BoyxBoy oneshots

By thegay_bsf

13K 74 187

This book contains a lot of smut so if you don't like it, you can leaveπŸ₯° More

The 'emo' boy

Childhood bestfriend

2.7K 18 80
By thegay_bsf

Smut & Fluff

This won't be exactly like it says in the pic above but it's something like that, enjoy!

Third person POV

"Jess come downstairs, Hayden's here!" His mom called from the floor below.

Jess dropped all of his toys and ran to his bedroom door.

"Coming mama!" He opened the door and ran down the stairs, almost tripping from how clumsy he was. When he made it downstairs he saw Hayden and his mom. Hayden looked at him, a huge smile coming up on Jess's face. Jess ran to Hayden and gave him a tight hug. Hayden hugged back but not as enthusiastically. The shorter boy looked up at Hayden, noticing how down he looked- why was he sad? He looked around the room and saw Hayden's mom frowning and his mom too. "What's wrong guys?"

"Jessie hun... Hayden and his mom are moving out of state-" His mom continued to explain but Jess tuned her out after hearing the first part. He froze and his eyes stared at the floor with tears pricking at them. What was going on...? Hayden? Moving forever? Leaving... Him? "Jess baby are you alright?" His mom tried comforting but Jess pushed her off and he finally looked up.

"Y-your leaving me...?" He turned to Hayden and saw he also had tears in his eyes while gripping onto his mother's shirt. Hayden couldn't look Jess in his teary eyes so he just nodded and looked down.

It felt like his whole world just shattered in a matter of minutes. His best friend was leaving him, forever! He now started to sob, not looking at anyone. "Fine..." He sniffed and turned his back to walk up the stairs as Hayden's voice tried to get him to stay.

"J-Jess please! It's not like I have a choice!"  Jess could hear how he broke into tears from the slight voice cracks but still- he left back upstairs.

That happened 9 years ago. Jess forgot many memories he had with Hayden since they were only in the 3rd grade. Sure he thought about him from time to time but never that deeply.

Jess was now a senior in high school and focused on his studies. He had another best friend named Kally, she was amazing and they adored each other. Jess came out as gay to his mom and Kally and they both openly accepted him.

He now wore glasses and grew his fluffy brown hair out. He wasn't built but his body was toned and adorable to say the least. The school year has just begun and now he only has this last year to go.

Jess's POV

"Omg have you heard? There's gonna be a new kid!"

"I heard he's an ugly nerd."

"I heard he's fine and all the girls at his old school wanted him"

"How do you guys even know it's a boy?!"

Gossip, gossip, gossip. That's all people ever did at this school. At least I got a little something from it. New kid...

I shut my locker and jumped back when Kally's face was right in front of me when I closed it.

"Jesus fuck Kally! You seriously need to stop doing that, I'm gonna have a heart attack one day." I frowned playfully and she giggled while we began walking to our first hour.

"Soooo~ I heard there's a new kid- possibly a boy. Not too sure on what he looks like but if he's hot you should totally talk to him!"

I groaned and sat in my seat when we entered the class. "Oh come on Kal not you too..."

"What! I'm serious. You don't talk to anyone! It's fine if you don't want a 'boyfriend' just yet but at least make another friend. You know I'm always here for you and now I'm gonna need you to do me a favor and find a man." She said scarily serious.

I couldn't argue because I knew she was right. She was technically the only friend I had in this school, no one really talked to me and I didn't talk to anyone- which I had no problem with by the way. I guess she was just concerned for me like a good friend would do but sometimes I don't like talking to people. It was scary.

"Alright class settle down!"...

Time skip

Supposedly, the new guy is coming right before lunch and just to my luck, he's in almost all of my classes. Kally is gonna have a field day with that one...

While I was doodling on my paper in the middle of my class before lunch, our door opened and the principal came in. He whispered something to our teacher and she nodded understandingly. The principal nodded his head at the door and someone came inside- holy fuck!

A gorgeous man came inside. He was tall and his skin color was tan. He had curly dark brown hair that went down to his shoulder and earrings on. His pants were a little baggy and he had a graphic T on with a grey jacket over it, hiding his definitely buff arms that I wish weren't hidden so I could- woah calm down!

