His Raging Addiction

By Lillybwritting

28.9K 1.5K 244

After one hot and thrilling summer, a decision had to be made, hearts were broken, and tears were shed. Almos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

1.2K 77 9
By Lillybwritting

"You saw Reid again and you didn't tell me," Alyssa gasped dramatically, holding a hand up to her forehead. "You never tell me anything, are we even best friends?"

Erica giggled from her corner of the couch. "I can't believe he offered you a job. He must've really missed you."

"He didn't miss me," I shrugged my shoulders. "If he missed me he would've contacted me years ago or chased after me when I bumped into him again. This is just business." I told them.

"Jade, did you see the number he's willing to pay for you? He 100% missed you, that's way above an average salary. I would take the job too if I was getting paid that much. I don't blame you."

"Well, I'm not going to forgive him or interact with him outside of the job if forgiveness is what he's looking for. I'll go in and do my job and then go home." I said more so to myself. I wasn't going to let petty emotions get in the way of this opportunity. No matter how much I wanted to strangle him every time I saw him.

Alyssa and Erica shared a look. I raised a brow curious to hear what their silent conversation was about. "So you were about to send the email huh," Alyssa jumped off the couch and grabbed my laptop. She opened it and thrust it into my hands. "Don't let us stop you."

I set the laptop down and typed in my password. Erica and Alyssa crowded me while I sent Reid a brief email, notifying him that I accepted his job offer. I pressed send with a shaking finger and immediately closed my laptop afterward. "Alright, let's go watch a movie now," I spun around, making a beeline to my couch.

The girls joined me and sat down on either side. I inhaled a breath as I clicked on Netflix and turned on the first movie I saw. I sat back while Erica and Alyssa giggled and gossiped the entire movie about a certain actor in it.

I however couldn't concentrate on anything as my email ran over and over in my head. I avoided looking at my phone in fear of the next notification being Reid's. I knew it was late but I kept my phone at a distance just in case. I will check my email tomorrow morning.

Said morning I picked up my phone that had been charging on the nightstand and opened my email. I inhaled sharply when WilliamsCo's e-mail sat at the top of my inbox, a message waiting inside. I clicked on it and skimmed over the words on the screen.

Good morning Miss. Silvia,

I'm glad you took up my job offer. I will give you two weeks to put your notice in and prepare for your position here as our Civil Engineer. Please let me know a date you are free so we can meet about your salary, and position, and go over the paperwork.

- Reid Williams

I blew out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and dropped my phone on my bed. This was really happening, it wasn't a bizarre dream that my brain created. I picked up my phone and began typing a response.

Good Morning,

I appreciate the time given to finalize my time at EcoClove. I will be available next Tuesday at any time from 9 am-5 pm to get things sorted.

- Jade Silvia

He responded within five minutes.

Does 1:30 pm work for you? We can discuss this over lunch in my office.

- Reid Williams

1:30 is perfect, see you then.

- Jade Silvia

I closed out the app and threw my phone across the bed. What was I doing? Having lunch? With Reid? I'm going insane. I looked at my door to see Daisy staring up at me with curious eyes, her head tilted to the side, and her tail curled beside her.

"Don't worry Daisy, I'm okay." I picked her up and cuddled her small body into my chest. "At least I will be, I hope, I gave her a small peck. "Let's go get you some food," I rubbed her stomach. Her eyes lit up at that and her tail wagged at the mention of food.

Next week rolled around pretty quickly. I already put my two weeks in and only had a few days left on the job. My fingers drummed against my thigh as I rode the elevator up to the top floor, number 27. There's no reason why a building should have so many floors.

The secretary's desk sat right around the corner when you stepped off. A gorgeous blonde with Jade green eyes occupied the space. Her fingers typed a million miles a minute, her attention solely on her work.

I stopped in front of her, my fingers grip the handle of my bag. "Excuse me, can you please let Mr. Willams know that Jade Silvia is here? I have an appointment."

She stopped what she was doing, her fingers frozen in mid-air. "Of course," her southern accent coated her voice like honey. "You're his 1:30, yes?"

I nodded and lifted my shin, "yes ma'am."

She pressed a button on her phone and spoke into it three seconds later. Her jade-green eyes slid up to me, a warm smile planted on her lips. "Mr. Williams is ready for you. His office is to your left and at the end of the hall. Just go ahead and walk right in."

"Thank you," I smiled. I made my way to his door and stopped in front of it. The door was different from the rest of the rooms in this building. They were all made out of glass but this was completely oblique. I knocked on the door and awaited his answer.

