Better For A Reason 《Mark Slo...

By itz_just_danae

6.6K 243 33

Follow Anna Williams-Yang as she starts her new life as a surgical intern. After ending a 3-year relationship... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

442 19 1
By itz_just_danae


Walking into a bar with Cristina and George, people started cheering "all hail he champ! So my guy Alex finally got what was comin' to him?"

"George knocked him down with one punch, you should've seen it" Cristina said taking a seat next to her sister

"I don't wanna talk about it" George tell the bar, sitting to the other side of Anna

"Brag, champ, brag you've earned it" Joe tells him

"Let's play a game of who life sucks the most. I'll win. I always win" Meredith addresses them

Cristina shakes her head "well, you don't wanna play with me"

"Oh I do" Meredith challenged "I'll even go first.. Derek's married"

The three woman turn to look at George, who did a spit take, choking on his beer. "George, beer is dripping from you nostrils"

"Told you I'd win"

"I don't know mer..." Anna laughs, already knowing Cristina's problem

"Yeah, no. You didn't win"

"Did you guys even her me?" Meredith questioned "I said Derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar married. Nothing you could say could top that."

"I'm pregnant" Cristina said looking at Meredith "I win"

There was a moment of silence, then suddenly, there was a groan and a crash behind them "I think Joe won" Anna said looking at the scene behind them

They rush to the floor to assist Joe, Anna calling an ambulance. A moment later he wake, trying to sit up against everyone's protests "you called gurney patrol"

"Just sit. We gotta get you to the hospital and run some tests" Anna tells him

"Test? No. I don't need any test?" Joe protests "I'm fine"

"Dude, you collapsed on the floor. This is your bar. You know how filthy this floor is" Cristina reminded him

"Almost repulsive, even" Anna says "radial pulse is strong"

"Minor skull concussion"

"You're sleeping with someone?" Meredith asks, and they continue to try to look at Joe

"What? Who?" George asked confused

"Haha wait till you find out who it is" Anna said, earning an elbow from her sister

"Why is that such a shock? Even George managed to get some action" Cristina look slightly offended

"No, he got syphilis" Anna tells

"How could I not know you were sleeping with someone?" Meredith asked, turning to Anna "did you know?"

"Forget this" Joe exclaimed "the hospital is right across the street. I can sure as hell walk across the street by myself" he said getting up  leaving the bar, George rushing after him


Anna stood next to George as Izzie questioned why she was here "it's your night off, why are you here?"

"I was at the bar when the Joe thing happened, but now, I want a surgery so I can sleep peacefully" Anna replied

George looking at Anna weirdly "you want a surgery so you can go to sleep?..."

"Yeah...What's wrong with that?"

"No, nothing. you just- nothing" George stuttered

There attention was directed to izzie as she addressed Meredith "why are you back here tonight? Don't you have a date with McDreamy?"

"More like McMarried"


"I came to check on Joe" Meredith tells them

"Do you think he's gonna be okay?" George questions

"Do you think he's gonna need an operation?" Cristina asked eagerly

They all go silent as Derek appears "operation, yes. Ok, hard to tell. Basilar artery's like a balloon. Subarachnoid bleeding. Aneurysm the size of a golf ball"

"No way to clip something like that" George points

"Not without magic finger" Cristina says

"You could do a standstill" Anna says, everyone looked at her taking her suggestion into consideration.

Cristina looked to Derek for confirmation "are you doing a standstill....." izzie gave her a look that made her stop "he doing a standstill operation" she defended

"I will try" Derek spoke up "but first I need some additional patient history, overnight labs and a cerebral angio" he say handing the chart to Meredith

"I'm drunk" Meredith said, as George takes the chart

"Meredith..." he tries, but she walks away. He goes to follow her each intern getting in his way slowing him down

Anna goes to take the chart from George, when Cristina snatches it from her "hey! That's mine"

"Snooze ya loose" Cristina mocks moving it out of reach as Anna tries to take it from her

Before they could start arguing, they heard a very obvious 'ahem' from izzie. The sisters looked at them, when George asked "what are you doing?"

"Ummm. I am on her side" Cristina starts

"This is a standstill we're talking about" Anna finished reaching over to take the chart from Cristina

"Recognize" Cristina says, moving the chart away from Anna hands, and walking away

Anna huffs at the loss of the surgery she wanted. She sighed walking in the opposite direction, when George called after her "h-hey where're you going?"

"Home.... It my night off"


The next morning Anna was in the locker room, she had just finished changing when Bailey walked in "okay, people assignments. Yang, Willams you're on discharges. O'Malley report to room E19. Grey come see me. And who was on call last night?"