I was biting my lip while zoning out looking at him. I saw his eyes scanning the classroom and when we locked eyes I was snapped out of my trance and blushed, putting my head down.

"Why don't you introduce yourself hm?" The teacher said with a soft smile.

"I'm Hayden, I just moved back here from Georgia, I'm glad to be back in my hometown." He grinned and- oh my fucking gosh he has dimples!

"That's sweet Hayden, how about you take a seat in front of Jess in the back over there. Sorry I had to sit you in the back, it's the only open seat." She said apologetically but he said it was fine. "Jess, can you raise your hand for me so he knows where to sit?" I blushed and nodded, raising my hand, receiving a smile flash at me from Hayden.

Thinking about it now... Hayden sounded like a pretty familiar name. I couldn't quite put my finger on why it was familiar but I knew it was. His face looked like I knew him in some way but it just wouldn't click.

Hayden walked down the row I was seated in and sat where he was told to.

Class began so I started scribbling down notes and doodling again. I was in my own world until someone was lightly tapping on my desk. I lifted my head and saw Hayden staring right at me with a small smirk.

"Yes?" I asked trying not to sound too nervous. Wait, why was I nervous? He was just a new kid who just so happens to be scorching hot.

"Can I borrow a pencil? Didn't really come prepared for today."

Fuck- I don't know if I have one. I really hope I do. I never gave a pencil to anyone if I had any extra ones because they should've already had one if they've been in school for basically their whole life! But I don't know why I wanted to give him this pencil.

I nodded and searched through my bag, hoping a pencil would pop up.

Well, one did but it was a pink glittery one with some bite marks on it. I remember I used this pencil and bit in it if I was anxious about something. I'd totally be embarrassed if I gave this to him.

"Sorry uh- I don't have one... Try asking Ms. William, she probably has one" I told him with a nervous smile.

I was getting ready to continue with notes until he spoke up again. "I just saw you pick one out of your bag and put it back, did I not?" He says with a smirk while I blush since he caught me. "Ya know, if you didn't wanna give me one you could've just said so." Of course I wanted to give him one! But just not that one...

"N-no! I-I do want to give you one!" I panicked a bit. He raised his eyebrow with a slow hum. I groaned and dug into my bag again, grabbing the same sparkly pencil and handing it to him. "H-here..." I blushed, not looking at him while he grabbed the pencil. He mumbled a "thanks" before going back to do the notes. That was so fucking embarrassing...

Class ended and now it was time for lunch. I swear I've never needed Kally more than I need her right now. I was hurriedly packing my things and rushed out of the classroom, desperately trying to find Kally. When I finally got to the cafeteria, I saw Kally sitting at our table scrolling threw her phone. I got to our table and she looked up at me with a smile.

"Hey Jes-"

"Kally you won't believe what just fucking happened!" I said loudly, getting a few weird looks but I ignored them.

"What? Are you alright?" She ask concerned.

"No! You know the new guy right? Well he's in most of my classes! And that's not even the worst part. Last hour the teacher sat him in front of me! And after that, he asked for a pencil and I gave him the only one I had which was that pink sparkly one!" I complained and Kally just say there trying to process what I just said.

"Wait so he's in most of your classes, he sits by you, and you gave him that pink pencil I gave you?" She said with a smile, looking like she was holding in her laughter.

"Yes! It isn't funny Kally! It was so embarrassing-" I stopped myself and gasped as I remembered something. "I DIDN'T GET MY PENCIL BACK!"

She finally burst out into a fit of laughter and I just sat and watched with a angry face. She was making this way worse than it already is! I don't think I'm ever gonna get that pencil back and it was one of my favorites.

Kally's laughter finally died down and she had a huge smile on her face.

"You're a lost cause hun..." She patted my hand that was resting on the table and got up as soon as the bell rang. I sat there dumbfounded.

This is gonna be hell...


The rest of the day was nerve racking. In the rest of the classes I had Hayden in, I kept feeling his piercing gaze in the back of my head. It made me nervous. I was biting on my pencil for the rest of the classes and tried to focus but ended up failing.

I was at my locker now with Kally ready to leave this shithole. Kally was talking my ears off but I learned to tune her out if it wasn't anything important. I started to listen when I heard a specific name.

