have had weekly days alone spending time together and it's been the best part of Becky's days since she was a kid herself. Becca is such a smart little mini me of her, Freen was right about that. And Freen. Well Freen and Becky's relationship has been nothing but confusing. Neither know where they stand with the other so they focus on Becca.

They see each other when Becky picks up Becca or when Freen drops her off. The only time they do spend time together is at Becca related events, but the time they do spend together is everything they could hope for and more. They're like a little family... if only that family could be real and not fantasy.

Becca's plan to get them together is helping a lot too. She always drags her mommies together (not that either have to really be dragged). Becca will come home from a night at Becky's and casually say something to Freen along the lines of, "Mama said you looked really pretty yesterday, mommy."

She would do the same to Becky too. Both parents would blush profusely and giggle like little schoolgirls. Rebecca Sana-ree Chankimha was a little evil mastermind, but it certainly was working.


Becky didn't have work today and Freen and Becca were at Khun Nun's for dinner so she was alone. Becky didn't like to admit it but on these type of days, she really missed her brother. Her and Richie still haven't spoke but Lux gives Becky consistent updates on him. William has visited Richie too and has assured Becky time and time again that Richie is still on the wagon. His sobriety for the time being is secure.

Becky looks around her empty apartment as she slowly chews on the single steak she cooked herself and sighs. Her whole life, Becky lived with Richie. These last few months of separations between the two siblings was absolutely needed but nonetheless very lonely. Both siblings were a little lost without the other. Becky is still so mad. She never really allowed her anger to swallow her up whole because Richie was her lifeline in the dark times following the flee from Bangkok all those years ago.

She can feel that anger leaving her body with every smile from Freen and Becca though. Every day she shares with the love of her life and their beautiful daughter is enough for her. She's still bitter that she's missed out on so much but she's also so thankful for the time she has now. There comes a point where you have to live and let go. And sitting alone in her eerily silent apartment is enough to bring Becky to her feet and drag her towards Lux's bar.


Richie just started his shift just like he does everyday. He doesn't have much surprise or anything beside work in his life right now. He just works and works out. The Armstrong's siblings are the same in that respect. When Becky needs to shut down her emotions, she either spirals out of control with the partying and the women or focuses all her energy on working out and work.

Richie is the same way and that's exactly why he's focusing on his work. He can't slip again. No. He needs to show Becky that he's alright. He needs to show himself too. So he works. He lives. He survives day in and day out. It's not a glamorous life. But it's what he needs right now. Consistency. Order. And that's exactly what he has had for months until Becky comes walking through the bar door.

Richie pales considerably when he sees his little sister walk into the bar. They immediately make eye contact and both of their postures straighten. Richie fixes his shirt and ruffles his hair a bit for volume as he nervously stands, waiting for Becky to approach him.

This is it, Richie thinks. Finally, he will talk to his sister again. He's missed Becky more than air. Becky isn't just his sister. Richie raised Becky too. Becky is the most important person in the world to him and keeping away from her these past few months has been harder than he ever anticipated.

"Hi..." Becky mumbles out as she stares straight into Richie's wide brown eyes.

Becky is trying to act cool and collected but there are two people in this world that can see through her stoic facade. Richie and Freen. So Richie knows that Becky is just as nervous as him right now and that thought comforts the older Armstrong immensely.

"Hi, Becky..." Richie breathes out, relief flooding through his body. His sister is real and in front of him again. Becky audibly gulps.

"Can we... maybe talk?" Becky quietly asks as if Richie would say no. She's been waiting for this moment.

"Yeah." Richie says with no hesitation although his voice slightly cracks. "Let me just tell Khun Lux I'm going on break. We can sit in the booth in the back. I'll be right there."

Becky mutely nods and walks to the designated booth. Her nails nervously click on the table as she awaits Richie. Truthfully, she's not really sure what she wants to say to Richie but she's missed him. God, she's missed him so much. Maybe it's time they finally try and talk things out.

Richie walks over and takes of his apron before sitting down across from Becky. He brought over one of Becky's favorite drink and a glass of water for himself. Becky mumbles out a thank you and greedily drinks half the glass. Richie carefully watches his sister. He wants to let Becky lead where this conversation goes.

Becky puts her glass down and stares at the table. The silence between the two siblings is even more eerie than the silence of Becky's apartment. Becky starts to think she made a mistake coming here and then she looks up and Richie's hopeful face and realizes it's time. Becky keeps talking about her new little family with Freen and Becca but truthfully, her family will never be complete without Richie. It's time for the Armstrong's to be a family again.

"I've missed you." Becky hoarsely says, already getting emotional. Richie barely holds back a tears.

"I've missed you too, Becky. So much." Richie sadly smiles.

"How.. how have you been?" Becky insecurely asks.