Anna spent the rest of the morning doing follow ups and signing discharge papers. Now she's sitting in the observation area with a bag a chips watching the standstill surgery as they start cooling Joe

Bailey enters the room and noticed George sitting in the back writing on a piece of paper "you can't see much back here O'Malley"

George looked up "I know. I'm trying to find a loophole to help Joe. Do you know Joe?"

"Oh, yeah." Bailey answers "I was the only female intern my year. I didn't know anybody an nobody knew me except Joe. He knew me."

"Oh. So, you and Joe?" George asked suggestively

Bailey looked at George incredulously "all you people ever think about is how to get into someone's pants. You nasty" she said slapping him in the back of his head "that's why you got syphilis"

Anna laughed at him when Bailey spoke up again "Joe was the first person to tell me I'd make a good surgeon. Not that he knew anything about it, but it was somethin' when I had nothin'

Alex walks in sitting in between Anna and Izzie. He addresses izzie "oh, sure. I'm the guy with the heart of stone and you brought snacks"

"It's a working lunch." Izzie defends

"Snack to watch Joe die"

"He's not gonna 'die' die they'll bring him back." Izzie said tying up her hair

"He is going to 'die' die. No 'pulse' pulse. He'll be 'dead' dead."  Alex retorts

"It's a granola bar, Alex. Not a bag of supersize popcorn and a box of chocolate movie mints" izzie tells him

"So, the bag a chips I'm eating,...... should I stop?" Anna asked showing the bag of barbecue chips she was eating

She earned a small chuckle! When George shot up "that's it. Dead!" he say before leaving

Once he left everyone turned their attention to the surgery, as they began turning off the machines and Joe flatlines. Derek spoke up "alright, we got 45 minutes, people."

"Start the clock"


They continued to watch the surgery, Anna taping a finger against her leg as Cristina announced the remaining time left "eight minutes"

"We need to start rewarming, shepherd" Burke warns, Derek ignores him a continues to work "shepherd, we need to start warming him up, now!"

"Hang on"

"Now. I need it now shepherd!" Burke repeats

"I just can't seem to get— I just can't get behind the aneurysm. If I could get behind the aneurysm, I could.... There it is. Got it. That's it" Derek says pulling away

"Are you sure?"

"I'm always sure" Derek states, and they started to warm Joe up


Anna some how found her self at Meredith's bathroom' sitting on the floor next to the tub as she listens to her sister and Meredith complain about their break up

"It's not us it them. Them and their stupid boy... penises." Meredith says from her spot on the ground "They didn't tell me they had a wife. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to breakup with you"

Cristina who was laid in the tub opened the shower door before speaking "it's not that Burke broke up with me. It's how he broke up with me, like it was business. Like it was a business transaction. Like he's the boss of me?"

"He is the boss of you" Meredith point out

"What worse is that I care"

Anna sighed "what- why am I here? Would you like me to beat them up"

"I'm gonna throw up again"

"You're here because you're the rational one, while me and Meredith have mental breakdowns. Moral support" Cristina explained, closing the shower door not wanting to see Meredith puke

"No. Wait. False alarm."

"The problem is estrogen" Cristina stated, the shower door opening once more

"No. The problem is tequila"

"I used to be all business and then he goes and gets me pregnant."

"With his stupid boy penis"

"Now I'm having hormone surges. He ruined me. I'm ruined. He turned me into this fat stupid pregnant girl....who cares"

The bathroom door opens and Izzie and George walk in "penises. Penises, Izzie" Meredith sings

"Estrogen, George"

"Ok. What did I miss?" George asked

"I came home to full-on vomit drama." Izzie tells pouring Cristina a cup of water "apparently, she dumped Derek. And her? She been sleeping with Burke"

"I knew that"

"And Anna's losing sleep over it" Anna complains

"So you really broke up with shepherd?" George asked putting toothpaste on his toothbrush

"I feel empty"

"Two hour of vomiting will do that to you" izzie tells

"I feel empty"

"You're lucky. I feel pissed off" Cristina says closing the shower door

"You guys are making me depressed"


The five intern step out of Meredith's truck, she follows Cristina inside to hospital and they stop at the elevator. The Meredith joins them and they watch as Derek and Burke argue over a OR, Burke eventually winning the argument

"Mine's bigger than your" Cristina mock as the elevator doors open, the three stepping in

Alex enters the elevator after them, having heard Cristin's comment "whip it out. I'll measure"