"Oh my gosh! I saw Hayden earlier in the halls and I can see why you have the hots for him!" She giggled and I glared at her. "I'm joking! You know I'd always go for the girls first." I chuckled and shook my head.

I failed to mention that Kally was bisexual. We both used to think we had a huge crush on each other but I realized I liked guys and at that same time, she had a crush on a girl. It was very awkward for some time...

We stopped at my front door and I hugged her goodbye and walked into my home. I still lived with my mother and recently she's been acting a bit strange. She's been on the phone with someone and everytime I asked who it was she said no one and didn't say anything about it again.

Today she was in the kitchen, on the phone again. This time she hung up when she heard me enter and greeted me with a smile.

"Hey Jessie how was school?" She asked in a weirdly happy voice. I've never seen her this happy in a while.

"Uhm- good? Not much happened besides a new student, nothing new..." I said and took off my shoes, setting them on the mat by our door.

When I looked up I swear I saw her eyes get brighter and her smile widen.

"Well do you have any classes with that person? Have you tried being friends with them?" She sounded very suspicious like she knew something I didn't. Me and her have a great relationship but she's never pushed me to learn about my school life. So this was very odd of her.

"I have most classes with them but I haven't tried being friends yet..." I spoke lowly while eyeing her. I guess she might just want to get to know me more? I've always been a private kid and kept to myself, that's why I didn't have any friends except Kally whom I met in middle school, she's always been my friend and my mom loved her.

I started making my way up the stairs but by the time I was at the top, the doorbell stopped me.

I heard my mom shriek in joy when she opened the door. My feet moved me to the bottom of the stairs where I could see a woman hugging my mom tightly and both of them had huge smiles on their face.

Now she looked familiar...

What's up with all of these faces popping up that I might know but I don't!

When the pair broke apart, the stranger saw me and she gasped loudly.

"Oh my gosh! Jess is that you?!" She quickly walked over to me and gave me a huge hug, lifting me off the stairs which made me gasp. "You've gotten so big!" I looked at my mom for some type of confession and she sighed softly with a grin, telling the random lady to let me go.

"Jess, this is Clarissa. It seems you don't remember her quite well but she was my best friend and your old friend's mom." I put all the dots together and finally knew who she was. I looked at Clarissa with a shocked face, I had so many questions.

"I-I thought you guys moved- like forever!"

"Well when you were having your little breakdown when I told you I was explaining that they'll be back but I guess you didn't hear that huh?" My mom laughed slightly and I still was standing there like an idiot.

So where was the other kid? Obviously he had to be here with her if they moved back.

"So- what about the kid? The old best friend?" I asked out of genuine curiosity. My mind went back to Hayden at school. He reminds me so much of that little boy. Am I missing something here?

"Well he should've been here already but clearly he's having some trouble with-"

"Sorry ma, the car was having a little problem I needed to fix" I heard a deep voice say at the door. I looked at the door and my eyes widened.

A hot guy walked in with a low sigh. But not any hot guy, it was Hayden.

His hair was in a bun which made him look so much hotter. He still had his clothes on from school but instead with no jacket, showing off his arms. He had a small flower tattoo on his right arm and a flirtatious smirk that rested on his face when he saw me.

"Jess, this is Hayden. Your old best friend." Clarissa introduced me to him, for the second time throughout my life. "How about you two boys head upstairs to get to know each other better hm?" She smiled and Hayden nodded.

What?! Alone in my room with him? Please!

I was too much of a nervous train wreck to even notice he grabbed my wrist and led me upstairs.

I'm surprised he still knew where my bedroom was.

He opened the door to my room and we both walked in. He shut it and looked around my room, taking in all of the posters, clothes, books, and others.

"It looks the same as to when you were younger..." He mumbled and his eyes were back on me. I blushed and looked down, not looking him in his eyes. he had such a glow up, like a major one. I used to be taller than him and we used to look like little nerds but now he was the one taller and I was the one that still looked like a nerd. Never in a million years would I guess he'd look like this and I'd be crushing on him like this.