"Good... well not good. But um... you know I'm doing alright. I've been working a lot. Keeps my mind off other things." Richie rambles a little and Becky nods, listening to every word leaving her brother's mouth.

"That's good." Becky simply says and Richie nods.

It's awkward. The whole conversation is off and unfamiliar to them, but it's a start. And Becky is trying really hard, Richie can see that. It's a start. And all Richie can ask for is a start. A chance.

"How have you been? How's... um how's nong Freen and your daughter?" Richie carefully says, bracing himself for the backlash that might be thrown his way for bringing up such a sensitive topic. Becky stiffens noticeably and before relaxing a moment later.

"Me and Freen are just focusing on Becca right now." Becky firmly states and Richie can tell he's hit a nerve. Silence envelops their booth again.

"Becca..." Becky starts up after a few minutes of terribly awkward silence and Richie's eyes shoot up, trying to meet Becky's eyes which are focused off in the distance.

"Becca is everything, Richie." Her words are noticeably softer and tinged with love. Richie melts a little for his sister.

"Yeah?" Richie says with a soft smile.

"Yeah. She's a soccer player just like me. And I coach her team with Willie. She never stops asking questions. She's very curious for her age. And she's got my eyes and my dimples. I love her so much. I never thought I would love anyone other than well... uh you and Freen.. But god, I really do. She's just everything." Becky rambles on about her daughter and the tension at the table eases slightly.

Richie's smile grows wider listening to his baby sister talk about her own baby girl. Becky's eyes dance with unparalleled love and affection, an emotion Richie never thought would grace the his baby sister's eyes again.

"She sounds perfect, Becky." Richie lovingly says. Richie is dying to meet his little niece and to explain and apologize to Freen too but he knows it's not the time yet. Becky has just started to open up to him.

"She is. Maybe..." Becky seems hesitant as she closes her eyes and takes a big swig of her drink. "Maybe someday you could meet her."

"I'd love to." Richie says, a little shocked at the offer.

"Not.. not right away. Freen will need to feel comfortable around you first. Maybe we can do a dinner.. me, you and Freen. Talk things out a little more."

"I.. yeah. Yes. Of course. Just tell me when and where and I'll be there."

Becky nods and looks down at her phone, her face scrunches up like it does when something unexpected happens.

"I'm sorry I have to go. Freen needs me." Becky says while staring at her phone. She misses the momentary disappointed look on Richie's face.

"Of course. And Becky..." Becky turns around from walking away and the two siblings lock eyes again. "Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?"

"For trying. For trying to forgive me. That's all I can ask for."

Becky sadly smiles and nods before walking away, leaving Richie alone once more.


Becky scurries outside and takes a cab over to Freen's right away. Freen's text was vague but she asked if Becky could come over right away and that she needed her help.

Becky gets to Freen less than 10 minutes later and knocks on the door. Freen opens the door in her scrubs from work. The younger brunette looks tired and her eyes are red and puffy. Becky can tell she's been crying. Concern instantly etches on the firefighter's face.

"Thank god, you're here." Freen exhales a long breath.

"Is everything alright na? Is Becca okay?" Becky worriedly asks. Before Freen moves from the door, wordlessly inviting Becky in.

"Becca is fine. She's actually right he-"

"Mamaaa!" Becca squeals and runs up to her mama. Her and her mama have gotten very close these past few months. They are best friends. Becca can tell her mama anything.

"Hey there my BB." Becky scoops Becca in her arms and kisses the top of her head. She's smiling but still extremely worried. Something with Freen is very wrong.

"Becca.., it's time for bed." Freen softly says, her voice croaking.

"But mama just got here!!" Becca frowns and crosses her arms in a stance of defiance. Freen just doesn't have it in her right now to argue with a six year old.

"Baby please na..." Freen defeatedly says. Becca is cranky because she's sleepy and when she's cranky, she becomes very stubborn.

"No! I don wannaaaaaa!" Becca whines and clutches on her mama's neck.

"How about I read you a bedtime story? Then you go straight to bed, okay BB?" Becky tries to be helpful. She loves her daughter and always wants to spend time with her but right now, the other love of her life needs her and only her.

"Fine." Becca huffs out.

"I'll be right back na." Becky quietly says to Freen, looking back at her apologetically.

Freen nods her head. "I'm going to get changed out of my work clothes then."


Becky tiptoes out of Becca's room 20 minutes later. Becca fell fast asleep, cuddled into Becky and snoring lightly. It was the cutest thing ever and if Freen didn't need her right now, Becky would have stayed there and watched her adorable baby girl for a few more minutes. But Freen does need her.

Freen is sprawled out on the couch, hugging a pillow with a half empty bottle of wine on the coffee table. Becky is really worried now. She goes over and kneels on the floor near Freen, pushing Freen's hair wet from her tears out of her face.