"Come in," his voice boomed from the other side of the door. I gulped down my nerves and straightened my shoulders before twisting the silver handle and walking inside.

I stopped in my spot when a familiar-looking ginger turned his head. The glasses stood primly on his face, freckles scattered across his cheeks and nose. His eyes are ocean blue.

I knew my memory was foggy but I'd seen this man before. It suddenly clicked, the night I was at the event, he had spoken to me at the bar before his friends arrived.

"Miss. Silvia, this is Dylan Hart, he's one of the COOs of WilliamsCo."

A spark of recognition appeared in his eyes. "Nice to officially meet you," he shook my hand politely. "I know nothing is established yet but welcome to the company, I trust you will do an excellent job as our Civil engineer."

"Thank you," heat sizzled over my cheeks.

He nodded and declined his head to check the time on his watch. "I'll leave you guys to it. Nice to meet you again." He said goodbye before closing the door behind him.

My eyes slowly dragged their way to Reid where he sat behind his large desk. Come to think of it, his office was insanely big. Behind him was a wall that looked like it consisted of dark brown bamboo, a bookshelf leaning up against it with an array of books lining the shelves. Two rectangular lamps sat on both ends of his desk that stretched the length across the wall.

When you walk in and look to the right, floor-to-ceiling windows snake around the corner of the room. A large gray rug lay on the floor, two armchairs faced a small circular table made of glass, and a couch faced the wall of glass. He even had a TV plastered on the wall across from his desk. To say I was impressed by his office was an understatement.

"Miss. Silvia," Reid called my name, snapping me out of my awe. "Thank you for coming in. Please have a seat." He said monotonously. My back stiffened as I made my way across the room and took a seat in the chair across from him.

"Thank you for your offer," I responded, laying my palm flat on my knee.

The corner of his lips turned up faintly before the smirk altogether disappeared. He pulled a file from a drawer and placed it down in front of me. "Inside is your offer letter and paperwork and documentation you'll need to fill out if you accept."

I pulled the files closer to me and opened the file to the offer letter. Just like he promised the same number written on my yellow note was listed as my salary. I read over my position, benefits, and employment terms before I grabbed a pen and signed my name.

Why did I feel like I was making a deal with the Devil?

Honey-colored eyes watched over me as I filled out all my paperwork. It took everything in me not to snap my head up for one second in fear that our eyes would connect. I tugged my bottom lip in between my teeth as I continued writing, ignoring the gaze of my future boss.

"Ah, here it is, the lunch I ordered." His voice disrupted me from my work. I looked to the door to see the secretary I had seen earlier carrying a bag and two drinks. My eyes widened slightly when I saw the name of the brand.

"You still enjoy Canes, yes?" Reid untied the bag that was set on his desk.

My grip tightened on my pen, his reference to our past, striking a nerve in my body. "Yes, I do like to eat Canes. Thank you for lunch." I accepted my box of chicken tenders and Fanta orange.

I ate with one hand while I finished filling out papers with my other. Reid sat back in his seat, observing me as he ate. I kept my gaze on the papers and by the time I was done, so were our plates of chicken and fries.

I closed the file and pushed it back to his side. "So when do I start?" I lifted a brow.

"You can start the Monday after two weeks. Halle will help you get settled in and help you get accommodated with the job. Do you have any more questions for me before you leave?"

Yeah, why did you disappear for a year? Where did you go? Why didn't you come after me when we bumped into each other on that night? Were the questions that burned on the tip of my tongue.

"No, I have everything I need. Thank you again for this opportunity." I stood from my seat, my purse in hand.

Reid stood up as well and rounded the desk. His tall frame towered over mine, even in three-inch heels. "No problem, let me walk you to the door." He was close enough that I could catch a whiff of his warm salted caramel scent which only made my stomach hurt.

I nodded and let him walk me to the door. He opened the wooden door and gestured for me to walk through. "Thank you for your time Miss. Silvia," his voice sent goosebumps over my skin the way he huskily breathed my name. "I appreciate it."

I paused taking a good look at the man Reid had become. His face was impassive and his eyes sparkled with secrets a deep part of me burned to discover. I could feel heat coating my skin like I was a torch lit on fire whenever he settled his hazel eyes on me.

"Of course," my voice wavered with unknown emotion. "Goodbye, Mr. Williams." I turned away and walked back to the elevator, his gaze burning holes into my backside. I let out a heavy breath when I finally reached the elevator, my shoulders slumping as the box descended to the lobby.

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