"Look at me Jess," Hayden said in a stern voice. I kept my head down, shuffling my feet on the carpet. I heard him sigh and then I saw his shoes in front of me. A tight grip was placed on my chin and my head was forced up by Hayden. "I said look at me." He growled out. Never has my body felt so hot until now. "What's got you so shy hm? You used to be so outgoing," he pouts sarcastically. I tried to get my head out of his grip but I was no use.

"I-I'm not shy! You're just..." I stopped to avoid embarrassing myself in front of him. You're just really hot and I feel like if I look at you for much longer my body will give in and I'll expose myself in front of you.

"I'm what? Huh? Don't stop now, you've already said something so finish it" he whispered seductively in my ear. My breath hitched and I blushed harder than I ever had.

Is this how old friends are supposed to reunite? I don't think so.

His hands moved down to my waist and grabbed it, pulling me in closer to him. He put his head in the crook of my neck and spoke. "C'mon pretty boy, what's wrong? Cat got ya tongue?" He chuckled and started to nip at the skin on my neck.

My eyes widen at the action. What is he doing?! W-why is he making me feel like this? Why am I feeling like this...?

A soft whimper came out from between my lips. I blushed and covered my mouth with my hand. What was that! I felt Hayden stop with his teeth and felt a smirk on my neck.

"Wow, the first thing I hear from you right now is a whimper? Fuckin hell..." He hummed lowly. Was he enjoying my noises? This is so fucking embarrassing!

"P-please Hayden..." I whispered. placing my arms on his shoulder. He was now kissing my neck. My whole neck was getting peppered in light kisses. I was panting and my face was a dark shade of pink. When he got to where my collarbone was I let out a louder sound and immediately covered my mouth.

"Holy fuck." I heard him mutter before pulling back and looking me in my eyes. He placed his hand on the side of my face gently and our faces got closer. I felt his hot breath lightly fan my face and his eyes went down to stare at my lips. "Jess..." His eyes were now locked with mine again. "Can I kiss you?"

"Please..." I whispered and our lips were connected. His lips on my lips felt like a dream. His lips were soft and he kissed like a god. The kiss was slow and passionate. Hayden bit my lip and I moaned quietly but loud enough for the both of us to hear. His tongue invaded my mouth and I whimpered while he was doing so.

Hayden pulled away and grabbed my wrist. He walked over to my bed and sat in the middle of it, patting his lap so I could sit in it. I was flustered but I still moved myself over to his lap so his lips could attach onto me again. He now was sucking on my neck, surely leaving some type of marks. He bit and kissed it as well while I sat there whimpering and panting from him.

His hands found my waist again and placed them there for the time being. I felt my shirt getting taken off as more kisses came from that. He ran his hands along my torso, feeling how slim my body was.

My pants were getting tight and now I had the sudden urge to rip them off.

"Hayden..." I whimpered as he continued to explore my upper body with his lips and hands.

"Yes baby?" His deep voice responded. The pet name caught me off guard, making me moan from that alone. Hayden smirked when he found out that affected me.

My breathing was getting heavier. I just needed his touch somewhere else. I needed to feel his body and for him to feel mine. I needed him.

I tugged at the bottom of his shirt. "T-take it off" he smiled and complied.

My hands roamed all over his chest and arms. He looked fucking amazing.

I bucked my hips up, making both of our groins rub against each other. I moaned and Hayden groaned from the contact. I kept doing it, feeling nothing but pleasure. Suddenly, I felt Hayden's hands grip my waist tight enough so I stopped moving. I whined from the loss of contact and looked at him with a pouty face. He chuckled and switched our position so I was now on the bed and he was hovering over me.

"We can't do that, our moms are just downstairs. I don't think you want them hearing how much of a whore you are for me, how badly you want your childhood best friend to fuck you..." He mumbled into my ear so sexily. My pants grew tighter and I whimpered from his words. Fuck he was hot. I haven't seen this man in almost a decade and here he is on top of me, making me hot and bothered.

"I-I don't care just- please!" I begged but before he could respond there was a knock at the door. I froze and looked up at Hayden not knowing what to do. He was just smirking then started to suck on my collarbone, knowing it was my weak spot.

"Boys? Me and Clarissa are going out for a bit, don't get yourselves into trouble alright?" My mom said from the other side of the door.