"Freen ka.., you're scaring me. What's wrong na?"

"It's.." Freen hiccups a little. "Mae..."

"Khun Mae? What happened?" Becky carefully says, a knot already forming in her stomach.

"She has cancer." Freen quietly sobs out, pulling Becky into a bone crushing hug.

Her tears collecting on the shoulder of Becky's shirt. Becky lets out a gasp and reciprocates the hug with equal force. The wind is knocked out of Becky's lungs. Life never seems to give them a break.

"Oh my god, Freen... I'm so sorry na..." Becky croaks out, tears of her own forming.

Freen pulls Becky off the floor and onto the couch with her. The two women embrace like that for awhile, Freen quietly crying so she doesn't wake up their daughter. Eventually the tears subside and the only sounds in the house are Freen's hiccups.

"Can we lay down?" Freen moves her face from Becky's shoulder and stares into her ex's eyes with more vulnerability than Becky ever thinks she has seen before. It breaks her heart.

"Of course. The couch or the bed?" Becky softly asks, wiping the younger brunette's tear stain cheeks.

"The bed. I'm tired... Do you mind staying over tonight? I just don't want to be alone and nong Irin is working a night shift. And I need you right now. God, I really need you here with me, Becky." Freen sobs out, the tears freely flowing again.

"Shh.... I'm here na. I'm always here whenever you need me. Come on. Let's get you to bed." Becky gets up from the couch and holds out her hand for Freen to take.

Freen sniffles a little as Becky leads her to her own bedroom. They get to Freen's room and Freen immediately pulls out a pair of joggers and a tank top for Becky to sleep in. Becky accepts and strips. Freen turns a little so Becky doesn't see the blush on her face. She gets under the covers of her bed and waits for the older brunette.

When Becky gets into the bed, she wordlessly opens her arms and Freen nuzzles deep into her embrace. It's like muscle memory. Some things you never forget. And for Becky and Freen, their love and affection for one another is never too far away.

Freen lets out a bitter laugh and Becky angles her head to see Freen's face.

"It's just so ironic." Freen bitterly says.

"What is?"

"Mae is one of the best doctors in the country. People from different states, hell different countries come to her to take out their tumours on a daily basis. And now she has the same thing she's been fighting against her whole life and she didn't even know. Nobody knew until it was too late."

"How far along is it?" Becky asks, afraid of the answer.

"It's in her liver, so far nowhere else. Stage 3A. It's unresectable though. It's too close to main arteries." Freen says in her scientific tone, trying to separate her emotions from the conversation.

"Shit..." Becky says out of pure frustration. She doesn't know a lot about science but she does know that unresectable means that they can't remove the tumors and that's definitely not god.

"My thoughts exactly." Freen releases a watery laugh.

"What are her options?"

"Both her and her doctors agree that the best course of action would be to just completely remove her liver before it spreads."

"Does that mean... can she survive without a liver?"

"No... you need at least a part of your liver."

"Wait, so how can they remove the liver then? Won't she..." Becky tapers off, not wanting to say the word 'die.'

"No. She needs a liver transplant. That's why I'm going to get tested. But if I'm not a match... God! I don't know. She will need to be put on a transplant list and that might take years. I don't think she has years, Becky. I need to be a match."

Becky gulps. Freen. In surgery. Freen. Giving up a part of her organ.

That's one of the scariest sentences she's ever had to process in her life. She doesn't want to imagine Freen on an operating table. What about the risks? The complications? What if Freen...?

No. No. Becky can't go there. People perform these type of surgeries all the time and they're okay. But still. It's a major surgery. Becky understands why she would do it too. Hell, Becky would do it. However selfishly, she wants her Freen safe from both emotional and physical harm. Life doesn't seem to give a damn as to what Becky wants though.

"Is it dangerous?"

"There are always risks with surgery, even minor ones. But as far as I'm concerned, the risks and pain are all worth it if it means Mae can continue living. Becky... I can't lose another parent. Not like this and not right now."

Brown eyes stares intensely into deep brown. And Becky gets it. If she had the chance to save her parents or her brother, she would take it in less than a heartbeat.

"Khun Mae is a fighter na. She will get through this. She will." Becky kisses the top of Freen's head and whispers sweet assurances to Freen as she drifts into a deep slumber.

Becky lays awake with Freen in her arms. She imagined that the next time she had Freen in her arms asleep, it would be a much different scenario. But alas, life never goes how it's imagined or planned.

Life is messy and tragic and beautiful. But the beauty for Becky is all because of Freen and Becca. She needs them and they need her. They are a family and families stick together in times of great trouble. A hurricane is in fact brewing too. And they are in the eye of the storm.

To be continued...

Sorry for any mistakes, thanks for reading! ❤️

המשך קריאה

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