"Shut up Alex" Cristina and Izzie says, while Anna chuckles


Bailey and the interns stood at the ER entrance as ambulances show up

Male, 55, victim of a head-on collision. GCS is 3, depressed skull fracture, multiple internal injuries, ACLS protocol started, but his vein's blue so we've been pushing meds down the tube. PEA on arrival" the paramedic tells Bailey

"How long has he been down?" Bailey asked

"We've been doing CPR for about 20 minutes. It took fire 20 minutes to get him out of the car. He's pretty much gone"

"No. He's not gone until we say he's gone. Keep coding" Bailey says turning to George "O'Malley, get him into a bay and save him"

"But he's dead"

"Did you nit here me? He not dead till we say he's dead. You know what to do, so do it" Anna was bout to go to the next ambulance when Bailey called her "uh Willams your on this too. Move"

Anna nods following after the paramedic


"Pulseless V tach" George says holding the paddles in his hands

"Line's in" Anna tells him

"Ok. Charge to 200" he tell Olivia who sets the voltage


"Clear" George ordered and everyone takes there hand of the patient as George shocks him. Nothing happens, the monitor showing a flatline

"Push 1 of EPI. Charge to 300" Anna tells George

"Seriously?" George asked annoyed with his task

"I think that's what Dr Bailey wants you to do, George." Olivia spoke up. "Dr O'Malley"

"Like she said, Dr O'Malley" Anna mocked a smirk on her face

George sighs, rolling his eyes "okay. Then let's charge to 300"




"Willams" Bailey calls as she enters the room "pericatdiocentesis. Good. Any response?"

'Mm-mmm' a nurse shook his head

"Ok. All right. You guys can....."

"Should I call it?" George asked almost eagerly

"What would you do next, O'Malley?" Bailey asked

"I would call it" he answered almost sarcastically

"She meant to save him" Anna tells. He looked up at her then to Bailey who nods

"Oh. Um, a pericardial window?"

"Excellent. Do it. Anna, your done here, I got a bowel obstruction for you" Bailey tell her walking out the room

"Yay!" Anna says sarcastically, follow after Bailey


Anna wheeled her patient to the evaluator pressing the button for the door "Mr Hubble, you could make things a bit easier for all of us, if you just tell us what you've ingested"

"You have the most beautiful features" the red-head said "they're delicate. Almost porcelain."

"Mr Hubble, whatever you ingested could kill you. This is your last chance to tell me" Anna warns

"It might offend you" he said nervously

"Is it drugs?"

"It's not drug" he defended, Anna raised an eyebrow "I promise. It not drug"

Anna sighed as the elevator doors opened and she pushed the gurney inside, sarcastically she said "yep. I believe you"


"It's drugs" a guy said handing Anna Mr Hubble's scans, she opened them and held them up to the light "looks like at least ten balloons in his bowel. My guess cocaine"

Anna sighed, muttering under her breath "'i promise' my ass"


Anna entered a room finding Bailey, Alex, Cristina and Meredith looking at scans. She goes to Bailey handing over the scans "it's drugs"

"Stupid, stupid, stupid. One burst and he's dead in five minutes. Okay what do we do?"

"Run his bowel." Anna said

Bailey nods "and what does that mean? Yang?"

"Uh running the bowel entails removing all 36 feet of the intestine from the body cavity, hand searching for the balloons and cutting them out." Cristina answered

"Anna books an OR. Yang, Grey, Karev your in. I need all the hand I can get" Bailey said, the women turning to leave, but was stopped by Alex

"Are you sure they're balloons?"

The women turned around and Bailey spoke "you have reason to believe they're not balloons?"

"This one here's got a face" Alex said pointing at the scan

Anna took a closer look before pointing at another one "hey, so does that one"

"And that one" Meredith said at a different one

"They all do"

"I'll be damned. They're Judy's" Bailey said in disbelief "he swallowed the heads of ten Judy dolls"



At the nurses station, Anna sat on the desk looking through her patient chart "my mother used to buy me Judy dolls"

"Manhattan Judy, surfer Judy, disco Judy,"Cristina said naming the Judy dolls they own

"Doctor Judy. We'd go to the store and I always had to get one" Anna explained

"I always wanted one" Meredith said

"One day, they just started going missing-" Anna starts

Cristina cut her off, putting her and behind her head "I dissected them, cut off their arms, and shaved their heads"

"Sounds like there's a sick and twisted story behind this" Alex said looking through the charts

"They're sexist, distorted devil toys that create unrealistic image expectations catering to the porn-driven minds of men." Cristina tells

Bailey walks up behind her having heard their conversation "you swallowed a bitter pill this morning, Yang? They're dolls" she turned to Anna "Williams, call for a psych consult. Then see if he has family"