I was about to respond before Hayden's hand started traveling down my body and palmed my boner from the outside of my jeans. I quickly covered my mouth so I didn't let a loud moan escape from me. I glared at Hayden because of the sudden move but he just chuckled and leaned down to say something.

"Better hurry up and answer before they get curious and come in here darling..." Fuck he was right. I uncovered my mouth and spoke as well as I could.

"M-mhm! G-got it!" I blushed from how bad that sounded. I heard my mom say something to Clarissa but I wasn't paying attention to that. The front door shut downstairs and Hayden took his hand away from my lower area. "Y-you fucking dick! Why'd you do that idiot!" I grumbled as he just laughed.

"You better watch your tone there baby. Don't forget I'm the one on top." I scoffed and turned my head away from him. He's just being a dickhead and a tease. I crossed my arms over my chest with an angry but still flustered look on my face.

"Jerk..." I mumbled and soon regretted it when I was turned around, ass in the air, my back arching, and my hands pinned above me. Shit.

"You wanna say that again huh? If you keep giving me attitude I'll fucking fix it for you." He growled above me.

One of Hayden's hands ran down my spine and harshly pushed me down lower so my ass stuck out more. I heard him groan quietly where I could barely hear it but I'm so glad I did. "Fuck Jess... Do you want this?" He asked me and I nodded. I knew he didn't take that as an answer when he gripped my hair and pulled me back, making his lips come close to my ears and my back arch in front of him. "I can't hear you baby..." He spoke lowly. His voice made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Y-yes Hayden, I want this so badly~" I whine. My lips parted and my body still not losing any heat.

"Good boy." The taller male flipped me back over and kissed me again. This time harder and lust filled. He stripped both of our pants off and started grinding our dicks together. I turned my head to the pillow I was laying my head on and muffled my moans. He held onto my hips, moving them all in the right places until I was close. He knew I was close when my legs began to shake and my moans got louder so he stopped.

I whined from the loss but before I knew it my underwear was off and now I was fully nude.

I blushed and closed my legs tightly. He tsked and pried my legs back open. "I wanna see all of you baby, you're beautiful" I blushed and kept my legs open. "D'you have any lube?" He asked but in a more gentle tone.

I nodded and turned my head over to the nightstand next to the bed. "Last drawer..." I mumbled. He got off the bed and went over to my drawer, grabbed the strawberry flavored lube and came back over to me. He opened it and squirted some on his fingers before closing it back up again and discarding it somewhere on the floor.

"This will hurt a bit ok baby?" He said with his voice still being gentle with me.

"O-okay..." I muttered.

I felt a slicked up finger at my entrance that was slowly pushed in after a moment. My body shuttered as I let out a groan of discomfort. "F-fuck Hayden..." I mumbled lowly.

"I'm sorry bunny, it'll feel better soon. I promise" Hayden reassured me and I just nodded.

When he moved the index finger in and out, he added his middle finger and started to scissor me. Moans of pleasure were now flowing out of my mouth.

His fingers moved in such an enchanting way. He quickened his speed and added a third finger with a smirk, watching my eyes roll to the back of my head and my mouth agape.

"You're so beautiful bunny... Look at you, reacting such a way from just my fingers," His pace quickened and he leaned down to me. "Just wait until you get torn apart from my huge cock~" he whispered into my ear.

My moans got louder and my lower stomach began to twist. I was in pure heaven right now. I know he's right. I'm going to get ruined by this man. By my best friend.

I whined when he pulled out his fingers. I shut myself up completely when I heard his pants unbuttoning and getting pulled down. I looked at him and my eyes widened from the print in his boxers.

Oh my god.

I didn't even get to fully gawk when he pulled down the boxers and his cock sprung out.


I stared at it in awe. How the hell can someone be this huge?! Not only was it massive but also so thick... How the fuck will that fit inside of me?

"Like what you see bunny?" He teased me. I looked up at him and wrapped my legs around him, aligning him with my aching hole.

"Fuck yeah..." I breathed out and pushed him more so his tip slid in. "Mgh!"

"Ah fuck... Slow down baby I don't wanna hurt you" Hayden muttered and gripped my hips. He slid in more and both of us let out a groan.

I was out of breath when he was only halfway in. He had to stop to make sure I was alright and continued after I said I was fine.

