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By zendayaswifey

1.6K 63 46

โ we all live and we all die. so fucking what? โž It all started with a Diary. Six girls with secrets. A sin... More

characters + author's note
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.

chapter one.

221 9 13
By zendayaswifey


I need sex.


Maybe, just maybe I could pull someone by their tie and pull them into the janitor's closet with me. God, I'm so desperate I'd fuck on school premises.

"I want that guy." Marley points to a shirtless guy who's playing a game of basketball. I narrow my eyes and inspect him. Gorgeous body. Charming face. He simply looks like every girl's dream man.

But not mine.

That's Alex Macher. One of the school's heartthrobs. He has a great face and he's really good at basketball. But his personality ruins it all for him. I mean he's perfect until he opens that mouth of his.

"He's sexist. He doesn't believe women belong on this fucking planet." I roll my eyes once he looks over here. Oh great, he saw me.

He's been trying to get a night with me again. I wouldn't like to admit it, but I did have a steamy night with him when we were both high out of our minds, and he was good.

But when a guy believes that women are practically useless, you wouldn't want anything to do with them. But Alex doesn't get that through his stupid brain.

"Good luck. He'll fuck you into oblivion then tell you you're a waste of his time." Alex never said that to me, but I have heard it from other girls that have had a night with him.

"Good thing it's not a forever thing." She mutters as he finally reaches us. Marley puts on her best smile but I don't. I don't like him and I don't have to act like I do. "Hey Alex."

He sends a smirk her way, making me roll my eyes at him for the second time in five fucking minutes. He looks over at me with a grin.

But I tell him off before he opens his mouth. "I'm not interested, Alex. For the thousandth time."

"Yeah, whatever. Just pretend like I haven't gave you the fucking of your life, Luna. You're missing out." He shrugs, sends a wink to Marley before jogging back over to his basketball buddies.

What a joke. He acts as if he's a big shot. I could find hundreds of guys that could rock my world and trust me because I have. Which means he's not the only one. I really wish his brain was a big as his—

"Nevermind about Alex. I think that one is more your type, Lu." I divert my eyes to where she's obviously pointing at. "He's cute."

I'm looking ahead at a guy who's playing a game of football. The back of his head at that. But from that angle I can tell he's quite in shape. And it arouses me.

"All I see is a very muscular back, Mar." I turn back to her with a frown. "Not saying that the back wasn't hot but—"

"Will you stop talking and look?" She grabs my face and turns it back into the direction of the football game. I search for the guy and just when I find him, he finally turns around.

"Really? Cameron Dunst? The party lunatic?" I ask with a confused expression. "I like guys that are calm, collecting and not a complete man-child. He is most definitely not my type."

"He could be." She let's go of my face and checks the time on her phone. I watch in confusion as she opens her phone and starts texting someone. She must get my confusion because she opens her mouth. "I heard he's turning over a new leaf."

"A new leaf? Let's be serious Marley. That guy will never and I mean never change. Once party animal, always party animal." I tell her.

She shrugs. "It could happen. I mean look at you. When I first met you, you never liked parties, going out, or even wearing makeup. And now look at you? Still gorgeous as ever but a different persona."

I cringe at the thought of that. I never ever want to be reminded of that time.

She sees my expression and winces. "Sorry. But I had to make a point, Lu. People can change."

"I don't know. I have to see it to believe it." I purse my lips before looking over at Cameron again. He runs a hand through his hair as he watches the ball he just threw over to some guy.

But before he catches me staring at him, I look away and check the time on my phone. Shit. The bell rings to go home in a minute. I'm supposed to in class, which I'm not because Chemistry makes me want to rip my eyes out of their sockets.

"Shit. I gotta go Mar." I'm practically on the other side of the school because I'm not where I'm supposed to be and I promised my coach that I wouldn't be late. I could be kicked off.

"Okay! Love you, make sure you sprint!" I shake my head as I pick up my bag. I sling it over my shoulder and speed walk away from field.

I don't make it ten feet away before I'm distracted by a golf cart slowly driving right beside me. My eye twitches but I keep on walking.

"You know, if you weren't so damn stubborn, you'd be at the pool already." He says making me scoff.

"And if you weren't so damn annoying, I wouldn't be walking away from you." I retort, my patience running scarily thin with him by my side.

He chuckles. "You're so hot when you're mad. I love it." I stop walking and take a breath.

"If you want me to ride with you, that's all you had to say Cameron. And how the hell did you find me so fast? You were just playing football?" I say to him.

He shrugs. "Doesn't matter. Now come on before you're late. I hate hearing you complain about how your coach is gonna kick you off the team."

I scoff in offense as I climb into the golf cart. "First of all, those rants aren't for you. You're just a stalker. Hence, right now."

Cameron shakes his head. "Nah, I wouldn't deem myself as a stalker. You're just really loud and you sound miserable so double the points."

"You're such an ass." I roll my eyes. I can't believe I got involved with him. Well—technically I didn't, he found me. Which happens with every guy I encounter. They always find me.