"Do I book an OR?" Anna asked getting off the desk

"Block bowels become necrotic bowels. Check with Dr Burke see if we can bump someone. Those Judy's gotta come out today"


"Dr Burke" anna stops him "Dr Bailey need an OR and they're all booked"


"emergency bowel obstruction" she answered holding the scans for Burke to look at


"Ten Judy dolls heads" Burke looked at her shocked

"Seriously?" He asked, Anna nods

"I can see their little faces. 'Help! let me out'"Nurse Patricia spoke earning a laugh from Anna

Burke put the scan down and handing them back to Anna "bump Warner's hernia in 1. But don't tell him what we're removing"


Anna walked with a tray in her hand as he listened to Cristina, Meredith and Izzie rant about their patients. They head towards a table where George stops and laughs and the headless Judy dolls sitting in the middle of the table "oh, that is sick"

"Who would do that?" Izzie asked

"Who else" Anna retorts turn to look at Alex, the other looked also

Cristina picked up a doll and threw is at Alex " ugh, look, see Judy fly"

The other chuckle as they sat down. Olivia approached George "hey, George"

"Hey" he blew he off. The women at the table stared at him in disbelief, he looked up noticing their stares "what?"

"George...." Meredith starts "she was trying to make up with you. You should go eat with her"

"No. No, I shouldn't" he argues picking up a Judy doll and fiddling with it

"She cute and she likes you" izzie said

"Don't let the syph stop you" Anna tells

"It's not the syph"

"Oh, so the syph" Cristina teased

"It is not the syph"

"Then what is it?" Izzie asked, watching George nervously play with the doll "oh"

The other three women looked confused "what? What is it? Out with it" Meredith demands

"There's this other girl" Izzie blurts


"Other girl? You have another girl?" Cristina asked in disbelief

"Damn George, I didn't think you had it in you" Anna said almost impressed

"His hasn't told her yet that he likes her" izzie said

"Izzie, we are not in high school"

"George has a little crush"

"I do not have a crush. It is a thing. A thing that is very personal" he said, wiggling the doll's legs around "one day, I'd like to build on this thing with this other girl— women she's all women"

Meredith annoyed, snatches the doll from George's hand and slamming it on the table "what are you doing?"

"I'm just playing with—"

"No George with Olivia? What are you going with Olivia?"

"Oh nothing"

"You're letting her think you're emotionally available. You're letting her think she has a chance and there is nothing worse in the world than thinking you have a chance when you really don't" Meredith said venting her Derek issues out at George

Cristina doing the same thing about Burke decides to speak "Meredith is right. Tell her there's someone else. Tell her why George. I mean at least give her the chance to have some feelings about it for gods sake!"

"Why are you yelling at me?"

Because of the estrogen George. Because of all the estrogen" Cristina says angrily stabbing at her food

Anna looked between Meredith and her sister slightly worried when izzie spoke up "so new subject?"

"I need another coffee" Anna said getting up to leave


Durning the surgery each of the interns gave reasons why the patient would swallow Judy dolls "I think it has something to do with is mother. Maybe she always wanted a girl and gave him Judy dolls for his birthday presents"

"Aha, I got another one" George says

"Doyen clamps to Yang. Williams, push the head up to the incision" Bailey ordered

"Maybe his mother looked like Judy and he was into voodoo. Instead of sticking pins in..." Alex said his theory

"Ah, black Judy" Bailey said pulling out another head "before that gave her long hair. Back when she had the Afro. She came with go-go boots and a leather jacket. That's a shame. It's a real collectors item"

"Collectible doll— a new twist"

"Seriously, you can identify these dolls by their heads?" Cristina asked

"You got a problem with that! Yang? I like Judy dolls. I own Judy dolls. The only problem I have with Judy dolls is that they're in the bowel of this man"

Burke walked into the OR and addressed Bailey "Bailey, I need an intern in the ER to meet the harvest donor"

"O'Malley" Bailey picked

"You good here?" Burke asked

"A couple more head to go" Bailey answered

"Then Karev, Stevens, Yang, Grey, scrub out. You need to get an answer from seibert's son" Burke said before leaving

Bailey pulls out another doll "ah, yes mod Judy. She came with a yellow Vespa"

"Hmm, She kinda looks like Meredith..." Anna said looking a the doll

"Ha, she does" Bailey laughed


Anna runs into Meredith in the hallway way "hey can you do my post op? I left my car at you place and rode with you i this morning, I gotta get it"

"Uh, yeah, sure"

"Thanks" she said making her way to the exit


Sorry if there's any grammar errors, just leave a comment and I'll will fix it. If you have any questions asked

Word count 3500


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