"Y-you're so tight baby... So perfect~" he says when he's finally in fully. My body shook slightly and my face was very hot. He hasn't even started yet and I bet I look like a complete mess!

Hayden pulled out almost all the way and slammed right back into me. He grunted and I screamed, making my body shake more than it already was. My best friend repeated that process over again, still making me scream in pleasure.

"Mm~! Hayden! Faster please! Oh fuck~ faster!" I begged and he did as told, going so much faster. I yelled when he hit my prostate and that made him shift his angle and pound right into the pleasureful spot.

My moans were increasing and so was my orgasm. I put my hands over my face so he couldn't see how pathetic I probably looked right now, but right away he took my arms off, pinning them above my head.

"Bunny.. Keep looking at me~ I wanna see how perfect you look" his words made me blush and pull myself closer to him. My orgasm was near and he knew that so he went inhumanly faster.

The room was hot and the only thing you could hear from it was the bed creaking, skin slapping against each other, and my moans. His grunts and groans were quiet so they couldn't be heard if someone was in close proximity anywhere outside the door.

My stomach churned and my legs shook, staring at Hayden while I was way too close to cumming.

"Hayden... Shit, Hayden please~ can I cum? Please I've been such a good boy...!" I asked in between my explicit noises.

"Go ahead baby, you've been a very good boy today~" My grown out nails dug into the skin on his hands, tearing it which probably made blood form. My head flung back and my mouth was wide open which was releasing a very loud moan. Cum went all over my body and the bed sheets. I'm sure that was enough to have Hayden produce a loud groan and fill my insides up with his hot semen.


He bit his lip and his head rolled back. He held my hips tighter and thrust into me a few more times before slowly pulling out and planting himself next to me.

Cum leaked out of my hole and the cum left on my chest was soon to get cleaned.

"That was..."

"Amazing." I finished and turned my head to him smiling.

He chuckled and stood up, grabbing his shirt, tossing it to me, and putting his boxers and pants on. He grabbed some tissue that he saw on the nightstand, came back over to me, and wiped both of us off, throwing away the tissue and helping put his shirt on and my boxers.

I got comfortable in my bed and closed my eyes. The bed dipped beside me and I turned over to see Hayden staring back at me with a grin. He's so gorgeous.

"Hey Hayden..?"

"Yes bunny?" That stupid pet name still making me blush.

"Will you..." I paused, debating if I should ask this. It sounded stupid if I said it out loud. I didn't want him leaving again. I'm scared he might not come back. I'm scared he'll leave like lots of people in my life. I'm scared he'll get bored of me and leave to find someone else.

He must've seen the worried look on my face as his hand slid to my cheek and he frowned slightly.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He questioned and a concerned look crossed his face.

"Will you leave again...?" I asked in a soft voice, looking away from him since tears were now pricking at my eyes. He was shocked by the question and didn't say anything. And that scared me.

"What? Why would I do that? I could never leave you again. I never wanted to leave you in the first place! I knew we were going to see each other again and that's what always kept me going. All because of you I kept my confidence and my feelings for you. I had feelings for you Jess... Sure, I thought they were stupid feelings because we were only 8 but they never left and I knew you were the one for me. I love you, Jess no matter what anyone says or what you think, I'll always love you..."

My eyes were wide and my heart was pounding at his confession. We haven't seen each other in so long and he- loves me?! Of course I felt the same, my memory might be a tad bit foggy of our friendship when we were younger but he was still always in the back of my mind somewhere.

His hand moved my head closer to his and he whispered.

"Do you feel the same, Jess...?"

I nodded slowly and breathed out a 'yes' then he pulled me into a soft, loving kiss. This kiss was slow and steady. No tongue just pure love.

He pulled away from the kiss and connected our foreheads.

"I love you so much..."

"I love you too..."

I could never let him leave again. I needed him so much. He was that one thing I was missing in my life so desperately. He was the man Kally needed me to have. It was all him.

"Oh and by the way, I still have your pencil"

"Shut up and sleep!"



I got this one done way quicker than the last one which I'm very proud of! This chapter was alright, I personally don't like it but I hope you do🙏


If there are any mistakes I made in this please feel free to correct me (not rudely tho...) and if you have any requests either comment or DM me. Thx for reading!

Words: 5700+


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