"Thank you, love." I grit my teeth at the nickname I told him hundreds of times not to call me. But the fucker never listens. But I don't say anything, I don't want to be in a really bad mood before practice.

A few minutes of silence passes us before the jackass speaks to me again. "So, you're still messing with that sexist douche?"

I laugh. "No fucking way. It was only a one night stand. Nothing more even though the guy thinks I have a full blown crush on him."

"You know he keeps telling everyone that he's going to make you his housewife? He mentioned it three fucking times in the locker room. I almost punched him." I watch his hands tighten on the wheel.

"Great, now I have to kill him." I mutter as we stop in front of the school's indoor pool.

"Excuse me?"

"Thanks for the ride." I slide out of the cart before storming inside of the building. I like to think I'm dead serious when I mention murder but everyone knows damn well I won't be able to get away with it.

Seven might though.

She's scarier than me when she's pissed off.

Even though I don't talk to her anymore, I still do see when she practically blows her top when someone makes her mad. I've known her almost my whole life and that girl right there does not know how to control her anger without someone being right beside her to calm her down.

"Hey Lu, you're early for once." Sarah, my teammate comments as I walk into the locker room. I send her a playful glare, setting down my bag. "You turning over a new leaf or something?"

"Fuck no. I'm just trying not to get kicked off the team." As co-captain of our school's girls swim team, I have to set an example. I have to pretend that I'm role model potential even though I'm far from it.

She laughs as she adjusts her swim cap. "Well, that's a good thing because without you or Siya, we'd lose every time."

I place a hand over my heart right after taking off my shirt. "That's sweet, Sarah. You're making me blush."

She shakes her head with a smile before standing and telling me she'll see me in a minute. When she's gone, I quickly take off my pants and take out my one-piece.

Quickly changing, I pull my hair back into a bun before sliding on the cap. I tuck all my clothes into my duffle bag along with my phone. I then pull out my goggles and make it out the door to meet my teammates.

"Finally made it on time Cap."

I roll my eyes. Okay, I know I don't have the best attendance, but I'm not all that bad. I mean at least I'm here and still attending. If anything, I'm committed.

I walk past majority of my teammates, making it to the highest diving board. We usually decide to warm up before Coach arrives to tell us what the plan is.

I climb up the ladder and with time, I look down on everything as I'm on the highest platform in the building. I stretch my legs and arms for a minute before shaking the nerves out of my body.

After preparing myself, I walk to the very end of the diving board. I hop a little to get my start. And before I realize, I'm diving into the twelve foot pool.

My body hits the water and it's like all my worries and fears are gone. One of the many reasons I chose to be apart of this team is because whenever I'm near the water, I can think.

God, I sound like Percy Jackson.

But he does have a point. The water does many things to calm a girl like me. Even though I can hold my breath underwater for ten minutes, it's not enough time to get away from everything.

I rise up out of the water and swim towards the wall. I'm about to pull myself up, someone stands in front of me, preventing me from getting out.

It's Taisiya. The root of all evil.

"You know there's no jewelry in the pool, Adair." She smirks, arms crossed over her chest. She has that smug look on her face that just makes somebody want to sock her in the fucking face.

"You know you can suck my dick, Brooks." I mutter, pulling myself up and out of the pool. I push past her and walk towards the towels.

"Gee, that's not setting an example for the team. You should know better, even after all the chances you've got." She sneers from behind me.

I continue drying my hair off, trying my best to ignore her presence but she's like a bitchy cloud looming over everything and everyone.

"I'm not trying to fight, Taisiya." I mutter, dropping the towel on a chair before turning around to face the devil's accomplice.

She tilts her head with a small pout on her lips. "It's not about us fighting, LuLu, it's about the team and how you aren't a good fit for this team. And I mean that with slight sensitivity because you never really fit in much anywhere. You know that better than anyone."

For a couple of girls that used to be the best of friends, she's making me out to be her enemy which is complete and utter bullshit.

She paints everyone out to be the bad guy and it's really humbling at times because she was once considered a sister to me. But now she's my number one enemy. Ex-friends or not.

The bitch is dead to me.

I mean look what happened with her and Dakota. They were the closest out of the bunch but they're falling out was so bad, it's like they never met each other a day in their life.

I heard the argument trying to eavesdrop and trust me when I tell you, it was not pretty.

"You say that, but remember Tai," I take a menacing step towards her. I watch as she watches my movements closely. "I wasn't the one spreading lies about the only people who cared about your sorry pathetic ass."

I have to be the bigger person. Even though she's the captain and I'm the co-captain. I've been told I'm not that mature but come on, I'm a hundred times more mature than that blonde bully.

✘ ✘ ✘

I press the button on my key and my car unlocks. I open the door to my backseat and lunge my duffle bag and my school bag into the backseat.

I shut the door and I'm immediately met with two silhouettes right behind me. I jump but my heartbeat calms down when I see it's just Maddie and Isis.

I haven't seen them around in a while. But their whole thing is kind of lurking in the shadows and staying low profile so it's not so surprising once you think about it.

"I'm sorry Luna, but we have something to tell you. And you're most definitely not going to like this." Maddie is the first to speak.

I turn around to finally face the both of them. They both have that sad and gloomy look on their face. And considering their the nice ones, that's something to be worried about.

"What happened?" I ask, now alert.

"You have to see it for yourself." Isis replies. She and Maddie began walking away from me. I wait a second for my heart to catch up before I'm walking back inside the school building behind them.

My heart is basically beating out of my chest in fear and anxiety. I don't know what's happening and by having both Maddie and Isis tell me something is wrong is just sends another level of fear through me.

I follow them through the halls until we reach someone's lockers. I then take notice of everyone standing around it. Seven, Dakota, and then Taisiya.

They're all staring at the lockers ahead. I don't understand what's the big deal until I actually look what is plastered on the lockers.

SEVEN MORALES: The Hothead. Anger issues isn't the only thing she has a problem speaking about...

DAKOTA LAURENT: The Ice Princess. You've been way too prideful, and you know that Dak. Watch your back. You never know the target that's taped on your back.

LUNA ADAIR: The All-Well Slut. Keep it up Lu, you might wanna call it quits with guys you barely know or pregnancy isn't the only thing you'll be fearing...

ISIS TURNER: The All Around Sweetheart. Yeah, you're lover may have cheated on you, but that's not the thing you should be crying about. Just ask mom, I'm sure she'll tell you...

TAISIYA BROOKS: The Bitching Blonde Bully. Luna was right, Tai. If you keep antagonizing the only people who care about you, you're going to die painfully, and alone...

MADDIE ALORE: Little Miss Perfection. Always doing her very best. Better watch our Mads, people aren't gonna like what you're doing to get ahead.

I don't have the chance to breath or react because Dakota is already ripping off the papers on the lockers.


"No! I'm sick of this shit!" She balls up the papers and tosses them in the garbage behind us. "Do you all understand what that was? Those were pages from the fucking diary. The one that we burned!"

"I don't know what's going on or who's sick game this is but I'm not playing! Fuck that, I'm out of here." She complains, about to walk away but Isis stops her.

"No, Dakota, we need to talk about this. We can't have this looming over our heads for who knows how long?" She throws her arms up in frustration.

Dakota scoffs. "What are we to talk about, Isis?"

Then I but in after finally catching up. "Um, how the diary is not destroyed like we thought. We all watched the thing burn into flames, and now someone has our secrets in their hands."

Tai shakes her head. "We don't know that for sure, they could be bluffing."

I almost laugh at how ridiculous she sounds. "Im sorry, has the blonde really gotten into your brain? You possibly can't be that fucking stupid!"

"Okay, can we please stop with the name-calling? We have to stay focused on what's going on right now." Maddie comments after staying her quiet self.

Dakota looks at her before sliding down the lockers, looking defeated. "I'm sorry, Mad, but I just don't know what to think. Someone has our secrets over our heads and we don't know what to do."

Seven speaks up. "Or maybe we do." She leaves it open for discussion but no one gets what she's trying to say to us.

She then rolls her eyes before explaining. "The new neighbor. He found my diary at his house we stupidly thought to never remove it from. He's probably the one who went through it."

I think all our heads start to click because we all make the same face. Now I know why we were best friends.

"Yeah! He was the only one to see it. He probably opened it up with his dirty hands." Taisiya comments, making me roll my eyes.

"I have a perfect plan!" I speak up with a grin. My gaze lands on Seven and she cringes when we make eye contact.

She then shakes her head, knowing where I'm going with this. "No! Absolutely fucking not! I'm not doing whatever you're thinking about. We have to think up another plan."

"Well until we have another plan, you're doing whatever the hell Luna has for you." Dakota replies, making Seven clench her jaw.

"Okay, so you're the only one he's seen because you took the diary from him. Plus, he lives right next door to him. I say use your charm and seduce him. Let him lead you to what he knows." I explain to them.

"I dunno, that sounds mean." Maddie comments.

Taisiya sighs. "Maddie, I know you're a sweetheart and all but grow a spine."

Maddie backs away from her, making Dakota stand up. "Oh shut up, Taisiya. You don't tell her that. You're a bitch that's what."

She scoffs. "Oh please, it's something that she needs to hear because it's true. We don't need a weak link between us and our lives here."

I look over at Maddie and she's looking at Taisiya like she doesn't know who she is. I can see it because I felt it. Never thought that she out of everyone would disappoint me like she did.

"You're a bitch." Dakota sneers.

"Thank you." Taisiya shrugs.

"So Sev, you clear on the plan? You understand what your job is and what you have to do?" I ask to try and ease the tension between Taisiya and Dakota.

She nods, grabbing her bag. "Yeah, I understand. I'll let you guys know when the magic happens."

I watch as she leaves. It's hard to watch but it had to happen. Things happen and people grow apart. You can't expect for things to be perfect forever. You just wish they last forever that's all.

I say bye to Maddie and Isis before leaving right after Seven. Again, it's hard to leave them because I grew up with those girls. They were once my sisters.

But now they're just girls I've got tangled up with because of something that happened in the past.

And that's all they'll ever be now.

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